Former television personality Scott F. Wolter might be a “former” TV host no more. Wolter made an appearance with Freemason and esoteric practitioner John Logan Parsons III on a podcast devoted to modern Templarism, which he linked on his Twitter account, and during the podcast he said he is in talks for a new TV series about—what else?—the Knights Templar. The podcast is a production of the so-called Templar Collegia, an apparently small esoteric organization in San Francisco that is under the jurisdiction of what it calls the Order of the Temple of Secret Initiates, a group run by Timothy W. Hogan, an alchemist and mystic who bills himself as “the grandmaster of the Knights Templar,” according to the Templar Collegia Facebook page. Wolter, who recently joined the Masons, said that he is now involved with Masonic Templarism and participates in “esoteric retreats” with Hogan to “share knowledge.” Wolter announced that he is working with a new television production company and is actively pitching a new series that “would reveal new information about the Knights Templar.” That information, he said, is related to the set of fictitious documents first reported in Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers that purport to be medieval records of the Templars. Those documents were also discussed in Zena Halpern’s recent book (see my review: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), where it became obvious that they were most likely fictional modern texts. Indeed, a couple of people who had firsthand experience with the characters involved told me that that hoaxer had intended the documents to be part of a novel.
At the end of the podcast, Wolter said that the proposed television show, and/or companion book would also establish beyond doubt that Henry I Sinclair, Earl of Orkney visited America in 1398 and buried indescribable treasure there without leaving a single trace anywhere in the historical record: “The details of that story we now understand, and it is amazing. When we bring it out, we want to do it the right way and have people take it in and think about it, and, yeah, I’d love to have Donald Trump be the first guy to read that. But the problem is that he’s so ADD that he’d never take the time. He doesn’t read anything.” The story of Henry I Sinclair was fabricated largely in the nineteenth century as a result of eighteenth century speculation about the identity of the fictional character Zichmni in the hoax Zeno Narrative of the sixteenth century. Wolter added that he participates in “Druid ceremonies” and has begun the process of joining the Grange. He said that “just loves” pagan, esoteric, and mystical ceremonies and he has embraced the Sepher Yetzirah, an early Jewish mystical text used in Kabbala. Kabbala is “just fantastic,” he said. He also praised the musician Prince as a “genius” with “true integrity beyond his talent” and declared him his favorite “modern figure.” He added that Prince “would have benefited” from joining the Templar Collegia or Freemasonry, which he said would likely have saved his life. He added that to be a “modern day Templar” is to engage in “the search for truth,” and he again suggested that Templar affiliated individuals should run for political office. Wolter said that he has fully embraced Western esoterica and is actively pursuing mystical knowledge. He added that the United States is the New Jerusalem of Revelation, implying that embracing his brand of mysticism creates transcendence. Wolter said that he knows of many political leaders who support Masonic esoteric mysticism, and he said that his proposed TV show had as its purpose “to bring forth this truth and help them understand what truly happened.” If we are meant to understand the unclear pronoun them as politicians from the preceding thought, that sounds a lot like saying wants to use his show to try to foment a New Age religious revolution. He stated that the Masons are the source of American salvation, attributing to them freedom, liberty, and peace and suggesting that only Masonic influence can restore America. He also said, on a different topic, that the world is overpopulated and by educating women we can convince them not to have children and thus reduce the population. He repeated his usual claims about the Kensington Rune Stone and its requisite attacks on all those who disagree with Wolter (“criticism for the sake of criticizing”), adding odd claims that “certain people” were “unduly influencing” the late Richard Nielsen, Wolter’s former writing partner, whom Wolter believes came to disagree with him out of “ego” and jealousy of Wolter’s TV career. He added that there is so much material about Templar secrets that he fears he will not live long enough to read it all. He claims that his embrace of mysticism and Kabbala emerged from the Kensington Rune Stone, whose magical numbers are, he believes, Kabbalistic. He now believes that the Kensington Rune Stone is an example of “Hebrew mysticism” and “Egyptian mysticism” and only by embracing these faith traditions and pagan magic can he fully experience full communion with Templars. He described fringe history as the pursuit of “truth and happiness,” and he said that developing new Templar theories produces deep satisfaction and sense of joy that he otherwise lacked. He chided those who disbelieve as being “not ready” for the ecstatic happiness of esoteric revelation. He suggested that over time everyone would gradually come to embrace this happiness. This is what it always boils down to, isn’t it? It always comes down to a personal search for faith and community, not facts. I knew that it wouldn’t be possible for Wolter’s pretended objective geological approach to fake history to stay too far removed from Hermes Trismegistus and the Watchers. Now he is a sort of New Age wizard-priest, reimagining history through lens of magical ideology. Ancient astronaut theorists, New Agers, Nephilim theorists, lost civilization believers, everyone is trying to find some way to believe in something in a world that can at times feel hostile to traditional forms of faith. What all this has in common, though, is the subordination of facts to faith.
8/8/2017 09:53:41 am
Never in U.S. history has anyone lied like Scott Wolter! Just a big lying baby! Was baby Wolter's TV show voted the best show in the history of shows? I don't think so! So who's got the biggest show now, BABY WOLTER? I can READ enough to know that the Templars were losers just like you. Yes, I can ADD! And I can SUBTRACT too!
the bonk
5/3/2018 12:30:24 am
Yeah right call someone a liar without any supporting facts. Who is the real lying baby? You...the real LOSER
9/20/2018 01:32:30 am
The templars weren't losers I'm a templar
Eirik Sinclair
10/27/2018 07:42:09 am
1. America was discovered between 1300-1200 BC by Phoenicians, the Greenland Sagas commenced in 1200 BC.
8/8/2017 10:47:50 am
At least two or three episodes of America Unearthed showed a little skepticism. What has happened to you Scott? Once all the bullshit took hold all traces of rationality seem to have gone out the window.
8/8/2017 10:57:15 am
I have figured it out. I have finally nailed it. Scott Wolter is channeling the late Timothy Leary, the researcher who first became a disciple of LSD. He is living in his own world, without a care in the world. Go for it Scott!
8/15/2017 01:44:23 am
I actually had the exact same thought when reading this. Wolter did some LSD recently.
Shane Sullivan
8/8/2017 11:10:41 am
"He described fringe history as the pursuit of “truth and happiness,” and he said that developing new Templar theories produces deep satisfaction and sense of joy that he otherwise lacked. He chided those who disbelieve as being “not ready” for the ecstatic happiness of esoteric revelation. He suggested that over time everyone would gradually come to embrace this happiness."
8/8/2017 11:11:04 am
This really is the perfect move for an egomaniac like Wolter. Tired of defending your flawed ideas against your mental superiors? Claim that you're now the beneficiary of hidden, higher-level arcane knowledge that nobody else aside from your inner circle is privy to. That way, when your ideas are met with a healthy dose of skepticism, you can dismiss your critics as "not worthy". Great marketing tool. Allows Wolter to never again argue with skeptics, for doing so would be to reveal knowledge you have sworn to keep secret. It also allows his followers a feeling of divine superiority.
8/8/2017 11:30:27 am
Pot,,meet crack.
8/8/2017 11:33:34 am
Templar Grandmaster? Druid Grange? Might as well have these guys make up space titles. They would be as catchy. How about Moon Emperor, or Martian Canal Master, or knight himself and claim he is royalty. Oh, he tried to do that. Podcast is a long way from back on TV. It would be a hoot to watch him blather again on TV though, especially cluelessly with his new friend, about things he had no clue as to what they are.
8/8/2017 10:21:19 pm
Under-Assistant Treasure Force Commander?
Andy White
8/9/2017 07:28:17 am
Under-Assistant TO the Treasure Force Commander.
Joe Scales
8/8/2017 11:55:13 am
Folks might have missed this when Wolter stupidly made it available on his blog when claiming it amounted to "peer review":
Harold Edwards
8/9/2017 11:02:47 am
All of this reminds me of the Three Stooges routine: "Niagara Falls! Slowly I turned ... step by step ... inch by inch ..."
8/9/2017 02:20:04 pm
Mr. Edwards- were any notes taken by you as to Wolter's steps to testing- are they available for review? How can anyone check for inaccuracies or do replications if not accessable?
Harold Edwards
8/9/2017 03:17:58 pm
I worked in Wolter's lab, American Petrographic Testing, from the fall of 2001 to the fall of 2003. I can discuss what was done then: Although Wolter was president of the company, most of the work was performed by others in the lab. All these individuals had bachelors degrees in geology. Wolter also has a B.S. I have a Ph.D. for what is worth. A Ph.D. does not necessarily give superior knowledge. However it does train an individual in the methods of scientific research. Wolter was basically a salesman who interacted with customers. He did little of the actual work. I am not trying to belittle him, but explain his role. Furthermore most of the work was obtained through the sister company, American Engineering Testing. APS occupied a small suite of rooms int AET's building. About half the work was counting the air bubbles in polished concrete cores. This was to make sure there was air entraining agents (detergents) in the cement. Numerous air bubbles reduce cracking and other damage by freeze-thaw to concrete. This is time consuming, but it takes little skill to do this work. You could be taught to do it in a few hours. About half the work was characterizing the rocks in gravel and sand used as the raw material for concrete. This takes a little more skill. You would need to have geologist's training through the junior year in college. Still, as they say, it is not rocket science. The remaining work was one-off projects. If sophisticated equipment was needed such as x-ray diffraction or scanning electron microscopy, it was farmed out to other labs or taken to an outside lab to observe its technician do the work.
8/9/2017 04:33:50 pm
Now you've done it!
Harold Edwards
8/9/2017 05:17:48 pm
8/9/2017 05:44:11 pm
Cool your jets, dude. No one asked about your identity or credentials or your grudge. I don't have any problems with the big company or for that matter Wolter's shop, and thank you for the links.
Joe Scales
8/9/2017 05:49:27 pm
"Wolter was basically a salesman who interacted with customers. He did little of the actual work."
Harold Edwards
8/9/2017 06:03:45 pm
The problem the "editors" have for the company newsletter is having enough material to fill an issue. They are probably grateful for Wolter's input.
8/11/2017 01:30:59 am
Even if that output is the literary, scientific, and historical equivalent of a dung beetle's breakfast?
8/11/2017 03:57:37 pm
Nothing by Wolter in their Summer issue. Maybe they smartened up. One thing I know for sure is that no one sent the company president an email pointing out that Wolter is an idiot.
An Over-Educated Grunt, M.Eng., PE
8/10/2017 12:20:05 pm
Of course, we're talking about a man who thought he could publicly claim with a straight face that he used AASHTO standards for the analysis of highway aggregates to date the Bat Creek Stone.
Joe Scales
8/10/2017 09:48:59 pm
Yes, because such standards are for professionals doing real work in the field (of construction) which hold up in a Court of Law, as opposed to some ivory tower, soft-science dogma spouted by tenured eggheads overly protective of their own paradigms and too fearful of challenging the status quo.
Bob Jase
8/8/2017 12:28:58 pm
“would reveal new information about the Knights Templar.”
Only Me
8/8/2017 01:08:05 pm
So, what happened to geology being a "real" or "hard" science? What happened to the reliance on his expertise for thousands of independent investigations and his testimony in court cases, his work on the Pentagon post-9/11? What happened to the forensic geologist who would put up his books and papers as evidence against any skeptical criticism?
8/8/2017 03:07:15 pm
Harrumph. Wolter is an idiot. And with this psychological profile, it's clear that he's finally snapped completely, or maybe just come out of the closet about it. John Logan Parsons III? L'il Jackie Parsons? Any relation to the guy who blew himself up? The sex magic guy? Probably not, he was John Whiteside Parsons. But his birthname was "Marvel" which starts with M, so it's probably true.
8/8/2017 06:32:38 pm
With the M in the name he would be right out of a Dan Browne book, holding a masonic tool in the shape of a hookex ex. They would dub the St. Doesn't Clare of Nothingham.
Titus pullo
8/8/2017 09:27:12 pm
Maybe Scot Wolter is just playng the believers for money. He is self employed and foremsic geology might be big in supply amd small in demand
8/8/2017 11:56:04 pm
I suppose Wolter doing a slow fade into obscurity would be too much to hope for. On the bright side, it sounds as if he's sliding hard and fast into full blown delusion, so it should provide plenty of material for fodder.
Ian C
8/9/2017 06:34:53 am
Oh please? Not more America Unearthed BS.
Joe Scales
8/9/2017 10:24:48 am
"In talks" for a new tv series isn't exactly the same as "in" a new television series. Given his last Pirate/Templar debacle, which was dead on arrival considering their silver treasure was determined to be a hunk of lead, I can't see anyone investing money in this guy. Certainly not his old television production company.
8/9/2017 01:47:41 pm
could all of this just be simply sour grapes? He courted Halpern for years for her work..when her work was shown, along with herself on another History channel show...he turned on her... all because he was not center stage. Jealousy- whether you agree with their premis--will send someone down the path he is now retreating to.
8/9/2017 10:11:35 pm
And what he calls "peer review" in this instance is "I sent a draft to someone (ZH) and they advised me to completely reorganize it, put some stuff in and for God's sake leave some stuff out".
8/11/2017 08:13:24 pm
Sorry, I messed up. I said "(ZH)" and should have said "(AK)". Je m'excuse. But Wolter is still an idiot.
8/10/2017 07:07:25 am
Funny people in USA. They don´t know the world history and do not care. Many are under-educated,aggressors like you see Trump haters and fight against anything that they or someone tells them they should not like, right or wrong this even though ancient history books, monuments they see daily in front of them like DC that show history is right.
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/10/2017 09:48:04 am
Given that Erik the Red wss outlawed and fled for Greenland because of an illegal duel, yes, I'd agree that the Norse colonization of the Americas was due to a loudmouth aggressor. Hell, given that Norwegian direct rule and the end of the Icelandic Commonwealth came because of a series of blood feuds that led to the breakdown of law (or have you not read your own sagas?), complaining about American aggressors is particularly rich.
8/10/2017 06:35:26 pm
I have read our sagas and old diplomas very few have seen until last years. I do not believe there was big Icelandic settlement in NA but more like traveling buyers with permission from locals to settle as buyers.
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/11/2017 12:46:12 pm
We have lots of things that say the sagas are also unreliable, such as Kveldulf Bjalfasson turning into a wolf and being descended from a man who's half troll. They are an indicator of broad outlines. Relying strictly on saga evidence sets you up for failure.
8/13/2017 08:52:21 pm
I can see you do not like Trump. If you do I will continue.:-)
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/14/2017 09:04:04 am
As a matter of fact I don't, but more importantly it's supremely irritating to me when someone goes on about ignorant Americans as if they are superior, but then they don't even know their own history as well as I do, and I'm just a poor dumb grunt.
8/14/2017 11:43:54 am
This is not about you or me the history of ignorant scholars in USA goes almost 200 years back. Iceland had self educated scholars in sagas that they had been reading and telling sagas for hundreds of years to day we can follow follow that history through landscape like name on farms, rivers, knolls, mounds you name it. In every known saga there are many proof,s you can mock my English if you will. Scholars from best university´s in the world tell us the sagas are just stories told for amusement. How can small nation defend them. How can we when you say for example all rune-stones in USA are fake. It is not possible. Take Bardar saga Snæfellsás for example tells Giants and half giants and Gest as half Giant this saga lead´s you to lands behind Greenland. If you have read that what do you see. I see some thing very interesting. Remember also the sagas were written in Icelandic translated to danish and latin and from there to different language´s. Our language has very few basic words similar to like runes were used and in fact Runes were used well in to 20th century and lots of material still found in that format. When I say Ignorant american I take back sorry but it should have been ignorant Scholars in history.
8/14/2017 03:33:00 pm
Valdimar, you clearly have a mental illness. Would you like to tell us what it is?
8/15/2017 02:23:16 am
AMERICANEGRO There it comes again. The american way of communication. When you lack knowledge you tell people they are on drugs or have mental illness even crasy. Anyway suit your self.
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/15/2017 04:57:36 pm
Let me try to explain by parallel.
8/15/2017 06:04:28 pm
AN OVER-EDUCATED GRUNT. We are no kids anymore. They have found plenty of evidence on and around Baffin. You seem to have spent most of your time as nay sayer. You read a book and say where is the proof. I read a book and find the proof where the book tells me where are. I am happy and content with what I see and know but I know there is no way in the world to let you belive. See I flew with this engineer some way back and he said black was white I said black is black. He said how can you proof it. you tell me. This guy id dead now and I never could proof to him that Black was black. For your info this has nothing to do with Black matters.
8/16/2017 03:10:38 am
Valdimar, you clearly have a mental illness. Would you like to tell us what it is?
8/16/2017 04:57:37 am
Jane Smith
8/10/2017 11:39:33 am
The Norse abandoned their North American settlements mostly because of the weather. They arrived during the Medieval Maximum and began leaving at the start of the Little Ice Age.
8/10/2017 06:39:57 pm
Jane agree and some american native blood is found in certain families in Iceland.
8/10/2017 08:13:27 pm
Prove it.
Ian C
8/12/2017 08:23:11 pm
I've just finished watching "Vikings Uncovered". It follows the work of space archaeologist Dr Sarah she searches for evidence of Viking settlement in North America. I have to say I was dubious. They seem to be sure that the ruins found at L'Anse aux Meadows in north Newfoundland back in the 1960's is a confirmed Viking settlement. I thought the science was not yet settled on this, but I could be wrong. However, her focus was on the south-west tip of Newfoundland, at a place called Point Rosee (between Searson Bay and Capelin Cove). The site was found by infrared processing of Satellite images, and when the group got there, they discovered strong evidence of turf walls with ash residue, a fire-cracked boulder and roasted "bog" ore. All these things together apparently point to a Viking settlement. since roasting bog ore is a method use to smelt iron, they conclued that this is evidence of Vikings, since it known (apparently) that Native American cultures did not smelt iron.
8/12/2017 11:20:08 pm
Go back, rewrite that, and resubmit it.
Coco D
8/13/2017 06:25:28 pm
Personally I can't wait for him to start educating the ladies about our reckless over-populating practices.
7/7/2018 08:03:35 pm
I have whiched a lot of science channel programs and as well as the history channel and also the travel channel and all of the programs were very educational and very interesting . i also whiched america unearthed as well and it was as edcational and as interesting as all the other programs were . I feel we all have our own opinions about what we which and that is good. but i feel if you have nothing good to say about someone then it is better to say nothing at all.
9/18/2018 02:21:10 pm
While I did enjoy watching America Unearthed, there were a lot of could be and might be moments. With that in mind I classified it as entertainment and not science. Science is backed by fact and evidence, not supposition and hypothesis.
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