Before we begin today, I’d like to point you to Laura Saetveit Miles’s excellent essay in Vox criticizing Stephen Greenblatt after he won $735,000 from Norway for his work in the humanities. Miles believes that Greenblatt intentionally misrepresented the Middle Ages in his 2011 book The Swerve in order to glorify the Renaissance. While I don’t agree with everything Miles says—one would be hard pressed to argue that the Middle Ages did not represent a decline of some kind from the Classical period—the piece is a fascinating discussion of how the way we discuss history is shaped by more than evidence. This make a rather apropos transition to my topic for today. Many of you will likely have already seen the brouhaha that arose yesterday on Andy White’s blog after erstwhile America Unearthed host Scott Wolter announced that he withdrew from White’s upcoming course in “Forbidden Archaeology” because he had lost interest in participating. It later came out that Wolter was under the mistaken impression that White was planning to ambush him into having a live debate with me at a joint appearance. This was never true, and White had invited me to appear at a different time to discuss a completely different subject, the lost continent of Atlantis. But even that remove wasn’t enough for Wolter. After White made the announcement on his blog, Wolter and his XpLrR business partner J. Hutton Pulitzer attempted to explain the decision by … well, blaming me. Wolter, on his blog, asserted that he did not want to be in any club that would have me as a member: “Any association with the debunker is an instant deal-killer that can only hurt one’s reputation in this arena by any kind of association,” he wrote, clearly unconcerned by his own “association” with former American Nazi leader and convicted pedophile Frank Joseph, with whom he car pooled to fringe history events, and with whom he is scheduled to appear at an upcoming event this fall. I, by this measure, am more horrifying than Nazis and child molesters. Wolter’s comments, though, were decidedly staid compared to those of Pulitzer, who delivered a long and angry rant in comments left on White’s blog in which he accused White and me of engaging in a conspiracy to ambush and humiliate Wolter, which somehow involves computer servers: Simpler put, seems you had a choice- Scott and his huge fan base and media base, or Colavito. You chose Colavito. Thus, the real story is Scott would not subject himself to the attack of a sci-fi writer who continually and abusively attacks Scott. It would be a volatile and contentious time to say the least and no one would benefit or learn. Thus, to your fans- Andy made the choice for Scott, not the other way around. As always facts matter and I am answering for me, my view and not Scott, I will leave that to him. But, as one always knows we (Scott and I) put out a significant information and education and one can expect an expanded KRS series very soon. BTW, us on the other-side of this history biz should have a working relationship with your side, but that cannot happen when it is attacked based and volatile. If it was polite and ethical than many could learn from each side, but as long as negative and attacking (or as long as your blog and servers are tied to Jason's rack space) then it is hard to achieve. It's hard to know where to start, and it isn’t really worth parsing an egomaniac’s anger. The crack about computer servers seems to be Pulitzer’s misunderstanding of how the internet works. Remember, he isn’t just a fringe historian but also self-described as “one of the foremost inventors in modern times” and “one of the world’s leading technology innovators.” Anyway, Pulitzer, who uses Wordpress for his websites, seemed to think that because both White and I use Weebly (a Wordpress competitor) as our hosting service that we therefore are secretly operating our sites in coordination from a server farm located in my secret underground attack base. After Pulitzer was informed that he had everything wrong, and that there was no ambush planned and that Wolter and I would not be appearing at the same time, Pulitzer doubled down: The premise is simple. Scott will NOT participate if Colavito participates. That is the non starter. […] Scott should share the platform with peers not a sci fi writer blogger. […] Tone is everything. Using terms like fringe and pseudo scientist is a label in the most negative sense, a negative label and Scott's 31 years as a forensic scientists is not fringe nor pseudo. Maybe get an authentic panel trying to find common ground, versus a bait and attack approach? You are who you associate with and in this case you associate with Scott's number one intentional detractor. You are who you associate with. Scott Wolter associates with Frank Joseph. Scott Wolter associates with convicted child rapist Niven Sinclair, with whom he appeared on Holy Grail in America, and who is in the same social circle as him, close friends with Wolter’s friends William F. Mann, Steve St. Clair, and Alan Butler. Does Pulitzer repudiate Wolter for his “association” with Nazis and child rapists? Of course not. He probably already has the excuses prepared for why those known associates don’t count. The claim that Wolter can only be judged by his peers is the funniest of all. This is how I replied to Pulitzer: Hutton, you and Scott need to have the courage of your convictions and speak to me directly if you have a problem with me. If you recall, I spoke directly with you by phone for several hours the last time you became upset with me. Had you done so, you would have learned that I am not participating in an event with Scott and was never asked to do so. I was asked to speak on a different day (in a different month, I believe) on a different topic, about Atlantis. The good news is that Pulitzer and Wolter have finally revealed what it will take to stop them. All I need to do is to get myself invited wherever they want to speak, and they will flee in terror. Perhaps I should also join the Freemasons, since Wolter would then have to immediately resign and avoid all Masonic conspiracies for the rest of his life.
Joe Scales
7/21/2016 11:35:05 am
I believe Wolter once basically defended his personal slights against others as appropriate when true. Well then, we can now add coward in addition to liar and fraud when truthfully describing him.
Only Me
7/21/2016 02:17:45 pm
I seriously don't understand how these two could make the assumptions they did. The last post I read about the event, Andy mentioned he was trying to fundraise so Wolter could attend with no out of pocket expense. On top of that, he was excited he might have Jason do the same thing in December.
Joe Scales
7/21/2016 02:37:04 pm
Maybe they caught the spoilers I posted on Professor White's blog on how it would all go down:
Only Me
7/21/2016 03:34:02 pm
No offense, Joe, but I'm going to go with this excerpt from Carl Feagan's comment as the REAL reason:
Joe Scales
7/21/2016 03:42:11 pm
This just in:
Hutton Pulitzer
7/21/2016 05:01:49 pm
Joe, how can you say such when you dont even post under your real name? Now thats laughable
7/21/2016 08:11:02 pm
Neither do you jackass. The difference is that Joe makes reasoned and intelligent posts while you, would be laughable if it wasn't for your predilection for scamming and conning the gullible.
Joe Scales
7/22/2016 08:57:34 am
As a public service reminder, for those unfortunate individuals that sent money to Hutton Pulitzer/Jovan Philjaw for pre-orders of his Solomon's Secret and/or Commodus' Secret, did not receive the promised goods and made unfulfilled demands for full refunds, your best option would be to contact the vendor's local State Attorney's office and/or police precinct to file a criminal complaint for theft.
E.P. Grondine
7/21/2016 01:06:01 pm
Hi Jason -
Time Machine
7/21/2016 01:21:27 pm
Lap it up
7/21/2016 01:24:45 pm
I am at a loss for words., I love your approach, and your class, Jason. Neither one of them are man enough to apologize, just on the pretense, that there was a misunderstanding.
"Life is a circle." - (Black Elk).
7/21/2016 01:50:56 pm
Field trip, students? Andy? Jason?
7/21/2016 01:41:52 pm
"Scott and his huge fan base and media base..."
7/21/2016 01:59:11 pm
This is a fascinating meltdown from Scott about nothing. He sure researches. You totally should not feed the trolls, Jason. But it would be fun to claim you would appear at all of his events to drive him out, because that would be in line with his wild conspiracy theory that somehow you are the center of the skeptical world. That is a bit creepy. It is also so not true. Your posts are just more direct and pointed than most, and that drives the fringies crazy.
Joe Scales
7/21/2016 02:28:18 pm
"Scott had a perfectly good job being a cable talking head, well such as it was, and did not need to invite the far flung to his parties."
7/21/2016 02:33:21 pm
This latest Wolter meltdown only goes further to prove he is NOT a scientist. Part of the scientific method is being challenged to defend your assertions, and having others test your ideas. Wolter wanting to only associate with people who agree with everything he says without question shows a lot about his character.
7/21/2016 02:52:33 pm
Where did Wolter blame you for existing? Headline makes no sense.
Andy White
7/21/2016 03:27:35 pm
This is what I have to say about the matter:
7/21/2016 03:27:41 pm
I suspect that Scott Wolter is using the same language that was used by the History Channel when it was decided to end its association with him. "Any association with Scott Wolter is an instant deal killer that can only hurt one's reputation in this arena by any kind of association."
Hutton Pulitzer
7/21/2016 05:03:02 pm
For your review Jason. And for the facts as found:
Only Me
7/21/2016 05:58:18 pm
Fortunately, history isn't decided in a court of law. The scientific method and peer review are much more rigorous.
7/21/2016 06:03:12 pm
And don't forget that a trial isn't about proving objective truth but whether reasonable doubt exists in the minds of 12 jurors after the prosecution makes its case. The legal metaphor is silly to apply to questions of fact since we all know that many trials and legal cases ended with questionable or outright wrong verdicts (see, e.g.: jury nullification) or were overturned on appeal on a technicality even if all involved concede that the defendant committed the crime.
Only Me
7/21/2016 06:18:18 pm
You raise a great point. The court applies the standard of reasonable doubt to the jurors, the defendant's peers.
Joe Scales
7/22/2016 11:32:17 am
Though Wolter might have been recognized in a court of law as an expert in regard to the structural soundness of building materials, he would never be so recognized in regard to his KRS findings. Both the Frye Standard and the more stringent Daubert Standard for court recognition of scientific evidence would prevent it. Such requirements as general acceptance within the scientific community, reliable scientific methodology, findings based on sufficient facts and data, true academic peer review, and ability to replicate testing/findings by others in the field all weigh heavily against him. 7/21/2016 06:07:28 pm
Why would I want to listen to the two of you recite your same old talking points for two hours without any other perspective? That isn't a "debate"; it's a rant. You can't have a fair trial in which the other side isn't invited. That's the kind of show trial you find in a dictatorship, though oddly apropos of your style.
Only Me
7/21/2016 06:15:19 pm
I think that's what we call a kangaroo court.
Hutton Pulitzer
7/21/2016 06:36:23 pm
So you have the very same information. We have suggested to Andy that once he assembles his team for the KRS, that we do a live web conference which can be recorded and each side present its case and facts and then let the audience decide. We will see is Andy accepts. As far as me spamming your site for traffic, we posted since you wrote a story about it, thus your readers would have an interest, but as with anytime you post our audio links we can expect 4 to 8 listeners. And in those 4 to 8 people you send our way from your efforts, they might learn something. 7/21/2016 06:45:01 pm
I have no idea what you are talking about, Hutton. There is no "team" for the KRS. Andy is a professor teaching a course. Courses sometimes have guest speakers who give a presentation, and then the students ask questions. For a man who brags about how many colleges and universities keep copies of a 15-year-old case study of his failed business in their libraries (which you label your "education" on your LinkedIn page), you certainly have no idea what actually goes on in a classroom.
Mike Morgan
7/21/2016 07:03:24 pm
Only Me, it does not rise to the level of a kangaroo court
7/21/2016 09:36:48 pm
Oh please, 2 hours? you could fit it into a teacup with room to spare.
Clint Knapp
7/21/2016 06:35:03 pm
I read the announcement and ensuing rants from Pulitzer this morning before work. The good laugh got my day off to a running start. I can't help but be amused by two things:
7/21/2016 10:28:00 pm
...yeah, sounds to me like Putzer somehow thinks a university is a very long fan convention with panels and sales booths. Bets on whether he's more pissed that he won't be able to scream abuse at Jason or that he won't be able to peddle his cheap junk?
Clint Knapp
7/21/2016 10:41:48 pm
Peddle cheap junk, for sure. All those Treasure Force patches he could have hawked on unsuspecting college kids!
7/21/2016 06:43:01 pm
I like Scott Wolter, well I did until he got involved with that fraud Hutton Pulitzer.
Hutton Pulitzer
7/21/2016 07:39:42 pm
Of course you have no idea what I am saying Jason, you do not understand the concept of putting both sides of the debate out, so how could one hope you would understand. You only understand one sided attacks with no debate. What was suggested is Andy put together HIS TEAM who think KRS is pseudo science and fringe and then WE put together a team for the "this is an authentic historic artifact of great importance" and then- via video linked educational conference with each person - both sides in round robin, present their cases and facts. That is why you don't understand, you cant do anything with both sides of opposing views. You can only attack and attempt to discredit and if your facts are weak, then you reach for things like spelling, failed business and such. Well Jason, 2000 different tech business failed then, not just mine, and it was the device that failed not the technology or patents. So, what have you done to impact society? Not much, since the only way you can get attention is to attack. Now the offer for Andy is valid. Both sides, equal time, and broadcast and lets see where the facts fall and the facts fail. Can't be done in blogging and cannot be done in small scale class room, but can be done on large scale for all to see and judge for themselves. Easy peasy.
Clint Knapp
7/21/2016 08:02:27 pm
That is not at all what Andy was suggesting, and you should know that from his postings on the subject.
Mike Morgan
7/21/2016 08:02:52 pm
One BIG problem with your idea there Hutton, if Jason were on team Andy, Wolter wouldn't participate.
7/21/2016 08:08:20 pm
So, in other words, Hutton, you'd like Andy to drop the who concept of his course and instead provide you with a PR opportunity you could monetize. For someone who falsely claimed to have won a "laureate" award from the Smithsonian for his innovation and world-changing triumphs, you certainly have a way of trying to latch on to other people to try to get them to do your bidding.
Only Me
7/21/2016 09:24:31 pm
To the South Pole! Mayhaps there, we will find enough ice for that burn!
7/21/2016 09:58:29 pm
Nay! To the Arctic! Don't subject the penguins to such foolishness.
7/22/2016 02:00:09 am
Jason, you just keep making me respect you more and more. You have a lot of patience and class for someone that puts up with charlatans and sociopaths on a daily basis. And now even the ire of Erdogan's authoritarian administration through just setting the facts straight on his bullshit? Well done. 7/22/2016 08:03:00 am
When Erdogan was in Cuba, he claimed that Columbus had reported finding a medieval Muslim mosque there. The Washington Post cited in me in debunking the claim, and my blog post (written before Erdogan made the claim) went viral in Turkey, with (literally) hundreds of thousands of Turks reading it. I started getting hate mail from Turkey, and it seemed unlikely that the very similar messages were spontaneous. It burned out after a couple of days, once the news cycle moved on.
Hutton Pulitzer
7/22/2016 04:39:54 pm
Jason, each time you continue to attempt to spin what is not accurate. You and I both know the Smithsonian/ComputerWorld Laureate Award was in fact won by me, and as I write this I am sitting here, looking at the bronze laureate leaf framed, with the note from the Committee stating "On Behalf of the representatives of the International Archives and Academic Counsel here assembled, the Chairman's Committee, The Smithsonian Computer world Honors Program, and future generations throughout the world for whom we hold the historic materials in trust, it is my honor and duty to bestow this medallion in commemoration of the outstanding quality of your work, and to thank you for your contribution to the history of information technology." (Medal and bronzed laurel leaf)..... Now each time I read this I laugh at you writing such was not real. I am sitting here with it framed on my office wall and accepted such award in Washington DC. You bend facts, yes I understand it is your way, but getting paid to write a few blogs does not add up to historic accomplishments. But, alas even if you were to walk into Princeton, Harvard or Yale or any one of the 140 others and pull the files, the case study and the peer reviewed and awarded work, you would still find some way to discount it. Thus, with you- everything is a losing battle. But at the end of the day, the results are in the end work product and the historical record. As far as Solomon's Secret, at least you know they have started to ship. So, whats your point? This is how you operate. Someone you select to degrade, they write something, you write "it was not original", or "it was boring, copied or uneventful". Why? YOU have no sense of accomplishment. You desire accomplishment, but you live in a world where HERE on your blog, no real people use their names.... why- you and Andy cross post to make it appear you have followers interested, but yet, track back the IP's and it is mostly and abundantly you two supporting each other. And the very few who are actual different individuals other than you, do the same thing, post with no names or real ID's and post over and over using different names. It is like when you posted our last Xplrr recording, your post (back linking) generated a measly 5 plays. Now for someone who sends out emails saying you have 200,000 readers, but you generate 5 plays is a joke. Why, you don't have 200,000 readers. You have 200,000 hits to your website since you started. Hell, we do that sometimes with a single post within a few hours. This is the source of your rub. If there was NO Scott Wolter and America Unearthed YOU would have no content to ride on. You took his show and then adapted it to the negative side. Thus without Scott or people like me- you are nothing and have nothing. This style goes back to your childhood and your Charlie Brown inadequacies. They relentlessly bullied you as a kid. You could not run, do sports or even engage socially, but when you found you could blog you took out your revenge on the cool kids. Alas, those cool kids are gone on, so now you attack those you wish to emulate and those you wish to be more like, but you have adopted the very persona of the bullies that destroyed your childhood and have adopted their attack methods, yet you are not them, you can’t do the face to face thing, but you can do it well behind a computer screen. Now, as for me... I admire anyone who has written a book, just as you have, and just as I have many times over. Me, I am driven by over achievement. My goal? To be the first to publish 600 individual titles and I am over 50% there. But that is just me. So, my beef with you? You cannot have straight debate and point-by-point, you resort to the very same style you detested in jr. high and high school. Total role reversal. For me - I think it takes both sides and the pro and con is needed and should be served side by side. That is best to the PUBLIC. Anyway, too much to write and so little time and just wanted to address your spin, just like the media at larger, spin spin spin. Try putting out content, instead of attacks and see how your traction goes. But good thing for you running from your bullied childhood and creating and writing, but shame shame on you for becoming the very same type of bully who now lives to attack and beat others down in an attempt to make themselves feel better, find an identity and feel powerful. I do agree, you can write and have a great knack, now just imagine if it was positive and meaningful. You could do better than be a negative belly. Just my thoughts.
Only Me
7/22/2016 05:07:31 pm
Wow. The Great Wall of Crap.
John (the other one)
7/22/2016 05:27:23 pm
No way that was written by JHP unless he cut and pasted it, which he is known to do. Far too grammatically correct.
Joe D.
7/22/2016 05:44:06 pm
Clint Knapp
7/22/2016 05:55:16 pm
Wrong again, Jovan (if that really is you). I use my real name and always have, and I've never posted under any alias here whatsoever.
Andy White
7/22/2016 06:08:10 pm
So "Commodus's Secret" is now available? Where can I get a copy?
7/23/2016 05:17:31 am
"I do agree, you can write and have a great knack, now just imagine if it was positive and meaningful." 7/23/2016 04:02:37 pm
Just for the record, I called ComputerWorld, and with their help obtained the original award records. Your company (not you) was nominated and designated one of five finalists. You did not receive the award, but your company was named a laureate in 2001 along with the other 311 nominees designated "laureates" that year and got a medal along with the others. ComputerWorld put out a press release to that effect in 2001.
7/21/2016 08:03:33 pm
this is almost as good as watching the political conventions... Please- one day Wolters/Hutton are saying no way, no how are we going to be on the same venue as a 'debunker' and lower ourselves.. now today... walla, Damage control and trying to put it back on the man teaching the class. Get real, or go home.
7/22/2016 02:42:00 pm
No it's better, because their exact words will preserved on the internet and on available ondemand via a simple Google search forevermore.
7/22/2016 12:00:51 am
I gleaned these excerpts from Andy's most recent blog comments at his site. As a so-called fringe believer, I just wanted to say that I'm not actually a fringe believer, and the search for truth in the matter of the KRS is nowhere near completed.
Big Tony
7/22/2016 12:45:30 am
Hey Jason just a heads up, it's not worth your time, but that soundcloud link Hutton is spamming everywhere spends 5-10 minutes in the beginning going after you directly. They also imply that you have lied about certain credentials/accomplishments.
Big Tony
7/22/2016 01:26:04 am
Update: I made it 45 minutes in and had to turn it off before I pulled my hair out, but man you have really gotten under these guys' skin somehow. Essentially the entirety of what I heard of their "trial" for the Kensington Rune Stone was completely off topic responses to your criticisms of Wolter.
Only Me
7/22/2016 01:36:14 am
I love how Pulitzer said, "Decide, for yourself, what your truth is." I thought the truth was based on facts, not personal preference.
7/22/2016 02:11:34 am
@ Only Me
7/22/2016 02:02:19 am
They should not be talking considering how they have lied about their own credentials.
7/22/2016 09:20:03 am
I listened to it, and it's hilarious that Pulitzer feels that he has to distort and misrepresent my comments to try to make it sound like I'm trying to assert "superiority" over Wolter by noting that we have very similar credentials for making statements about history. I love the fact that he had to bring in an ENITRE ORGANIZATION's worth of publications to try to refute the idea that I've produced more historiographic research (a very specific type of research, which I cited for that reason) than most fringe historians. My blog totals several million words at this point, which I'm not sure is entirely an accomplishment given what it represents about how much trash fringe historians put out. You'd think Pulitzer would try to cite his own 200+ self-published books to challenge my credentials. Oh, wait... That's right: They're mostly the same copy-and-pasted content.
An Over-Educated Grunt
7/22/2016 10:55:47 am
"I don't care what he did, tell me what he did!"
Hutton Pulitzer
7/22/2016 05:33:27 pm
Words an attack "Only Me" and others, carry no weight when they cannot be done with ones real identity. Thus, being out front and center is the only way to both live and be real. All others who lurk and hide and what is wrong with the world today. Easy to lurk, hide, and spring attack, much more honorable and noble to live out and seen in daylight.
Only Me
7/22/2016 05:46:52 pm
Then your comment should have been unnecessary. If my words truly carried no weight, you wouldn't have responded. You did, however; that means something in what I said struck a chord. I now give you the floor to explain how you don't care SO MUCH, you feel compelled to tell the rest of us you don't care.
Joe D.
7/22/2016 05:48:13 pm
Says the guy who goes by a pseudonym. Isn't that right Mr Philyaw
Hutton Pulitzer
7/23/2016 11:05:15 am
My name as reflected my my drivers license, state department id, passport, credit cards, ssn and more is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer thus real name here. Facts matter
Mike Morgan
7/23/2016 10:05:39 pm
Hutton Pulitzer 7/23/2016 11:05:15 am
An Over-Educated Grunt
7/22/2016 05:51:59 pm
Well, J-Jo, I'll tell you what. You can lecture me about honor after you admit to bad-mouthing the Oak Island crew after you took their coin. Whether they paid you for appearances or not you benefited from the exposure, then bit the hand that fed you. Would you like to lecture some more about honor and pseudonyms, Mr. Philyaw?
7/22/2016 07:35:31 pm
Hutton none here is using fake names, you just fine know them, not sure why you care either.. so you can talk about them o your face book page like you did me? So you can make fun and giggle ? I've seen what you've done and continue to do. You have no part in this discussion, will the real Scott Walter please stand up... you are argumentative and possibly jealous because Andy didn't invite you and your fake sword his classroom?
Joe Scales
7/23/2016 11:06:38 am
"Hutton", you're the one who seeks fame promoting a fraudulent skew on history. We are the public that rejects it. What, you want to hunt us down and damage us somehow? You want to drag our names through the mud as you do with any critic, writer or academic who takes it upon themselves to publish works questioning your motives, methodology and grasp on both facts and science? Pure ad hominem on your part to equate anonymity with lack of credibility in this regard. You can't meet the arguments against you. You can't escape your own penchant for mendacity. We, the public, call you out on it accordingly.
7/23/2016 02:18:01 pm
I love how people like you love to drag out this thing of "YOU DON'T USE YOUR REAL NAME ON THE INTERNET!" It just proves you're an old fart who doesn't really understand how the world works anymore.
7/23/2016 04:43:19 pm
"carry no weight whn they cannot be done with onesreal identity"
7/26/2016 08:35:07 am
Hey Hutton, My PENis bigger then your PENis , cause sacks do matter. Neener Neener.
Sticker (A Real Person)
7/23/2016 12:55:56 pm
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I personally have attempted to watch one of Pulitzer's/Xplrr's videos Jason has linked to in previous blog posts and after the initial schadenfreude intrigue wore off, soon found it unbearable --- and thus have not watched more. If other loyal readers have experienced this same phenomenon, it could just have something to do with the limited number of hits HP says he gets as a result of Jason's blog.
7/23/2016 04:12:18 pm
Well, I do like the blogs of Jason and Andy .. and have spent just enough time with the two clowns (JHP/SW) outpourings to properly classify them a complete waste of time for me ... to not open up on their spammed podcast links is to avoid further waste ... their recent assclownery on "Forbidden Astrology" reminds me of a dog running away with his tail between his legs .... ah well .. grow up guys
7/23/2016 03:58:41 pm
Hutton. Thank you for your input in these blogs over the past couple days. Now everyone can see for themselves how you are deluded, self centered in that you can't hear what others are saying, and an egomaniac (who else changes thier name to Pulitzer!). You think your so convincing and slick that "how dare anyone disagree with you"! You can't hold your own in a debate therefore you try to work your "spin" to discredit the other. By trying to discredit Jason you have only succeeded in showing what a small petty person you are. You have lost any credibility you may of had. Your like a case study in how not to debate with others. You can't hold a candle to Jason. He's reasonable, has a good working knowledge about what he's talking about, tries to be openminded and honest, and doesn't stoop to school yard antics such as yourself. He has class, you do not. Your have some serious issues. Seek counseling. It's also interesting that we haven't heard a word from Wolters. I'll bet he's having doubts about his association with you at this point, but maybe not. I don't feel sorry for him. It's like you two deserve each other. Hope you find some honest purpose in life other than trying to convince the world of what a genius you aren't.
7/23/2016 09:31:42 pm
Earlier today on Facebook, JHP declared that the KRS Trial podcast had 21,000 viewers in one day! Incredible!
7/24/2016 10:05:26 am
I know, it's interesting ... I just found it on Soundcloud and it does appear to have (more than) that amount of listens now. So how come his post about it has NO likes? How come one of his Twitter posts about it has two likes and the other has one? Maybe this is because of his confusing profusion of different disconnected websites and accounts? On some platforms you would imagine him to be wildly popular, while on others it appears that barely anyone notices what he is producing.
7/24/2016 10:55:44 am
Oh wait! I just found ANOTHER Facebook page of his where the link has 17 likes. My bad!
Peter Geuzen
7/24/2016 10:21:10 am
He buys them through a third party that uses bots to script fake listens. It's very cheap to do, you buy in blocks of thousands. To be clear, it's fake listens, not listeners as he wrote. Notice how there are no comments and very few likes, even though there are these alleged high numbers of listens. This is the clear evidence of BS. He does this for all his recordings to inflate the numbers, thus inflate and fabricate his BS image.
7/24/2016 11:15:26 am
Is that bull or bat?
7/25/2016 02:26:04 pm
Chuckle for the day. Views up to 85.1k. That's a listen every 2.7 seconds for the last 48 hours! Math is fun
Assonaut Exaterressial
7/24/2016 09:02:13 am
As I have posted earlier:
William Smith
7/24/2016 10:48:17 am
History has a way of repeating and the passing of Richard Nielson brings much of this to memory. After Wolter and Nielson published their first book the KRS went down two tracks. One was supported with academic facts and peer reviews, while the other took the (look at me) rout. In my work with both over the years relating to the KRS, I am sure only one will be in the hall of fame. On one hand we can blame Dick for the de-railing, however on the other hand we can credit him for staying with the academic process and bringing the facts to the public as well as people on board like Henrick Williams to study the subject. When we are all gone the two trains will be going down the same track. One train will have Dick and Henrick at the helm with science credibility people on board. On the other train we can visualize Scott and Hutton at the wheel waving their sword and telling all to purchase a ticket for the price of a book. You can pick what train you wish to ride, however when the train gets to the final destination, only the truth will be history. Have a good ride.
7/24/2016 05:50:32 pm
I think Wolter might rather be in the peaceful little yellow caboose at the end of all this, but at least he will have a "dotted R" TRUMP CARD in his back pocket...which will still mean that the KRS is the real deal, after all...and that he was right about its authenticity....
7/25/2016 10:24:18 am
Except that it hasn't so far been demonstrated to prove that. The dotted r issue is fascinating, but in order for it to really prove authenticity, we'd have to be able to show two things:
7/25/2016 07:49:53 pm
@Sticker: Of course, it is possible that a dotted R on the KRS is unintended, and that another one is intended, which could really confuse the linguistic issue.
7/25/2016 11:44:13 am
7/25/2016 12:28:18 pm
GEE, I guess you got through at least as much of the "KRS Trial" as I did. That part was wild! No one can match Wolter's 2-3 years for 24 hours a day or whatever it was he and HP calculated. I know they were trying to establish SW's expertise à la the introduction of an expert witness in court, but it also almost seemed like HP was implying that the amount of time one spends on something increases the likelihood that one's conclusions about it are correct. If so, I think the great inventor may just have invented a brand new type of logical fallacy.
7/25/2016 01:34:41 pm
It was hard getting through it, Sticker. I did notice that the opening line started with NON Truths, Hutton said that there would be notables involved in the conversation, and all I got was Hutton and Scott...
7/25/2016 04:28:26 pm
Mr. Philyaw:
Assonaut Exaterressial
7/31/2016 09:09:10 am
Assonaut Exaterressial
7/31/2016 09:16:01 am
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