This past week, former America Unearthed host Scott Wolter appeared on a Freemason podcast to discuss his usual round of nonsense, devoting most of the time to reminiscing about his favorite America Unearthed episodes from the previous decade and his beloved Kensington Rune Stone claims from the decade before that. However, there were a few interesting highlights, mostly surrounding his enhanced view of goddess worship and his growing acceptance of outdated early twentieth century views of Christianity as an astrological myth. The interview starts out with Wolter discussing the line of jewelry and fashion accessories he is now selling with his favorite “hooked X” rune, with the hosts drooling over what Wolter calls his “bling.” Wolter claims that “a lot of guys are using the ‘Hooked X’” as their personal symbol, for which he takes credit, claiming it to be the true symbol of Freemasonry and its (imaginary) Templar origins. Ten percent of the podcast involves this QVC-style fashion and jewelry at-home shopping segment. I’m not sure QVC has ever had a guest say “Screw the academics!” with quite so much glee.
Wolter claims that Freemasonry has given him insights into ancient history not available to those outside the Craft. This involves Enoch and the Watchers, the popular but false story, in its very late and corrupt Masonic form. Beyond this, Wolter offers a wild collection of fringe ideas. He alleges that the Fibonacci sequence, for example, is the “key” to understanding all life in the universe. A discussion of feminine symbolism in Freemasonry follows, and Wolter alleges that he has secret documents that he has spent four years vetting that prove that a “goddess” is the secret source of Masonry. He claims that Roman Catholics “infiltrated” Freemasonry in order to suppress goddess worship. At times he speaks like the anti-Catholic bigots of the nineteenth century, and he seems utterly oblivious to the fact that he is buying into propaganda and counterpropaganda that swirled around Catholics and Freemasons during the French Revolution and its aftermath. Wolter spends much of the interview very excited about the astrological implications of Venus’ current position in the western sky. He adopts some early twentieth century Jesus-myth ideas (the idea that Jesus never existed but was just a myth), alleging for example that the three-day death and Resurrection of Jesus represented the winter solstice when the sun appears to stand still for three days before the days lengthen. The Virgin Mary in this reading is Venus, or something like that. Some of the Jesus-myth writers like Edward Carpenter wrote similar things in the early twentieth century, such as Carpenter’s Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning (1921), but surely there is some irony in the fact that Wolter’s ideas about goddesses and masculine fraternity and the manly he-men secretly venerating the goddess to subvert the Church and all that so closely parallels the famous book of Carpenter, who was a gay man and a socialist—basically the most opposite you can possibly get from the imagined dictatorship of the enlightened Wolter imagines for the Templars. Wolter imagines Freemasonry as perfecting human civilization. Carpenter called civilization a disease. Later, Wolter discusses the failure of America Unearthed, and he implies that UNESCO’s condemnation of Wolter’s follow-up History Channel series Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar made him toxic to the History Channel when the latter show caused controversy during failed negotiations to renew the former in 2015. In his telling, Wolter is blameless in the affair, and everyone else was responsible for the fiasco in Madagascar that led to UNESCO’s fury. He omits that History moved Pirate Treasure to Saturday afternoons to burn off episodes out of prime time, and he repeats the obviously ego-soothing claim that America Unearthed did not end because History found Scott Wolter toxic after that, but instead because his show was “too smart” for History Channel viewers. The show currently sits on permanent hiatus at the Travel Channel, after the network did not renew the show. Wolter tells many familiar stories about the shooting of America Unearthed, which began eight years ago. He references his long-ago days playing football. He talks about professional football. He blathers on about the “old Theban alphabet” and pretends that this early modern cypher code is somehow an ancient alphabet from primordial times. Eventually, the conversation between Wolter and the hosts devolves into a discussion of how to have a personal relationship with God(dess), unintentionally revealing yet again that the secret underlying so many of these pseudohistorical conspiracy theories is that they are a rationalizing veneer glued on top of a desperate effort to reenchant the world and undo the painful progress of science and reason since the French Revolution. This includes a crude sex joke from Wolter in the midst of his discussion of feminism and veneration of the feminine, which he crudely equates with female bodies. “Women don’t need to venerate themselves,” he adds in defending Freemasonry’s all-male membership. “They already know they’ve got it going on.” Near the end of the episode, the hosts do a lightning round in which they ask quick questions about Wolter’s theories. In response to a question about the imagined connections between Knights Templar and Freemasons, Wolter surrenders the floor to his wife, Janet, who claims that the Templars were descendants of ancient mystery schools (they were not) and were privy to the secrets of alchemy (there being none) and the worship of the goddess (contradicted by all extant evidence). Wolter himself adds that Freemasonry has the “same” teachings as “Templarism,” and reemphasizes goddess worship. Wolter repeats his ridiculous claim that the Kensington Rune Stone is the true “founding” and “claim” to America and that the Founding Fathers were Templars. Somehow the same Templars who respected and interbred with the Natives also needed to claim the Native land for themselves even though their kids were already its heirs—or something like that. I don’t expect consistency, but … wow.
Doc Rock
4/28/2020 11:11:54 am
If the founding Fathers were Templars and respected Native Americans and understood that the Indians of the time were Native/Templar hybrids then why didn't they do a better job of running interference on behalf of their native cousins? The founders were still pretty much running the show during the whole war for the Northwest Territory which was likely the biggest in scale of all of the Indian wars. George Washington was in a position to assume virtual dictatorial powers and could have used his position to turn Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin into one big native homeland.
E.P. Gromdine
4/28/2020 11:40:50 am
Wow indeed. It looks t me like Wolter is trying out a number of "themes", hoping to find one that resonates with an audience from whom he can earn cash.
William David Pattison
4/28/2020 12:13:14 pm
"He claims that Roman Catholics “infiltrated” Freemasonry in order to suppress goddess worship."
Hilda Hilpert
9/28/2020 12:59:48 pm
Well that's what protestants, especially evangelicals say about us Catholics.. But others have said, it's not our Blessed Mother, Mary ,Mother of Jesus, but rather St.Mary Magdalene.
Rock Knocker
4/28/2020 03:46:59 pm
Who said fringe science/history proponents have to be consistent or to make sense? Wasn’t Jason, unless I’m mis-remembering....
Whiskey Richard
4/28/2020 03:56:31 pm
The funniest thing about the interview was the heavy metal music at the opening. I may be wrong but wasn't that Ronnie James Dio the avowed Satan worshiping rock star? Here he is bashing Jesus on a show with heavy metal music live from a Masonic Lodge. Surreal.
An Anonymous Nerd
4/28/2020 08:40:39 pm
It is shall we say a band that bears his obvious influence. But no, that's not Ronnie Dio -- neither solo nor with Black Sabbath. It's a band I hadn't heard of before called "Lion." Looks like it was a song from some 80s movie called "The Wraith." Which I also hadn't heard of.
4/28/2020 05:19:12 pm
The connection between the second temple of Jerusalem, the Templars and Masonry is the Dome of the Rock, which is not a temple. Bernard of Clairvaux knew very well that it was not the second temple.
4/29/2020 04:28:21 pm
The Dome of the Rock as the Second Temple
4/28/2020 10:47:06 pm
Now I'm hella confused. Did the Templars infiltrate the Catholics or did the Catholics infiltrate the Templars?
Bob Jase
4/29/2020 01:04:30 pm
How does one copyright a genuine ancient symbol? He didn't create it, has no intellectual claim to it - it really doesn't belong to him.
4/29/2020 04:00:08 pm
It would seem that the hooked x and similar runic symbols that were found on the KRS were also found carved in a stone a scant six miles from the town where Olof Ohman was born and raised.
4/29/2020 10:20:21 pm
I think whar he's done is registered a trademark. By way of contrast, Ichazo's Enneagram and the Holy Blood Holy Grail guys' copyright claims failed precisely on the grounds that you can't copyright something that you assert to be true. The expression, yes, the "fact" itself, no.
William Smith
5/3/2020 09:11:32 am
Wolter has no claim to the hooked X, he has not produced a sound example from Europe. It represents the letter A on the KRS 22 times, it represents the A and Magnetic declination west on the Spirit Pond stones about 30 times in total. It is on the Narragansent Bay stone one time representing the word Declination. At every location Including other stones in the USA and Nova Scotia where the hooked X is carved in Stone you will find triangle drilled holes where the carver was gathering magnetite to measure declination at that location. When you understand the carver and his alter of runic letters you can read his messages left. His name was John Scolvus and he came to the New World with Joao Corte Real in 1472. The story I told in 2008 has not altered and has gained much proof. The Kensington Rune Stone was carved in 1472 by John Scolvus.
Joe Scales
5/4/2020 09:48:21 pm
William… just for a moment, imagine that what you say is true. Oh wait... you already are. Imagining things, that is.
William Smith
5/5/2020 09:29:00 am
Jo - It is not what I say as you posted, it is what THOR (The Hunters Of Ohio Rock) states. The hooked X Wolter claims is his work. It is up to him to prove his self owned symbol. It is THOR that will show the facts that indicate the 5 W,s of the hooked X. We have the proof as well as all the other odd runic symbols that prevented Williams and Nelson from completing the KRS translation. Yes I have told the same story for many years and THOR has been my motive for the ride.
5/5/2020 12:15:53 pm
Here's the deal William. Your lack of understanding of the stuff you claim supports what can best be described as your nonsense, e.g. the Treaty of Tordesillas, magnetism, the Theban alphabet, Mr. Corvus, etc. suggests that anything you say about runes is likely to be wrong. It's possible you know as much about runes as Wolter, who knows next to nothing, but that's the upper limit and Ed Asner is not impressed.
Joe Scales
5/5/2020 03:23:15 pm
It's the same proof by assertion that you literally litter this board with again and again. Whether it's you or the hoard of redundancy, it's fallacy nonetheless. .
5/5/2020 08:47:58 pm
Mr Smith, to be succinct, your theory of declination is nonsense, your theory on the Newport tower is nonsense, your theory on the hoaxed Kensington Runestone is nonsense, your theory on the mystery stone is nonsense, your theory on Ruh’s assemblage of junk is nonsense. Your theories ad nauseum are nonsense. Do you see the pattern here? Any time you open your mouth or type anything, nonsense is the result. Also, it is beyond my grasp that you have not mastered spellcheck, especially since so many devices have auto correct. There is no discussing with you since you live in a fantasy.
5/6/2020 12:36:58 am
@Paul: Under the New Dispensation I have to walk the line, but I applaud your repeated use of the word "nonsense". No doubt there's there's a literary term for that. Just hammering away at the truth.
William Smith
5/6/2020 07:58:41 am
Paul - As you say my spell check is poor, however it seems you have no problem reading the message. Your word of nonsense has no foundation at all except to prove you are totally uneducated in the understanding of declination. The KRS, The Newport Tower, and the history of the Portuguese. Frankly, I understand you very well as well when you flock together to enter a conversation which you know nothing. The hooked X carved in stones was used by John Scolvus in 1472 to carve all of the Spirit Pond Stones and the Kensington rune stone. It does not belong to Scott Wolter. The Newport Tower and other items are above your head of understanding so have a good day.
5/6/2020 10:41:34 am
Mr. Smith: assume for a moment that your ideas hold some little general interest past your Thor group, (which likely does not extend past your wife and one or two other people), please provide a list of peer reviewed publications, a list of credible people that have reviewed and commented on your scribbling, and a list of credible scientists and historians that actually support your delusions. Please do not include the deceased, such as Barry Fell. Remember, you are the one trying to sell something here, and neither the history or science is believable. BTW, I do have a science background. Also,understand, this is merely a diversion, just annoying that your delusions might feed other delusional folks.
5/6/2020 11:26:10 am
William Smith
5/6/2020 12:14:06 pm
Paul - Your assumption that I post on this site is to sell something is far from the intent. It just makes an ass out of you and me. I have posted on this site for years only to share the findings of a well qualified group called THOR. I did not ever ask for any opinions for peer review on this site and never will. My latest post was to address the false statements made by Scott Wolter about the Hooked X. You can assume all you wish or spell check which disqualifies you in my opinion to judge anyone. The last thing I will do is provide you with the qualified academics that are doing research for your kind to throw them under the bus.
5/6/2020 02:32:59 pm
Simply requested information about your "imaginary" thor group. Your assume comment is stale. Just who is your thor group? Most people are proud of being associated with a group.
William Smith
5/6/2020 05:04:23 pm
Paul - The THOR group was established in 1977 when a large carved stone was found on my farm in Ohio THOR stands for (The Hunters of Ohio Rock) It is on the web, however if you wish to read other papers under my name for free you can go to Migration and Diffusion and read some specific papers where spell check was in play. Our current group is private because of trolls like many in the Wolter arena or know it alls like many self appointed on this site. As for peer review Jason is the only qualified to do so, however we have nothing to review because our work is ongoing.
5/6/2020 06:00:03 pm
5/7/2020 10:54:06 am
Billy, still waiting for the list of peer reviewed publications stating who the reviewer was and a few names and credentials of your thor troop. Also, what makes you an expert on the Larsson deformed x rune?
Jr. Time Lord
4/30/2020 06:53:22 am
[He adopts some early twentieth century Jesus-myth ideas (the idea that Jesus never existed but was just a myth), alleging for example that the three-day death and Resurrection of Jesus represented the winter solstice when the sun appears to stand still for three days before the days lengthen. The Virgin Mary in this reading is Venus, or something like that. Some of the Jesus-myth writers like Edward Carpenter wrote similar things in the early twentieth century, such as Carpenter’s Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning (1921), but surely there is some irony in the fact that Wolter’s ideas about goddesses and masculine fraternity and the manly he-men secretly venerating the goddess to subvert the Church and all that so closely parallels the famous book of Carpenter, who was a gay man and a socialist...]
Dr. Whodat
4/30/2020 10:29:11 pm
Um, ok.
William Smith
5/1/2020 05:54:13 pm
The Scott Wolter Kensington Rune Stone, hooked x and Templar bull shit has been proven wrong and will be posted soon. Watch the truth unfold as the facts come out. A preview of the facts will show that the Kensington Rune Stone and many more found in the Americas were carved in 1472 by John Scolvus. In 1472 three ships with fleet commander Joao Corte Real and ship captains Pinhorst, Pinning and John Scolvus sailed on a joint expedition supported by the Kings of Portugal and Denmark sailed to the new world to make claim of unclaimed lands as far as the eye could see. This was the term used when the nautical verbiage used pole lines for longitude. As of today may 1st, 2020 Eighteen rune stones have been translated, 10 of which were carved by John Scolvus. One of the 10 is the Kensington Rune Stone.
5/2/2020 01:18:23 am
Doc Rock
5/2/2020 10:58:08 am
For the love of god not another 50 posts argument over magnetic north and longitudes and latitudes and the Treaty of Tordesillas and what rock lines up with something else if you stand on your head and look sideways at it.
5/2/2020 03:04:37 pm
"50 posts argument",,, lol, were it only !
William Smith
5/2/2020 01:47:15 pm
Those that have repeated their lack of knowledge about my repetitious post need not reply to my post. I have not changed my position on Scott Wolter since I first met him at a conference in Michigan in 2006 and again in 2008 when he was a speaker at the AAAPF conference I chaired in Ohio. He is wrong on most of his claims and now will have a hard time defending his case on all accounts which are to many to post on this site.
William Smith
5/3/2020 08:59:09 am
I thought Wolter's mention of the Theban alphabet as related to his radical masonic history is a joke. The truth is the THEBAN alphabet was established by the Portuguese military as a code to pass messages between Denmark and Portugal without their enemies reading the message. It is called the witches alphabet.
5/3/2020 04:32:43 pm
"The truth is..." decodes to "The following may safely be ignored."
5/3/2020 04:39:10 pm
Your mind is like a steel trap, Magnus Källström, Senior researcher, Associate Professor and member of the Swedish National Heritage Board said the runestone was found no more than 6 miles from Forsa where Ohman was born and raised.
Jr. Time Lord
5/4/2020 08:55:39 am
On behalf of the aforementioned men...
Tony C
5/7/2020 12:00:59 pm
Thanks William,
William Smith
5/7/2020 02:28:06 pm
Thanks Tony C - It seems most on this site feel like they have all the answers and should be peer reviewers of others doing the ground work. Their are a lot of unique symbols used by John Scolvus to express his message. The hooked x is just one. The THOR group is currently working with groups in Portugal to attempt to find the names of the Portuguese ships used by the fishing fleet of Joao Corte Real. It is difficult because the ships were home port in the Azores on the Island of Terceira, port of Angra. Our findings name the ship of Casper Corte Real (the dolphin) and the ship of Michael Corte Real (the Altamira). Both were lost in 1501 and 1502. A good example of the Scott Wolter and history Chanel mistakes are obvious on the Overton Stone in Nova Scotia. You can find their BS on various films on the web, however the THOR group sees a different picture. We see a Dolphin covered with a palm leaf along with a circle cross of the Portuguese and a pointed north point showing home declination 6 degrees west. The moon is actually a sinking ship. The back side lower symbols most say represent Ponce De Lion are actually the TE that represents the hope port island Terceira. The S turned on it's side represents a journey and the two sets of numbers 06&07 represent compass reading of 6.5 declination at the Azores in 1500. One thing for sure is the Dolphin lost ship had survivors that made it to land. The THOR group only releases our finding after we prove each letter or symbol in three rune stones. In the case of John Scolvus it is easy to see his use of 1472 runic letters. I am no expert on the runes, however the THOR team put together a group which included Henrick Williams, Dick Nelson, James Frankee, David Johnson and Dr Ralph Rowlett and many more that translated the Kansas City Slater Rune Stone which is the only to date recorded and filed with the state as authentic. The property owner now has his property protected by the state thanks to our work. Also note: Our interest in this site was brought to our attention by a local citizen who overheard the history Chanel offer $50,000 for the stone to help push their BS templar connection. I assure you the Kensington rune stone, the Naragannsentte Bay rune Stone and the (9) spirit pond stones as well as the Copper Harbor stones were carved by John Scolvus in 1472. I can also tell you that the Bourne stone, The grave stone's and the Ohio Rock was carved by Michael Corte Real in 1511. I will mark your name at the top of my list so not to confuse it with the self appointed peer reviewers who do not understand history.
5/7/2020 10:05:09 pm
"It seems most on this site feel like they have all the answers and should be peer reviewers of others doing the ground work."
Joe Scales
5/8/2020 10:14:12 am
William might be onto something here. Like the fireman who decided to fight fire with fire, he's going after the falsifiers of history with... falsification of history. Go get 'em Bill. Go get 'em...
Hance, Esq.
5/9/2020 09:30:45 pm
A clear intended consequence of the new dispensation is that Kent on a short leash at least now gives the appearance off being more rational, informed, and mature than the chucklehead Ancient Aliens supporters that he presumes to criticize for being irrational, uninformed, and immature. It creates much less embarrassment for Mr. Colavito when the casual visitor here is able to tell the difference.
Joe Scales
5/10/2020 09:52:39 am
Kent was fine on this board for years, just like yours truly. No rules had to be made. No posts had to be vetted. No, it was you "Hance". The pest with a new name for each post, believing himself to be witty rather than obtusely mundane. Remember when you admitted to using the monikers of established commenters to make an absolute mess of each and every conversation? Your attempted coup, so to speak. Which failed.
5/7/2020 05:02:53 pm
Billy, here you go again with your babble and misrepresentations. If Scolvus even existed, and that is IF he existed, he sailed for Christian I of Denmark in the timeline you are talking about, not Portugal. Also, re. the Slater Runestone, a quick search on Dr. Richard Nielsen’s site details his information about that stone. The stone was obviously made during historic times with a date of 1888 and traceable to actual people. Sure,Kansas may have it listed as an historic item, doesn’t make it relatable to your Scolvus nonsense. Btw, there is no mention of you or thor in Dr Nielsen’s write up. Again, more of your misguided .......
5/9/2020 03:18:06 am
To mention William Smith IS to mention THOR. Remember that episode of Miami Vice where the molester drives around having conversations with the sock on his hand while Aerosmith plays on the soundtrack? He contains multitudes.
William Smith
5/10/2020 08:17:20 am
Attached is a link to a web site (Migration and Diffusion) where researchers and teams share their findings and opinions without having non qualified people name call the authors or degrade the research group. This is one link posted by THOR.
5/10/2020 01:43:17 pm
Just because folks call you on your fantasy does not make them non qualified. Still, you have not posted any of the qualifications of thor, group of one.
5/10/2020 02:08:50 pm
When you insist on repeatedly posting stuff that's just obviously wrong, like
5/10/2020 04:51:04 pm
Interestingly, for approximately the first seven decades of the sixteenth century (1500 to 1570), the island of Greenland was known as Labrador !
Jr. Time Lord
5/11/2020 05:06:51 pm
5/11/2020 06:33:03 pm
Patrick is the king of Pareidolia, he has taken it to a whole new level.
Tony C
5/10/2020 11:23:54 am
I truly Respect and Enjoy hearing the different opinions and "wisdom" many on this site share! BUT, more Tolerance to Different Opinions or Viewpoints, without a Full Out Blitzkrieg,of others wanting to "contribute" to the conversation would be Cool!
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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