Today has been an exceptionally busy day. I spent more than an hour this morning in Dell hell after my computer lost power. It seems that the motherboard is going and needs to be replaced. It’s intermittently losing its connection to the AC power and the battery. After being transferred to four different departments (partly through my own fault when they asked if there were anything else wrong with the computer), giving my service tag six (!) times, and discovering that Dell (a) had no record of my warranty and (b) were planning to ship replacement parts to an address I haven’t lived at for five years, the parts are on their way. Meanwhile, due to other technical problems with my computer, it turns out that my BBC Radio Three interview was unusable, but they generously let me re-record it this evening. That took another hour, and all of this has put me far behind in my actual day job. I feel like I haven’t stopped typing since I got up at 6 AM. So, today’s blog entry will instead be a video. Please do enjoy the following YouTube video. You will remember Scotty Roberts, the editor of Intrepid magazine, organizer of the Paradigm Symposium, and star of the forthcoming History Trippers TV series now in preproduction. History Trippers isn’t Roberts’ first attempt at a TV show. Feast your eyes on his role (sans fedora and scarf) in a 2008 pilot called Dead Reckoning, designed to capitalize on the ghost hunting craze spawned by Ghost Hunters. More clips are available on the YouTube channel for the failed show. Roberts is currently promoting a History Trippers tour based on The Exodus Reality, a book he wrote with “Dr.” John Ward (the doctorate is an unaccredited award from a Knights Templar fan club) that posits a factual reality for the Biblical Exodus. It received an endorsement from none other than ancient astronaut theorist Erich von Däniken, whose blurb appears in advertisements for the book uploaded by Roberts to Sadly, he did not get the message that Ward is no longer using the title of “Dr.”: I applaud Scotty Roberts and Dr. John Ward for their research and contribution to this study. While there exist many different opinions and conclusions to these matters, their efforts represent a passion and scholarly approach to the topic. I am honored to endorse The Exodus Reality. Take a look at the ad!
2/23/2015 09:56:51 am
Here is some evidence that John Ward is knowingly using his pretend Doctorate to mislead people into thinking that he has serious credentials.
2/23/2015 10:04:51 am
More Doctorate shenanigans.
Only Me
2/23/2015 10:54:32 am
How did you find the part about Ward's wife co-authoring a paper? And the conference?
2/23/2015 11:20:41 am
I'm sorry, I guess I should have linked to this stuff... Here is the paper John Ward co-authored with his wife, Maria Nilsson:
2/23/2015 11:45:57 am
Ooops, I completely forgot to metion that in her thesis Maria Nilsson refers to John Ward as a "Dr.". AND dedicates the thesis to him!
Only Me
2/23/2015 11:59:14 am
Thanks for the links. I've done a little searching of my own, and I've found that his wife co-authored a few of his papers, so what you found isn't unusual.
2/23/2015 12:00:42 pm
I'm sorry, I'll try harder next time :P
Only Me
2/23/2015 12:35:31 pm
No, no, it's cool. All the papers seem to deal with their work in Egypt, so I wonder if she co-authors due to her being the team leader.
2/23/2015 12:55:11 pm
I think she co-authors with John Ward due to being married to John Ward. The alternative is that the special person who walks around in circles with dowsing rods is actually capable of even mediocre academic work.
2/23/2015 11:24:14 am
Watched the clip, reminded be of the old song "I got plenty of nothing and nothing plenty for me." Morons standing around in a room waiting for a ghost to talk to them. I think I will go out into my yard and talk to my tree, maybe it will answer.
2/23/2015 11:28:12 am
Watch the other clips. They find a piece of bone in one of them. "It's a piece of bone," says Scotty Roberts several times, sounding about as excited as he looks in the video Jason linked.
Only Me
2/23/2015 12:32:00 pm
I liked the British guy: "Shine the torch on that."
2/23/2015 12:30:26 pm
Hey, that's not something you're promoting... What's going on here? :P
2/23/2015 01:56:52 pm
EP, you should always take note of the earth shaking.
2/23/2015 01:59:44 pm
I don't get it. Are you coming on to me? ;)
2/23/2015 12:51:29 pm
By the way, Exodus Reality website is a lot more hilarious I expected. Largely thanks to all the ads. Aside from the duo's other ventures, here's what you get:
2/23/2015 02:55:59 pm
Exodus Reality. Is that irony?
2/24/2015 03:23:29 pm
No, tm, its not "irony." It was the publisher's title.
2/24/2015 03:27:15 pm
Your publisher sounds lame. Which is to be expected, since no decent publisher would touch your work with a 10ft pole. 2/24/2015 03:39:19 pm
I'm sure you have that on good authority, EP.
2/24/2015 03:46:52 pm
Let's hope so. Maybe they'll even purchase some shitty ouija boards from you for $175 a pop. Because that's totally not a ripoff. 2/24/2015 07:23:49 pm
2/26/2015 02:48:06 am
So how much of that $175 do the "local artisans" themselves get? 3/20/2015 03:32:29 am
EP, 2/24/2015 02:05:42 pm
For the sake of accuracy, EP, my hat is John Penman's, "Casablanca," a reproduction of Humphrey Bogart's hat as seen in the movie of the same name.
Clint Knapp
2/24/2015 02:48:39 pm
I'm sure they're very nice hats for people who wish to identify themselves with movie characters and are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to do so. Really. Great hats for cosplaying an academic globetrotter on a quest for truth and cash. 2/24/2015 03:04:38 pm
2/24/2015 03:05:05 pm
Hey Scotty, does John Penman know that alongside his website you're promoting one that's selling Nazi and fascist propaganda thinly disguised as "esoteric" literature? 2/24/2015 03:31:50 pm
Actually, EP, he is quite aware of the claims made here. But, unlike you, he knows us, and has taken time to talk with us in person.
2/24/2015 03:35:36 pm
Hey, I can't blame John Penman. If some schmendricks paid me $500 per hat AND promoted me on their website, I'd probably turn a blind eye to their uncomfortable flirtation with Nazi symbolism and mythology... 2/24/2015 03:50:47 pm
Knowing us a little better than you do (down to our hat sizes) I am pretty sure his comfort level comes from not buying into your editorialized rhetoric.
2/24/2015 03:53:35 pm
I don't know... Maybe someone should ask John Penman how he feels about being a couple of clicks away from the occultist fantasies of a Nazi concentration camp guard...
Clint Knapp
2/24/2015 04:06:39 pm
I didn't ask for Mr. Ward's excuses; they're irrelevant to the fact that he does use the title to add misappropriated credibility to his, and your, work.
2/24/2015 04:17:58 pm
Also, he's your co-author. And his "Dr." title is absent from some versions of the cover, but present on others. You *must* have an opinion on *that*! 2/24/2015 06:44:33 pm
2/25/2015 02:41:39 am
"The cover conspiracy is simply explained... I designed the original cover utilizing the "Dr." prefix. When we finalized the design, I dropped it and used his full name." 2/25/2015 06:06:52 am
2/25/2015 07:46:55 pm
Scotty, you can rest assured that no one here was casting "dispersions" on you. They may have been casting "aspersions", however. I read this blog daily and have maybe commented three times in however many years I've been reading. I come here to learn from Jason's in-depth commentary and often, from comments from other readers. I rarely add anything because my expertise is far afield from the central topics of the blog but I am generally curious about things and like the rigor that Jason puts into his blog. However, I am commenting because I am a tenured University professor with a doctorate I worked long and hard for. I have produced my own graduate students who have gone on to pursue their own academic careers in the understanding that their credentials mean something. I can say that people pretending to have degrees that they don't is pitiable at best, professionally dishonest at the least and dangerous to society at worst. You not distancing yourself from your co-author to apparently sell your buddy's hats is sad. Plain and simple. It's right up there with claiming that a jokey cup of coffee over yuk yuks after an invited talk by your friends merits an honorary graduate degree. Believe me when I say, if it was revealed that a member of the faculty of any actual University had faked any aspect of their CV, they would be summarily fired.
2/26/2015 02:05:34 am
I wrote Lund University to get their side of the story. Waiting to hear back. What do you think of all this Silverfish? Is what Ward's wife doing ethical by promoting him as a "doctor" and co-authoring research paid for by Lund University? 2/26/2015 02:18:08 am
Silverfish, 2/26/2015 02:44:54 am
2/26/2015 02:45:00 am
@ silverfish
Dave Lewis
2/23/2015 03:04:15 pm
Over at the Lovecraft ezine I found this list of free and $.99 ebooks:
2/23/2015 03:19:14 pm
When Cthulhu Met Atlach-Nacha: "He’s an academic; she’s an artist. He worships Cthulhu, the slumbering behemoth; she worships Atlach-Nacha, the spider goddess of dreams. Their interfaith marriage is challenging enough before the gods themselves arise and do battle. Can this couple hold their relationship together during the end of times? Through the use of both horror and domestic comedy, When Cthulhu Met Atlach-Nacha examines the boldness and beauty of declaring a permanent relationship in a chaotic world."
Kenny J
2/23/2015 11:56:02 pm
HAHAHA..... "Dr" John Ward's thoughts on the "state of the body, mind and Spirit" that is DOWSING!
Only Me
2/24/2015 03:05:04 am
"enhance the vibration felt through all our Chakras"
2/24/2015 03:32:58 am
That's not surprising. After all, it's New Age woo. For instance, a publisher promoted on the Exodus Reality page (Inner Traditions) carries lots of books on Kama Sutra and sex magick.
Uncle Ron
2/24/2015 03:34:34 am
Actually, I preferred "enhance the vibration felt through all our Charkas" :)
Shane Sullivan
2/24/2015 05:06:25 am
"Dowsing can enhance or even provide an extension to your third eye..."
2/24/2015 05:19:54 am
I think he's talking about an *inward* extension, Shane :)
Clint Knapp
2/24/2015 03:51:16 am
I don't know about the rest of you, but there's only one Dr. John I trust, and Ward is cribbing his look hard:
2/24/2015 03:52:57 am
"flavored with a splash of credibility in STD form"
2/24/2015 05:28:45 am
"Exodus Reality" would be a fitting name for either "Ancient Aliens" or "America Unearthed."
2/24/2015 07:58:07 pm
2/25/2015 12:01:23 am
2/25/2015 12:18:38 am
2/25/2015 02:38:50 am
"the content of your book is irrelevant to my initial comment" 2/25/2015 04:23:04 am
2/24/2015 05:08:12 pm
2/24/2015 07:56:37 pm
2/24/2015 11:48:07 pm
I freely admit that, had I the cash, I'd totally go on one of these tours. It feels like a sort of big budget ghost tour - you go, you buy in to the conceit, you have fun. Not sure I'd don the hat, tho.
2/25/2015 04:10:50 am
We didn't do much of the ghosty type of stuff in Egypt. We only retraced the expedition we took when writing the book on the Exodus, plus a few extras.
Only Me
2/25/2015 04:23:55 am
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you. When it comes to any European megalithic sites, there is a little history mixed with a LOT of woo. I suppose it's inevitable, though. European folklore is rich and fascinating. 2/25/2015 10:37:49 am
Only Me,
Only Me
2/25/2015 11:42:36 am
You mean the Causeway...wasn't...built by a giant? Damn. :)
2/25/2015 02:37:28 am
Could this be a rare childhood photo of Scotty Roberts and John Ward?
2/25/2015 04:01:43 am
Now that's a rare find, EP. I think it was taken at our induction into the Fraternal Front of Pre-Adolescent Yellow Dawn Nazi Sympathizers. We didn't graduate to full-blown Nazis until we dropped out of high school and dedicated out lives to Beelzebub - that's where the REAL power comes into play.
sally patterson
1/12/2018 05:43:38 am
Cheat Shot ! EP I am a outsider and avid reader who stumbled across this web page. From my observations after reading all these posts, I find the adolescent remarks to "Scotty" a case of "Sour Grapes"
2/25/2015 10:57:59 am
Wow, Scotty... Put your $500 Indy hat back on. He's a strong, silent type. And you're getting too verbose...
2/26/2015 01:47:25 am
2/26/2015 02:33:53 am
Nah. You just wanted to make a no-effort quick buck off gullible people who believe in ghosts.
Matt Mc
2/26/2015 03:52:19 am
I have to agree with EP here Scotty the timing with your Ghost Hunting show was at the peak time for Ghost Hunting show and they were all over the place including in old gold mines. Just like the timing of this new show is at the peak of the "hidden history" shows.
Only Me
2/26/2015 05:09:01 am
<<<REGARDING THE VIDEO posted by Jason… it had absolutely nothing to do with the Dead Reckoning effort>>> 2/26/2015 10:29:13 am
Only Me,
2/26/2015 10:38:16 am
"We didn't move into an actual series proposal and pitch mode until a couple of years later. Thankfully, Lee was no longer associated with anything I was doing by that time." 2/26/2015 11:02:31 am
Matt Mc,
2/26/2015 11:09:20 am
"We started the Dead Reckoning project as a tv pitch back in 2010"
Matt Mc
2/26/2015 11:10:41 am
2/26/2015 11:33:47 am
Matt Mc, I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine. After all, we're talking about a man who thinks this is a good promo shot:
Matt Mc
2/26/2015 11:38:19 am
Scotty - Don't get me wrong I have no problem with someone exploiting a current trend and trying to profit from it. There is nothing wrong with that at all, he the profit could be from exposure and not monetarily. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. My comment was based on your implication that you were doing the pilot based on passion, sure I bet there was passion there but it was also because of what was popular at the time. Just like History Trippers fits in with the current trend. By all mean try to get you own piece of the television market and keep trying and maybe it will work. I would never discourage someone from following a passion.
Matt Mc
2/26/2015 11:44:01 am
EP - I might think what he does is foolish and silly but as a professional I do think it is my responsibility to say something. I do believe everyone should have a chance, I have to give him some credit, he went out and did it, I think poorly, but he did it. If I can point someone in the right direction to make a better product I will even if I think what they are doing is a waste of time.
2/26/2015 11:49:09 am
I mean... I don't get it, to be honest... This man has directed tangential insults at Jason and most of the posters who engaged him, and is currently flailing impotently in his own web of pathetic lies. (All the while busily editing his website to clean up the howlers we've been ridiculing.)
Matt Mc
2/26/2015 11:57:08 am
I understand where you are coming from, its like when you correct someone about incorrect usage of history. I see the promo and I am shouting mad, it is so wrong and I simply cannot let it stand unsaid. I mean you heard it is that awful. So I guess I am saying something because it is screaming to be corrected and the editor in me is squirming inside listening to how poor it is 2/26/2015 02:20:52 am
Glad to see Ryan Chappell finally made it here. Greetings.
2/26/2015 02:38:10 am
Scotty Roberts said:
2/26/2015 05:39:44 am
Only Me asks: "who is Adrian Lee?"
Only Me
2/26/2015 08:45:54 am
This was interesting:
2/26/2015 09:10:12 am
Given that he's dispensing medical advice, does "Dr." stand for "MD"?
2/26/2015 09:14:41 am
Also, hope you read the commends to that blog's only post :D 2/26/2015 09:20:41 am
Adrian Lee is no friend of mine. He was married to someone I knew, and that was extent of our friendship.
2/26/2015 09:23:38 am
Is this the person you're talking about, Scotty?
2/26/2015 03:30:35 pm
Lisa Lee also claims to be a Doctor... Anyone see a pattern developing?
2/26/2015 09:47:53 am
Scotty Roberts: "I was never involved in a "PILOT" for a paranormal television effort."
2/26/2015 11:09:35 am
As I have said, EP, we did not actually take the show to pitch stage until after Adrian Lee was gone.
2/26/2015 11:14:15 am
So you weren't "pitching" the show with Adrian Lee. You were just "desiring to bring it to a pitch stage". Even though the article describes you as pitching it. With Adrian Lee. 2/26/2015 03:03:54 pm
That's correct, EP. We did not approach Edleman Productions until long after the Mound Theatre event. Just check with anyone else who was associated with this project.
2/26/2015 03:06:44 pm
Scotty, I'm real happy for you, Imma let you finish, but you dun goofd, son. The consequences will never be the same.
2/26/2015 11:04:17 am
Remember Scotty Roberts huffing and puffing in defense of his $175 ouija boards in this thread above? Well, since Scotty Roberts is completely shameless that did not stop him from editing his website in light of my ridicule. So "their use is all dependent upon how you use them" became "its use of them is wholly dependent upon your personal belief or intention". Also, limestone is no longer described as "authentic".
2/26/2015 11:21:38 am
Did I really "huff and puff," EP...?
2/26/2015 11:25:23 am
No, I that's exactly what I thought you did.
Only Me
2/26/2015 12:03:14 pm
Scotty, thank you for answering my questions. I understand you may be feeling "weary" due to some of the other exchanges you've had thus far. Having said that, there are some of things you said that got under my skin.
2/26/2015 12:09:16 pm
"As long as his channel and your proposed TV show share the "Dead Reckoning" title, there may be some confusion."
2/26/2015 03:32:49 pm
2/26/2015 03:45:13 pm
Last time he was wearing scarf, it was an American flag. Not sure if it was before or after he sparkled with occult energy, as he does here:
2/26/2015 04:04:45 pm
Found this too!! It seems like he is trying to break into the Internet Radio Platform by starting his own Station. Hats all over!!!
2/26/2015 04:06:24 pm
Nah, my impression is that the two of them deserved each other. And Scotty Roberts.
Clint Knapp
2/26/2015 04:17:08 pm
Days like today, I can only sit back and appreciate the sheer doggedness of both sides. Great stuff. Really.
2/26/2015 04:22:15 pm
2/26/2015 04:24:47 pm
You literally don't know a tenth of it! I got shit on Scotty Roberts that would make you stare in disbelief. I'm restraining myself only because I don't want to hurt innocent bystanders and because I don't want Jason to deal with the fallout, since that's a lot more trouble than Scotty is worth. 2/26/2015 04:40:50 pm
EP >>
Clint Knapp
2/26/2015 04:52:22 pm
Yesterday: "(I paid $425 for my Bogie two years ago.)"
2/26/2015 04:55:26 pm
Scotty, just because you had reasons for taking those pictures, doesn't mean they're not stupic pictures. Largely because you had stupid reasons. 2/26/2015 04:58:42 pm
Oh, for the love of Christ, Clint.
2/26/2015 05:05:04 pm
Is anyone else amazed how every time Scotty Roberts replies he makes himself sound even more awful?
2/26/2015 05:10:42 pm
Scotty -
Clint Knapp
2/26/2015 05:15:40 pm
Of course I assumed that was the case, but you miss the point entirely; No one here knows (well, EP might) what the financial nuances of your marriage might be, but we do know the English language. When you say you purchased something, and then say it was gifted to you without that bit of extra information you appear to contradict yourself whether you intend to or not.
2/26/2015 05:23:12 pm
Scotty Roberts originally came to this thread to protest us making fun of his hat and his book's title. Somehow, he now has to defend his past associations with dodgy characters and face suspicious of complicity in fraudulent misrepresntations. 2/26/2015 07:47:05 pm
Clint, 2/26/2015 07:55:35 pm
2/27/2015 12:36:49 am
What I'm seeing here is that Scotty Roberts has been at this sort of thing for several years with the same production company. And if what "Really?" is saying is true it looks like he's been clawing his way onto tv and selling "shares" in projects along the way. Is that what you're saying "Really?"?
2/27/2015 04:30:51 am
"I am surprised you haven't attempted to attack my wife... yet." 2/28/2015 03:38:06 am
Actually, EP, you did make reference here to material posted by two people in another thread.
2/28/2015 04:56:10 am
Scotty, it's really hard *not* to stumble across incriminating info about you and your associates when browsing the net. The same info may come from different sources... 2/26/2015 03:49:17 pm
I do apologize, Only Me. I had no intention of snarking AT YOU. It was meant to be more general. You have been ever fair and straightforward with me, and I respect and appreciate that.
2/26/2015 04:04:47 pm
"We charged $10 at the door as a donation for the theatre, 100% of which went to our friends who owned the struggling, little theatre." 2/26/2015 04:47:28 pm
Uhm... same organization, same owners, dipshit. Keep digging.
2/26/2015 04:58:58 pm
Same owners? That's what I thought, for what it's worth. Same organization? You mean that a spooky, haunted indie movie theater is the same organization as an aftershool program for little girls. That's... either creepy as hell or a misrepresentation. 2/26/2015 08:13:12 pm
EP, 2/26/2015 08:18:06 pm
And, EP, pardon me for somehow missing your "considerate, civilized" nature.
Only Me
2/27/2015 04:34:28 am
Thanks for responding, Scotty. If it's any consolation, your posts concerning the "Dead Reckoning" matter will remain here for future readers, as long as this blog stays online. Despite accusations from another individual, Jason doesn't delete such comments.
2/27/2015 04:39:43 am
"You are indeed a sick fuck. On that phrase alone I hope people see through your superiority facade." 2/27/2015 07:35:10 am
ONLY ME, 2/27/2015 03:11:45 pm
2/27/2015 03:19:35 pm
Scotty Roberts sells anthropomorphic art on the internet for $300 a picture. 2/27/2015 05:08:56 pm
Thank you for promoting my website and first published work, EP. And since you brought it up...
2/27/2015 05:40:37 pm
"the characters are anthropomorphized - the Scots and Irish are all rabbits, squirrels, bears and other woodland creatures, while the English are foxes, wolves, hawks and eagles." 2/28/2015 03:35:58 am
I see what you're doing there.
Clint Knapp
2/28/2015 03:55:09 am
Of course the Jews have nothing to do with Reptilians; Reptilians are not real. Period. There is absolutely no reason to believe they are other than being intellectually damaged in several fundamental ways, extremely gullible, and/or willing to absorb every idiotic fringe theory one is exposed to out of fear and paranoia that "The Government" is a shadowy evil stealing the self-empowerment capacity of the masses. 2/28/2015 04:05:35 am
2/28/2015 04:54:37 am
So how do you "anthropomorphize" the Jews, Scotty, if not as Reptilians? As rats? 2/28/2015 06:46:12 am
2/28/2015 07:24:18 am
No, I'm referring to what the Nazis themselves did.
3/1/2015 10:03:49 am
So Scotty, would you describe Tam O'Hare as your "fursona"?...
2/27/2015 02:26:37 am
2/27/2015 02:49:10 am
2/27/2015 02:56:22 am
"However, we had no idea what was involved further down the road in pitching to networks. That's a stage we never were able to get to with this project."
2/27/2015 03:11:29 am 2/27/2015 04:07:22 am
I was mistaken. It was Edleman who filmed us in April 2009, a little earlier than I recalled. I don't have old stuff like this on a calendar for quick reference - it was never that important. It was just a project that we stopped pursuing. So, what's your point?
Only Me
2/27/2015 04:37:01 am
Pardon me if this seems out of line, but is this a game of "Gotcha!", Really? It feels like you're trying to root out the Devil in the details.
2/27/2015 04:43:07 am
I see what you're doing there, Only Me... I think... ;)
2/27/2015 06:41:31 am
These are the issues Scotty: 2/27/2015 07:17:46 am
REALLY?, 2/27/2015 07:24:04 am
Only Me
2/27/2015 09:08:53 am
Scotty, at least you haven't been proclaimed Mumm-Ra, The Ever-Living or an agent of the Great Old Ones, yet. :)
2/27/2015 10:36:34 am
How did you pull the plug on the entire project for your show in early 2010? Britt Griffith didn't get fired from GHI until after his radio interview on Sept. 29, 2010. 2/27/2015 11:45:48 am
2/27/2015 11:49:06 am
Scotty is not a liar, everybody! He pinky-promises he isn't!
2/28/2015 04:52:38 am
Scotty -
2/28/2015 07:31:53 am
There's nothing to suggest that Scotty Roberts has narcissistic tendencies. 2/28/2015 08:35:06 am
Adam Blai created many of these "light portraits" throughout the 2000s. Excellent work. Amazing artist. 3/5/2015 04:30:01 am
By the way, "REALLY?" is Adrian Lee.
Only Me
3/5/2015 05:59:29 am
Are you sure? Because that would
3/5/2015 09:27:57 am
Umm... Sorry Scotty, wrong again but thanks for helping the point I made about Pathological Lying and Narcissistic Behaviors. This must be the same way you research your books. You know how you make false statements and hope they are true. 3/5/2015 10:04:31 am
3/5/2015 10:22:28 am
@ Scotty, I would say that your game is busted. It's not that hard to research what has actually happened in a court of law. It appears your business partner Lisa Lee has a Harassment Order against her from November 2014. I would hardly call a Public Harassment Order unsolicited accusations or accusations for that matter. 3/5/2015 11:03:34 am
Very nice, REALLY. 3/5/2015 11:33:30 am
3/5/2015 01:34:41 pm
Just keep on keepin' on, Scotty.
3/5/2015 01:55:54 pm
Scotty - 3/5/2015 05:43:33 pm
REALLY, 3/5/2015 05:59:00 pm
By the way, not answering your charges to your satisfaction, REALLY, is not the same as "skirting the issues."
3/6/2015 06:16:13 am
Scotty, there also are "on The Internet" derogatory terms for people who sell drawings of "anthropomorphized" animals for $300 per drawing.
3/6/2015 07:44:28 am
Scotty - 3/6/2015 08:23:32 am
REALLY, 3/6/2015 08:25:42 am
EP, 2/27/2015 02:36:53 am
Matt Mc,
Matt Mc
2/27/2015 11:30:22 am
Well quite a few thing technically (I wont discuss the audio since it has been discusses), the interview parts are poorly lit, Chimays and a lighting meter are your friends, there never should be contrasting facail shadows like that the interviewee should pop against the background. In this case the lighting and poor color choice of the background causes the interviewee and the background to blend into a neutral pallet, this cause from a theoretical point causes the viewer to have a very indifferent reaction to what is being said. This is easily corrected by using diffused lighting from a upper 15 or so degree angle stage right and a 20 degree downward angle stage right, on the stage left side it should be about 25 upper and 30 down, all diffused. The shooting in HD also contributes to this and further causes the contrast in the shadows to be the same in the foreground as the background and a corrective filter should be used in film to give the background a slight depth of field while preserving the textural richness. Also get away from the super neutral colors as clothing, tans and brown are horrible in a Library type setting.
2/27/2015 11:38:32 am
"Content wise, stop... it comes across as BS."
Matt Mc
2/27/2015 11:48:49 am
Not what I would of said, 2/27/2015 12:08:53 pm
Matt Mc,
2/27/2015 12:12:33 pm
"I hate the fact that it was so distracting for you on the technical points that you couldn;t enjoy the content."
Matt Mc
2/28/2015 01:02:00 am
Scotty, 2/28/2015 03:31:18 am
Matt Mc,
Matt Mc
2/28/2015 03:37:46 am
That is my point. From the production quality and technical flaws to content the whole thing shows poorly on the production team. If this is the first impression you are giving to potential buyers it could scare them away. Or they might request to have someone they feel confident in to take over the project.
2/27/2015 11:21:10 am
Lisa Hottinger (aka Lisa Lee), Scotty Roberts's business partner and collaborator on Dead Reckoning, has a YouTube account:
9/15/2015 06:08:11 pm
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February 2025