I can speak to the fact that PGMMN (Past Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota) Terry Tilton and I have had the three surviving pages, one in Latin, one in Old English, and one in modern English, sent to Masonic scholars in the appropriate languages in Scotland. An opinion was offered [that] the Latin and Old English were not quite consistent with the period and he suggested other opinions be sought by other experts which will happen. While I am quite confident the older journals were copied, most likely in the mid-19th Century, more research will be performed on those surviving pages as well as archaeological investigations based on content. This book is only the beginning of a much bigger story. This would seem to be highly relevant information, and facts that both Wolter and Muir declined to make public until directly questioned about the matter. It is marred a bit, however, by the fact that Wolter and Tilton asked a Freemason—his credentials beyond that are not given, and Wolter later says that Tilton alone can choose whether to share them—rather than recognized language experts to date the text. (Yes, Wolter speaks of Old English, but I presume he doesn’t know the difference between Old and Middle English.) According to Wolter, Muir provides a photo of the Latin text in her book, but it will cost $40 to view it, a price far too high for the dubious nature of the material. Wolter’s excuse for the linguistic mismatch seems to be that a nineteenth century copyist changed the language, but that raises its own problems: If the text isn’t an accurate copy, by what right do we imagine it to be authentic at all? Consider, for example, what Wolter says the journals contain: “Read the journals and you’ll learn the details about how the Scottish Templars started the mission to establish the ‘Free Templar State’, and then handed the ‘Covenant’ to our brethren you call the ‘Founding Fathers’, who finished the job.” Just leaving aside the fact that this contradicts or fails to match the entire rest of the historical record, it is rather remarkable that the text is somehow exactly aligned to claims that only emerged from speculators like Wolter in the past couple of decades. (Prior to Wolter and his circle, the Templar “state” was believed to be in Mexico, according to fringe theorists going back to Eugène Beauvois in the early 1900s.) Also—the typical form should be Templar Free State, on the model of the Congo Free State, though a genocidal colonial regime is probably not the right model for your imaginary medieval pagan hippie commune. Muir, for her part, concurs with Wolter that Victorian copyists changed the texts: Yes, one of the scholars said the Latin was not in the style that was typical of the age. However, we are working on a theory that they may have been copied by local scholars during the Civil War in order to preserve what they said. […] If they were copied by local Freemasons it would have taken a team of writers who knew different languages. With the nearby Greeneville College which taught classical languages it's very possible. Forgive me for stating the obvious, but it does not take experts to copy. Anyone of minimal literacy can look at text and copy it. High schoolers plagiarize that way all the time. You do not need to know what text means to scrawl the letters on paper. Indeed, many medieval texts were copied by scribes who had only minimal knowledge of the texts, as evidenced by transcription errors both unfortunate and hilarious. It may take experts to translate texts, but not to write out a copy of them. Meanwhile, Muir said that she tried to have the pages of the Sinclair journals DNA tested (!) but elected not to reveal the results of those tests: Yes, I had asked to have one of the journal pages tested for DNA because there appeared to be a blood spot on the last page of Henry's journals. I also wanted DNA run on the lambskin map. At the time I had all the originals, However, now without them, we aren't able to repeat the process and I've chosen not to reveal those results. And what would those results possibly show? Since the body of Henry is long gone, even if there were recoverable DNA, you aren’t going to match it to Henry. There are enough living Sinclair clansmen (legitimate, illegitimate, and fake) that any “connection,” should one be found, would be all but meaningless at 700 years’ remove—particularly since the living Sinclair family members haven’t been shy about promoting fakery around their family name.
Muir previously said that she disposed of all of the journals after translating them into modern English by burying them. She said that she now feels that this action is “mortifying,” but she has made no effort to recover the supposed journals. Muir also told Wolter’s readers that she chose to block me on Twitter after accusing me of lying about replying to her tweet asking me to look at her book. After she contacted me on Twitter and requested that I examine the book, I had asked her to provide evidence supporting the claims that the journals were authentic. She declined to respond. She now says that it was a “mass tweet,” though she specifically tweeted the message to me individually (all tweets are “mass tweets” unless specifically tagged @ a handle), and she never saw the response before accusing me of lying. “I sent out a tweet about the book so that I could reach more people. Probably the first tweet in a very long time. I didn't ignore his message. I simply didn't see it until a few days ago and then made certain he was blocked. I choose not to endorse his type of journalism.” She prefers the type where you simply believe without proof that two dozen medieval journals are buried in a secret garbage pile because their translator didn’t think it important to keep them. (Her complaint that I priced her book wrong is also untrue; the listing she sent me via Twitter gave the price as $95; she changed it to $45 afterward. The original listing is no longer active, and the price has changed in the newest listing to $40.) I’ll just finish up with this telling bon mot from Wolter, who now suggests that Templarism existed far beyond the formal membership of the Knights Templar: “Did it ever occur to you that being a ‘Templar’ begins first and foremost ‘in your heart’?” Sure it does. Aren’t we all really secret goddess cultists deep inside?
11/30/2018 10:08:26 am
Oh, oh,,,Wolter will be fit to be tied when he doesn't read this.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 02:15:56 pm
It will only serve to harden his resolve. Combine that with knowing enough to be dangerous and you have..... well, a big pile of poo.
11/30/2018 10:11:45 am
Rough Draft
11/30/2018 11:33:09 am
I completely agree with this post. American Cool "Disco" Dan (that's the most recent screen name, anyway) is the very definition of a toxic poster. He adds nothing to the conversation and seems to be only interested in disruption, personal attacks, and attempts to show his (imagined) superiority to other posters.
Joe Scales
11/30/2018 12:30:35 pm
I have a complaint. Here we are with a Wolter dedicated thread and Gdave has to go all tattle-tale and derail it. Can't he simply ignore posts from people coming from cultures he doesn't understand rather than seek to disenfranchise them?
11/30/2018 09:34:15 pm
ATRISK was right about you! He wasnt crazy after all
Riley V
12/1/2018 03:59:41 am
Are you five? Tattletale? You will never be the teacher’s pet.
Joe Scales
12/1/2018 11:10:12 am
You're in good company Nick. Should you ever wish to put a grand on your suspicion, since Jason tracks IP addresses, he can be the judge. Lay it down man, or slink away with crazy...
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 02:11:27 pm
@GDave: Bless your heart as we say in the South. May I share with you a quote from one of my favorite posters?
Riley V
12/1/2018 04:06:00 am
You also sound 5.
11/30/2018 04:05:19 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 05:14:37 pm
"while the comment thread was still "clean."
11/30/2018 06:53:57 pm
12/4/2018 02:18:13 am
I have to agree. When one person makes enourmous effort to use ad hominems, homophobic, racist, ableist, sexist and whatever else comments, then you end up driving a large section of your audience away because they are not interested in being attacked in that manner.
Uncle Ron
11/30/2018 07:03:58 pm
I agree with Gdave. I often enjoy intelligent on-topic comments, a spirited on-topic debate, and even the occasional light-hearted joke as much as the blog itself. And, while I am in no way a prude, this is not the place for vulgar, profane, sexually explicit, scatological, and ad hominem trolling. It really tarnishes the luster of an otherwise intellectual experience.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 12:22:12 am
So THIS would be problematic for you?
Riley V
12/1/2018 03:53:50 am
Agreed. I quit reading the blog for a couple of months because of the insulting comments.
Scott David Hamilton
11/30/2018 10:26:07 am
"his credentials beyond that are not given, and Wolter later says that Tilton alone can choose whether to share them"
11/30/2018 10:37:08 am
Tilton is supposedly helping Wolter "vet" this nonsense. In doing so he has sent the work to his unknown Scottish Masonic "Scholars", it's their credentials that are being questioned.
Doc Rock
11/30/2018 10:49:33 am
I just took another look at the discussion. Looks like Muir was pushed enough that she finally came up with the name of a legitimate expert who was involved in the project--a medievalist in Wales. But if I follow the comments correctly this person's main contribution was to agree with Muir that a cave would be a good place for Templars to hide.
Joe Scales
11/30/2018 12:37:32 pm
I just find it funny that Wolter thinks the term "masonic scholars" has some sort of accreditation beyond knowing a bunch of stuff about Freemasonry.
11/30/2018 03:17:51 pm
That's all he has got left, masonic scholars, no real academic or scientist will touch him with a ten foot pole.
Riley V
12/1/2018 04:10:52 am
I too questioned the idea of “Masonic scholars”, especial ones that can read Old English (pre-1066). I ain’t buying it. Especially for $40.
12/1/2018 10:17:05 am
Riley V,
11/30/2018 10:39:32 am
I've been a huge fan of this blog for years and I've never posted but I want to second what GDAVE just said. This one poster has almost single-handedly wrecked civil discourse on here.
Fast Eddie Tilson
11/30/2018 11:01:56 am
I agree with you about GDAVE's comments. It is sad that a poster like "American Cool/Disco Dan", who changed his handle from "Americanegro", can come onto a blog site and almost completely wreck it for others and Jason Colavito seems powerless to take any action. Because of his action, Mr. Colavito has lost a lot of readers and people who would post on his site who have something to truly comment on the subjects. Why come on to a site to subject yourself to insults. I am certain that "American Cool/Disco Dan" will come onto this site to insult those who have written in to complain. I am of the opinion he does not consider this to be Jason Colavito's blog, but his.
11/30/2018 11:39:39 am
Yes, G'DAVE has hit it about right. However, I'll continue to read and enjoy Mr Colavito's blog for the interesting and knowledgeable writing he puts down. I'm a little in awe of Mr Colavito's breadth of knowledge on the subjects that he writes of.
11/30/2018 12:44:09 pm
Jason, I've been reading your blog for some time and only recently started posting an occasional comment. I enjoy most of the content, but have not usually commented unless I had a question or felt I had something to add. Much of your recent work on the Sinclaire/Muir/Wolter stuff is beyond my ken, so I've mostly stayed out of it.
11/30/2018 01:44:20 pm
I appreciate all of the comments about the comments section. I will devote tomorrow's blog post to questions about comments. Let's go back to discussing today's topic here.
11/30/2018 02:03:57 pm
Jason and all,
Shane Sullivan
11/30/2018 02:36:24 pm
"Also—the typical form should be Templar Free State, on the model of the Congo Free State, though a genocidal colonial regime is probably not the right model for your imaginary medieval pagan hippie commune."
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 03:57:33 pm
Fortunately things are much better now in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 04:40:40 pm
Doc Rock
11/30/2018 08:23:35 pm
For the sake of full disclosure you should have added that you were forced to turn to civility as a last resort after all else failed. And I just don't see it lasting all that long since this is about the third time in the last year or so that you have been ID'ed by multiple people as the main problem child at the kiddie table.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 09:42:10 pm
@Doc Rock: No, I went with civility because making fun of your alcoholism and fascination with children got old, and au fond, you don't seem like a bad guy and you appear to want to keep Chief Grondine in line.
Doc Rock
11/30/2018 10:40:11 pm
I just realized this is kind of a strange new twist. Someone had to hijack this thread to protest the kiddie table constantly hijacking threads and now the kiddie table is trying to hijack the thread even though it is already all about them hijacking the thread from someone who first hijacked the thread to keep them from hijacking the thread.
E.P. Grondine
11/30/2018 08:30:44 pm
"I'm not a huge pussy"
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 09:57:40 pm
Oh, hell yeah, Chief. Less than a week old. I've pointed out that you, little teapot, short and stout, in spite of spouting bullshit about the "native oral tradition" IGNORE the fieldwork of NATIVE David Cusick from the 1820s with regard to the STONISH GIANTS whom he explicitly says are INDIANS from the interior of the North American content.
11/30/2018 10:12:37 pm
Banishment is not necessary for American Cool Disco Dan (ACDD). I have seen his type of behavior many times and it comes from an axe to grind, sense of entitlement and a regret for not continuing education beyond the first step when he should have. It's very common among those who think like a 25 year old, but still haven't succeeded in anything. In ACDD's case, much more math was needed to master his subject, and the BS in Math is essentially useless unless coupled with a real useful degree like Engineering anyway.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 12:15:38 am
Oh, Bezalel. Second incarnation, was originally Americanegro but decided that was too confrontational. There's no 4 or 5. You, my friend, have posted all kinds of crazy nonsense so don't get started. I have used the same fake email from jump street, where your mama lives. And yes, I am or ares depending on your preference, black. Do I sound too stupid to be black or too smart? Pick one, quick!
11/30/2018 11:32:50 pm
You should probably switch to using Disqus or Facebook comments. If you are using Weebly (?) I believe it's a configuration setting. It would remove the "anonymity" of posters and people couldn't hijack user names (yours included) and maybe give more options to block users.
Priceless Defender
12/1/2018 01:08:25 am
I have to agree with everyone's comments to a certain degree. I too have been reading this blog for 3-4 years. There are some very interesting discussions on topics from a wide variety of academic disciplines. Then along comes the Pidgeon Chess Masters, discusting the enlightened minds, and completely killing the discussion.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 04:19:51 am
Enough about your sexual fantasies or whatever that was. But PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MONTRESOR, learn to spell "pigeon" won't you?
Priceless Defender
12/1/2018 12:37:32 pm
It's intentional dude. I'm not wanting to offend the birds with the comparison. I still have to walk underneath them as they fly.
12/1/2018 04:19:30 pm
If you "Look Inside" (page 4) Muir's Book on Lulu, it appears now that she intends to write 20 books in this series.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 05:12:55 pm
Look on the bright side; there is now a thriving self-publishing and vanity press industry that employs a lot of people one way or another. As long as people like Muir "publish" 20 volumes sets of nonsense the people employed in those industries will have jobs.
12/1/2018 05:31:36 pm
The more I see the more ridiculous this book is, why were the Templars hiding away in the Wemyss caves between 1373 and 1388 ?
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 06:29:27 pm
From what I have seen in the pictures, the caves appear to be just a step or two up from rock shelters. Shallow caves that are probably known to everybody in the general areas are not the best places to hide for extended periods. Certainly not good spots to be in if a lot of people with bad intent are supposed to be after you.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 07:07:36 pm
While I continue to adhere to my "Scott Wolter is an idiot" rule of thumb I think the self-publishing industry is a good thing. It's Wolter's constant lying I cannot abide.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/4/2018 12:14:23 am
"You should have taken up knitting"
12/2/2018 04:51:43 pm
I say again, from before, what is Muir and Wolter's angle? They won't become rich from the sum of half baked book sales. Scott does not have a current History show. They can't hope to get fame out of some now discarded papers, conveniently destroyed long ago. Similar to Oak Islands non existent treasure, there is not there....there.
12/2/2018 06:32:50 pm
Word has it there may be a show in the offing for Wolter.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 06:59:08 pm
12/3/2018 10:53:32 am
Regarding Terry Tilton's credentials:
Doc Rock
12/3/2018 09:04:46 pm
An undergrad degree in German from Bemidji would probably qualify one to follow the dialogue in a Hogan's Heroes re-run. Not sure how it would be applicable to vetting the Sinclair Diary.
12/3/2018 09:09:27 pm
He knows a Mason, who knows a Mason, who is from Scotland,,,
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 11:55:50 pm
When you're right, you're right,
Priceless Defender
12/3/2018 02:56:01 pm
While I, highly doubt the authenticity of these journals, and in no way endorsing them, Wolter's use of Masonic Scholars makes some degree of sense. These unnamed people would have access to private libraries not available to the public. Same as Vatican Scholars would have access to private Catholic libraries. Possibly even the alleged Vatican Secret Library. Not sure why it's always called secret, when everyone knows about it, and it's no longer in the Vatican.
12/3/2018 03:32:05 pm
Wolters use of unidentified "Masonic Scholars" is nothing more than a weak attempt to add some sort of legitimacy to his latest fantasies.
Priceless Defender
12/3/2018 03:45:31 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 08:11:57 pm
I have books no one else has. It means nothing.
Priceless Defender
12/3/2018 09:19:48 pm
The sky must be falling. This is the third time I agree with you. Either, I'm going to get struck by lightning, or win the Powerball. I shall run in a zigzag pattern to the gas station. Wait...I probably shouldn't go near pumps. This could be a set up.
12/4/2018 12:37:40 am
Masonic Scholars:
Priceless Defender
12/4/2018 01:39:10 am
Wow! I did not know that about Masonry. In a way, this reminds me of my first trip to a gentleman's club. It's amazing what some people are willing to do for a dollar. Just $1.
12/4/2018 11:10:37 am
Priceless Defender:
Priceless Defender
12/5/2018 10:25:31 am
12/5/2018 11:24:31 am
When you look at Prof. Weiblens report don't forget to remember Wolters recent comment to me where he willfully lies.
Priceless Defender
12/5/2018 11:44:27 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/5/2018 05:43:02 pm
I would like to hear the story about why Yahoo deleted your email account.
Priceless Defender
12/5/2018 07:00:20 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/5/2018 07:25:53 pm
"2. The idea of monotheistic dualism can be traced to Zecharia Sitchin. He literally coined the term."
Priceless Defender
12/7/2018 07:06:16 pm
I can't speak with certainty about anything pre-1977 when my power of reading manifested. I don't rely on Sitchin for anything. He must not have been aware of the Astronomer Priests tracking orbits other than the planets. Interesting books at the time.
Mike Morgan
12/10/2018 09:29:02 pm
Jim & Joe Scales, Et al
12/10/2018 11:27:18 pm
That was a peer review ?
Joe Scales
12/11/2018 10:16:45 am
Wonder how he feels about calcite?
12/11/2018 07:38:25 pm
Calcite, biotite, soil PH balance, I'm sure Wolters versions of his reports that this fellow saw are as censored as his blog comments.
Joe Scales
12/12/2018 09:26:19 am
Well, someone ought to ask for a complete litany of all the chemical, mechanical and environmental processes the rock had been exposed to over the last hundred years or so and how it would affect his judgment if unknown.
12/5/2018 11:51:11 am
A nice read refuting all the bogus claims about Henry Sinclair.
Joe Scales
12/5/2018 01:49:29 pm
Very funny scene on Curse of Oak Island last night where the
12/5/2018 03:58:53 pm
Great, Wolter will be choked with jealousy, he has been dirting Oak Island at every opportunity.
Joe Scales
12/5/2018 04:53:43 pm
I really do wonder if Zena's son sold all that junk, or just gave it away to be on tv. Either way, he looked happy that it was gone.
12/5/2018 05:08:07 pm
I would say, what could it possibly be worth ? But then, didn't they pay $10.000 for a fake sword ?
Joe Scales
12/5/2018 06:46:36 pm
Given such precedent, 10K would have to be the opening bid. And who knows... maybe the Laginas outbid Wolter. Hence his disappointment with his late contemporary's "work".
12/5/2018 09:09:30 pm
I wonder who gets to "vet" Zena's mountainous stacks of notes, books and documents. That has "career" written all over it for someone like Barkhouse, instead of his role of nodding sagely every once and a while.
Joe Scales
12/13/2018 11:35:35 am
Rick Lagina gets to do the vetting now that he's a fellow "Researcher"!
12/16/2018 10:06:44 pm
I see Wolters geologist buddy has added some more meat, including photos, to his "peer review" in Wolters latest blog entry.
12/16/2018 10:30:29 pm
Oops bumped the reply button accidentally
Vanessa Barnes
1/16/2019 05:49:57 pm
You know, I read Ms. Muir's book and she clearly states in the introduction that it's very possible that the journals were copied during the Civil War to preserve what they said. True, it doesn't take a genius to copy something, but it does take someone who is literate and in the 1860s, those people were far and few between in Greene Co., TN, where I live. They're a bunch of high hillbillies, and I love them all! And yes they took them to qualified experts in Scotland. That was said too in the book, but OH! You DIDN'T READ IT!!! Duh!
3/13/2019 01:56:41 pm
Vanessa Barnes/Shirley Taylor/Diana Muir/numerous other aliases,
I recently conducted my own investigation into Diana's alleged discover of the Sinclair / Weems journals. Turns out, she has a lifelong history of making similar extraordinary claims. Please see my blog post for more info:
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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