Note: This post is only about a specific claim Scott Wolter made prior to hosting America Unearthed. For my reviews of the show, please see my America Unearthed reviews page.
America Unearthed star Scott Wolter claims to hold a 1987 honorary master's degree in geology from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. This claim appears in his corporate biographies, and he claimed the degree in a 2009 Coast to Coast interview. He uses this as one of his credentials as a "forensic geologist," for which his primary training is a bachelor's degree in geology, awarded in 1982. I consulted the University of Minnesota, which keeps a list of all honorary degrees awarded by the University dating back to at least 1932. These awards are bestowed upon "individuals of local, statewide, national, or international prominence who have achieved distinction and recognition in public service, enterprise, philanthropy, education, science, literature, or the arts." (They are not, of course, actual academic degrees.) Scott Wolter is not on that list. He's also not on the second, independent list the college keeps. The last time the University awarded an honorary master's degree was 1956. This is not conclusive, of course. The online lists may be in error. I also consulted news accounts from 1987 and found no report of Wolter's alleged honorary degree in the commencement activities from that year. More damning? The profile of him that ran in the University of Minnesota alumni magazine in summer 2001 makes no mention of the alleged master's degree, reporting only his 1982 bachelor's degree. (Interestingly, the 2001 profile also contains Wolter's admission that he had no experience or training in examining ancient stone materials, and that his expertise was largely in scientific testing of concrete.) I could find no evidence that Wolter was ever granted the honorary degree he claims. I may have missed it, I suppose. But given the lack of evidence in any of the usual sources, it is up to Wolter to prove this degree actually exists.
Tara Jordan
1/21/2013 01:25:01 pm
Eerie occurrence but again I am not surprised. Wolter has the profile of the average pseudo intellectual hooligan. Fake academic credential,ominous ego-centrism, over-inflated sense of self-esteem,relevance,omnipotence & accomplishment. But unlike many egomaniacs, Wolter is not delusional,he is a business entrepreneur & unfortunately too many people are taking his mumbo jumbo seriously.If Wolter was only half as smart as he pretends, I would ask him to do my nails
1/22/2013 11:00:19 am
Tara Jordan
1/22/2013 04:12:03 pm
Scott. You dont have to be extravagantly smart, I am not blaming you for making money & being successful, but when you pretend to do ethno-anthroplogy & archeology,you need to know the basics. Personally (my humble opinion) I think Geologists should stick to geology, not attempting to rewrite history.
3/17/2013 01:18:56 pm
Ever notice the freemason symbol is an "X" separated and moved around. they call it the compas and square, but I say it's an "X" 3/24/2013 09:36:28 pm
@Scott F. Wolter -- you can "found things"?
Terry DIxon
4/10/2013 11:35:44 am
The ruthlessness that academic researchers use to critique others research far exceeds the criticism Scott is receiving, as it should. For the most part the criticism of researchers is accepted by those being criticized as part of the scientific process to move closer to the truth. If a researcher's theory is wrong, the researcher wants to know as they do not want to spend their life, as they plan to do, studying something they know is not accurate. A person does not have to be a PhD to conduct competent and accepted research. Just in the martial arts where a black belt represents a goal reached (not necessarily retained in the present) the PhD represents the recognition of a goal reached documenting the person holding the PhD has reached a knowledge base and understanding worthy of recognition of being awarded a PhD. I encourage anyone who wants to conduct research, degree or not, to do so. If you have access to learning the scientific process out of academia, I would encourage it to increase acceptance of your work and decrease the chance that you will promote theories that may effect the well being of society. Study what is known about the topic you are researching; state your theory; identify criteria that support and reject your theory; create research that will have outcome that will either support or reject your theory; describe procedure that other researchers can duplicate to support or reject your theory; conduct the research: summarize findings; write your conclusions; submit them to the pubic for review: enjoy the reactions, pro and con to your research recognizing you have contributed to moving closer to truth and being comfortable that all assaults to your theory can be supported by your study and those who have led to your research in the past. 5/11/2013 08:01:59 am
Scott Wolter's illustrious doctor, I was reading your story about the Maya and Georgia, and regarding some of your comments I would like to mention that:
Jose Luiz Vieira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
5/11/2013 09:16:13 pm
5/18/2013 05:34:32 am
Scott, I liked your episode on the possible burial site in the Mustang Mountains. But now, right after that, I just sat through your "Holy Grail" episode, after reading the summary description in Verizon's on-screen program guide. I don't know if they came up with this wording, or if you did, but it says your findings were "shocking." On the show, your search for the Holy Grail and for gold was a bust. There were zero shocking findings. One thing that was under your control was the use of divining rods. True, you initially described them as "controversial" (the truth is they have been debunked). But as the show progressed and you referred back to the "findings" of the divining rods, your disclaimer became weaker and weaker. Incredibly, even at the end of the show, after the gold predicted by the rods was not there, you would not admit they were a scam. Rigorous scientific training would have saved you from wasting your time on these. In sum, I'm a new viewer and I found your show interesting up to the time I realized that you cannot be a trained scientist. Now much of that interest has become doubt. We can't see what gets screened out or manipulated during editing. We have to trust you. But you can't fake your credentials and expect trust.
5/18/2013 07:19:57 am
Mr. Wolter, the lady who wrote the text about her nails was not very smart herself. If anyone really watched the history channel they would have seen that you called several different experts to verify your findings. I found the show very interesting. Please keep up the good work!! Should look up Americus Vespuchi, not sure about the spelling. What you might find out about Columbus might be surprising. Good Luck!
6/24/2013 12:25:47 pm
monte hermon (beirut)-Stonehenge (inglaterra)- salem nh (eeuu)- piramides del sol (mejico)... ?????? (y en el cielo el cinturon de boyero-bootes) 7/14/2013 12:34:32 pm
I feel that Mr. Wolter is passionate about a field of study that many are not familiar with. The possibility of a Pre-Columbian European presence in North America is a bit of a stretch but we cannot ignore the evidence;a lot of it is circumstantial and needs further scrutiny by credentialed scientists who use empirically supported evidence based practices to come to a realistic conclusion. Is it possible that a small group of English or other Europeans penetrated far in to the interior of North America? Perhaps. Is it also possible that a person with an understanding of ancient runes and methods of writing could have fabricated a stone or grave marker? Yes. We have to remember that "America Unearthed" is still a TV show, it is supposed to be interesting enough to make all of us tune in next week.
Jack Winters
8/8/2013 02:06:01 am
All I can say is degree or not, the questions that are being asked; and the exercise of challenging history and all of the s-called "academia" is something that more people should be doing. Knowledge is something that should produce a thirst; a thirst that cannot be quenched. I applaud this series and Scott for doing just that.
9/13/2013 11:12:00 pm
I have watched several episodes of this show, and I have to admit that going in, I was very excited about the prospect of seeing mainstream overturned with hard evidence. At the end of the first episode, I was astonished by a few self evident facts displayed. Fact one is that Scott makes suppositions and only then looks for supporting evidence. Fact two- every bit of 'evidence' he thinks he has found is rebuffed or dismissed by the experts he consults even though they are carefully edited to seem more accepting. Fact three is that even after hearing that that there is no way that this 'evidence' is what he hopes it is, he states how monumental it would be if such a thing were true and states his belief that, "the door on this is still open" and the clip is cut before the expert replies,"No... it's not, and the evidence proved it's not." The more experts deny his fantasy, the more vehemently he asserts that it must be true! Science is the direct OPPOSITE of denial of the truth. Fact four- At the end of every show, not one question has been answered, not one piece of real evidence has been supported, and they continually fail to find anything they are looking for, and was sure was there, even after they used the dowsing rods to make sure it was there! Lol Fact five- Anyone who even allows a dowsing rod to even be mentioned in the same sentence as science, just lost all credibility. My first thought at the end of the show was,"What? They didn't find a thing! What a joke." I have to say I am appalled and ashamed by many of the comments on this page. The most important thing to remember here is that this man is a showman... and in the words of a far more successful showman, "There is a sucker born every minute!" I could really care less whether he has framed horse manure on his wall- the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Some of these view points of Scott's 'supporters' would be more excusable 15 years ago, but now the internet is sophisticated enough that nearly anyone can research any extraordinary claims themselves. I routinely double check everything I hear on both the Science Channel and H2 and I can tell you that the majority of everything on these channels is suspect if you are looking for unassailable and incontrovertible facts. These channels deal more with controversial hypothesis and conspiracy 'theories' rather than supportable scientific theory. That anyone in this day can seriously buy into 'ancient aliens' and such after actually listening to the poop which pours from their mouths with such side grinning conviction, makes me fear for the future of mankind. Intelligent people think about the future and straining resources and have restraint on their reproduction while uneducated people who believe exciting fairy tales multiply like mindless rats! Otherwise these channels would be too embarrassed to air such travesties of the scientific method!! If there weren't billions of suckers out there, we wouldn't have corporations gouging us and paying us dirt now would we? Or a top 1% who considers us all suckers...Anyway, this is the foundation which America Unearthed is built on... Our true history probably is distorted and missing many chucks of truth, but there is a good reason for this... there is no strong evidence to the contrary and because we've been foolish enough to allow the greedy enough power to distort the truth when it serves their greed! Science is NEVER based on 'could be'. I can tell you that any serious academic will dismiss everything on this show based on everything in it! How can I tell that? Because I don't have a degree either and even I find it embarrassing how easily people are taken in by this kind of mumbo-jumbo. I study physics constantly as an amateur and have for years, so I know that anyone without formal training in the sciences is swimming deep in a dark and forbidding ocean with little chance in hades of successfully navigating it. Higher knowledge is often incomprehensible if you don't have years of the proper prerequisites and it is also true that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," because you will always draw the wrong conclusion when you are not in possession of all the facts, most of which are far above the average joe's head. The accumulated knowledge of the ages is so vast that you can spend a lifetime and never learn more than a bit of it, let alone break new ground. This makes it very easy to 'wow' and pull the wool over the eyes of the average couch potato that has not spent a minute in secondary education. My general rule of thumb is this... don't believe a word you hear from friends until you've confirmed it yourself or gotten the opinion of several people who are more knowledgeable than yourself, and don't believe a word of what you hear on TV- Period!! TV is fantasy land, not a substitute for college.
9/17/2013 05:10:15 pm
Ann Adam
11/30/2013 02:46:45 pm
Scott ~ For you to encourage conspiracy theorists shows your overriding desire for monetary gain rather than any effort to research or educate.
12/7/2013 05:19:15 pm
Scott, I would say you need to be very smart, and understand local cultures. but this isn't really why I replied. I have watched every show, and did my on research. I try to understand these things but can't always come up with an answer. However there is one thing you mentioned on the show that is a fact. You were at those big stones in Georgia and it said the population would be reduced to 500,000,000. You ask a question: "How would this be done." After researching this I found the answer, and President Bill Clinton signed this agreement on behalf of the United States while in office. The United Nations Agenda 21 is your answer. it explains how the population of the earth will be reduced to a manageable population. if that isn't New World Order, nothing is.
George A. Wojtowycz
12/15/2013 08:39:31 am
Hey Scott, I've only seen your show 5 or 6 six times, but each and every time you never seem to find what you are looking for! Maybe it's because you keep making extraordinary claims about pre-Columbian links to European history that require extraordinary evidence you've no chance of finding!
Dr Dee McGarrity
12/16/2013 02:38:39 am
I am confused about a program relating to the Arc of the covenant. The Stone of Destiny that was referred to. If I am correct the Stone of Destiny is the stone of Scone upon which the kings of Ireland were crowned. The thing is that stone went from Ireland to Scotland for the same purpose, and was stolen and taken to England. In fact Queen Elizabeth (current) was crowned on it. It has been returned to Scotland and will reside there for evermore. IT NEVER LEFT THE BRITISH ILES. I have studied the history and even used it for a basis of a poem.
John Ballas
12/16/2013 01:13:39 pm
Tara, I think it is best to agree to disagree. Because I do know many who hold a Masters or a PhD. And they all think they know everything and believe there opinion is truth. These " know it alls " write the History Books we learn from. I myself have proven the History books wrong in my own research on a campaign during the French and Indian War. And also plan to solve an archaeological mystery about it. And I will do this with my PhD in using a metal detector. And Scott, if I find the "Ark of the Covenant". I will be sure to call you first. I would love to do what you do.
Mark McLaughlin
12/21/2013 05:33:15 pm
12/29/2013 11:37:36 am
So psudo-science it is! the myan show plausible i guess logic alone makes that seem plausible. I mean if i was running a civilization in central america 1000 years ago I would follow the coast with expansion just for simple logistic reasoning trasnportation along the coast makes sense, beyond that you went into lala land a 12th centuary brit in arizona.... if you dont dig the body up then its just a hoax get the permits! do it. to hell with the permits just get a shovel and live up to the Indiana jones billing they put on you! life is not about following rules! next was the non fired clay tablet...... um umm no way it would survive 5k years simple rain watter would have whiped the slate clean in under 20 years even burried water flows threw soil and tree roots would have broken it up shoot smithsonian was right fraud! now if you want people to remotely take you seriously show some real Minoan script and same thing with the ingot sample you talk about but never show! 1/2 the dang show is filled with filler anyhow so dont tell us you did not have room to put in some relavent info shoddy work man very shoddy. The premise of the show is cool but you need to put some real science and some phds into it most of the people you interview are all sympathetic and seem scripted and look like they are a rung shy of imbreeding on the dna ladder. Do Radio carbon dateing on stuff if not then get off the air!
Paul Douglas Valentine
1/3/2014 02:44:36 am
I for one, Scott, believe you to be an extremely intellectual individual.
1/4/2014 03:12:07 pm
Oh my goodness - I read a bunch of these comments and I'm not sure what all the negativity is about. Was the blogger in the running for the host spot of the show? Why so cranky? Hey, I have a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism that is entirely irrelevant in the digital age but GUESS WHAT? It takes a lot to host a show on television and speak extemporaneously while being interesting and keeping all the information together. I've done some of it and not many people can do it. It is far easier to blog :) and hide behind a blog :) and not put yourself out there for criticism, oh and we might also consider the kind of personalities who create blogs like this, with their pictures and "about me" tabs, etc. Fascinating phenomenon with regard to ego. I prefer to live and let live. No need to "out" anyone...but there for the grace of God, go I. And let's not forget that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And let's face it - we ALL live in glass houses. Who among thee???? Jeez, I'm not even religious! I like the show. It makes me think about unusual things. So thanks, Mr. Wolter and wow, I am so, so sorry about your dad. That is incomprehensible on so many levels. 1/4/2014 03:39:19 pm
Scott, it is to bad that your show is full of BS, it had such a great appeal to the premise.
1/5/2014 12:37:25 pm
Forget their negative talk. You are too handsome not to watch!
1/11/2014 05:31:59 pm
1/11/2014 05:32:06 pm
Jason, 1/11/2014 10:36:12 pm
If I may, Trey, how does writing a couple of paragraphs a year ago constitute an obsession? Do you see it mentioned in my current reviews of the series?
Todd Venable
1/12/2014 03:06:12 am
HELLO Scott,
who cares
1/19/2014 06:31:12 am
Glad you only commented once. How much money does Jason make an episode on America Unearthed??
who cares
1/19/2014 06:38:59 am
Your show is like a jury trial: people are free to believe none, parts or all of your testimony to reach their own conclusions. I totally get the picture, some are less fortunate. Nevertheless, if people are hanging their hats on everything you claim to be true as part of your theories or research too bad for them and their closed minded experience or intellectual breakthroughs. More power too you and keep up the good work. Looking forward to snake mound as I can recall pitching this to History Channel.
1/19/2014 11:48:11 am
It appears Mr. intelligent ran out of gas. 1/22/2014 05:38:55 pm
I think all you have to be is willing and curious. I want to say to all you nay sayers out there that are so willing to run this man down without even knowing his side of things but judging him by TV are not out there trying to enlighten the knowledge of anyone. Sitting on your butts and not inspiring anything but misery. If Mr. Wolter inspires one child to be interested in something more than video games then he has got you beat hands down. So shut up and don't watch if you can't be anything other than a bully . As far as I'm concerned he and the HC got every single one of you to think and question and that is all they are doing . Know one ever said it was a show based on facts. It is a show to go and see things you normally don't see that are curiously there without a reason to be so. It is a learning opportunity for him and whom ever wants to watch to know more about your history and the continent you live on. So its not going to be factual when its all a guess. You still have to know where to go to find the answers to the questions posed and it helps if you have been exposed to a lot of people in the acedemia circle. I believe Mr. Wolter has proven he knows these people and knows how to do the research degree or no degree from a university that doesn't mean anything anyway.The degree he has does and his colleagues seem to respect the fact that he knows his rocks. What kind of degree do any of you have? Thought so!
2/1/2014 05:23:00 pm
To investigate archaeological mysteries, one doesn't have to be very smart But to prove them, one must be very smart, unless one stumbles on some previously unknown fact. I watch "America Unearthed" and find it interesting, but little is ever proved. Even the experts on the show discredit your postulations. I put it in the category of the many "alien" programs on TV, a lot of interesting theories, but little to back them up. BTW, you should improve your writing proficiency as well as your history knowledge.
Ms. JJ
2/6/2014 04:51:27 pm
I don't think the Scott Wolter from AU wrote the above comment.
2/8/2014 11:11:46 am
Steven Knivila
2/8/2014 01:47:26 pm
So you were an investigator at the Pentagon for 9/11? Now you have a television show? Paid off quite well I'd say. Where were the plane parts and what the hell happened with Building 7? That would be a much better show.
Don Orlovsky
2/9/2014 08:19:09 am
I enjoy America Unearthed--its a good show which I find to be entertaining and somewhat informative. I also find that some of the positions advanced by Mr. Wolter stimulate further inquiry. Whether he received an honorary masters degree or whether he neglected to correct an obvious typographical error in an email is quite beside the point. I do not believe someone with Scotts background would write such a paragraph. mainly I believe he would list his credentials and back up his statements not just puke them out.Also if you actually try to retype this you have to make the mistakes on purpose. Well at least on my computer, when I tried to retype the exact same thing "Scott" was suppose to have wrote the Grammar and spell checker kept correcting the errors. Its sad the people on this page are so angry , because there is someone out there who thinks we have it wrong. Your kidding me someone may have history wrong. At this very time President Obama is trying to have or schoolbooks rewritten with a left leaning overtone to insure that the massive debacles under our very liberal 20th century government are not passed on to our children so that they to can make the same mistake that has been being made for 2000 years all the way back to the roman empire.
Jason Rumsey
2/20/2014 07:07:08 pm
Hey Scott, I have just started watching the show and I have to say it is interesting to say the least. The thing that constantly baffles me is that you of all people should know the government will never let you get the "Real" truth out there, EVER. That is the way of the world and of the persons placed in power, always has and always will. I am a retired U.S. Army SGT that served for 10 years and 3 combat deployments so I know what I am talking about when it comes to government cover-up's and the like. These people will deny you because they can not or will not let the truth come to light, the ramifications of the things you investigate are far too important to the persons in power and control of this government. I do have a propitiation for you though, if you run into areas that you have been denied access I can get in, get the info and get out without detection, it's what the government trained me to do. So let me know if you could use the assistance. 2/22/2014 02:52:37 pm
Scott: Read the Book of Mormon. Not for the religious aspects, but the belief that the Polynesians started in the Old Word and settled across the islands and Mexico.
Cathie Prosser
2/27/2014 04:32:20 am
Simple, some are gifted without earning a degree. What happened to on the site learning?
7/3/2014 12:49:39 pm
Jason, have you put as much effort into determining Obama's alleged degrees, even though no professors remember him and he appears to have no college friends who remember him?
7/8/2014 05:52:42 am
Scott Wolter is obviously a charletan AND and idiot. Anyone who would seriously consider the authenticity of the Kensington Rune Stone has to have read the 1960s study by Theodore Blegen, for whom a building is named on the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis campus. In his account, Blegen relates evidence that not only disproves that the rune stone was written in medieval times by showing how the GRAMMAR used in the stone's inscription was a MODERN norse but he also shows hard evidence that several individuals perpetrated a hoax on the entire religious and academic community who had it in for specific people. It appears that Wolter is doing the same thing with his "leap" to presume the legitimacy of the rune stone in the face of such a damning study. Clearly his false credentials add little to refute my argument.
8/2/2014 08:47:36 am
A hell of a lot smarter than you Scott
Mitch Wolters
8/14/2014 11:49:42 am
The fact that you responded to this blog proves what a blowhard tool you are, that means you constant google your own name, you are the living personification of a modern day snake oil salesman. I hope you and your son get killed by a car driven by the producers of ancient aliens
8/23/2014 02:57:23 am
Who cares the show just brings possibilities to question.Alot of effort to try to damage a guy who is engages in a passion he enjoys and make money .(Someone sounds jealous) I reside in nj but grew up in my younger years in Long Island NY. I watched crew unearth tanks buried under railroad tracks in Central Islip.Why were they buried .I am talking Army tanks,they were there because they were loaded on rails for transport and someone left 3 behind so things uncovered just digging is amazing. Theres Gold 250 feet of Staten Island 40 feet underwater under rocks that haven't seen light .get your scuba gear
dean lawson
8/29/2014 08:32:36 am
Dear Scott I have some interesting artifacts you may find worthy of researching, I do not know how long it takes for sinew to mineralize; or if you can determine what animal it came from; but I have found stone tools that probably dispute the time frame for the earliest human inhabitation which is believed 12,000 to 13,000 years ago. I hope you are interested and reply . My number is 1 660 605 1771 or my son's number 1 660 605 2080. By the way; love your show
Brian Stebbins
9/11/2014 06:01:11 am
Hes just goin back to cover his tracks Jason, he would have continued to lie about until the evidence smacked him in his face
Mr. E
9/23/2014 10:52:00 am
Jimbo 226SIG
11/2/2014 08:43:23 am
Right you are Scott. She's just another jealous, non-educated moron.
M. Gonzalez
11/8/2014 07:12:23 am
It's nice that there are still some smart folks in the world that can spot the mumbo jumbo. The America Unearthed episode on Stonehenge was a joke, just not a funny one. The show is garbage and H2 is going to garbage like most of the other "science" and and "history" based channels.
Jeptha B Cobb.
11/10/2014 01:10:05 pm
Well Scott. As a Doctor of medicine, my patients expect me to be capable of having at least a cursory degree of knowledge of the human body and mind.I would be ashamed to claim to possess a degree I had not earned. Have you even considered the damage, in misinformation
11/13/2014 06:34:50 pm
Scott, I enjoy your program. I like that you stir our thoughts and ideas. There are myriads of subjects dealing with North American geology and history that are left untouched for who knows what reasons. I like that you have the spirit of adventure and healthy curiosity to tackle these fascinating subjects, and present them in an engaging manner!
david, roth
11/21/2014 07:54:01 am
A good investigative reporter will not simply rely on information from the Internet. Apparently your argument apex’s on the reliability of Internet sourced information, versus literally contacting your research contact directly and asking him for his degree? Have you done that?
Robert Goodyear
11/28/2014 12:08:45 pm
Doctor (or Master, or Bachelor, but more likely GED) Wolter.
Justin Little
12/6/2014 09:12:45 pm
Good evening Mr. Wolter,
septimius severus
1/5/2015 10:36:46 am
Dear scott, go back to school so you can learn the scientific method and the definitions of fact, evidence, hypothesis, and theory. MMMMMMMMMMMMMK THANKS A BUNCH!
1/7/2015 10:32:33 am
Linda Hart-Hyde
1/23/2015 03:55:44 am
I am truly amazed at the negative remarks. Amazing how others want to attack the work you are doing. Academics is not what it is cracked up to be anyway. Many lack common sense. I am a non-academic gal who had a wonderful career in IT Technology and Management. I am not stupid. Scott, you keep up your goal of bringing viewers closer to history and geology. The combination of the two happen to be a love of mine. Keep on bringing history and forensic geology to your fans. I will try and keep an open mind when the Jesus and Mary episode. Keep up the great work!! 😃
josh sprague
1/24/2015 01:45:01 pm
first id like to say the show is great,this is meant to make people question what they have been told,it does that.second ,to all you scholars out there using the phrase pre-columbian discovery,how can you discover a country that was already occupied?
1/24/2015 01:55:38 pm
Hi Scott,
Jack Meove
1/24/2015 06:39:10 pm
Hi Jason, Hey!, I had a thought.... I want to ask a simple question to everyone here!
1/25/2015 01:45:26 pm
Louis Sheffield
1/26/2015 02:39:32 am
Scott, what matters is that you get people excited about history and science. That's awesome. These people are fact junkies. So here's a fact. Cavalito, Tara and Richard LaFortune are all assholes. Thank you Scott for your efforts.
1/30/2015 11:05:42 am
Who cares if you have a handy dandy ulta-degree. You know what you are doing in forensic geology. I remember growing up and the cave on a part of the property was used for the Underground Railroad. Ohio/Pa border. My Dad never wanted the yard dug up! After the incident, I was hooked on geology and history. Whatever you are doing to create and feed into an exciting past time......KEEP IT UP!!! CONGRATULATIONS!
1/31/2015 11:28:19 pm
Wow, I like the show but now I'm shocked. 1- SFWolter can provide his credentials. I think that would put all the education to rest. 2- one thing I believe to be the truth is; history is NOT what we've been taught.
1/31/2015 11:32:23 pm
Here's something to ponder... Why aren't we allowed on government land? Does that land not belong to us? Regardless if we could get hurt. What ever happened to personal responsibility? Ya'll keep a pushin for more big government, soon they will be at your dinner table, literally!
2/13/2015 02:37:48 pm
scott I think its clear with the stolen bolder thare are freemason members possably the core of the group or something closer to the origine that comes from the disbanded Templars that is hard at work today to keep thare secrets possably living proff of offspring from not so godly jesus with a great deal of power in the united states
dave francis
2/14/2015 03:03:07 pm
Scott. Her bigger point was that it is clearly much more important for you to be found correct in your sometimes outlandish theories..and this is a clear sign of your egomania. I realize that sometimes in order to have a voice you need an assertive demeanor...but straight up in your face in clear violation of the scientific method is no way to ensure your place among the scholars. The show tells me that just like a Bigfoot chaser or UFO tend to embrace any leads or ideas that enhance your own sense of dirrction. lie about your credentials immediately nullifies you from any name of scientist and reduces you to what you truly are. entertainer and fraudster hiding under the long established skirts of the scientific method and those who have actually earned the right to voice their opinions.
John Baxter
2/27/2015 12:05:48 am
The smartest men in history didn't rely on a Vatican education. Scholastic memorizing does nothing for society but to be a better slave to the system. People like Scott are breaking out from being a slave. No one will teach you because they don't want you to learn. In fact most of the stolen records sit below the Vatican and for thousands of years thats where the worlds knowledge is. Thats why they control religion and every other part of our life. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates didn't finish college. Are you going to discredit them? College means nothing in this world, just that you were a slave to an education system that is meant to enslave ordinary man. Tara, there are no archaeologist that could fit your concept of what an archaeologist is. The will simply follow academia and discredit anyone. Tara your world is still flat youre living in an ancient time where knowledge was not given to you. Again Scott its not the critic you counts but the man in the arena. I would take this as haters trying to knock you off your horse.
2/27/2015 11:11:25 pm
We need to speak me on facebook Sonof Mankind look for the ribbon.
3/1/2015 02:47:34 pm
You tell em scott! Love the show and youre work! I have a suggestion to silence all your critics and naysayers. This is what i do. Im frequently contacted by individuals in my line of work that want me to send them my resume ALONG w references. In the past, ive done this a few times to only be then given further runaround or not hear anything at all. My solution? Now when i'm contacted i say SURE! Id LOVE to send you that info. Im gonna need $100.00 NON REFUNDABLE to do it. Since youre now famous (which is a big reason why i suspect youve acquired naysayers) you could charge, hell, $1000.00 if you want????? Its amazing to me you find out VERY quickly who is a jackass wasting your time or who is actually willing to put their money where their mouths are... CHEERS! keep up the good stuff!!! 3/3/2015 08:39:30 pm
You come off as a sensationalist reporter. I think most of your stuff is made up along with other people that think like you. I believe you know very little about true history but I do believe you got the capitalist way of thinking nailed. That's right you don't have to be very smart. You just have to figure out how to take people for a ride for.
Rick Tobin
3/6/2015 10:49:35 am
Please contact me regarding the Peralta stones. You got snookered....but I have something else that might pique your interest.
3/14/2015 01:31:20 pm
First off, I don't think that comment is actually Scott Wolter. Secondly, either way he has a degree, and most things in life are learned and based off of experience, education only takes you so far. He is one of the more legitimate scientists out there correcting history. You cannot tell me you believe everything that was pushed down our throats from the same couple publishers who publish their own opinions as history. Draw your own theories in life, don't try to put others down and disprove people. If you spent your time trying to develop your own thoughts and theories instead of putting others down it would be much more beneficial.
Dave J.
3/19/2015 08:40:35 am
Well, I can't say I'm intelligent enough to dispute Scott's findings. Although, my wife and I find the program entertaining, interesting, makes us think of what could be and what may be. Some of the most outrageous breakthrough's in science have been made by people who just asked questions. Many without Phd's, MS, BS or AS even. Now give Scott a break peeps. He has come out with some interesting questions and brought out some great personalities. With everyone commenting on this site 'negatively mostly' as I have scanned. Obviously Scott has at the very least has a following. More then many people have. And Scott doesn't defame, comment negatively to or about others. Just listen and enjoy the show at the very least. IF you think Scott is a 'con artist' or perhaps worse, the just don't watch the show, simple! " Let Ye with NO SIN cast the first stone! " ... I'm guessing as I read the comments that there are many 'virgins' without any sin! ?
3/30/2015 11:11:41 pm
Hang in there Scott..your program is enjoyable and informative!
Zacarias Valles III
3/31/2015 12:15:11 am
Wow if that is great intellect the world is fucked.
lynette doss
6/5/2015 05:01:00 am
Are you people serious, you all talk about how dumb scott wolter is, yet you beleive heacrually responded toyour comments lol 6/8/2015 05:15:38 pm
Sharon Anderson
7/8/2015 09:27:35 am
I believe in you. Da Vinci code. I'm from Ohio and seen serpent mounds many times. My grandfather was a free Mason and active in mtngs. Grandma was an Eastern Star. But never talked about it. Never knew what it was about. A boyfriend of mine, we were 19 at the time, was seeking to get into Masons, as his father had been one, but died when my friend was 12. Friend went to "classes" and had someone "introduce, or recommend" he enter. Saw his public coronation or whatever it's called. Once accepted he never spoke of it. This was in 1966. All these things interest me, because of correlations in my life.
7/30/2015 06:05:44 am
Hello Scott,
A. Hick
8/3/2015 12:09:08 pm
What's scary is that Minnesota gives out "professional geologist" licenses to someone with only a Bachelor's degree. This raises a question of how many states are that lax in licensing geologists, or is the field of "professional" geology (as opposed to academic geosciences) not equivalent to the fields of history or archeology? I can tell you that under no standard is a BA acceptable for consideration as a "professional" historian or archeologist.
Raymond D. Howard
8/13/2015 03:41:48 am
9/9/2015 12:12:28 pm
Scott u keep it up history is not what it seems ,history changes everyday people like u standing up and saying wait this is not right and when u say wait a minute it encourages other people to prove u wrong to me this encourages science real science keep it up look forward to learn more from u...good luck
9/16/2015 04:33:15 pm
Once upon a time, the world was flat. Once upon a time the sun revolved around the earth. Once upon a time we were the entire cosmos.
Gary--Retired NYPD
9/19/2015 09:05:45 pm
Scott---Once a "Liar" always a "Liar"---once You "Lie" about "Little Things" ie "Phony Honorary Diploma" You tend too always lie about the Big Stuff---I am surprised that the "History & Discovery" channels did not "Fire Your Ass" for lieing too them & the public
10/17/2015 10:17:03 am
You all fail to recognize that degrees seldom have anything to do with intelligence and more to do with opportunity, financial ability, and the time that is also generally afforded also with financial ability and of course support from family. Some have been fortunate enough to have these things. I know many that would beat people with a Masters degree on an intelligence test, but don't even have an Associates degree. As for Mr. Colter, he seems to be very intelligent in my opinion.
10/17/2015 01:33:58 pm
I believe drive and commitment means more than a slip of paper. I don't have a master's and I have an IQ of 160. I would put my intelligence up against anyone that has a piece of paper saying they studied one or two things. Life teaches us more than schooling can. That being said, I believe going to school does make you knowledgeable about certain things a layman like myself could benefit from. Scott has proven to me, personally, to be all he needs to be to do what he does. One thing I believe in is passion. It can take you further than many things.
Eric Mosby
10/18/2015 12:08:09 am
10/18/2015 02:09:01 am
Gooch, once upon a time, the world was flat. And ONE man said differently and was proclaimed insane. Once upon a time the sun circled earth. But once again, this was misproven.
Ge Ki
10/18/2015 09:27:06 am
Krisi - So happy for you that you have a "personal" relationship with Wolter, but the issue here is not "a slip of paper." The issue, which you'll see in the title of this page, is that Wolter lied about his credentials.
Ron L.
10/24/2015 05:10:16 pm
Scott. I know dome of the decendents of the St.Clairs who lived aroind the Tucson, Az area. There is apparently still some land that passed down. I have heard all my life about their French roots.
10/27/2015 03:56:26 pm
Scott, why don't you tell everyone you are a jew before saying you are presenting unbiased evidence?
11/9/2015 02:55:11 pm
Well Scott as an archaeologist working for federal land management agencies for the last 18 years, w/ real degrees in Anthropology (that would mean, degrees that I actually worked for), as well as a minor in geology from the very same UMD program you went to, I'd have to say after all these years studying and working at archaeology, you need quite a bit of smarts to be adequate. Quite a bit.
11/9/2015 11:52:05 pm
Thx Bill; response from Scott?
Rose McDonald
11/21/2015 01:30:05 pm
12/12/2015 07:18:04 pm
Am I seriously the only one that doesn’t think this is actually Scott? Cheers for sticking up for him, but I really don’t think Scott would make that many clerical errors; even if he was angry. I highly doubt he would get angry over this article, especially due to how many times he’s been told he’s wrong. He probably just laughed and dismissed it, giving it little thought. Even so, that would suggest that he actually knows about it. I for one am not so closed minded as to think his theories have no validity. Science does prove science wrong all the time. Most people, I find, that disagree with at least the possibility of his claims, simply don’t like to think that they might be wrong.
William Harvey
12/13/2015 12:40:27 am
I think you're very smart Scott. I've learned so much from you that encouraged me to do more research. I'm allegedly a smart guy because I have a BA and MA.
you can "find things on the . . . ." Smart enough to know grammar when you write your own stuff instead of relying on someone else. I have learned so much from America Unearthed. I have to give Mr. Wolter credit for brining controversal concepts to the p
1/25/2016 04:32:42 pm
Diana Lee-McAnsh
1/28/2016 11:42:28 am
I watch your show, interesting information comes out of it, and I see places I do not have the money to visit. Have known some truly intelligent people who did not have a degree, however their personal research/conclusions were compelling. You do say you are a forensic geologist which is unfortunate because I'd find your interest, research and ability to visit sites enough to watch your show.
Diana Lee-McAnsh
1/28/2016 11:53:32 am
It's unfortunate that in our society one has to have a PhD in order to satisfy the requirement of study, research and investigation into a subject. I'd much rather watch a program where the person has a genuine interest rather than a PhD with an attitude of enlightenment, example Zahi Hawass a dogmatic, whose attitude is set in stone, who refuses to acknowledge new information or pioneer new research.
Paula Nesiba
1/29/2016 05:03:52 pm
You tell her Scott!! We love you and your show! Alot of people gain knowledge from their passion, and we gain alot from your passion!!!! Thank you!
2/4/2016 03:24:22 am
I love the H2 show and Scott's investigations into history.
2/12/2016 12:34:42 pm
Scott were is your program in 2016 ?
2/24/2016 07:09:31 pm
Jealousy motivates life losers to opine until they feel better.
Working class stiff
3/30/2016 12:24:15 am
Albert Eistein failed math (acueman/academic math) but on reflecting on other mathemacians' papers and letters - well his story is also history. Or will you prove he failed to be what he claimed as well? Many people of walks of life accomplished their (our) greatest works withoout your, or an accredited schools' approval. We can always review their claims too if you insist. But, for me, after considering my observations of tens of thousands of new photos of earth and lost documents, suspect we should focus on digging up historical facts,,,, not dirt to slander someone doing good.
Don't let the B@@@@@@s grind you down, Scott. Y9u do a good job on that show, and if you have no right to be there, then Obama, born in Kenya and financed and appointed by the CRIMINALS (LIKE MOST OF HIS PREDECESSORS) had no right to be President.
Paul Kearney
5/16/2016 10:42:00 am
Scott do not let these people let you down, because therehave been far more discoveries/inventions created by those who never got the pat on the back a degree actually is. By the time I graduated high school I had plenty of college credits already, and two years in the armed forces, a Governors scholar, etc, blah, blah. The first thing I learned about college and university smarts is it will rarely translate into 12 inches beyond the door out. I mean Dubya graduated from an ivy league school. In the real world, doing real things, for the love of that knowledge sought, that is how the magic happens.
Nelda Smith
5/17/2016 02:23:52 pm
I don't care about any of this silliness over "Honorary Degrees"! America Unearthed is an amazing program and I cannot wait for the next season! Thank you, Scott Wolter for providing decent, thought provoking entertainment! I give a an A+!
6/18/2016 04:41:16 pm
What do you know about the petradox stone?
Meredith Landers
10/20/2016 02:40:29 am
It amazes me how much time people must have on their hands. Why else would have the spare time to be so concerned with whether someone has an honorary degree or not. Who cares? I honestly can't fathom why it's of any consequence to anyone, especially if they don't even know you, and aren't directly impacted by the validity of lack thereof, of such information. Wow! The internet has apparently created experts on most ANYTHING under the sun, as well as commentators on just as many subjects! How intriguing that some of the people on this site are experts in not just one, but multiple disciplines: Education, Geology, Vocabulary, and perhaps even nails, just to name a few that stood out in just the first few posts! Just for fun, I thought I would point out that the use of the word "found", can be that of verb or adjective, which obviously changes not only the spelling of, but also the meaning. So, before someone slams someone in a way that calls into question the intelligence of the other person, it may behoove them to recognize that they, in fact, are the one's that will be highlighting their own, or lack thereof, if they ate incorrect in their attack. My real point though, is simply to reflect my astonishment of how many people spend their time trying to tear someone down, or even worse, perhaps try to damage the professional reputation of another, despite not gaining a thing by doing so. If you don't like the show, or feel that you cannot trust the subject matter reflected by host, turn the channel & get a life! Don't you people have anything better to do with your time & energy? I never had any reason to have to occupy so much time, before having surgery. I could have lived my whole life without seeing how much time people apparently like to spend attacking someone, instead of going out & investing all of their energy in things that further their own success. Generally, behavior such as this is reflective of one's own lack of pride in their own accomplishments, or self-esteem. So, one may want to consider what they are actually revealing about themselves, the next time they may feel compelled to launch their next attack on someone who is simply minding their own business, making a living. Personally, I have seen the show few times, and what I found to be most interesting & compelling, was the realization that not everything we are told is necessarily factual, and we should challenge the validity of any history that may have been inaccurately reported for one reason or another. The show simply seems to encourage & even compel intelligent people, with a thirst for knowledge, to continue learning about the very foundation of this great country-quite literally, the foundation. That should not be threatening to anyone! At worst, nothing in the show could be true. If that were the case, no harm done. So, what on earth is the big deal? What could possibly be SO important, as to require someone to write an entire blog, solely dedicated to the disparaging remarks about one human being? If people spent half as much time & energy toward making a living & improving the lives of their families, they would have a whole lot more to show for their lives, at the very end of it. I've NEVER heard of anyone saying, on their death bed, how they wish they had spent more time & energy criticing people whom weren't in the least bit impacted by them whatsoever. I for one, cannot wait to go back to work, and back to the world of oblivion to all things unimportant. I just happened to run across this website because I had a genuine interest in learning a little more about Forensic Geology, simply because I have become friends with a Geologist, and wanted to become more knowledgeable about the subject, so we could have more interesting conversations! I never knew that the study of ROCKS could bring out the worst in people! Personally, I would think one may be about as dumb as a box of rocks, to think this warrants so much misspent time & energy, if I were one to judge other people's intelligence, based on the lack of logic & productivity expressed therein. I can only say in conclusion, however, that when we know better, we do better. That being said, perhaps, those who have made a habit of wasting time & energy attacking people they don't even know, will have found a much more fulfilling & valuable hobby. One can only hope.
10/30/2016 04:55:26 pm
Someone always has to put their 2 cents in there. I like what he has to say. Makes me interested and I can understand it. So whether he has credentials or not, he has drawn me into the history channel. Thanks Scott!
Dave C
11/10/2016 01:56:21 am
"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life-long attempt to acquire it." - Albert Einstein
Heather Green
11/10/2016 12:37:42 pm
Scott, as a scientist who spent many years in the entertainment world, I know you have little control over the content and editing of your show. I found the show to be fun and a source of information that I wasn't aware of before. I don't really care about anything else, as I never allow a television show, created for entertainment, to be my sole source of information. (Which would explain why I'm back in graduate school at age 54!) Thanks for some fun adventures!
D Mack
11/23/2016 09:09:46 am
Just now checking this string... Well it's like the Sun rises in the East, Sets in the West.... Geo-archealogy explains itself..... As do stones tell the story. Hang in pal! Never stop asking NEW QUESTIONS. Hopefully, this really is you. Rock on! Mr. Scott Wolter ~ I just hope this response reaches you as I do wish to commend you on one thing.....believing in something that goes beyond that which has been written and given to us to believe. My curious and doubting mind began to question many things when I was quite young {actually grade school when I "suggested" not all the Indians come over on the Berring Strait}. I was told by the astute teacher, what was in the history books was accurate and I was not to question.......That has been 60 some years ago and I still question and have learned not to believe all which was written or those "astute" teachers......You may not have perfect credentials or a perfect background, or the perfect ability, according to some, to "paint fingernails" but you raise questions and then set out to present evidence to support different schools of thought.....I have no artifacts for you to ponder over but I have a mind that has questioned many things for many years and your research has given me some satisfaction in many areas......I thank you... 5/31/2017 04:07:03 pm
Scott..I think your shows terrific and you have inspired so many young children to venture into your field of study. Degrees cannot match one like you who inspire so many young to follow your steps! Continue your great work!
Cole Harber
4/14/2018 11:55:08 pm
Scott, I watch your show and I agree with u on everything. Unlike what others are saying I think your smart.
8/21/2018 09:32:31 pm
I love seeing your responses on blog posts ! I find them all the time. A geologist with an attitude! Watching your show as we speak right here in Minnesota!
8/29/2018 12:46:25 pm
I love your show. Personally, I could care less about whether or not you have an honorary degree. Every time I watch your show you inspire me to learn more. I've even used inspiration from the Alamo episode in an essay in my Texas History course. Keep doing what you do. You aren't here to be a debate. You are here to educate and inspire.
1/25/2019 04:10:55 pm
I think Scott asks some very important questions that should be addressed - he is not providing difinitive answers to questions posed but rather opening up viewers minds to the possibilities. It is important to not always go along with the status quo - instead be the salmon that swims upstream, using one’s own intellect and openmindedness to explore possibilities....or is the earth still flat?
Brent Holden West
1/31/2019 03:10:48 pm
Hi scott my name is brent west i am 32 yrs old. I am a iraq and afganistan war vet whom has been intrigued with history and researching it since I was just a little kid. I have personally followed your work for the last couple years and I must say I am also convinced there's a lot of Forgotten history simply due to man's violent nature and natural disaster. However I do believe the answers are out there I do believe in the idea that the Vikings discovered more of North America than we previously had believed. I am also deducted a lot of research on my own which I believe that the Knights Templar actually had derived from Vikings. I believe that the room Stone that is known as the Kensington runestone was in fact written by the nights of Christ who i belive are the descendants of the Templars after there fall in France the early 1300's. I have a whole lot more to add to this but I do not wish to share all of it over the internet at this time. If you would be intrested in hearing more of my theory sometime please feel free to give me a call at 515 571 1441. PS don't let people who don't understand the idea of having an idea and developing a theory and developing the truth what really happened with solid evidence in scientific method discourage you. There are a lot of people out there that are not as enlightened as others around them. God bless stay motivated and don't give up the truth is out there. Humanity's future depends on it understand where we're going as a people we must learn our past we have forgotten or in this case
Valinda Miller
2/14/2019 07:37:23 am
Calm down all....this is not an educational collegiate class. It is a show to raise an eyebrow to a further possibility to question what Mr Wolters and the show are telling us...who, what, where and why!
4/22/2019 09:03:00 am
Kim hobson
5/5/2019 08:39:00 pm
I believe in Scott as a sound, solid man of integrity. My grandparents, Lyman and Martha Hobson have a home at Templar Park, Spirit Lake, Iowa. They proved to me we were descendants of the Knight Templars, something I tried to dismiss. They were top leaders in Iowa. Scott has reinforced what they taught me.
5/15/2019 07:52:06 pm
The establishment drones are commanded to shout down those who don't drink the Kool-Aid. Tara is just one , having no real independent thought, she does as she is told.
Marie Marie Marie
5/21/2019 12:07:10 pm
Scott, I saw your program regarding Mayan Blue. You visited several Georgia sites. I wonder if you have ever visited Brasstown Bald. This is the historic marker. I find it interesting that the Cherokee words are so similar to Chichen Itza though the meanings do not appear similar.
5/29/2019 06:50:36 am
Scott, I assume you dont read this blog anymore, and that is completely understandable. It's my first time seeing it, first time commenting and last time to be here, as I can see Jason is just a seething competitor poisoned by endless envy similar to seen in Amadeus, whether fact or elaboration.
Robert Miller
6/3/2019 10:28:36 pm
Scott; Hey, I have enough brains for both of us. I am a true genetic Asperger's with a tested IQ of 180, I am descended from eight royal Nephilim bloodlines going back to Alexander the Great and king David of the Jews. I applaud the work that you do. I only have a BA degree and it is plenty. I have found that most scientists are clowns serving the perverted agenda of the Smithsonian, they know only what they have been taught, and most of that is wrong. You have the advantage of uncontaminated vision, you are willing to look afresh at things that have been explained away by the "experts". This makes you very dangerous to the powers that be, believe me they will stop at nothing to discredit you. False information is a weapon that has been used very successfully against the unwashed masses, you are threatening their monopoly on men's minds, watch your backside my friend. Let's talk sometime, I have lots of interesting theories based on a lifetime of research in many different fields. I am a complete racial mix, Miller is a Cherokee name, I am a direct descendent of Rollo, (Hrolf), William the conqueror. Henry II, Charlemagne, Alfred the great. Powhatan, etc.. I am a primitive weapons expert I write for the Backwoodsman magazine and wrote for Primitive Archer for several years. If you want to correspond lets use snail mail or something, many of my theories are hot , I have enemies too. I am 70 who knows how long I'll be here. Ha! Robert.
Bob Moore
12/8/2022 12:32:20 am
12/9/2022 11:17:11 pm
Bob Moore - Yes, I think lying Scott Wolter (faked his Ph.D.) would be a great match for the Mormon Church (Gold plates! Wish I could show ya, but oops! I lost'em!").
Bob Moore
12/10/2022 07:59:33 pm
Netgk..... I truly feel sorry for you... you have no faith thus no hope.... you attack individuals of faith, those of us who do NOT need empirical evidence to support our faith which spurs hope... as you bash LDS individuals I must ask, are you also anti-Semitic? are you anti-Catholic?
Ge Ki
12/19/2022 03:26:07 am
Bob Moore - I have plenty of faith. I just don't have faith in poorly supported things like religion. My faith is directly proportional to the evidence. So I have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow, but even that could be wrong, so my faith in that is not 100%. I have practically zero faith in your Mormon myth, because there is practically zero evidence supporting it. If you don't value the ability to reason that your god supposedly gave you, that's going to cause you problems in life, and I have little doubt that it already has, whether you know it or not.
7/12/2024 09:11:18 pm
I think it shows complete ignorance and it's almost laughable when PHD's try to explain how hunter gather's created structures that we, today, can't. Accepted science doesn't mean it's accurate, it means those who should open mindedly investigate alternative theories are too closed minded and arrogant to do so.
Thomas Wolf
8/28/2024 07:56:08 pm
First of all I'd like to say thank you for your work Scott, I very much enjoyed the show and it acted as a foundation to keep me interested in geology while I pursued my STEM degree, top honors, two classes near perfect honors while taking care of my dying mother. 3/15/2013 04:18:43 am
This has happened to me. I hold a Masters degree or B.S. in Computer Science from Weber State University. I have main degree that I received in a little tie handed to me via graduation day and have copies of my transcripts. So this is not uncommon.
5/20/2013 02:53:37 am
I hate to have to break it to you, but a B.S. is a Bachelor's degree, not a Master's degree.
Michael J
11/25/2013 07:37:55 pm
So you have a B.S. in computer science ? Lol !
12/15/2013 02:20:17 pm
That's nothing, I have a B.S. in Building Sciences (Rensselaer) - which makes that... drumroll please, a "BS in BS".
Robert Goodyear
1/26/2015 01:19:17 am
".... Masters degree OR BS..."
Dean Thomas
4/27/2013 09:35:44 pm
OK, I have reads a bit on here, Jason, if you wish to downplay his finds, get out there and prove anything he has found wrong, in other words, shut off your computer, get out from behind your desk and investigate his finds, I find the show very interesting and I couldn't really care less enough to waste my time trying to discredit him, take a look at one of the more "respected" people in the field Zahi Hawas, there is a prime example of a "professional" attempting to not let people know the truth, I am a fairly intelligent person, I don't feel the need to attempt to prop myself up[ by posting how many pieces of paper I have bought, I watch the show for it's interesting content, not for someones credentials, seems like Jason and Tara have nothing better to do than be pissed off about someone's success that they wish they could achieve. Like I said, I find his show entertaining and informational.
4/27/2013 11:31:36 pm
So the 60,000 words I spilled on this blog evaluating each episode of the show didn't do it for you? How exactly does one "disprove" non-existent finds? The Tucson Artifacts, for example, don't even say in their own inscriptions what Wolter claims they do. I translated one from Latin to show this. Is that enough for you? I searched the Jefferson archives for his alleged "mandate" to Meriwether Lewis to find Welsh Indians, and it doesn't exist. Is that enough for you? I visited Mystery Hill (America's Stonehenge) and saw for myself how the site has been rebuilt and fabricated in the 1930s. Is that enough for you?
terry the censor
4/28/2013 07:28:40 pm
@Dean Thomas
Rev. Phil Gotsch
7/14/2013 02:20:39 pm
Yes ...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
7/14/2013 02:20:54 pm
Yes ...
Wil Cymbrl
11/30/2013 02:03:51 pm
How interesting. I'm sure you realize that the burden of proof is on the person making the assertion. It's nobody's responsibility to disprove Scott Wolter's assertions, but rather the entire burden of proof is upon him to prove his argument.
Jason Rumsey
2/22/2014 04:40:40 am
I agree completely. Why would someone be so upset over something so trivial is beyond me. I have never said I have a degree but I will tell people I have well over 150 credit hours towards a degree from a University not a community college. The reason I don't have one is because of the numerous concussive blasts I have been in have caused sever Traumatic Brain Injury and I can no longer function the way I did before my deployments but that is not to say that I don't still try.
Rockin’ Rob
11/22/2014 11:00:42 am
I think Scott Wolter is hot!
9/20/2015 09:52:29 am
Dean I feel the same. If he would quit sitting at his computer and get out there and prove Scott is wrong (I have studied another the last 30 years to know he isnt) then I might not laugh at this. This is one person sitting behind a computer filled with rage over his own inadequacy. He could get out there and do what Scott, myself or any other person that investigates, theorizes or probes, proves and disproves. But he'd rather spew hatred than truth. I say he's Catholic and can't stand the thought that Jesus led a regular life. He was wondrous and spectacular. But he was also a man.
7/21/2013 03:27:43 pm
I'm commenting on original article, not on individual poster. If you were preparing a cogent court case, you would be ill-prepared. How familiar are you with websites vs. the 'brick and mortar' real world? They exist in two entirely different universes and a lack of communication would be a polite under-statement. It would surprise be not-at-all that discrepancies can and do exist. That is simply a fact of life. However, once we look at the specific Honorary Degree that Mr. Wolter claims to have received? Wow, I can easily imagine that in the very REAL brick and mortar world of Accadamia that it was considered merely a polite acknowledgement of a famous alumnus. The lack of official record presumably is an 'oversight', not dishonesty.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
7/21/2013 03:54:55 pm
Your comments are very well thought out and even handed ...
7/21/2013 05:08:29 pm
I would recommend that you ask the University what they think of his claim.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
7/21/2013 05:17:48 pm
I don't know any of the University of Minnesota-Duluth Administrators, but I am personally and professionally acquainted with Professors Doctors Matsch and Ojakangas ... and I am not aware that they have been scolding Scott Wolter either in private or in public ...
Constance Overby
4/12/2014 04:57:04 am
I agree with you, the show is interesting and makes me want to do more research. It's never a good thing to close your mind to the ideas of others.
Ge Ki
4/12/2014 05:18:32 am
Melinda, you have no evidence to "presume" that the fault lies with the university and not with Wolter. Plus, Wolter himself says that the "honorary degree" consisted of a couple of faculty giving him cuppa coffees with whipped cream. Somehow, Wolter thought this would be OK to put on his resume as an honorary Master's degree conferred by the university. Anyone who has been in grad school, and most other people, would know this was a ridiculous claim. If you still disagree, show me one honorary degree that has been conferred by a cuppa coffee, or anything like it.
Ge Ki
4/12/2014 05:29:52 am
Constance, sometimes it is a good idea to recognize that an idea is wrong. The flat earth is just one example. I would guess that even you have closed your mind to that idea. Maybe "closing the mind" means assigning it an extremely low probability of being true, because accepted dogma could someday be overturned. So in the case of the flat earth, it's extremely unlikely to be true. So it is with Wolter's use of divining rods to locate a supposed "lost treasure." In his show, he refers to divining rods as "controversial," when in fact they have been debunked. And on Wolter's show, they again fail. And look at how much time and money he wasted based on what the divining rods "told" him. So if kids see this, they'll think divining rods are a legit tool of science. Pseudo-science is bad for kids. And bad for adults.
Brian Doon
10/27/2013 06:16:16 am
Scott Wolter on the money. Have you ever been to the Native mounds in GA? Long begfore I ever heard of Scott I was struck immediaely by how much the mounds were similar to pyramids in Mexico and Guatremala (whereI have been twice. Then I saw somee of the statues Georgia found on the sites. Amazing coincidence or linkage? I go with Scott and I do not care if his degree is from the P_atterson, NJ School of Business Practice. So much of his presentations have been very poignant. While I do not agree with all of his findings he at least raises the contradiction. Skeptics who have never been to these places should keep their opinions to themselves. They think reality is in books. Two hundred years from now what we accept as gospel truth in physics, geology, biology, etc. will be considered quaint and archais. We will laugh at what we believed in 2013.
Larry Sunde
12/14/2013 06:01:40 pm
I'm no expert but after watching a few shows I wouldn't hire him to do serious work for me if needed. I'd be scared that he would be digging on my property and see a funny looking rock and think it proves the Knights Templar built a structure on my property and wanted to do a excavation.
12/16/2013 01:55:53 pm
tara please do not misread this post as defending M,r Wolter I personally agree with you, he is a tool and the show is about as dumbed down as any so called " scientific docu drama" could ever hope to be. I do however feel that you have un fairly grouped many hard working and open minded non accredited individuals in your pseudo intellectual hooligan group but you are probably 75 % correct that does not mean however that anyone who does not wear an argile sweater and oxford slipons is a pseudo intellectual thug thank thoug for you obvious love of the english language, your ability to wield it is formidable :)
12/30/2013 01:32:40 pm
Thank you Phillip.I do agree with you.Going through academic or scientific training doesn't make you "inevitably" smarter,but it provides you discipline & methodology.
12/12/2015 08:10:45 pm
Discipline is gained by determination; methodology can be learned anywhere; but passion is everything. My brother for instance, didn't complete high school, yet is now the VP of one of America's leading software developing firms. At 17 he read every book he could find on the subject, and 15 years of 80 plus hour weeks later, he proved himself. If not for passion, he would have failed. Now he makes just over $300k per year; which is irrelevant, but I'm proud. Likewise, I know people who have degrees, some from prominent universities, who are dumber than a box of rocks; admittedly, except for maybe in their respective fields.
Ge Ki
12/12/2015 10:50:08 pm
Adam - For the umpteenth time, this page is not about Wolter's lack of academic credentials. It's about him lying about them. I don't suppose you would approve of your brother lying about his.
12/22/2013 09:55:02 pm
Hi, I think that the show referred to a well known scientist when it came to understanding the date the kensington stone was carved. The expert claimed that the first analysis was incorrect because there is two layers to analysis of the two different types of metals found in the stone.
5/24/2015 05:39:14 pm
scott none the less confronts histories or at least ideas that must be kindled again in out collective conscieness..keep it up scott
Santa Claus
12/23/2013 11:31:57 am
Hey Everybody , until you have your own show on T.V. give Scott a break , Sounds like your ALL JEALOUS ......
Storm Knight
7/28/2014 07:37:38 am
The people who lied to us from the beginning are still around and will do whatever is necessary to shut up anyone who wishes to simply tell the truth to the public. It is clear that many of you have been thouroughly brainwashed. My own credentials can stand up to the strictest investigation. I would have loved to have had a chance to work with Scott.
Douglas Chilson
9/11/2014 11:41:25 am
Yep, A show he LIED about his credentials to obtain - which discredits his show, as well as himself.
Douglas Chilson
9/11/2014 11:55:39 am
PS - I sincerely hope you are not a Mason Scott, because EVERYTHING I've seen on your show with regards to FreeMasons is complete and total BULL.
12/29/2013 07:08:06 pm
I think he has a great show. But can someone tell me if it is TRUE ????? In his background he Had?? Supposedly worked for the government ?????
1/3/2014 01:07:26 pm
@Terry Dixon. Absolutely,outsiders don`t have a clue about the predatory nature of the academic - scientific realm.If Scott Wolter & his brigade of lunatic groupies think some of us are "though",I respectfully suggest them to go through academic peer reviewing.
11/23/2014 03:20:23 pm
Tara, after reading your numerous posts I have come to the conclusion that you are one of those people that look down your nose at anyone that isn't "educated" to the degree that you feel you are. Remember hon, there's always someone just a bit more intelligent than everyone else. A professional student by some chance?
Bill Price
1/11/2014 03:41:14 pm
Tara your a pin head at best
Kevin Kernitz
1/12/2014 10:59:53 am
Bill 1/12/2014 02:33:59 pm
Yes indeed,he received 2 awards for his "researches" on The Kensington Rune Stone & The Newport Tower,unfortunately proven to be hoaxes.....
spellchecker is real
2/17/2014 05:09:57 am
Scott Wolter didnt find his collection he bought it.
12/11/2014 04:58:16 am
no I too noticed his one time self defence attack on the one person Tara. Scott Wolter is a fake a fraud and a JOKE.
Rick Rhodes
1/25/2014 06:46:26 am
and I have a great wish that I have found one investigative reporter with enough balls to tackle why we know nothing of Barack Obama's grades, college entrance exams, college work in any field. You seem to be good at wht you do, do something really relevant, one that could be a REALLY large hoax. Not small stuff like Scott Wolter. I mean, really, who cares if SW is a fraud, I'm more interested in what appears to be a huge, impacting fraud. Scott wolters is a fraud = small, non-impacting fraud. BO being one would be huge. so, you are either checken to look into, or possibly you did and nothing was easily found or nothing was there to be found. all are possibilities at this point since we, in mass, are clueless as to the Great One's actual academic credentials. Any reality to any academic prowess? Sure was not the case when we looked into W's or JFK's. No example of academic prowess was able to be found for either. I surmise this is also the case with BO, thinking we have the Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome going on, all but the innocent see clothing when no clothing is present.
1/25/2014 01:15:42 pm
Rick, because of Jason blowing the whistle on Scott's BS, I no longer have to watch a show portrayed as fact when it is not. Jason has saved me a lot of time and the time of a lot of others. I agree Obama is a danger and SW isn't but there are plenty of watch dogs all over Obama lies and frauds already and that isn't Jason's expertise.
Tara I was going to write a large post to expose your ignorance and hate. but I digress.
Albrecht Köhler
2/14/2014 03:12:51 pm
Thank you Oswald Bates for your input.
2/16/2014 11:24:02 am
Tara: I would really be curious to know what YOU do. You must have at least a Ph.D in something to talk so disparagingly about the History Channel, it's programs, and Scott Wolter. Here's my take: I went through an Anthropology Dept. (90 graduate credit hours) at a prestigious university. They were NOT interested in students thinking for themselves, or outside the box. We were supposed to follow the "party line" (here defined by century-old anthropologists), and spit it back out. There is no way they would ever train or allow anthropologists or archaelogists on the department to investigate or search out new discoveries or discoveries gone uninvestigated. So who the hell is supposed to do that? YOU?? IF Scott Wolter wants to go out there and investigate, make hypotheses, etc., what's it to you? I haven't heard him state anything as FACT. So he makes some postulations---somebody's gotta do it. Most of the big discoveries in this world were made by men who went out, searched with a passion, and stuck with it until they finally found what they were looking for And, they didn't always have degrees. (example: Howard Carter and King Tut). Why are you so defensive and condescending about all of this. What are YOUR credentials?
Jason Rumsey
2/20/2014 07:26:53 pm
So Tara let me get this strait, so what you are saying is that a person is nothing but cannon fodder if they don't have a degree given to them by others to show that they have sat through boring lecture, passed this lab and that and served the required hours of studying and stress. Your an idiot flat out. You should probably go back to school and keep learning the crap being feed to you, you are the cattle, you are the cannon fodder and you and everyone like you are the "Average pseudo intellectual hooligans" thinking that because you went to university and received a graduate degree that you are better than everyone else. Let's ask a simple question since your ssooo intelligent, what are you and all the others like you going to do when the shit hits the fan and life is no longer about how much you make or where you live and how you were brought up but how to survive when everything that you have and everything you have ever known is now gone. We will see then who the intelligent one's are and who is the cannon fodder, now won't we. I do see you and people like you lasting very long. AT ALL!
Bella Jade
3/25/2014 08:58:50 am
Here is a bit of research for you, you pinhead, there is a fantastic little button on pretty much ALL T.V.s it is called a power on/off button. If you do not like Scott, that is fine. Turn the TV off or change the channel if you don't like him. I give this advice to all the other pinheads on here that are doing the same as Tara and criticizing Scott for the work he does. Many people just do not like the fact that things are not the way we were taught in school. I guess SOME people would rather keep the status quo and not have the option to learn. IF you or any of the others who are so quick to criticize actually watches the show, Scott actually consults experts in the different fields. Unlike you people who just uses your own limited knowledge to put another person down. Where is your proof that what he has found is false? Perhaps if you and the rest of the peanut gallery, got off your butts and do some ACTUAL investigative research yourself you will then be able to talk with some actual knowledge.
JD Cline
5/20/2014 01:27:10 pm
Ditto Bella. What has hurt the Histoty channels credibity is the Ancient Alien load of crap. Not Scott. Icant beleive people can not see the fact that Bill & the umpa lumpa looking guy have a vested finanial in people swallowing their crap. They both publish magazines that pander to the audience. The history channel is essentially paying them to advertize. It comes on and I change the channel after puking.
11/23/2014 10:29:00 am
Amen Bella Jade.....You hit the nail on the head. If you don't like it turn it off.
4/12/2014 04:07:14 am
At LEAST... He IS trying to get to the 'fact of the matter'... REAL TALK
Dean Smallwood
4/12/2014 08:07:19 am
I had this guy pegged as a charlatan from the very beginning .
4/29/2014 01:13:01 pm
Mary Ann Minnich
5/20/2014 04:13:07 pm
Job we'll done on the apron!
7/21/2014 08:43:50 am
Tara stop being truth hating cunt, go play with your rabbit, there's a dear xx
Storm Knight
7/28/2014 07:29:40 am
If the others. The fearful ones who feel compelled to deprive humanity of true history would simply accept and admit the truth, we would never hear junk science. Only true science. Sarah Winnemucca had nothing to prove when she wrote of the giants living on piute land. She simply told the truth. The artifacts are still there for all to see. At least until the national park service closes it down. These are the people who need to be questioned concerning credibility. Not Scott.
Mr. E
9/23/2014 10:53:45 am
Erik Moller
10/16/2014 11:33:33 am
My education includes a double bachelor degree from CSUH in Management and Psychology, along with a teaching credential and most a a Master's in Education from CSUS. So how do you explain the fact that I built the first working prototype of a electronic tire pressure monitoring system for Toyota
John Von Bronzesnake
11/1/2014 05:20:40 pm
That has to be the most ironic post I have ever read.
11/4/2014 11:24:28 am
Tara and Jason, Go to your rooms and stay there until you can say something as smart as college freshman.
11/22/2014 11:17:14 am
Yep. This guy reminds me of Giorgio Tsoukalos how does Ancient Aliens. it turns out his credentials are (from Wikipedia): "Tsoukalos is a 1998 graduate of Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, with a bachelor's degree in sports information and communication.[3] For several years in the early 2000s, before he made ancient astronaut research his primary career, he served as a bodybuilding promoter in IFBB sanctioned contests, including Mr. Olympia. He is fluent in English, Greek, German, French, and Italian." LOL. Not exactly experts.
Robert Goodyear
11/22/2014 11:56:52 am
Jonny, I agree, but in my opinion he is not REMOTELY fluent in English.
12/16/2014 05:15:09 am
The first archeologists were not college educated, but simple treasure seekers. Barry Fell was in oceanology turned archeologist and has discovered some amazing things during his career. And anybody can question someone else's credentials, just don't ignore their triumphs.
Daniel A. Ernst
12/20/2014 12:35:12 pm
First of all you all are more catty than a bevy of sorority bitches on a drunken Saturday night with no dates. Wait you supposed exports, (not a misspell), didn't have dates either. To busy with the Tidily Wink Championships.
Robert Goodyear
12/21/2014 05:57:53 am
Daniel Ernst,
Septimius Severus
1/5/2015 10:40:43 am
by the way, the kensington ruin stone, still not proven to be real, i know you believe what you want to believe you rebel you, but dont pretend to have ever made any scientific or historical contribution to humanity. You havent. you're pretty much just a con man, conning the idiots of america and the history channel, which you change its name to Scott wolter and the toothless alligator hunter channel. NOW THAT'S A NETWORK I'D WATCH!
1/13/2015 04:42:17 pm
The show is a bunch of bunk and hype. It insults the intelligence of anyone with a moderate education.
1/23/2015 12:34:04 am
I want to share a testimony on how a spell caster (OGUN LOVE SPELL IS THE BEST) helped me in getting my EX lover back, I was married to him in 2005, ever since then I was living happily with him, but everything changed when I was unable bare him a child, so last year January I was sent out packing from his home, I went out from his house, I was in great pain, I looked worried, coz I loved him so much, I told my friend about whats going on, she introduced me to the great spell caster (ogun love spell), she gave me his email, I emailed him, he asked me to buy some items faithfully I did all he asked of me. He told me not to bother, that Im going to bear him children immediately he comes back to me, two days later my Husband came with his friends and started begging for forgiveness, and asked me to come back home, I forgive him, I went back to him, luckily I was pregnant, here I am today am now a mother, I gave birth to a set of twins, a boy and a girl, and we are living happily, DR.OGUN thank you very much, if you are passing through any hardship and you are looking for break through kindly email Dr ogun on [email protected] and [email protected]
Liliane Wills
1/24/2015 12:20:59 pm
Tara Jordan, you come across as an insufferable witchhh! I see you in my crystal bowl and you are one of those very ugly closed-minded, self important, and unloved academics. Keep up the good work...everything coming out of your trap reinforces the stereotype of the academic loser.
Robert Goodyear
1/25/2015 02:46:12 am
Jack Meove
1/24/2015 06:40:58 pm
Hi Jason, Hey!, I had a thought.... I want to ask a simple question to everyone here!
Aaron H
2/1/2015 11:17:14 am
Why would you contact the University of Minnesota to find out whether someone was awarded an honorary degree at UM-Duluth? They're not the same school. They're part of the same state system, but not the same school.
John Baxter
2/27/2015 12:09:13 am
Youre pathetic. Just a slave to the system. Jealous. You probably made no money on your BS degree if you had one. Once you figure out what you learned in school was the wrong history, the wrong mathematics, and the wrong science you quickly understand, we are living under the empire. Where someone will discredit anyone because they are a critic with nothing to stand on. Youre one of those critics Tara. Enjoy your slave life :) Memorize those scholastic text and see how far that gets you. You must be a catholic and your kids probably get molested.
Angle De Heaven
3/6/2015 09:53:01 am
Funny I wanted to look this guy up because some of the trash that is coming from his mouth. I see there are others who must be thinking the same!
3/30/2015 11:10:18 pm
"If Wolter was only half as smart as he pretends, I would ask him to do my nails" (You forgot the period to end the sentence Tara.)
Brian Kinnear
5/4/2015 01:49:09 pm
This Jason Colavito is such a whine ass loser who seems to be very jealous. Why else would he waste his valuable time trying to discredit another. A true life and I wouldn't listen to any of his hatred. Sad dude, truly sad. Get on with your life and try to do something positive for once in your sad lonely life.
10/18/2015 12:06:28 am
9/4/2016 12:13:41 am
Ge Ki
9/6/2016 03:19:05 am
Americanegro - You got that right! Eric's FOS. 11/23/2015 02:13:25 am
Nasty nasty nasty. Whether he has an honorary degree or not, he doesn't seem any of that, but you do. Are you his x?
2/24/2016 07:07:05 pm
Jealousy motivates life losers to opine,opine and opine.
Carlos Fidalgo
3/30/2016 09:51:57 am
About Scott Wolter.
9/4/2016 12:14:59 am
Muito bem! Obrigado!
5/22/2016 08:40:13 pm
so you checked the University of Minnesota for a list from the University of Minnesota Duluth?
D Mack
11/23/2016 08:59:33 am
Just a cunning linguist, for this purpose will not due. Purposefully, inappropriate, purposefullessness That would be you. Before I read these words, bred of ignorance and bliss. I never knew Scott Wolter's name, Carried such gravitas as this!
mr william
12/12/2016 02:40:30 pm
Welcome to all post of illuminati cult where all your heart desire are
CE Lawrence
2/18/2017 09:21:16 am
A degree is a stepping stone, not a permanent position.
Nancy Elizabeth Sinclair
12/11/2017 01:40:10 pm
Tara, Both Scott and Jason hold and have earned bachelor degrees in their specific fields;both have found their niche in which to use these degrees in business. In this case Jason started the kerfuffle regarding Scott's work opening his site to opinions of his readers. I understand he feels entitled to have his opinions posted, but this site lets others chime in with their views thereby inviting the web trolls who like to see their names on the screen and to continue an argument that should have never started. What a shame all are not at least a wee bit more polite in their posts. Ask civilized questions, do not resort to personal attacks, in that manner all will learn. Regards, Dame Nancy Elizabeth Sinclair
agent smith
2/19/2018 08:09:04 pm
It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,
11/14/2018 03:31:30 am
Good show. Not a problem for me in Scot Wolters credentials. I see a lot of arrogance aimed at his credentials from educated idiots here.
Jennifer P
1/15/2019 02:20:28 am
Accepted history has been proven false. People that still want to accept facts as written in our history books will never be open to the possibility of a different side of history that could possibly be the truth. I appreciate any show on TV that questions what could be a different history then what we have been taught. Come on people, Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first European to discover North America. Could it be possible that other “facts” are also false?
6/13/2019 08:10:05 pm
Who gives a hoot about degrees. Did Scott ask and question the BS about our history? YES. Did he bring geologist, scientists, archeologists and every day historians to beg the questions about the US...yes. He made our history easier to believe because our historians have it all wrong. We want Scott Wolters back.
1/22/2013 10:49:42 am
1/22/2013 12:33:25 pm
Kristi DeRubeis
2/13/2013 08:25:42 am
Jason 2/13/2013 08:33:23 am
I just want to make sure everyone is aware that I'm not ignoring the facts Wolter presents. As of today I've written more than 20,000 words on the "evidence" Wolter provides, analyzing it against facts. That contrasts with only a few thousand words devoted to the production of the show and its star's history. His credentials are relevant only because Wolter claims that his geology background gives him unique insight into history and uses geology to claim a special knowledge of the past.
terry the censor
2/13/2013 03:41:00 pm
Kristi, you are implying that since science can't be 100% correct, therefore Scott Wolter's work is factual and scientifically sound. That's a bit like saying, baseball MVP Miguel Cabrera struck out 98 times last season, therefore I am a great baseball player. The conclusion does not follow from the premise.
6/22/2013 04:58:23 am
I must concur with much of what Kristi says below, however, I will take it a bit further. Let me say first, I'm aware that what I am about to say will bring scorn, derision, and personal attack. Bring it on. I don't care. People like the writer of this blog and his sidekick, terry the censor, like many supporters and purveyors of mainstream science and academia have become professional debunkers.They spend hours and hours on a site like this, writing "60,000 words" to discredit one man who is discussing things that they themselves have ignored or deliberately hidden from us, the citizens of America and the world. That, my friends, pisses me off. I DO NOT have a degree in archeology, but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Regardless of Wolters 100% accuracy (archaeologists rarely get things right initially) at least he is looking into things that mainstream says are "not real", misidentified, or contrived, IN SPITE of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Personally, I think Wolters doesn't go nearly far enough in his show. There is much evidence of ancient civilization(s) that were MUCH older and much more complex than the apparent pre-colonial European visitors. Take the ancient wall in Rockwall, Texas. Or what about Hueyalatco in Mexico. Jason, why don't you investigate THAT and tell me why since the dates of over 200,000 year old civilization has been confirmed independently by three different labs, is there no ongoing dig at the site? Why did the Mexican government shut the site down as soon as the dates were confirmed and why was Steen-Mcyntire discredited? Why is OUR government limiting access to sites in the US under the guise that they belong to American Indians (yea, it is the "new pc) when many sites are clearly much older? We have been told that the native people here lived in the stone age, right? The who the hell dug up the millions of tons of copper in the upper midwest? Where did it go? Why are there HUNDREDS of newspaper reports from the 1800s of spectacular finds in places like the Grand Canyon but the physical evidence has "disappeared"? You see, my friend, if you spent less time worrying about a show on the History channel that mainly delves into inconsequential travelings of Templar Knights or whomever and more time trying to find out the real truth behind the early history of America, I personally would find you a bit more believable. As it is, I think the time you have spent trying to paint Wolter as some kind of charlatan actually paints you as a piteous, self-serving, uninteresting, cyber-wannabe who has nothing better to do. That is truly sad. Wolter's show, when considered in the grand scope of what has been and what continues to be hidden from us is completely insignificant, however, its significance towers immeasurably over that of this site to which I have wasted my last second visiting.
terry the censor
6/22/2013 05:19:45 am
@James 6/22/2013 06:23:12 am
James, I've written 1,000 blog posts, dozens of magazine articles, and many books on hundreds of topics--including the Rockwall, Texas rock wall you accuse me of ignoring. That you have chosen to read none of this material before accusing me of ignoring or suppressing information speaks volumes.
Jason Akers
8/22/2013 04:13:59 pm
I would first like to say to Scott Wolter that I enjoy your show America Unearthed and your book The Hooked X. I am finding them both to be eye opening to our countries true past. Second I would like to remind Jason that history is written by the winners.
12/9/2013 07:45:31 pm
Jason, you sound like a jealous hack nerd that has no life. Please get one. Scott, you're on TV but you might not be the most formally-educated archaeologist or whatever. That's fine, because America's greatest thinkers and inventors haven't come from the college classrooms.
1/11/2014 05:19:06 pm
1/12/2014 03:48:41 am
1/12/2014 03:56:47 am
1/19/2014 03:54:18 am
Jason, 1/19/2014 04:00:16 am
Ask yourself this, Suzanne: Why are OK with Wolter questioning others' opinions but are upset when I question his? The problem isn't that he's trying to do historical research; the trouble is that he does it poorly and lacks evidence for his claims.
2/3/2014 01:50:45 pm
Sometimes, I feel as though this blog is too critical. Also, at times, just downright nasty. Those of us that watch these shows on whatever channels are aware that they are for entertainment. I don't particularly care if someone has an extra "honorary degree." Mr. Wolter's shows are entertaining and informative, and open my mind up to many more possibilities, and isn't that what it is all about? Keep up the fascinating work, Mr. Wolter :-). I just think that in life, we should all be a little less critical of others, especially if they are helping and informing.
Brian Stebbins
9/11/2014 05:57:23 am
Hes just goin back to cover his tracks, he would have continued to lie about until the evidence smacked him in his face
2/14/2015 03:32:47 pm
I, too, was cautiously optimistic that this series would tell the latest archeological stories about this place we call home. I miss the History-Channel-That-Was.
3/30/2015 11:32:04 pm
So Jason?!? Do you and your peers only acknowledge mainline (including but not limited to Ivy League Schools) degree programs?
Phil Troutman
1/22/2013 11:32:00 pm
I think it's a great show, Scott. I've noticed the first thing the skeptics do is question the background of those they disagree with in order to immediately bring credibility to the forefront, as opposed to maybe describing how the lines could have physically been cut into a Puma Punku stone.
1/22/2013 11:46:33 pm
I've never questioned the fact that Scott Wolter is a geologist. This issue only came to my attention because I was unable to verify the existence of the degree after another commenter on my blog asked about Wolter's credentials.
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 01:53:10 am
Indeed, by questioning the credibility of megalomaniac like Giorgio Tsoukalos, fraudster & plagiarist such as Von Däniken & archaeological luminary David Hatcher Childress,we are guilty of crime de lèse majesté. Keep up the good work Scott,your audience is only 3 degrees from being retarded
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 03:31:31 am
Indeed Jason,this is your house, but why are these individuals systematically questioning your integrity & motivation?.If we dare criticizing them, we are labeled as intellectual terrorists & crypto Fascists. As far as I am aware they are public figures, some of them are celebrities,and they make quite a lot of money by deceiving the public. 1/23/2013 03:58:08 am
I'm not saying to avoid criticizing those who deserve criticism. I'm just asking that we avoid name calling and potentially insulting or insensitive words like "retarded."
Terry DIxon
3/15/2013 11:29:28 am
The issue that leads one to want to know the credentials the researcher brings to the table is the soundness or unsoundness of the researchers research techniques. I was not interested in Scott's background until I watched three of his programs. After watching them I came to the realization that the conclusions Scott promotes as fact are not sound because they are not in fact based on actual scientific principles and for this reason I sought information concerning Scott's background to determine if I was missing something here, some new scientific methodology, etc. Challenging research is the basis of scientific study- propose your explanation- then test it scientifically, then place the research, including methodology (so your study can be replicated and findings repeated or based on your own research, criticized for flaws in the study/explanation) and findings in the public domain for criticism, letting the results fall where they may. How can one repeat any of the "research" conducted by Scott when the only record of research is the description on the show? The information necessary to test a hypothesis by replication simply does not exist. I enjoy the show and enjoy taking shots at concluding statements made during the show. The fact that many emotions, as when he was told he could not visit a site to gather "data" by landowners, are displayed by Scott, raising the question of whether Scott has the "discipline" to study anything.
criticizing a critic
3/26/2013 12:19:17 am
commenting on the "lets keep this civil" statement: I believe civility was left out when you spent the time to attack and badger a man who has earned his own due time and time again
9/14/2013 12:23:52 am
Hey Phil, You couldn't be more wrong in my case. I questioned his credentials AFTER I saw his farce of a show and researched what a fantasy it was. If you want to educate yourself further, learn from people who bring more to the table than a lack of evidence and faulty logic. What a smack to the face to all the credentialed people who have devoted themselves to facts and are the ones who truly did the decades of study and work that we all benefit from! The very same people you scornfully call 'skeptics'! People have been carving lines longer than they could speak a language. And unlike today, people 1500 years ago didn't have TV and internet to watch until they waste away, they actually applied themselves constructively to great things and took great pride in the quality of their work. I know that concept is incredibly alien to anyone reared in the world of corporate attrition where quality declines in proportion to price increases as a function of time, in a race to squeeze every last drop of blood from every last turnip out there... but I guarantee that if your "king" threatened you with a brutal beating or death for poor work, and you had nothing else to do all day for your 25 year allotment of life, even you could carve out an impressive cube. Those people were hardly cro-magnon after all... That was hundreds of years after Rome was built. Just because a couch potato can't do it doesn't mean a highly skilled and properly motivated artisan can't. That kind of logic is the same that convinces deadbeats that they are smarter than everyone else because they are practiced at lying to other people like them and since they scorn or deny anyone who is not like them, and since people who see through them, avoid or ignore them, they see no evidence to the contrary. It's ridiculous! And highly intelligent people tend to underestimate their intelligence because they fail to realize the extreme shallowness of the average consciousness who spends their evenings smelling farts with Honey Boo Boo. That such a show exists at all should be a shame for all of humanity! Keep on educating yourself... It's obvious you're neither a teacher nor a student.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/14/2013 03:49:06 am
Hey, Gooch ...
6/12/2014 03:24:44 pm
Mr. Wolter, my question concern's the fact that on most of your shows you keep bringing up Free Masons that being said with you being a geologist why do you Keep bringing up Masons in history. Instead of bringing up masonary in the past why don't you take the time and research the Mason's of today and learn the truth before you start spouting off on TV. By the way I am a Free Mason and Proud of it.
Louis Sheffield
1/25/2015 09:09:11 pm
I find that most scientists, especially geologists and paleontologists are whiny little bitches. Those who don't have discoveries of their own spend their time trying to discredit others. I think Scott Wolter's work is a great example of what science should be. Keep up the good work man and don't let the little bitches like Cavalito get you down.
Mauricio Do Carmo
2/5/2013 04:15:14 pm
2/5/2013 10:32:40 pm
6/7/2013 12:40:46 pm
I enjoy the show. Sure it is sensationalized... Most shows are. Some of the facts are sketchy yes. Maybe even completely untrue, but according to the show, the science has proved some of his claims true. Schools still teach (the ones in my area anyway) still teach that Columbus was the first European to discover the Americas, but he wasn't. Leif Erickson was. There was a Viking settlement in Newfoundland and it is the rumored Vinland... If that is true, then the Vikings and Leif Erickson were here almost 500 years before Columbus. But anyone with a brain knows this. I do believe there is a lot of history that we do not know, even in this country... I also believe no everything is correct. There are to many dependencies throughout history. It makes you think and it makes you challenge what you were taught. I think we need more shows like this and less of brainless reality shows where there is no thinking involved.
9/17/2013 08:37:11 pm an aspiring historian, I'm going to suggest you do some research on what you accept as proof. Regurgitating what you hear, doesnt make you a historian. Asking questions and compiling what is known is a good start. Problem with Mr Wolter's theories, is that when you compare these claims with what is actually known, they just fall apart at the seams. How do I know? Because I wasn't satisfied just taking his word on known history. Neither was Jason, which is why he writes about it. Took me about 5 minutes to appreciate that my questioning nature, was right on. Don't worry, I researched Jason's arguments as well, and they held very nicely. I decided a long time ago to base my beliefs on proof. Anyone who asks me to do otherwise is up to no good. Aspire to find your own answers. Not just spew out what you heard on TV. If it interests you, look into it for yourself! That is how discoveries are made. Not by just following opinions of a guy on tv that seems to know his stuff. Don't sell your own intellect short! 5/31/2018 10:56:25 am
If you own a blog you know the importance of keeping your blog fresh and your audience interested. It can be challenging to come up with blog posts that won't bore your visitors and is interesting enough to keep them coming back.
Kathleen Cooper
3/10/2013 05:26:42 pm
Don't stop doing what you're doing Scott. I've watched the "academic" community trash Robert Bauval and other that are trying to get history written properly. You degree or lack of one doesn't matter, you have backed up your hypothesis with valid data and have been willing to be wrong in front of millions. And you have been right most of the time. I think the Venus angle has moved in the time since the building was erected, like you imagined on the episode. It's just too bad that people out there want to remain in the dark and pretend that history is all correct at this time. Keep up the good work. It galls me that just because the Templars might have been here first you have to trash someone???? Get a life. There were plenty of people here before Columbus.
Kathleen Cooper
3/10/2013 05:31:08 pm
The previous reply had two typos and I didn't want anyone thinking I was too illiterate to spell correctly - so I've corrected them. LOL
Roger Wilson
3/18/2013 06:08:21 pm
I'm sorry, Scott Wolter has NOT backed up any of his claims with data. I just watched the Templar Grail Or Maybe Treasure Or Maybe A Castle Too in Nova Scotia. What a pile of steaming pseudo-science. He looks at a cleaved boulder and claims--with no supportive analysis--that it could be part of a Templar castle. 3/27/2013 01:59:58 am
uh, yeah, like 100 million Native people - and my people have been here for 10,000 years, thank you very much
9/17/2013 09:06:26 pm
Kathleen...I fail to see one shred of valid data. Hypothesis, yes....beyond that pure speculation. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I don't have a problem believing something if there is real quantifiable proof. I get a little pissy when people take issue with folks not believing something unless there is proof. Here we are to discuss the proof or lack of it. That's how I landed here. Because I questioned what didn't seem legit to me. Jason has laid it out very nicely, why he feels it doesnt wash. Backed it up too! And hell yes I checked out what he said. I only choose to believe what can be proven. Doesnt mean I don't enjoy theories, or imagining what might have happened, but touting unproven details as fact, using shady pseudoscience as proof, well that isnt just flawed science, its dangerous. Our dogged pursuit of answers to our questions, is what keeps us moving along the evolutionary chain.
3/23/2013 01:42:40 pm
Scott, do not argue with a fool; someone observing the argument wouldn't be able to tell the diference.
7/12/2013 05:01:38 pm
There weren't millions of native americans in pre-Columbus America. There aren't evidence of large societies or large farming and food production to support those numbers. Charles Mann writes in his book '1491', "that looking at America based on land mass and fossils and determining the large occupations numbers of being 10-20 million; is likened to looking at an empty bank account and saying, there must have been several million dollars in this account at one time". No large food production and storage capabilities have ever been found.
Del Ehresman
3/24/2013 07:05:40 pm
5/18/2013 04:31:32 am
I think a lot of you are forgetting that the company Scott was working for placed the Honorary Degree on their website. Without explanation this could seem suspect until further explanation. 5/18/2013 04:33:33 am
I think a lot of you are forgetting that the company Scott was working for placed the Honorary Degree on their website. Without explanation this could seem suspect until further explanation. 5/18/2013 04:33:52 am
I think a lot of you are forgetting that the company Scott was working for placed the Honorary Degree on their website. Without explanation this could seem suspect until further explanation. 5/18/2013 04:35:18 am
I think a lot of you are forgetting that the company Scott was working for placed the Honorary Degree on their website. Without explanation this could seem suspect until further explanation.
3/29/2013 08:34:34 am
My has many times called me a genius.
michelle pinto
4/20/2013 09:30:34 pm
Dear Scott,
Jane taylor
5/1/2013 03:04:07 pm
You deserve all the degrees you earned, but I want to add a degree for explaining your theories in such a wonderfully delightful way.
5/20/2013 02:50:21 am
"Science Show" LOL 5/4/2013 06:59:12 pm
I love "America Unearthed." I have watched each episode with great interest. As a 45 year old man I realize that television isn't going to be perfect and that editing is going to be, for the most part, sensationalized.
2/14/2015 12:42:21 pm
R.J. Smythe
5/18/2013 03:53:08 am
@ Scott F. Wolter: You sir are a liar who has been committing a fraud upon the public. It is possibly even a case of Criminal Fraud as you have been claiming a degree for professional purposes to which you have no academic claim. Your claim to an "Honorary Masters Degree" has no more validity than if I as an Anthropology PhD candidate who has decided to remain ABD were to attempt to profit financially and professionally by claiming to be a Professor of Anthropology. The title of Doctor can only be used if one has OFFICIALLY been conferred a Doctorate. As I choose not to defend my dissertation I cannot in any legal sense call my self a Doctor of Anthropology. Regardless of the so called "honorary Degrees" someone lauds me with while having a cup of coffee.
Michael Shehan
6/18/2013 03:41:22 pm
Mr. Wolter,
2/14/2015 12:43:49 pm
Well written Michael
Bruce Hedquist, P.L.S. (Ret.)
7/12/2013 08:41:07 am
Scott, I've been watching your TV program "America Unearthed". I enjoy it immensely! I've also done some research on your past. It's quite interesting. I can relate to your "honorary masters" degree. I've also struggled to get not one but two different M.Sc. degrees over three decades with no more than transcripts of engineering and science courses amounting to five plus years of full time graduate studies, incl. many pre-doc courses, but no degree! I also liked the article about you written in a 2001 UMD alumni newsletter. Scott, keep up the good search. Screw your detractors!!
Lynn Robinson
7/12/2013 09:16:27 am
SCOTT, one of the first things MY professors shared with me and my fellow grad students in cultural anthropology, is you must publish (not for the general public) but in the scientific journals of your peers. Hence, interactive scientific discussions can one a yea or nay to one's work...New ideas can be shared that you may not have thought of or your peers haven't thought about. Not to mention, even being published in a journal gives the scientist more credence.
7/12/2013 10:00:03 am
Wolter has stated that he has created his own peer review process for his work. He has not published in academic journals about any of the subjects he discusses on his show.
7/3/2014 01:06:16 pm
Is there any doubt that Jason Colavito is a liberal? As such, he is unhappy, unattractive and simply angry. Think Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Weiner or any of the other hideously ugly and horrendously hateful people who call themselves liberals. For sure, Jason Colavito is jealous and angry that he, a hateful libtard, does not have his own TV show. At most, a few thousand people read this idiotic blog, while millions watch Wolter. If I found out that Jason killed his gay lover after a night of binge drinking, I would not be surprised in any way.
Lauri Boivin
7/13/2013 10:50:32 am
Hi Scott,
Harold Fleenor
7/15/2013 09:45:31 am
Scott, Just a few words of encouragement to keep up the work. I live outside Louisville, Ky and have always been fascinated with our own local legend of Welsh Prince Madoc, Sadly I recently ran across a statement that the state of Indiana has declared that any pre-columbian discoveries were not to be presented as such, Such a prohibition is ludicrous in the extreme, and sounds like the last shriek on the retreat against people like yourself who are attempting to uncover the truth, Stay the course,
8/23/2013 04:56:24 am
Ge Ki
8/23/2013 08:25:57 am
Stephen, allow me to speculate: Scott Wolter didn't really believe that the Holy Grail was there in the first place. He knows his "research" is full of crap (divining rods! - need I say more). So Wolter stopped digging because he knew he had enough video for a crappy show. Anybody with solid evidence would not have stopped. Even if they ran out of money, they could have raised more with solid evidence. Would Verizon pass up the chance to sponsor the discovery and world tour of "The Verizon Holy Grail"? Heck no.
8/23/2013 09:34:59 am
8/24/2013 07:22:23 pm
I fine it very frustrating that people question that Europeans and others made their way to North and South America long before Columbus. A lot of societies were very accomplished seafaring peoples so why wouldn't they have "found" North America? Open your minds people, stop and let other explanations be presented to you. It's amazing what you might learn!!
Rev. Phil Gotsch
8/28/2013 05:04:31 pm
My friend and colleague, Scott Wolter, is a gracious, generous, and honorable person ...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/18/2013 05:04:07 am
IOW ... It was a harmless innocent misunderstanding that has been *cleared*up* ...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/27/2013 11:30:06 am
My personal friend and professional colleague (for 25+ years), Scott Wolter, is an honest man … He ISN'T a god, so he isn't PERFECT and doesn't know everything about everything … But I am not ashamed to be known as his friend and colleague ...
Ge Ki
10/27/2013 03:53:52 pm
Jeez, "Reverend," for someone who keeps telling us to drop the issue, you sure do like to go on about it. It's been a few days now since the last anti-Wolters comment, and here you are, back again to excuse your buddy for lying on his resume. Next time you bitch that we should just "let it go," just look in the mirror. As for me, I sure wish I could tolerate lying the way you can. So much for your 10 Commandments, ay? And you still haven't answered my question: Would you teach kids that it's OK to lie about receiving an honorary degree?
12/1/2013 12:10:48 am
Dear Scott,
Kasie K.
12/19/2013 02:32:08 am
Mr. Wolter, I enjoy your theories and I admire you for stepping away from the mainstream. Keep doing what you're doing. Everyone has critics.
1/6/2014 11:50:27 am
you admire him for lying about established facts? When you say "everyone has critics", you clearly want to equate him to Isaac Newton or similar, when it could equally, and more appropriately apply to David Icke...
Jon Bryant
12/23/2013 06:46:38 pm
Scott, I'm a long time fan and enjoy your TV shows a lot. I don't agree with everything I see/hear on your shows, but they are interesting and definitely provoke thought and discussion. An interest of mine is the "early man controversy" ......when did man first appear in North America? Have you ever investigated, or do you plan to investigate, the Early Man site at Calico, California, or the Texas Street archeological site in San Diego, California? These are only two of many sites in North America that provide evidence (in great dispute) of human habitation in North America dating back 200,000 years or so. I've read about these different sites and the differing and conflicting interpretations of the "evidence" of early human presence in North America. I would like to see a program such as yours explore this controversy, and expose these sites and explain the evidence/artifacts found in them. I think it would be a very interesting topic and would evoke lots of controversy (just what you need more of !! :) )
Mike Hover
1/3/2014 05:07:28 am
1/5/2014 01:48:32 pm
7/3/2014 01:15:19 pm
Tara, I doubt that you, as a GUARANTEED liberal, has any problem with Clinton having sex with a 20 year old, and for sure you don't care that obama is a thieving, lying, low IQ moron who lies about every aspect of his life, except his rampant and felonious use of illegal drugs. Why hold Scott W. to a higher standard than your hero libtards? Are you demanding Obama be removed from office because he won't admit he is muslim, or admit he is a homosexual? Are you upset that michelle Obama is really a man whose penis shows in many photos? No, these FACTS don't bother you but the fact that Scott Wolter plays the libtard game and lies bothers you?
1/11/2014 05:26:49 pm
9/4/2016 01:06:28 am
1/11/2014 05:27:04 pm
1/11/2014 05:27:30 pm
1/11/2014 05:28:53 pm
1/11/2014 05:29:01 pm
1/11/2014 05:29:13 pm
1/12/2014 04:43:01 am
The history channel is selling fiction and I'm glad Jason is calling foul. Jason's knowledge on the subject is needed.
1/12/2014 05:04:30 am
Its not that I don't care about the point is why you people waste your time talking about someone who has no affect on your personal lives. He does not take money from you, the show does not affect your personal relationships, it shouldn't hinder your endeavors. So why waste your time on him? Go out and spend your time productively and contribute something to society.
1/12/2014 05:04:37 am
Its not that I don't care about the point is why you people waste your time talking about someone who has no affect on your personal lives. He does not take money from you, the show does not affect your personal relationships, it shouldn't hinder your endeavors. So why waste your time on him? Go out and spend your time productively and contribute something to society. 1/12/2014 05:24:28 am
Trey, do you complain that the Todd VanDerWerff at the Onion's AV Club are "obsessed" with NBC's "Parenthood" because he writes 2,000-3,000 words a week on a mere TV show, analyzing each episode?
1/12/2014 05:45:02 am
1/12/2014 05:45:15 am
Jason, 1/12/2014 05:50:06 am
I told you that, Trey, precisely because you asked. Note that I didn't bring it up until you insinuated that I did not write books, do work, etc. I was replying to your direct question.
1/12/2014 06:01:00 am
It was not meant to be a question. It was meant as a statement towards your time spent tying 60,000 words on this website, time spent publishing 1000's of articles debunking A.U. the time spent traveling to his sites to de-bunk him, the time spent watching the shows that you despise, the time you spend writing these reviews. That's what I meant. 1/12/2014 06:07:53 am
We can learn even from what we dislike, and debunking America Unearthed is a learning experience. It makes me sharper. You seem to think there is this deep emotional connection I have to the show, which is belied by the fact that I've been doing similar work since 2001, when I used to debunk Graham Hancock back when he was popular. I find it fun to pick apart bad ideas. It's how we separate bad ideas from good ideas.
1/12/2014 06:16:27 am
Hey man, Ive got no problem with that. And I would agree...100%. But that's not what your doing here. You've invoked such a argument and dug up enough dirt where this man is trying (or attempted to) sue you. And all for what? So some people can think what?????? That's all Im trying to say.
Joe Sesto
1/13/2014 06:35:09 am
Scott, I watched your 12/2013 episode on the Norsemen last night. It occurred to me that most in the historic community would know that the correct name for the Smithsonian is the Smithsonian Institution and it was called the Institute at least 3 times on that show. Also it is not pronounced It is I am not qualified to comment on the scientific or historic value of your show...but if your research is not extensive enough to determine basic facts, known for puts the legitimacy of your research in question.
Dr. Tod
4/30/2014 05:45:03 pm
bill pless
2/2/2014 01:09:34 am
Scott, degree or no degree, its the study and hard work you put into doing your job that a retired Baptist preacher, I neither have or have had a degree in theology, but 2 years of seminar and countless years of studying the Holy Bible, needless to say I don't know it all but will stand toe to toe with anyone re: scripture.
Bruce Rich
2/9/2014 02:26:57 pm
I think I have an idea as to how to get view of the cave in the Grand canyon episode. There are a type of RC pilot that fly FPV (First Person View). I could see some of them being able to help and at least get an outside view of the cave. If the cave is there and looks right someone could always go forward later. Is it possible to get the cords of the cliff top?
2/14/2014 05:39:21 pm
Scott, I realize that having a fancy diploma is pretty popular (I don't have one) but in the end it's your knowledge that's the key to what you do, whether or not it's printed on parchment. I'm constantly shocked by "scientists" who will only recognize accomplishments and discoveries made by people who attended famous colleges and stuck to what the textbooks said.
Jason Rumsey
2/22/2014 05:22:10 am
Jason Rumsey
2/22/2014 05:26:58 am
Rick S MBA
4/12/2014 07:13:12 pm
Dear Scott:
Mr. E
9/23/2014 10:56:57 am
Kathryn Zambito
1/18/2015 01:00:09 pm
Hi Scott,
3/30/2015 11:24:49 pm
I hear you Scott. I have several academic degrees but the one degree I am most proud of is not an academic degree but actually one my children presented to me on Mother's Day one year. It said: M.O.M. Underneath that it read: Master's of Motherhood.
Lillian Zachar
8/13/2015 06:46:27 pm
9/4/2016 12:28:07 am
Scott, you're making more typos than usual tonight. Hitting the gin harder than most days? Fist clenched in rage?
C.Moore Duncan
11/25/2013 08:17:07 pm
Why is Jason such a pecker neck ?
12/1/2013 07:32:19 pm
And why is it that sad people like you go into a blog just to call other people names? Get a life.
C.Moore Duncan
12/10/2013 09:38:56 am
Hey Ray , I was not calling Jason names I was describing him . I have a life Ray and am tired of worn out phrases like " Get a Life " . 1/22/2013 03:17:27 pm
I think this has been a model of how we would like these things to turn out. At least, you and I, Jason. Unfortunately, most of the people I write about are dead so I don't expect to hear from them. I would not consider some adolescent girl cracking her toe knuckles under the table to be a genuine meeting of the minds.
Tara Jordan
1/22/2013 04:25:02 pm
"I would not consider some adolescent girl cracking her toe knuckles under the table to be a genuine meeting of the minds.".
1/23/2013 02:31:30 pm
It wasn't a reference to you. I meant the Fox Sisters. They were two girls in pre-Civil War New England who communed with the spirits. Turned out the mysterious knocking that people heard during their seances was on of the girls cracking her toe knuckles under the table.
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 03:02:51 pm
John, Quite a funny story, I wonder if Giorgo Tsukalos is capable of generating ectoplasm?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
4/9/2013 03:12:21 pm
I have it on good authority that "Giorgio" uses "ectoplasm" for his hair gel -- which explains a LOT, I think ...
2/22/2014 05:46:00 am
I have seen you do nothing but call everyone but your boyfriend Jason Colavito ignorant and stupid! If that is the way you want to go okay, that's fine. You just prove the point that your an academic and nothing more, you have no interest in knowing if what is told to you is the truth or not and you have no dreams of changing the world. You have never and will never make your own way, you will always follow the majority and you will never be a trailblazer. You have wasted your life and to be honest I would hope that you would seek treatment and therapy to find out why you are this way. I hope the best for you Tara but I don't think it will happen for you. The world is getting tired of yes men/women, now we want the truth, no matter what the cost.
3/30/2015 11:47:10 pm
Then why do you talk like you are 22?
3/30/2015 11:46:15 pm
Yes John J McKay, I address that very issue in my upcoming book...too many academics don't have the cojones to tackle a person's theories while they are alive but when they die said academic "greats" have all kinds of criticism and epithets for them!
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 03:52:08 am
Jason. There is a growing proportion of the American public that is totally incapable of locating Egypt (I am not even talking about the Giza plateau) on a world map,yet they systematically associate this archeological site with aliens visitations,new age fringe sciences & esoteric garbage.Don`t get me wrong,I love Science fiction & horror literature, but there is one big difference,Lovecraft and Derleth never claimed to write scientific books, Ancient Aliens theorists and American Unearthed "experts" pretend they are actually engage in a scientific process...
3/19/2013 09:17:35 pm
Okay Tara, I have read enough from you. Please, with all of your wisdom; tell us what "you" think the purpose of the pyramids are?...As for you bashing Scott Wolter and the people following him and his quest; GET BENT!!! You are a narrow minded individual, that will sadly be in Washington D.C. one day making our nations policies. For someone to sound like such a know-it-all and be as narrow minded as you may be you need to open your eyes to the world around you. You know that after school special saying "knowledge is power"...That has been proven, all the way back from the cro magnon and neanderthal age. Did you ever ask yourself, what happened to the knowledge in Alexander's library or Genghis Khan's prized possessions? I, and other like minded people do ask questions like that! This does not make us a retard or three (not 3) degrees away from understanding. The freemasons are a living a breathing entity; this I can contest too. It is called "HIS STORY" for a reason.
3/19/2013 10:26:15 pm
Obviously you chose not to read anything I have ever written beyond this post, or even my other responses here. Nor do you appear to have read Wolter's response in which he admits that his honorary degree is not recognized by the university and does not exist.
3/20/2013 09:17:46 pm
Jason- 3/20/2013 11:36:46 pm
I think you post is missing a few words, since I am unable to grasp what you mean about "remove it from everything." As Mr. Wolter wrote, it was not I who caused him to admit that the University did not recognize the honorary degree he claimed it had awarded but rather the Minnesota state agency that licenses geologists. If you have a problem with how the state of Minnesota evaluates Mr. Wolter's credentials, you may take it up with them.
Billy Randolph
3/28/2013 02:35:20 pm
It is for gnosis.
5/10/2013 06:27:28 pm
Hey Cory,
9/18/2013 03:35:16 am
Ten bucks says Cory is a fox news watcher. How else can you explain the low information threshold he has for determining facts, and then can only regurgitate the canned "skeptic" response when called. That comes from someone who has been programmed to lash out at people who dare to ask questions about things they accept as true. Jason has not lashed out here. He has asked questions, thoughtfully researched the topics, and pointed out inaccuracies and even dishonesty. Maybe you disagree, but at least HE has presented peer reviewed accepted knowledge to back his claims of inaccuracy. Wolter didn't do any such thing. If there was, we wouldnt be reading this right now.
Tara Jordan
1/1/2014 02:05:46 pm
My sarcasm is vindicated,Wolter is a crook,but his is a mastermind at taking advantage of intellectual simpletons like yourself.
Christopher B
4/4/2013 04:49:03 pm
Tara, people who purport to academics, and look down upon the great unwashed masses as inferior, tend to be, in my experience, self loathing, insecure, close minded idividuals. You should remember that some of the greatest discoveries of our civilisation, often come by mistake, chance or being OPEN to possibilities, not just accepting the Status Quo. Waving your diploma in the faces of those who do not have one, is beneath the moral standards of good people. You really sound like a vengeful, mean spirited young lady.
1/23/2013 04:49:05 am
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 06:00:18 am
Of course,Tara, you mean little thing,engaging in "Name calling,mud slinging & ad hominem attacks". Because the other side,they`re all milk & honey.With all due respect Jim, you dont know what you are talking about. Ask Jason how many death threats,intimidations & the like, he has to deal on weekly base, just because he dares questioning the golden cows of the snake oil peddling industry.There are 1000`s of sites and blogs that fawn upon and promote this new age- Ancient Aliens, alternative history pseudo intellectual garbage, the debunkers are the minority among a minority. By the way I dont feel I have to justify myself for my behavior & my positions,but being critical is not only a right,a duty,it is a matter of public hygiene
1/23/2013 07:19:16 am
Tara, 1/23/2013 12:45:43 pm
Actually, it's not that many death threats. They only come a few times a year, and so far there's only been one I had to take somewhat seriously. Mostly it's just angry people blowing off steam.
Tara Jordan
1/23/2013 02:55:25 pm
Not at all Jim.I do appreciate the critic, especially when it comes from individuals with your intellect. I am blunt indeed but I have a really good education & I am quite capable of restraining myself. This is not my personal space & I would never behave in a way that could be detrimental to Jason. (I hope I am not?;) When Jason tells me to chill out, I do. I may have indeed valuable things to say but I am not a poseur & exposing my academic credentials & the depth of my intellectual bandwidth,is no part of my strategy. You have to take it into context, most of this Ancient Aliens,alternative history munbo jumbo has already been debunked by other scholars & experts,Jason is providing a final & personal touch to the polemic.Furthermore I am not a debunker & the burden of proof is on the individuals who are making extravagant claims. There is a huge amount of scholarly & academic literature that deals with these specific issues, I dont feel I am the one who has make the case,People need to do their basic home work.Thank you for your feedback
3/30/2015 10:42:40 pm
terry the censor
1/23/2013 07:16:07 pm
Scott Wolter wrote:
The Searcher
3/16/2013 10:23:00 am
To the Degreed Professionals,
3/16/2013 10:40:22 am
You are welcome to find all of my counterarguments and evidence in my weekly reviews of the program. This post is not meant to be an exhaustive critique of the man's life and work.
Michael J
11/25/2013 07:45:43 pm
You make many great points and I applaud you . Many of us also fail to look into who is funding a scientist or the dogma that is all too prevalent in science today.
3/30/2015 10:52:30 pm
Dear Searcher,
1/24/2013 08:24:10 pm
I would like to make a comment....I appreciate this blog (found it while checking on Mr. Wolters credentials) and love the fact the Mr Wolters is responding. I have any issue which seeks to make claims that challenge held beliefs without more support than I see on America Unearthed. The first shows I have seen (coming into it late) the arguments seem sophmoric. I was not surprised to find he has only an undergraduate (layman), many of the arguments lack support and a thoroughness one would need to challenge long held belief. But I do agree with Mr Wolters that Academia (entrenched professors who's whole career may rest upon the dates he threatens) and his main suppositions need not be thrown out. Mr Wolters, I ask that you just tighten it up (If the History Channel time schedule will allow).
1/25/2013 04:29:21 am
"But I do agree with Mr Wolters that Academia (entrenched professors who's whole career may rest upon the dates he threatens) and his main suppositions need not be thrown out."
1/26/2013 01:43:14 pm
Agreed. But academia is not all about scientific method. Biases do prevail. Your only as good as your last publication and people guard there dissertations jeolously. It is not an even playing field. That is why some turn to trial by the public (TV)instead of going the academic route (getting the degree, getting book published and doing the lecture circiut)
1/30/2013 04:40:03 pm
I also discovered this site when looking for Mr. Wolter's credentials. What bothered me about the program I just saw was that Mr. Wolter's either didn't listen closely to or misinterpreted the responses of the 'experts' he visited for the program. I was also disappointed that geologic science was not included even though that is apparently Mr. Wolter's expertise. I suppose it was no accident that the program was followed by another History channel jewel, Ancient Aliens. I wonder if they shouldn't call it the Junk History channel.
1/31/2013 04:09:33 pm
Amen! I hate shows that use questions to pass off as statments; "Could it be....blah blah blah?" It is because it "probably isnt". But having noticed the heading of this webpage, I fear I may insult our host whom I fear is calling the kettle black when he questions Mr Wolters expertise. It all about TV air time, baby. Over and out.
1/31/2013 10:24:43 pm
I'm no expert, and I'm happy to say so. But I'm also not claiming to be one, or to claim to rewrite all of history with my "expertise."
do it
3/26/2013 12:21:55 am
i believe you have found your life partners and go suck each others dicks now
2/1/2013 03:18:40 pm
Great discussion! Informative. I found this site by looking for supportive "evidence" for claims made in the America Unearthed series. I am well into the third episode. I like speculation and the stringing of tantalizing clues. Naturally many questions cannot have nice neat questions. Perhaps archaeologists, cultural anthropologists and their ilk may further clarify the prehistory of the Americas. I expect and hope they do.
2/1/2013 06:39:21 pm
Are you sure you not gnostic (special knowledge and all)? just would be considered heretic and burned at the stake. (I made excellent marks in systematic theology at Chandler, Emory University....not so good in Old Testament)
8/22/2013 04:37:02 pm
@Agape Bob,
Iain Mackenzie
2/5/2013 12:32:27 pm
I too found this site while searching for Scott Wolter. I saw the America Unearthed advert and was intrigued by the subject matter. About half way through the ”America’s Stonehenge” episode I thought I was watching a satire on Archeology shows, but by the end of it I realized that Mr. Wolter seemed to be sincere. I am not a geologist or archeo-anything but was stunned by the leaps of logic that became facts at the speed of light.
2/5/2013 12:40:57 pm
Welcome to the site! I've posted reviews of each episode of "America Unearthed," so you can read up on everything you missed, and just how stupid it is. In my review of the "Stonehenge in America" episode I do my best to try to explain where the line to Phoenicia came from. It's really stupid.
Iain Mackenzie
2/10/2013 05:22:45 am
Thanks for the reply. I checked out your review. Spot on in my opinion, and saved me a lot of work figuring out Google earth.
Iain Mackenzie
2/10/2013 05:23:03 am
Thanks for the reply. I checked out your review. Spot on in my opinion, and saved me a lot of work figuring out Google earth.
Colleen Niemi
4/17/2013 05:09:37 pm
I love this site! Just stumbled across it while looking for Scott's credentials since I, like many others, recognized he couldn't be from an academic background. I happened across the show and honestly thought at first that it was a new Christopher Guest movie. There's a difference between hypothesis and agenda, scientific inquiry and show-biz, truth and romance. Not that they can't overlap but it behooves us all to keep our desire for a really great story separate from a rigid skepticism. What I found really interesting about the Runestone episode was how excited the archaeologist doing the dig was about the Native American artifacts he was finding and how completely disinterested the farmer was in all the actual treasures that were being discovered all around him. Native Shmative, I want a Viking just like the Viking that married dear old Mom.
1/19/2014 12:44:25 pm
I liked the way the drew the line from the American Stonehenge to England and then the Lebanon. Is it just me, but I looked at a map and I don't see it possible to draw a straight line???
1/19/2014 12:48:34 pm
You can't. The line is called the "Great Circle," and you can read about how it works in my review of the episode by clicking the "America Unearthed Reviews" link above.
Jeffery Pitts
2/13/2013 04:52:05 pm
I just watched America Unearthed and was completely appalled at the episode about the carved bull found on a stone in the Arkansas River near Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. Wolters saw vertical scratches laid out on a horizontal plane along a cliff face near the area where the bull carving was found. He proclaimed it was possibly Irish Ogham script and flew to Ireland to "check it out". A professor there showed Mr. Wolters an actual Ogham inscription (horizontal lines laid out in verticle planes) and looked at the pictures Mr. Wolters brought from Oklahoma. The professor flatly told him it wasn't ogham. However, later, Mr. Wolters went to western Oklahoma and saw more verticle scratches on a horizontal plane and agreed it was ogham, although it looked nothing like real ogham script. The show went on to claim that ancient celts who worshiped Mithras (You gotta be kidding me!) came to Oklahoma and carved Ogham, Mithras, the Mithras bull, and Anubis in a cliff shelter. They then claimed Anubis was tied to Mithras and that Irish celts worshiped them. It made me sick to my stomach to see this junk on the History Channel, and people like Scott Wolters should hope to God there is no hell because in my opinion liars and frauds should be condemned to the worst, lowest levels. Anyone who knows anything about Mithras knows it was an eastern religion from the area of Persia carried through Western Europe by the members of the Roman Army. Why would anybody claim it was ever celtic? He had some "expert" on Mithras who backed him up on that and tied Anubis to the Mithras cult as well. Complete hogwash! America Unearthed made me so sick and angry I just had to find as many places online as possible to try to discredit this junk history, quackery, tv show. Scott Wolters, if you read this, shame on you! You are actually making people stupid and getting paid to do it. Jason Colavito, you sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Keep up the good work!
Alan Watts
11/25/2013 09:34:44 pm
Joseph Campbell was a scholar and a gentleman .
2/15/2013 08:22:42 am
It appears Jason takes some liberties with his own resume. He claims to be a "best selling" author. This claim comes with an asterisk and if one bothers to read the asterisk it notes, "* ranking of top 10 best-selling archaeology new releases, December 2012."
2/15/2013 08:37:03 am
What exactly do you think I'm hiding? If you check my blog archive, you'll see I've always been very clear about my book sales and the fact that my blog readership outdraws my booksales many times over. You're right that I am not a NYT Bestselling author (which is also based on relative sales, not absolute sales), but a little marketing puffery isn't the same as faking credentials.
2/15/2013 09:39:47 am
Jason states: "If you check my blog archive, you'll see I've always been very clear about my book sales "
Shane Taylor
5/12/2013 12:18:24 am
Look Jason. You have got to come clean. You asked Scott to tell the truth and verify his it's your turn.....hand over the statistics as asked. How many copies of your books are being sold?
1/6/2014 12:02:18 pm
It is one thing to say you have sold a lot of books one amazon, which Jason probably has, and quite another to claim academic credentials, especially when you are using those credentials to give your vague theories about knights templar, freemasons, etc some credence. Now, would you propose that anything Jason has said in the body of his article above or in any of the reviews about AU are factually incorrect? (Obviously that would require you reading them which you probably cannot be bothered to do)
2/15/2013 07:44:36 pm
What Tara considers 'debunked' is someone who scrounged together a Youtube documentary and attaches the title 'debunked' at the end. That's not the's purely guilt by association, and automatic feeding of the old superiority-complex every time that word is uttered in the name of the doctrine.
Just some girl
2/15/2013 08:10:18 pm
I have nothing more than an associates degree in marketing and sales so I will not be trying to boast of any high intellect. My interest in history, archaeology and geology has been with me since, as a child, I first started digging in the dirt of my front lawn hoping to find a Native American artifact. What I have taken away from watching America Unearthed is a renewed "spark" in those interests. I would hope that creating an interest in these subjects is the true intent of the producers and Mr. Wolter. If people are taking all that is said on this television show as absolute truth, it is unfortunate. With the ability to do vast research from the luxury of their own home, I believe they are only doing themselves a disservice. Anyone who understands how to use a computer and knows that making an informed decision involves obtaining much more than a few statements one person made will do that research before forming a solid view on the matter.
4/25/2013 06:59:32 pm
You mean your just some slut
6/7/2013 12:54:37 pm
Wow, Rob must really have a high IQ for his reply.. That takes some high intelligence to come up with a remark like that... Oh wait, I remember in highschool that jocks and bullies (whose IQ's were south of 100) made similar comments... I agree with Just some girl and her post. I think we do need to think for ourselves a bit and challenge the Status Quo... This show does that.
11/26/2013 09:15:35 pm
I think you are " Just some very nice girl ".
3/30/2015 11:01:49 pm
Just Some Girl,
2/16/2013 11:37:15 am
2/16/2013 11:55:21 am
Perhaps you have misunderstood the purpose of this blog post. My review of America Unearthed S01E01 was posted separately, where I deal with the material in question. Wolter was denied access because his team hadn't filed the proper paperwork to film and conduct intrusive tests at the site. It is otherwise open to the public and can be visited by following the map and directions the Forest Service helpfully provides on the site's website.
2/16/2013 12:09:52 pm
Awesome, then I can go. Two weeks ago, I had never heard of the site, so I hadn't looked into it yet.
2/18/2013 03:14:55 pm
I'm jumping into the "debate" a little late, but I just caught "America Unearthed" for the first time, and since the whole thing just reeked of the same pseudo-science used in "Ancient Aliens", I thought I'd check into the credentials of Mr.Wolter. Apparently, he has none. (and yes..I think credentials are important. In my opinion, "self-taught" usually means educated by fools) It will be the last time I watch the show, and I'll be sure to pass this information along to friends, and acquaintances. At this point "The History Channel" should be forced to change it's name to "The let's give anyone with a half-baked notion a show" channel.
Edda Beiver
11/25/2013 10:01:46 pm
Maybe Obozo will pass a law and force H2 to change its name to your request .
Kathryn Zambito
1/21/2015 10:23:35 am
Katherine, So you would call natural geniuses like Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison fools? Ha!
A Teacher
2/22/2013 03:10:30 pm
I watch the show and I can certainly buy into the notion that there are things which happened in North America that preceded Columbus. My concern, however, is how often and how easily Mr. Wolter is convinced by evidence that is so questionable. The dating of many of the sites in the Americas he has visited are highly speculative and not based on the standard measures of age as determined by absolute or relative dating procedures. Due to the nature of the New England climate, Mr. Wolter must know that even rocks as hard as granite can weather relatively quickly. In the Pennsylvania mountains he was convinced of a European connection based in part on what he perceived to be a ceremonial basin. Is he not aware that many Amish people have spring fed basins just like that in their cellars which are used to keep items such as milk cool? Cool spring water was the simple man's refrigerator. As for the Mandan Welsh connection, a whole host of scholars and learned people from Mandan and Welsh backgrounds have thoroughly debunked the notion of a Mandan-Welsh connection. The entire premise was based on The Corps of Discovery comments that the Mandan looked "European." Anyone who studies genetics understands that certain physical traits can become isolated in one particular group of people. Some indigenous North Americans had beards while others were incapable of growing facial hair. Because of Hollywood, we have been conditioned to think of indigenous North Americans as looking a certain way. Surely the same genetic variations occured in the millions of individuals scattered across a massive land mass. Enthusiasm, curiosity, Mr. Wolter, are fabulous things. They have led to some of the greatest innovations in the history of our species. But enthusiasm and a desire to be right should not have the effect of clouding one's judgment. I, for one, very much WANT you to be correct in many of your beliefs. As a secondary level teacher of social studies and science I am certainly aware of how history has been manipulated, misrepresented, even invented. I am also well aware of how certain data and information can be manipulated in a way to say what the experimentor wants it to say. I am sad to say that I have an inherent lack of trust in most of what I read at first glance, and I try to make an effort to sort thrrough the differing points of view to find something I can accept. It is obvious that the show itself is "scripted" to a great degree, perhaps necessarily, but for people with a bit more background in science and history "scriptedness" implies to us that the authenticity of the claims are weak. Scientists and historians can be incredibly enthusiastic about their beliefs, but the best ones in my opinion avoid sensationalizing anything. Quite the contrary, the best scientists and historians are ones who test themselves and their beliefs by requiring a considerable preponderance of evidence until they are satisfied they have adequately explained away alternatives to their beliefs. Mr. Wolter is no more or less biased than many scientists and historians today. Many of them want to make a name for themselves. There isn't a lot of money available for research and they want to stand out. They also want recognition for their universities, even their countries. The whole field of science, unfortunately, is subject to intense manipulation. I think Mr. Wolter's show is entertaining and I do learn from it. I would not, however, go so far as to say I consider him a credible historian or, for that matter, a credible "forensic geologist." He is far too easily convinced by evidence that has not met a sufficient burden of proof.
Mike Courage
2/22/2013 08:55:44 pm
I've watched America Unearthed three times and asked myself "Am I just stupid or is this a bunch of crap? It's good to know that I'm not stupid. That program is an embarrassment to geologists everywhere.
5/18/2013 03:40:31 am
Mike: even if this show is a bunch of crap, that does not necessarily mean that you aren't stupid--'leap of logic' examples abound, on all sides of this blog...
Alan Watts
12/10/2013 09:44:17 am
Get some courage Mike and change the channel .
Bella Jade
3/25/2014 09:55:45 am
The answer is simple, turn the tv off or change the channel. If you do not like Scott, or his show, then do NOT watch it. Very simple solution. He never says anything is fact...he leaves things open for others to decide for themselves.
4/29/2014 04:30:20 pm
Well the point of the program is entertainment for everyone. There is a factual premise in each instalment. It's not worth wasting too many words on scientific merit, even if there is some from time to time. It's good to challenge things: even science is always doing that....why is medicine "practiced"? Please note that your cell phone works based on science, your beer and flat screen TV are all products of science.
Jay Davis
2/23/2013 06:30:36 pm
Scott, I have been watching the Show and I find it Fascinating. I have told Friends about it and they enjoy it too. Keep up the good work. Your on a Mission. and when you don't know about something you go to the Experts. Nothing wrong with that. Looking forward to more Seasons. Great Entertainment.
8/31/2014 04:22:59 am
Except that the experts refute his ideas at every turn, so he works it into the script that it must be a conspiracy and is even more sure now that his crazy assumptions must be correct. This is generally done in a huffy fake phone call to friends or family.
John E
3/1/2013 05:10:22 pm
The show is entertaining, but like so many shows on the 'History' Channel, it freely sacrifices the basic rules of evidence in favor of sensationalistic conspiracy theory. I do wonder to what extent Mr. Wolter has been influenced by the late Harvard zoologist Barry Fell. While Fell was a far more careful researcher than Wolter is, I can't help but be reminded of his book, _America BC_ while watching Wolter's show. Too bad "America Unearthed" isn't nearly as reflective of careful research as _America BC_ was. It is quite a bit better than "Finding Bigfoot" however. What is so annoying about these shows is how much even those of us who truly WANT these tales to be true are simply left with nothing but sensationalistic hunches and maybes when all is said and done.
3/7/2013 09:13:51 am
It's a TV show and it seems that fact gets lost with most people.
3/7/2013 09:33:00 am
I think that's a rather low standard to hold TV to. Look back at "In Search of..." from 30 years ago; it covered the same material and came to many of the same conclusions, but it did so in a way that was comparatively more open-minded, fair, and entertaining. But we don't have to have false ideas to be entertaining: Have you ever watched historical documentaries from the BBC, Germany's ZDF, and other international broadcasters? They cover fascinating bits of human history in an entertaining way. I remember seeing a documentary about the Nebra Sky Disk on DWTV (Germany), and it was engaging, entertaining, and based in actual fact.
Thomas O
9/10/2013 02:18:53 am
I have just recently come across "America Unearthed", now, while I am not overly concerned regarding the quality of Mr Wooten's credentials the most fundamental thing for me is the entertainment value of the subject matter.
Michelle D
3/9/2013 06:09:40 am
I too was wondering about the credentials as the show continues somethings just do not add up. First as a geo "experienced" he still refers to the Americas as the "New World." Unless the clouds parted the day Columbus landed and poof the Americas were born (Which I kind of doubt) the Americas have a long and diverse history beyond just the Euro humans landing.
Brenda Worrall
3/11/2013 06:00:26 am
Wow ... who is this Tara Jordan person anyway ?? She says "
8/19/2013 11:09:52 am
I guess pointing out that you can find the papers Tara Jordan has authored with about 30 seconds of research on the internet would be lost on you. Unlike Wolter she is willing to put her work into the academic arena and deal with all the abuse that entails
1/4/2014 02:31:25 pm
I was expecting nothing less from someone like yourself.The Scott Wolter aficionado is probably the lowest form of organic life in our solar system.
3/12/2013 06:57:46 am
I have no degree. I spent 20 years in the us military, 5 as a mil contractor. i have read history since age5. started with an old high school history book. Have read a dozen book since childhood on roanoke. I read all sorts of history still. I know many things written in history are wrong. Many other things are unknown. I like scott. I dont think he is a master scientist. I dont think many scientist today are. I think politics has harmed higher education. people who call people names when they dont have to answer for it are bullies. Attack the message, not the messenger. I know at age 14, in n.c., i was with my adult brother when we found a small stone tablet, engraved with tiny pictograms of characters that resembled some sort of writng. 8 lines. 40 odd characters. we searched at the county library for a match. none. The librarian called a state archeology office man who came to my brothers home. He claimed it looked like nothing he had seen, but was probably "some old hoax".He then asked for it. when my brother refused, he threatened state code that made artifacts state property. my brother refused. we "lost" it. My brother is an ahole, but we were digging out a site for a pump house, and he could never have made such a thing, or want to. There was an old spring 50 yds away that had been a stopping site on an old wagon road, and probably an important site for centuries.I had gathered arrowheads and stone tools in the area for years. NOTHING looked as smooth and well made as this. It was not regular native american material. I believe some traveler left it here god knows when. Just a side note, my dad at 16, in the cc corp in 1937 worked to build roads in fish lake national forest utah. in a cave there he found 4 coins which he kept. I id"d them as roman from a book when i was 17. My dad had a 6th grade education, was no liar, and thought they were old mexican coins. My point being there is a weatlth of history we dont know. it is cut and dried. man was a wanderer and has done what is often never known. For the record, i am convinced the colonists at roanoke fought to survive and were scattered among indian tribes, many seperate untold tales of survival. i dont know if any of the dare stones are real, but the tale they tell is not outrageous. Lets show humility and respect each other, even if we think someone is wrong. Being wrong doesnt make someone evil. Scott shows his sincerity by addressing his critics. we should all show the decent tone he answers others with.
Tony Newcomb
3/13/2013 10:14:25 pm
I'm honored to see such debate over the history of our nations lands. I am a direct grandson to William Brewster of the Pilgrims. And my ancestor grandfather Capt. Andrew Newcomb came here to Boston in 1630-1640. I know they had a big part in forming this nation. I know they had connection to the Knights Templar and later Freemasons. I can't understand the thought that open minds can't be used in the possibility that history books written by fallible men and women could be wrong or "Partially" right as mentioned here. Evidence and searching for the truth does not require a degree. I hold various mechanical and Carpentry/Masonry certifications. That does not mean I can't run a tractor on my grandpa's farm or care for sick farm animals if needed. We each hold diverse skills we don't go on record mentioning but they are there none the less as we speak of things. The old saying comes to mind. "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear to be smart. Than to open it and remove all the doubt. Scott Wolter May not have a degree per-say. But he seems to have a grasp on the smarts to handle America Unearthed. Maybe he could team up with a counter part who could be a degree holding bias view to offer a second point of view??
3/14/2013 12:02:31 pm
No one is saying that you must have a degree to be intelligent or that to seek evidence or speak the truth you need an advanced degree. What I read here is that it is wrong and unethical for Mr. Wolter to mislead people that he has an “honorary master’s degree” from an institution of higher education that DOES NOT EXIST. This kind of dishonesty is unacceptable to me. If he can't be honest about his education creditials, doesn't that raise doubt about his honesty as a professional and as a so-called researcher?
11/25/2013 10:19:30 pm
We should all be honest like the tyrannical leaders our great country has.
Paul Elshoff
3/15/2013 07:54:57 am
Was just watching a series of these shows today. Scott Wolter sort of had me with him until he crossed the line from being geologist to now being a homicide investigator taking DNA samples from Meriwether Lewis' Freemason apron; culminating in "his" conclusion that Lewis was murdered. Being a former law enforcement officer and investigator with real diplomas/certificates in the criminology field, I would offer that Mr. Wolter should stick with geology. (Nice blog, Jason.)
Billy Bob
3/15/2013 02:02:24 pm
There is a rock in Arizona that suggests that it was Jesus who actually discovered America 1500 years before Columbus.
3/15/2013 02:23:27 pm
Hey everybody, this is America. We can choose to watch certain tv shows or not. I like Scott Wolter because he has the guts to put together an entertaining tv show. Do I believe what he is selling? No, most of the time, I do not. But it is fun to watch and I am a reasoning person and I can decide what to believe.
5/20/2013 03:54:20 am
Hey Kate, this is America. We can choose to criticize the claims of those who purport to be experts or scientists. I'm glad you're able to differentiate between fantasy and reality when it comes to the content of the show, but unfortunately most cannot it would seem. No one is criticizing Scott's ability as a showman or his ability to sell himself. Good for him. And if people were... Hey, this is America, right?
Jim Jones Punch
11/25/2013 11:02:13 pm
Well it used to be America until about 1913 , now it is Amerika .
3/15/2013 02:43:20 pm
Correction, Billy Bob, it was actually Jesus and his son who discovered the America's. Both of whom were members of the Knights Templar. Scott Wolters just put on a laser show in an ancient Rhode Island rock structure that basically proved this.
Charles Austin Miller
3/15/2013 02:43:27 pm
I fail to see why Wolter's 82 bachelor's degree in geology qualifies him to investigate and remark upon archaeology, anthropology, architecture, engineering, or Knights Templar conspiracy theory. Wolter consistently makes an ass of himself, as far as I can see.
11/26/2013 09:23:44 pm
You stated that you fail to see which is correct .
12/1/2013 07:38:34 pm
Then please tell us how a BS in geology does in fact qualify Wolter for work in archaeology, anthropology, architecture, engineering, or Knights Templar conspiracy theories.
12/1/2013 07:38:40 pm
Then please tell us how a BS in geology does in fact qualify Wolter for work in archaeology, anthropology, architecture, engineering, or Knights Templar conspiracy theories.
12/1/2013 07:38:48 pm
Then please tell us how a BS in geology does in fact qualify Wolter for work in archaeology, anthropology, architecture, engineering, or Knights Templar conspiracy theories.
Charles Austin Miller
3/15/2013 02:52:34 pm
I mean, for a half-baked "geologist" to shine a leveling laser on a stone structure and declare "ONLY the Knights Templar would stack stones like this" is like Giorgio Tsoukalos declaring "This can mean NOTHING ELSE but extraterrestrial technology!" This is straight-up misinformation and disinformation. Thanks, H2...
3/15/2013 05:35:21 pm
Scott Wolter is a charlatan and now is parroting Dan Brown's conspiratorial nonsense to try and discredit the Catholic Church. He is obsessed with Freemasonary and is neither an intellectual or particularly entertaining. He is one step above the Finding Bigfoot stooges.
6/30/2013 04:25:43 pm
The Catholic Church needs help to be discredited ??!!
Ann Adam
12/3/2013 05:10:07 am
LOL! But Stafford, now we know at least one bigfoot in the Yeti catagory is a cross of Polar bear and early Grizzly bear. Now, on to Sasquatch! This is good for local economies. Northern Calif. needs SOMETHING other than marijuana.
3/15/2013 07:20:24 pm
I was actually excited to see the shows when I caught some of the previews online and on the History channel. Something different and informative? After the 2nd show though, I found myself cringing every time he had a new lead or mentioned 'Templar' and 'exact match'. It's agonizing to watch someone crawl from the depths and not succeed.
3/15/2013 11:34:28 pm
I have deleted a post with abusive language. This is a warning that any more abusive language from anyone, and the post will be deleted.
3/16/2013 01:03:50 am
Oh, you're no fun. ;o)
3/16/2013 01:04:07 am
Oh, you're no fun. ;o)
3/16/2013 01:04:21 am
Oh, you're no fun. ;o)
7/3/2014 01:28:35 pm
Jason is the biggest hypocrite in the world, therefore he is a liberal democrat. He does not like lying but is the biggest liar in the world. This ugly, fat, low IQ dummy pretends he is, in his words, A BESTSELLING AUTHOR. Too funny. If you added up his lifetime book sales it would not equal one day of a BESTSELLING AUTHOR. Debunk that, moron, but since you are a liberal lying sack of dung, you CANNOT. You won't reveal your book sales, since they are measure in the hundreds.
3/16/2013 03:22:12 am
Scott seems like such a sincere guy that I find myself hoping terribly for him to make some great discovery or at least even ask some great question. It is such a throw away show unfortunately bc the leaps of his conclusions are so far outside normal fact based scientific methods- I know it wouldn't change the weakness of the arguments but even if it were presented as "is it possible?" It would be a lot less frustrating than have him see things he so badly wants to connect so therefore they are- the letter X is probably in every culture and form of writing- to find a scratched X from maybe Jesus bone box and proclaim it knights Templar and Masonic lodge is so far beyond even the most liberal peer reviewed journal- he has a platform- some interesting artifacts - teach us things that are known, reasonable possibilities and that is all we need for a decent show- don't swing for the fences- just makes the whole game bad and we are actually rooting for the home team.
Ed Russell
3/17/2013 02:53:37 am
To those who feel Mr. Wolter's does "pseudo-science": Recall all of those "nut cases" who said our planet is NOT the center of the universe? Or those crazies who claimed the world is round? Or how about that whack job who hypothesized about gravity? Or proved travel to the moon? Or space travel was impossible? Or any number of places were simply myth and never existed, yet were found? So many of you focus on Mr. Wolter's credentials, not on the questions--some of which are a bit "out there"--and not on trying to determine if he might be right. The fact remains that "crazies" like him are those who advance our understanding of history and the world, of nature and our place in the universe. He shouldn't be condemned in any way. It's not psuedo-science he practices, it's questioning the status quo, and that is, as so many of you have proven, something to criticize and chastize unjustly and immaturely. Mr. Wolter might not have a true degree in geology, but as someone earlier mentioned, you don't need a degree to search for the truth. The truth is beyond us. While some hypotheses may seem utterly ludicrous, he raises more important questions than ones that are a stretch, even for him.
3/17/2013 02:58:13 am
Guests writing in response to this blog post focused on his credentials because this post was about his false credentials. His degree or lack thereof does not impact his research. If you would like to see reasons why his research is flawed, click the "America Unearthed" tag on the right hand column of my blog and read my weekly episode reviews.
3/17/2013 10:36:07 am
I have two observations after reading these posts;
Paul Elshoff
3/18/2013 05:38:01 am
Robert W. McKinney
3/18/2013 11:43:58 am
Dear Jason,
3/18/2013 11:50:41 am
I have often and frequently said no degree is necessary to study history or learn from it. I don't have a degree in history. The issue with Scott Wolter was the lying, not the degree itself.
Paul Elshoff
3/18/2013 04:55:18 pm
Exactly, Jason. The facts: You do not collect DNA evidence without masks over your mouth and eyes; 1. for safety of yourself and others while collecting (which he/they did not do); 2. to prevent his/their very own breath from contaminating the sample you are extracting DNA from when they unrolled the clear cover over the Mason apron of Lewis; 3. You do not hold the fresh sample swab collected, up into the air so your camera may verify a "stain" on the cotton swab you collected; as that alone, will contaminate the DNA sample with ambient air. Likewise, there was zero evidence that the lab was certified to process DNA samples. Additionally, the lab tech stated the sample did not match the Lewis family; but additionally, there were multiple (more than one) contributors to the sample collected, according to the lab. Who breathed on it after uncovering it? Who breathed on it when the shooting occurred? Who touched the apron after the shooting occurred? This whole scenario as shown, was a violation of the most simplistic evidence-processes existing. This man would be laughed out of court by any senior high school mock trail jury, just based on evidence collection.
Billy Randolph
3/28/2013 03:04:02 pm
Thank you Paul for sharing your very interesting knowledge and teaching us about possible contamination.
Chris Osowski
3/18/2013 03:52:11 pm
The dialogue I have read here is almost as interesting and entertaining as I find the show to be. I think it is great that Scott Wolter joined the fray to defend himself and clear things up about Mr. Colavito's reasearch here in this discussion. Even if everything Mr. Wolter presents and argues turns out to be complete crap and utter entertainment, it has been, in my eyes, presented in a much more plausible and professional manner than a lot of the other similar shows on television.
3/19/2013 06:44:48 am
"I think it is great that Scott Wolter joined the fray to defend himself and clear things up..."
Sort-of fan
3/24/2013 08:03:09 am
Ridiculous comment: If you think he CAN remove (anything!) from various locations on the internet, you must never have tried! Some real estate outfit put my address as having been sold in 1984 for $89k - with a first lien on it for $364k (!!) -- and no matter how many YEARS (!) I have spent writing to and following up on a zillion sites -- it keeps reappearing. I've lived here since 1980, and it was NEVER EVER sold for anything as low even as $150k -- but every doggoned algorithm on EVERY real estate-related site bases their 'valuation' on that non-existent sale. "Remove anything from the internet?! Just NOT POSSIBLE!
Ryan Jerisk
3/19/2013 06:55:44 am
After reading many of the comments I find myself thinking that a bunch of liberalcrats are hanging out here besides Scott. I hate status quo and refuse to think that governments (which include state sanctioned universities) across this globe are truthful in any form. Anybody who thinks Christopher Columbus discovered America really needs their cranial skull examined.
11/26/2013 09:38:17 pm
I agree with you Ryan but I disagree these people are liberal or the amusing term progressives. They are sheeple .
3/23/2013 05:23:47 am
Thanks for giving us the heads up on Scotts degrees. Although he may be lacking in educational hoopla, he makes up for it with imagination. So many of our highly "educated" persons lack this one trait. They simply spew the same rhetoric that they were taught, assuming all the while that what they were taught is correct. Einstein once said,"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant". It is great to have someone out there questioning the status quo.
3/23/2013 11:34:56 am
It's a little sad to see someone hammered like this for what I think is a minor fib. When I was a kid I enjoyed reading 'Chariots of the Gods' and 'The Bermuda Triangle'. Even at the time I doubted them but I enjoyed them all the same. I still get a kick out of the odd documentary on those topics. Its fun to fantasize. Many of the topics Scott brings up i've never heard of. Some or all of these things may be hoaxes but, if hoaxes, they began, sometimes, hundreds of years ago. That's fascinating. Its history of a different sort. So I wish everyone would leave Scott alone. We need more like him. Inspire and fire our imaginations and the imaginations of our children. Get out, get your hands dirty and away from those horrid video games, and unearth your own mysteries before its too late - before you grow up and have all of life's mysteries beaten out of you. More power to you Scott. Keep on doing it.
Sort-of fan
3/24/2013 08:08:12 am
If this show (which I enjoy, even if I do occasionally wince) gets even 100 kids across this anti-science, anti-education country to go look something up or read a book -- MAJOR success! If this show gets anyone to reconsider whether or not everything they were taught in school is valid -- MAJOR success! If watching this or even Ancient Aliens makes someone actually THINK about whether or not they should believe everything they've been handed by the powers that be? MAJOR success!! People are so uninterested in learning anything -- that if postulating something interesting but maybe outside "normal" understandings makes people think or research something?! BRAVO!
3/24/2013 08:13:15 am
Against that you might argue that if even a single child decides to become a scientist because of anti-vaccine hysteria, all those illnesses that might otherwise have been prevented are worth it. Inspiration is all well and good (I've credited ancient astronauts with inspiring my interest in history), but the real damage done by believing these ideas doesn't exactly outweigh the few who will be inspired not to accept what the TV says as true.
terry the censor
3/24/2013 09:23:51 am
Jason is correct. The Bush administration ignored the weapons inspectors who were on the ground in Iraq because the experts didn't give them the answers they wanted to hear. Instead, the neocons believed made-up nonsense from Iraqi ex-pats who knew they wanted to hear it. Ten years later, Iraq is still a horrible mess. And no one says, "Well, if those 4400 service deaths and hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties inspire a hundred kids to be critical thinkers, it will have been worth it."
Jim Jones Punch
11/25/2013 10:46:26 pm
Well Jason you can pump yourself up with all the Mercury you want with those flu vaccines but make sure you read the white papers . I have not had a flu shot in 35 years and never get the flu or the common cold.
Sort-of fan
3/24/2013 08:12:17 am
p.s., Scott? If you're still reading -- I'm actually RE-reading your book on the Hooked X right now. Enjoyed when I first read it a couple years ago, am enjoying it again. I SO mistrust "academe" and their "color within OUR lines or we'll throw you out!" viciousness, that I'd almost give MORE credence to someone outside the lines than someone who has chosen to sell-out, to whatever degree, to keep a place in the schools... I need the scientific data-back-up to validate -- but I'd start with allowing more fringe ideas than not. (My hero has always been Alfred Wegener -- of whom, of course, you know -- but let's let the commenters go read a book about him!)
Jerome DeWolfe
3/24/2013 12:51:01 pm
In the program "America's Greatest Secret," If you had compensated for the Precession, i.e. the movement of Venus since the Templars built the Rhode Island tower, the light of Venus probably would have hit your niche on the Winter Solstice.
Billy Randolph
3/28/2013 03:29:39 pm
Jerome. Can you please share with us how you know that. Thank you for teaching us.
6/7/2017 10:52:23 am
3/26/2013 12:13:17 am
To the author of this article, this is just a sad and disgraceful waste of your time. I would like to believe you are the exact type of person that has inspired Scott to continue his work and production of the show. I hope for you sake you use your time more wisely in future.
3/26/2013 12:27:35 am
Seriously? Against the more than one million words of original research I've written over the past 10+ years, these few paragraphs, which took all of 15 min. to confirm, are a disgraceful waste? And you also have no problem with Wolter lying about his honorary degree for more than two decades?
3/26/2013 02:00:28 am
Anyone thinking of doing business with Mr. Wolter and his company in the future will now find (thanks to Jason), that he has been making false claims about his credentials for a couple of decades. Faking information on your resume should never be tolerated.
Jim Jones Punch
11/25/2013 10:26:28 pm
Yes super Jason to the rescue again ! I don`t know how we all stumbled through our lives with out him . You too CFC this should never be tolerated in a fascist country such as ours.
3/26/2013 02:10:38 pm
WOW...I just started watching Scott's show and I find it fascinating. A conversation I was just having with my wife before I just googled him and found this so called blog. We spoke of the fact of how "experts" have to be right or they are no longer considered experts.
3/27/2013 01:16:48 am
I'm starting to get annoyed with this line of attack. I've written more than 1 million words investigating alternative history, including almost 100,000 about the factual problems with America Unearthed. And yet somehow everyone who Googles Scott Wolter comes to this page and mistakes these few paragraphs for the summation of my life's work.
Dr. Tod
4/30/2014 05:56:06 pm
You are getting annoyed at reaction to your comments on your blog... That's rich. Haha, how do you think Scott feels having to read your attacks, many of which he likely finds meritless of based on a flawed understanding?
2/3/2015 12:21:53 pm
Come on people, this is a TV show. Entertainment for the sake of entertainment. Debunking the show or Wolters is like debunking, Chariot of the Gods. We all understand what it is. It's entertaining. Do any of us really care if the Holy Grail is in Nova Scotia ? So just enjoy and move on to something really worthy of discussion like has Obama been replaced with an alien lookalike ?
Jerome DeWolfe
3/27/2013 06:20:05 am
I believe that what television is about is entertainment. I find America Unearthed to be good entertainment. Do you think for a minute that those idiots on MSNBC or FOX News are journalists? I find Scott Wolter an interesting character who's strong in his beliefs. Right or wrong? I'm reminded of Norman Mailer who said that some of the best fiction he's ever read goes under the heading of History. It's good that you have the juevos to comment under your own name, Jason, unlike most of these inept losers who leave little piles of their ravings all over the internet.
3/27/2013 06:30:07 am
If you believe that the best we can aspire to in broadcasting is lying, then this is a sad time for humanity. Ideally, one could both entertain and inform at the same time. I don't really understand that argument that lies should be excused because it's "only" entertainment, as if innumerable people were not accepting it as true because the TV said so.
jerome dewolfe
3/27/2013 08:09:25 am
Whoa! Did I use the word "lying" somewhere? You true believers read into things what you want to hear. Television is about entertainment and is laced with fiction - just look at politics. Broadcasters need advertisers and will kill to get them. The sad time for humanity is that everyone is bought off - everything has a price. 3/27/2013 08:15:17 am
My point is that it behooves all of us to hold TV to a higher standard, not to just passively accept that whatever makes money is by definition good.
terry the censor
3/27/2013 08:17:19 am
When I started looking into fringe topics a few years ago, I expected to find ambiguous facts over which people held an honest difference of opinion. I was so naive.
11/26/2013 09:28:43 pm
Welcome to the real world Jason , I am glad you finally realized that television is not the real world .
jerome dewolfe
3/27/2013 11:02:57 am
Again, that's entertainment, and YOUR higher standards or the delusions of your pseudo censor's analysis (?) matter little. People apparently want to be entertained and Wolter found the key with his hooked X, since I understand his show is scheduled for another season. Hooray for Fandom!
3/27/2013 12:29:42 pm
That's an interesting question. What is the obligation of the media: to give people only the least they will accept or to try to encourage them to want better? At one time, the argument went that TV must show broad sitcoms and didactic dramas because audiences couldn't handle sophisticated programming. And yet now we have much richer programs. It is possible to do better, and the argumentum ad populum that the dim shall inherit the earth is the excuse of those whose first priority is cash.
3/27/2013 02:19:27 pm
"I'm starting to get annoyed with this line of attack. I've written more than 1 million words investigating alternative history, including almost 100,000 about the factual problems with America Unearthed. And yet somehow everyone who Googles Scott Wolter comes to this page and mistakes these few paragraphs for the summation of my life's work."
3/27/2013 02:34:10 pm
"Try something new, try being positive by chasing your own dreams instead of putting down or trying to decrease someone who is achieving theirs."
terry the censor
3/27/2013 03:34:19 pm
jerome dewolfe
3/27/2013 02:55:34 pm
Let us not forget that the (mean) average IQ for humanity is 100 with a SD of +- 15. This means that the average media programmer and the average person watching that program is probably sitting on a two digit IQ. The dilemma for media execs is that if they hire Friedman and Mandelbaum's "unique value creators" to create sophisticated programming, the proportion of viewers will decrease as they rise up the IQ scale. This doesn't present a healthy popular rating and is, therefore, detrimental to getting deep pocketed advertisers. For example, I imagine that Keith Olbermann attracted a high IQ audience but his ratings were affected because of the significantly lower probability of having higher IQs - so he was replaced by a more popular culture commentator and the dim has inherited the earth.
3/27/2013 03:04:31 pm
I think Scott Wolter desperately wants to be viewed as a credible investigator. Instead he comes across like a pushy pretender making preposterous claims and proving nothing. H2 has no credibility with the professional and scholarly community and neither does Mr. Wolter.
Jerome DeWolfe
3/27/2013 03:51:51 pm
I don't think that anyone cares about your professional and scholarly community. It's about getting viewers. Wolter and others are beginning to batter down the tired, old ivory towers of academia.
3/27/2013 07:46:57 pm
Oh really?
jerome dewolfe