Wolter and his crew were shooting at Well Cave in East Wemyss in Fife. The caves contain ancient carvings of Pictish origin dating back as far back as the Bronze Age. Wolter was filming in a location known for its extensive nineteenth century graffiti. Well Cave, which was thought to contains no Pictish carvings, had previously been featured in a 2004 episode of Time Team. Among the hundreds of nineteenth century carvings in the cave, Wolter is particularly interested in a carving he told locals that he will link to the Knights Templar. The carving, showing a straight line crossed by three perpendicular lines beside a curved line all enclosed in a circle, cannot be absolutely dated. Local heritage experts who examined the carving in 2012 suggested it could be medieval in origin, perhaps from the twelfth century. Based on reports that Knights Templar had been in the area in the Middle Ages, one suggestion is that the carving was intended as Cross of Lorraine. However, there is no proof that the symbol was carved by the Templars. A competing, and better supported, hypothesis is that the carving is, like every other known piece of graffiti in the cave, an eighteenth or nineteenth century creation. Archaeologist Douglas Speirs had this to say about the carving in 2014: So I would read the Wemyss Caves carving as someone’s monogrammed initials, specifically, a capital letter “T” and a smaller letter “C” all contained within a circular incised cartouche. However, what has confused things is the carver’s excessive use of artistic flourishes, specifically, the decorative use of serifs and the addition of a decorative, serifed cross bar on the “T”. This makes the letter difficult to read and gives it the appearance of a letter “E” or even of a Christian heraldic cross device, similar in form to a Cross Lorraine or a Greek cross crosslet. […] I am quite sure that this is just a mid-19th century monogrammed initial left by a visitor to the Caves. I do not think it has any deeper significance or meaning although I would note that the carving does look cross-like and is similar to crosses known from Templar sites. I don’t care about the symbol since the Victorians were more than capable of imitating medieval styles (e.g. Gothic Revival architecture). But even if it were medieval, the Knights Templar did exist in Scotland and it would hardly be unusual to discover evidence of this fact. Indeed, standard histories of Fife quite clearly discuss local Templars and the rather light hand Scotland took in investigating them after the Pope suppressed the order in 1307. I am more concerned about how this ties in to fringe history. It seems rather evident that Wolter wants to re-date the carving the to the Middle Ages in order to make it agree with material appearing in Diana Muir’s alleged “translation” of the so-called journals of Henry I Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, the medieval Scottish noble whom fringe historians falsely believe was a member of the Templar order decades after its suppression and used his Templar super-secret decoder ring to navigate to America and leave a genetic legacy among Native Americans. Muir published her so-called “translation” of what she claimed to be nineteenth century copies of medieval journals left by Sinclair. She claimed to have disposed of the originals, leaving only her translation. The relevant passage is dated “29 Sep 1388” (as medieval were wont to date their entries!). The boldface text (bold in the original) is the supposed language of Sinclair, while the commentary belongs to Muir. All punctuation is as given in the book: “29 Sep 1388” According the Muir’s commentary for the 2 February 1388 entry referencing the “Templari” who live in “the cliffs of Wemyss,” Muir believes that the Wemyss caves were a natural “hiding place” for the imaginary lost fleet of the Templars—the armada of boats that supposedly left France eight decades earlier, despite this navy being known only from a single reference to “galleys” in the coerced and demonstrably false testimony under torture of one Templar at a papal trial. Muir specifically states that “The caves are vast and contain drawings and artifacts that can be linked to the Templars.”
Muir’s source for that claim is a blog post from Archaeology News Network about the 2012 research into Well Cave’s medieval carving, and isn’t it just a coincidence that Muir’s reference to Templars in the Wemyss Caves happened to emerge after the media claimed Templars had camped out in those caves? The Wemyss Cave inscription became briefly popular with Canadian fringe believers in 2012 because the line crossed by three horizontal bars resembled a graffito on Haystack Rock on Long Island in Placentia Bay in Newfoundland. Among other unusual symbols on the rock is a line cut by three horizontal bars. The heavily stylized letters likely are nineteenth century initials (Speirs believes the inscription reads “E. L. Mst,” for “E. L., Master (of the ship),” but believers have used it to speculated about transoceanic contact between Templar groups, evidenced only by badly carved graffiti, since all secret organizations ambiguously mark their imagined territory with confusing scribbles so that no one will understand the claim. Three guesses what Scott Wolter is planning to “investigate” when America Unearthed, or whatever the new iteration of the show will be called, returns to cable.
2/5/2019 09:48:52 am
Wolter making it easier, making claims about junk that has already been debunked.
Joe Scales
2/5/2019 10:18:55 am
Travel Channel has done us a great service in resurrecting this nonsense. The spring house episode was on last night and it had been too long since I burst out laughing at the television. Ah, that felt good. Comic gold Wolter is. Comic gold.
2/5/2019 11:12:43 am
Doc Rock
2/5/2019 11:16:46 am
The caves were hit pretty good by vandals a year or so ago. An obvious attempt by the Smithsonian to erase the evidence that would be left behind by dozens of Templars and their families occupying fairly shallow caves for an extended period of time.
Andy White
2/5/2019 11:39:18 am
I will not accept anything as 100% confirmed until Pulitzer puts his stamp of approval on it.
Joe Scales
2/5/2019 11:50:17 am
Hey, I'm just hoping that they increase the budget for "Megalithic Historian" Alan Butler's wardrobe for his guest spots. You know, so they can't tell he just walked in from the homeless shelter...
Doc Rock
2/5/2019 11:52:56 am
Well I did see something in the news recently about a burglary of an Oddfellows Temple. Wouldn't surprise me if Pulitzer pops up soon to reveal a Templar broadsword recovered from the vicinity of the caves that fully authenticates Team Wolter's assertions.
2/5/2019 11:59:25 am
Speaking of burglary and vandals, any chance Wolter brought a rock hammer to the site ?
Doc Rock
2/5/2019 12:05:43 pm
He better have brought one if they plan to unveil any Hooked X (insert trademark here) carvings in the cave.
2/5/2019 04:25:22 pm
For fun, think one should send Scottie a copy of War and Peace set in early cyrillic script and watch his head explode.
Arboreal Cool "Disco" Dan
2/5/2019 05:48:01 pm
It's clearly a land claim. To the right of the Chinese character for "king" 王 you can see the Chinese character for "land" 土 and the "C" is there to tell you it's written in "Chinese". As we know from our Scott's website the Templars traveled extensively in Asia acquiring telescope technology so a Templar land claim in Chinese makes perfect sense.
Riley V
2/5/2019 09:09:42 pm
Well played sir. Are you sure the “C” isn’t for Cantonese?
2/5/2019 06:31:03 pm
I'm thinking that the carving in the cave is the original Templar template for the Oreo cookie design that has over time become the Templar Double Stuf Oreo Cookie.
Abugida Cool "Disco" Dan
2/6/2019 05:18:15 am
All of these comments are offensive to me. Please delete them.
Joe Scales
2/6/2019 09:52:42 am
Wolter is still clinging to the notion that springhouses are mysterious over on his blog:
2/7/2019 10:30:39 am
In the latest WTF moment, here is the most recent comment:
Doc Rock
2/7/2019 12:35:37 pm
They have stumbled on the great connection here. Native American groups have similar customs. Obviously introduced by the Proto-Templars to North America.
Joe Zias
2/10/2019 11:44:10 am
Be careful of these 'mysteries finds' as we have seen this 'movie' quite often here in Israel. See if there is a 'non-profit' running it and who is on the board of directors. Try Guidestar as they are a wealth of info. of many of these 'dime a dozen' highly profitable, not profits.
2/10/2019 02:50:59 pm
Joe, no "non-profit" running this. It is a common spring house or root cellar on private land that Wolter was told to stay off of. He them sends his minions posing as hunters to trespass, posing as hunters they collect photos and info.
2/6/2019 03:23:35 pm
2/6/2019 05:54:02 pm
Dammit Janet, we missed out on
Seymore Butts
2/7/2019 07:43:04 pm
Scott Wolter wouldn't know a templar carving if it bit him on the ass.
2/8/2019 06:14:25 pm
Minnesota State Archaeologist, Amanda Gronhovd speaks of the KRS.
2/10/2019 09:24:53 am
State archaeologist: Spirit Pond rune stones are fakes
Joe Scales
2/11/2019 02:35:20 pm
Though Wolter recently plugged NEARA, it would seem their view of Wolter isn't reciprocal:
Accountable Cool "Disco" Dan
2/11/2019 06:06:59 pm
I notice that recently more batshit crazy questions get posted but then sit there for days or even a week until Wolter posts a reply. This suggests to me that he has assigned the duty of selecting the absolute best questions to someone else.
2/11/2019 08:52:53 pm
Hahaha talking to Wolter about "source materials".
Patrick Shekleton
2/12/2019 07:54:35 am
Here ya' go, Harold Edwards...oops, I mean Jim:
2/12/2019 10:44:34 am
Patrick: 2/12/2019 10:53:59 am
Patrick, you imbecile...
Patrick Shekleton
2/12/2019 11:40:59 am
Here's the translation: AUTHENTIC. Those are geographic coordinates on the SPR. Erik Wahlgren could see them for what they were, but since he couldnt reconcile the values cartographically he prononced them as "gibberish" and folded them into his conclusion that the SPR were hoaxes. Wahlgen wasn't aware that arced-X and tallymark were, likewise, a geo coordinate. Keep watching those videos of Bruce Bourque!
2/12/2019 11:47:03 am
Joe,,,,, not to nit-pic, but,,,, " the fatal flaw of the Kensington Rune Stone Hoax",,,,,, should read ,,,,one of the many fatal flaws of the Kensington Rune Stone Hoax.
2/12/2019 11:57:27 am
P.S. Joe,,,,,when I confronted Wolter with this, he lied and said Weiblen only looked at one traverse, that being a traverse on the outside of the KRS. It is plain in Weiblen's report that he was referring to the interior of the KRS.
2/12/2019 12:37:15 pm
Apprentice cool "Disco" Dan
2/12/2019 01:18:22 pm
Would that be the core sample that our Scott took without being authorized so to do?
Apprehensible Cool "Disco" Dan
2/12/2019 02:31:51 pm
Patrick, Y.I.: Regarding that posting from the revered scientific journal Facebook, not just "no" but "FUCK NO".
Mike Morgan
2/12/2019 05:58:21 pm
Apprehensible Cool "Disco" Dan,
Patrick Shekleton
2/12/2019 06:00:07 pm
aPPROACHABLE cool "Disco" Dan
2/12/2019 06:24:16 pm
Jesus fucking Christ Patrick you imbecile (hat tip, Joe Scales). I pointed it out clearly and explained it you imbecile.
2/12/2019 07:30:38 pm
Argentinian Cool "Disco" Dan
2/12/2019 08:05:54 pm
This is not the first time someone has pulled this Treaty of Tordesillas MADE UP SHIT here.
Joe Scales
2/12/2019 08:17:48 pm
I'll give you this Patrick...
Patrick Shekleton
2/12/2019 09:01:03 pm
Dawson, Samuel E. The Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI and the Treaty of Tordesillas A.D. 1493 and 1494. Ottawa, Canada: J. Hope & Sons, 1899.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/12/2019 09:02:11 pm
Aerosolized Cool "Disco" Dan
2/12/2019 09:16:19 pm
"Dawson, Samuel E. The Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI and the Treaty of Tordesillas A.D. 1493 and 1494"
2/12/2019 09:20:05 pm
Patrick Shekleton
2/13/2019 05:46:37 am
Page 543.
2/13/2019 09:34:11 am
Joe Scales
2/13/2019 09:50:04 am
"It illustrates that humans, despite their best intentions, mix things up."
Apprehensive Cool "Disco" Dan
2/13/2019 12:49:45 pm
Patrick, Y.I.
2/13/2019 05:40:41 pm
Patrick has astounded me with his knowledge !
Patrick Shekleton
2/13/2019 07:31:41 pm
"Are you going to explain to me why you manucfactured [sic]evidence to move the line of Demarcation 5-7 hundred miles west to match your made up numbers supposedly derived from the Spirit Pond and KRS hoaxes?"
Joe Scales
2/13/2019 07:32:56 pm
Well, math may not lie, but Patrick certainly does. Just ask the trees in Rhode Island...
Patrick Shekleton
2/13/2019 07:49:53 pm
Patrick Shekleton
2/13/2019 08:08:24 pm
What happened to your secret encoder ring, Joseph? Ask for your money back, as well. Usurping Jim's 'Mr. Myagi' tree argument is poor form but, again, poor form is your forte.
Aformentioned Cool "Disco" Dan
2/13/2019 08:49:23 pm
Patrick, Y.I.
2/13/2019 08:56:36 pm
Joe Scales
2/14/2019 11:00:45 am
"In other words my dear Patrick you are full of crap and cannot even do basic mathamatics !"
2/14/2019 11:01:45 am
Joe Scales
2/14/2019 11:21:23 am
You would hope that a "researcher" such as Patrick, would be open to data that invalidates their findings. But for some reason, Patrick will not loosen his embrace upon imbecility. Well, since he's not an academic, who according to Wolter protect some sort of false paradigm in favor of their own academic standing... well, what are we left with?
Patrick Shekleton
2/14/2019 12:15:16 pm
Geez...don't stroke out. The Library of Alexandria was the actual Prime Meridian back in Ptolemy's era. He writes of it in the Almagest. The Fortunate Isle PM was three hours Right Ascension to the WEST. This correction was laid in during the period of the Toledan Tables And the Alphonsine Tables of Toledo (The latter discussed a second PM, this being the 'meridian of the water' (something to that effect) which was actually the PM which sliced through the Azores. You can both of these PMs on the, I believe, 1507 Walseemuller Map. Alternately, it might be on the 1569 Mercator map. I am not home at present so I can't look it up. The Azores' PM is on the main map while the fortunate Isle PM is in the inset globe on top of the main map. From the Fortunate Isle PM jump to the WEST another 45 degrees/three hours Right Ascension. You are now sitting at 90 degrees WEST of Alexandria. This correlates to where Dawson noted that the Spanish and Portuguese positioned the LINE OF DEMARCATION. This correlates to the various (not all) cartographical illustrations of the LoD's positioning between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. 90 WEST. Can you two numb-nuts grasp the very basic and historically attested positioning of the LoD? Or do we get another flurry of your psychotic bullshit?
2/14/2019 02:04:12 pm
Mrs Grimble
2/11/2019 01:31:14 pm
Why hs nobody yet mentioned that the caves extend underneath the 11thC Macduff's Castle? I'm sure that the fringers can easily find a connection between Shakespeare and the Templars!
Patrick Shekleton
2/14/2019 12:39:49 pm
"How 'bout it Patrick. Is this about some white race having a greater claim on America as Jason often points out in regard to the proponents of these sorts of ideas? Is this why you lie? Is this why your falsify data? Or is it simply because you're an imbecile."
Joe Scales
2/14/2019 03:40:23 pm
Sick of you Patrick. Sick of your lying. Sick of your fraud. Sick of your painful imbecility. That you can't comprehend why all your points and lines are ultimately meaningless, even if they did line up... which of course, they don't. That is because Patrick, you are an imbecile. A stupid man. Very, very stupid.
Patrick Shekleton
2/14/2019 06:07:43 pm
Stop click-baiting us, Joseph. We wanted to see how you were going to make the WN label stick...but you couldn't quite make that happen - could ya? I see you're breaking out your heavy ammunition with the tree story again...unfortunately, the same outlines seen in the 1939 aerial photo are present in the 2014 and 2016 Google Earth aerials. Ooops...you missed that, didn't ya? No one comes to blog for credibility, you idiot. And most everyone comes to a blog for free...all except you, Mr. Grand Patreon. You and your buddy, the cut-and-paste Town Crier named Jim, are blights on this blog. It doesn't matter what topic is being discussed, or who is commenting, the two of you spew on everything. You take it one step further and continuously poke Jason in the eye. Producing content for a blog, or any other medium, is grinding work. Thankless work in many respects. You aren't going to get everything right, no matter how diligent you try to be. None of this dissuades Mr. Grand Patreon from an opportunity to stick it to Jason. We know you're sick, Joseph. Sick of being you.
Calm collected concerned citizen
2/14/2019 07:32:48 pm
Oh Patrick.
Joe Scales
2/14/2019 09:47:41 pm
Not only is Patrick offering more non-evidence shielding his view of the forest for the trees, but now he's on Jason's side?
2/14/2019 06:48:10 pm
" the cut-and-paste Town Crier named Jim,"
2/15/2019 02:47:28 pm
mime machine
2/15/2019 06:46:01 pm
There is a disturbance in The Force.
Calm Collected Concerned Citizen
2/15/2019 10:35:50 pm
I can't find it but someone above posted about Europeans and Asia and East and West. Today's Wikipedia Main Page reminds us that in "1249 – Louis IX of France dispatched André de Longjumeau as his ambassador to the Mongol Empire."
2/16/2019 02:18:21 am
Patrick would have us believe that Louis would have sent Andre west to find the Mongol Empire.
Patrick Shekleton
2/16/2019 09:32:13 am
Patrick wouldn't. But I did laugh.
2/18/2019 12:38:00 pm
Just for the heck of it, on Lulu, I counted 26 self published books by Diana Muir in the last ten months. Not to mention the promised upcoming 10 or 20 more books on the fake journals of "Prince Henry".
Accumulated Wisdom
2/18/2019 06:40:20 pm
I find myself on common ground with you, Jim.
Joe Scales
2/18/2019 08:20:01 pm
"She's just muddying the waters of other's legitimate research."
2/18/2019 08:29:09 pm
I'd be interested in who the "legitimate" researchers are. Thanks!
2/18/2019 08:33:09 pm
Good lord, can it already with the conspiracy theories. Most of the books are,,,, "The Ancestors of So and So"
Accumulated Wisdom
2/18/2019 10:25:05 pm
5/17/2021 07:23:52 pm
Having a strong Templar interest this is very interesting to me, but without seeing it in person its hard say whats been added since, will have to take a closer look soon.
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