Here we are in another new episode of Search for the Lost Giants, S01E05 “Into the Bone Cave.” This episode opens with a quotation from Abraham Lincoln: “The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.” This quotation comes from lecture notes Lincoln prepared (but never used) for a speech about Niagara Falls, and his reference to giants was repeating widespread Mound Builder mythology popular in the 1840s, based ultimately on Biblical beliefs that a portion of the antediluvian population were giants. In fact, the reference is so unclear that it isn’t certain that Lincoln was even referring to Bible giants; he might have been discussing mammoths, commonly referred to in those days as giants. This isn’t the important part of the episode, though. The important takeaway is that the show’s producers have openly endorsed the racist nineteenth century theory of the Lost Race of the Mound Builders and are openly misinforming viewers that all of the mounds raised by Native peoples across the United States over thousands of years were part of a project by a single unified lost race. This is a shocking development, and one that damns this show to a new circle of hell. We open with a recap of “evidence” from earlier episodes of the show, including the “large tooth” from a cave in Missouri and the continued non-evidence of the Goshen tunnel in Massachusetts. Today, Jim and bill Vieira are at Big Bone Cave in Van Buren County, Tennessee. Not to belabor the point, the cave was named for the discovery of big bones in 1811; these bones were those of a giant ground sloth, mistaken for those of a Bible giant because the sloth bones were found mixed with those of humans. The Vieira brothers reassert their belief that the skeletons of giants were reburied under NAGPRA, and they imply that this occurred to hide such giants. The narrator introduces Abraham Lincoln into the mix, and Vieira explains that Lincoln was fascinated with giants and with the Mound Builders—a fictional race that never existed. Other than Lincoln’s 1848 reference to “giants” there is no evidence he shared any interest in Mound Builders, unlike presidents Andrew Jackson and William Henry Harrison, both of whom were deeply involved in the Mound Builder controversy but aren’t famous enough to make this show. (Arguably, Lincoln’s own height contributed to the giant craze, with his death marking the beginning of a period of searching for lost giants not unlike the martyred “giant” of American politics.) The Vieira brothers meet up with a park ranger who is supposedly helping the brothers “find” Big Bone Cave, as though it were not a National Natural Landmark and a Tennessee Class II Natural-Scientific State Natural Area. It’s owned by the state and marked on maps. The ranger tells the Vieira brothers that a skull big enough to fit over a man’s head was found in the cave in the nineteenth century along with an effigy pipe. Back in Massachusetts, Hugh Newman from Ancient Aliens and David Brody, the novelist and friend of America Unearthed host Scott Wolter, are monitoring events at the Goshen Tunnel. The two men are studying the inscription found on the rock near the tunnel, last seen in the pilot. The two recognize that the inscription is colonial, but Newman thinks that a circle on the rock is the sun and therefore the circle symbol is “much older than colonial America,” in the words of the narrator, and connected to “sun-worshipping” Mound Builders. Holy crap. At this point it becomes obvious that the show assumes there is a lost race of Mound Builders, a notion debunked 120 years ago. The two men make up some useless theories about imaginary lines on the stone, but these are so lacking in evidence that of course they will become a running thread in the episode. The producers need to fill time somehow. At the Bone Cave, the narrator pretends that the Vieira brothers “sleuthed out” the entrance to the well-known cave, and the two are planning to investigate an 1872 Manchester Democrat story about the discovery of a mummified skeleton amidst a network of passages and an underground lake. I don’t have the Democrat article, but I do have one published in the Hartford Weekly Times that is almost certainly the same one. It is nowhere near as dramatic or portentous as the show would like you to think: Race of Giants Found In Underground Tomb Under “Old Stone Fort” in Tennessee The big bones seem to be those of the ground sloth, mistaken for human.
The Vieira brothers try to investigate the cave but need the help of a cave guide to get beyond an unsafe part. We leave them to return to Goshen, where Brody and Newman are walking off to the northeast because Newman thinks that the slash of the letter Z on the inscription could be extended to form a tangent across the circular “sun” symbol and thus serve as an astronomical marker! They walk off and find a rock with scratch marks they cannot read. They continue on and find another rock and then yet another (this one with a drill mark) on what they say is the same line. Both men think that the rocks were intentionally placed as an astronomical marker (as opposed to, say, a property marker, or even some glacial erratics plunked down on a line when the glaciers retreated. It has to be archaeoastronomy! No one reports whether there are other boulders in the area not on this line. The Vieira brothers are now in Cincinnati meeting with Ross Hamilton, one of the most famous gigantologists, who adopted and popularized David Childress’s 1993 Smithsonian conspiracy theory back in 2001 when he accused the museum of conspiring to hide the skeletons of giants. He calls this a “holocaust.” He also believes in a lost race of Mound Builders distinct from Native Americans because he uncritically accepts nineteenth century material as fact. Now Hamilton claims to have a new theory about giants. He shows the men a map of Native American mound sites, and he asserts that there was a “great nation” that occupied the Hudson to the Gulf of Mexico and were a unified polity with a single ruler and a single language six thousand years ago. He calls these people what I can only transliterate as “Alihana” since the name isn’t given on screen and he seems to have made it up. He attributes all of the Native American mounds in America to what the narrator calls a “royal class of colossi,” the giants. He says that the taller the person, the more likely ancient people were to worship them as gods or demigods. The narrator suggests that the Greek Titans were of the same species and were a memory of this lost race of ruling giants. No one on the show gives even a moment’s thought to the hubris of taking from Native Americans thousands of years of their accomplishments and reassigning them to a lost global race—who are, as a global race, clearly not Native Americans. Hamilton tells the Vieira brothers about a man who has come close to giant remains but has stayed hidden to avoid “controversy.” The men meet with “Vernon,” who acts hostile and aggressive but nevertheless agrees to speak about giants, to which he has also devoted his research and life. Jim Vieira tells Vernon Tiedge (as he is now identified) that he is nearly out of money because he devotes all of his savings to gigantology and has stopped working a stonemason to make this TV show. Tiedge in turn tells the Vieira brothers that he believes most fringe history claims, particularly those about lost wisdom. Tiedge claims to have seen a giant skeleton many years ago, and he says that he reburied the bones and was sworn to secrecy. He refuses to provide any evidence to confirm his story, and that ends his story. Back at Goshen, Hugh Newman and David Brody run out of rocks, so they start measuring for alignments. Using a computer simulation, he draws a line between the rocks, but the on-screen graphics show that the alignment is nowhere near exact. Some stones aren’t on the line at all, indicating that there is no precision in the alignment, and likely no intention to target the solstice—let alone one “too close to dismiss,” as Newman claims. I am disturbed though by the narrator’s insistence on speculating on an “ancient Mound Builder influence,” using a propaganda technique to reinforce the idea that there was a unified lost race of Mound Builders across the country rather than many different Native peoples who built different types of mounds at different times for different purposes. This is the stuff of old nineteenth century antiquarian fantasies, based ultimately on Americans’ need to undermine Native peoples and claim ancient America for white Europeans. Perpetuating this myth under the name of giants is disturbing to say the least, and takes the show from cranky to outright offensive. This scattershot episode for gigantologists with short attention spans returns us to Tennessee to watch the brothers explore Big Bone Cave. The poke around the cave and explore its various passages. They find various passages indicated in the newspaper article—to which, no fooling; the cave has been explored many times in the past—but the men find nothing in the cave worthy of note. Jim Vieira was not able to make it down to the so-called “Dead House,” and it is interesting that in describing each part of the cave he claims to have seen off camera, Jim Vieira uses the exact wording of the newspaper article rather than offering an original description. Is this just lazy scripting? “We’re leaving Tennessee without any physical evidence,” Jim Vieira said, and the teaser trailer for next week shows that L. A. Marzulli will show up, demonstrating that he got over his hurt feelings about the show when he realized appearing on it will help him sell his overpriced Nephilim DVD sets to a larger audience.
12/3/2014 04:06:11 am
....why was this made? How was this made?
12/3/2014 10:40:13 pm
thanx to modern technology... we have cameras
12/3/2014 04:30:53 am
So ... even if you take the racist view that native Americans couldn't have built the mounds ... has anyone ever explained why they assume the mounds must have been made by GIANTS???
12/3/2014 07:21:53 am
To be fair, I don't think they said that Native Americans COULDN'T have built them, just that they didn't.
12/3/2014 09:01:57 am
Sadly (?) I did not see the show and inferred that the claim is based on the notion that Native Americans were too busy being primitive to have built the mounds so it must have been (white or white -ish) giants. So the questions remains (obviously a rhetorical one) about why in the name of the Hooked X do they use as evidence to support this "giant" theory. Give me an inscription, an oral legend - something I can sink a (double) set of teeth into!
12/3/2014 05:53:25 am
You know, I don't think I've ever been so disgusted by a show as I am right now.
Shane Sullivan
12/3/2014 07:08:20 am
"Into the Bone Cave"
12/3/2014 07:27:19 am
" I...don't know how to feel about that title."
Shane Sullivan
12/3/2014 02:05:47 pm
Well, as long as it's *Big* Bone Cave, then I guess it's not lewd at all.
12/3/2014 06:40:08 pm
If only you knew just *how* big we're talking... ;)
Only Me
12/3/2014 10:24:59 am
It seems to me that these shows all share the same guest list. Guests appearing on Ancient Aliens are jumping over to In Search of Aliens, guests on America Unearthed are seen on Search for the Lost Giants, etc.
12/3/2014 11:11:54 am
"The Palmyra Herald and the Wayne Sentinel carried stories throughout the 1820s speculating on Indian origins and describing finds in Indian burials throughout the trans-Appalachian interior. Elias Boudinot and Sylvester Larned, the latter a minister in contact with Ethan Smith of Poultney, both lectured in the area around 1820. The Smiths apparently had their own version of the Pittsfield parchment story, telling Peter Ingersoll of a book discovered in a tree in Canada that recorded the pre-Columbian history of America. A competing money-digging gang in Rochester had accounts of ancient conflicts very similar to those of Smith's Nephites and Lamanites. These money-diggers heard tales that ancient pygmies had hidden "great stores of gold and precious stones" in "great vaults" buried in the hills to protect them from a race of giant enemies... In 1807, devastated by an epidemic, the Seneca Iroquois of the Allegheny River, a hundred miles to the south-west, dug huge pits in an unsuccessful effort to kill a subterranean monster thought to be the cause of the disease. This failing, their prophet, Handsome Lake, turned to witchcraft accusation." (John L. Brooke, "The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844")
12/3/2014 11:29:28 am
1.) Well, yes. What would this show be dedicated to other than resurrecting the racist Moundbuilder Myth?
12/3/2014 11:31:28 am
2.) Looks like my fear about using actual remains, and mainsteaming the notion of modified skull = nephilim, with potential nasty black market trafficking impacts, seems more likely.
12/3/2014 11:40:16 am
Isn't it part of the geenral worry that the whole "take back what's ours", anti-establishment ethos cultivated by these shows is bound to encourage people to vandalize/desecrate archaeological sites?
12/3/2014 01:48:47 pm
If human remains aren't involved, the law isn't very strong on private property (presuming one doesn't need a permit to do whatever activities are going on, then you run into state and federal CRM law). Damage to public property already happens from time to time for profit or idiocy, while a concern, I doubt this will impact that dramatically. Folks trying to open a rainbow bridge already planted orgone collectors at Serpent Mound.
12/3/2014 02:02:10 pm
Is there any evidence that they currently have any value for "radical religionists"? Are there actual cases where people have purchased them because of their supposed Biblical significance? (I ask because I haven't heard of such cases, but you're certainly much more likely to have heard of any.)
12/3/2014 02:15:27 pm
Creation museums (yes, plural) display non-human remains (replicas [only, AFAIK] of Moche pots, the Ica stones, I believe there is a replica of Lucy at the big Creation Museum). My point is that it would be really nice if that spectrum of awful didn't expand.
12/3/2014 02:25:40 pm
Creation Museum Lucy exhibit
Titus Pullo
12/3/2014 12:17:47 pm
I remember reading courtesy of someones reply on Jason's site "Notes from the State of Virginia" by Thomas Jefferson 1785 where he does a dig at a mound and proves it was native not european. He also writes that native americans are probably from northwest Asia and there might be a land bridge which they came over by. Maybe the writers of the show can spend a few minutes seeing Thomas jefferson's views on this topic. After all they quote him in Ancient Aliens during the founding fathers episode.
titus pullo
12/3/2014 12:22:34 pm
Northeast Asia not Northwest. Mistake on my part...I guess if you go from Ameria it is west.. ha
12/3/2014 04:20:09 pm
I love the domed cathedral room he can't get into but can describe (I can see it too through remote viewing techniques I've made up myself) And I wish I could get a message to the producers and let them know that they could buy a waterproof Go-Pro HD camera for about $400 so they can bring it along the next time something like this comes up so they don't have to be too worried about the equipment. Or they can rent one for about $35 a day if they don't have $400 to spare all at once.
12/3/2014 10:28:07 pm
That would be the "vaulted chamber about twenty-five feet wide by sixty long, with passages leading in every direction." Vieira's description was taken almost verbatim from the newspaper article. The choice wording was so close at to make me wonder whether he actually saw anything.
Duke of URL
12/4/2014 04:02:19 am
Having recently read his, um... "stuff" here in Comments, I suspect Vieira sees /all sorts/ of things. Right after he takes his drugs.
12/4/2014 01:55:36 am
[slightly off topic]
12/4/2014 03:36:14 am
I kind of like Alex Lagina...he seems to be having fun. Marty is laughing as this goes along...can we just go to the last episode this where they find another "clue" to lead to next year?
Jose S
12/4/2014 11:06:58 am
Jason, I was checking out my LinkIn page and found several posts about a Court case involving the Smithsonian. The report comes from
Jose S
12/4/2014 11:11:00 am
My appologies, I forgot to post the web address of the "article"
12/4/2014 12:30:04 pm
This is the hoax Jason tweeted about earlier today, right?
Jose S
12/4/2014 12:42:38 pm
EP, I missed the tweet, so I'm not sure if it is or not. It must be though. 12/4/2014 12:59:50 pm
Yes, it's a hoax. World News Daily is a fake news site that creates click bait. You'll note that one of the sources is "James Churchward," named for the fringe historian!
Jose S
12/4/2014 03:10:43 pm
Thanks, Jason, several professional people posted it on LinkedIn thinking is was true. After EP (Thanks EP) pointed out your tweet I places a comment with the link you provided on the posts that I was able to find.
Tennessee Dude
12/5/2014 08:41:16 am
12/5/2014 10:15:45 am
Mr. Dude (may I call you Tennessee?),
12/5/2014 11:51:27 pm
Of course the viewers wanted to see the Vieira brothers to push through further, as did i. Jason's conclusions seem to be getting even more speculative in interpreting the data. What you are missing is the locations of these stories ARE being verified. The people of these stories, the families, the detailed description of the caves gives strong validity to the story. What doesn't help is you giving false information. There are at least 20 reports from the Smithsonian annuals on Giant skeletons, NOT TWO. How about you correct that now? If you would like to see Giant research from every state see the Greater Ancestors website. If you are going to be critical at least get the facts straight. i have about 500 more articles, be patient i will be posting them up as time allows.
12/6/2014 12:43:33 am
Jason I disagree that Lincoln's lecture notes were unclear. I have 100% proof giants are real from a source no one can debunk - Sir Isaac Newton. Newton said "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" Case closed, I cannot believe the Vieira Brothers missed this as part of their in-depth research.
12/6/2014 04:18:55 am
It's fairly obvious these shows are only fantastic speculation, but you're embarrassing yourself here, Mr. Colavito. It's obvious you barely paid attention to the episode. The cave they were exploring was not Big Bone Cave. They were in Coffee County, near the town of Manchester. The cave is located in Old Stone Fort Arch State Park, near the fort itself. Big Bone Cave, the cave where the Giant Sloth bones were found and that you erronesously put forth as the cave in the episode, is in Van Buren County - two counties and an hour to the northeast of where they were in TN. Get your facts straight before you attempt to bash a show, even if it is a scripted, fictional "reality" show about wild theories.
12/9/2014 02:08:19 pm
It's just "Old Stone Fort State Park"; It's approximately a 40 acre site that is partially enclosed by earthen mounds (where there are cliffs there are no mounds). The cave is a short distance from the old state-run Old Stone Fort Golf Course (which is a short distance from the park). His mistake of "The Big Bone Cave" for the much lesser known "Bone Cave" and subsequent ridicule really distracts from the rest of his blog. I wonder what other errors are stated?
12/9/2014 02:17:11 pm
Also, the sign that was found was probably brought into the cave and dropped by local kids - not due to any mound-cave connection (the mounds are rocks and dirt). The cave is fairly well known locally and visited routinely. The park uses wooden (carved) signs for its trail markers that wind throughout the park.
Attila Imre Laszlo
2/5/2018 03:10:39 pm
So sadly, Mr Colavito is as argument less as those who he discredits. Sloth bone confused with human (really?), without any proof stating some site is fake news,(and CNN?), with a 0 proof state Churchward is fringe? when last week australian academy acknowledge the existence of a huge continent in the Pacific. They do not mention Churchward. Of course. So I do respect that he is a hard worker spreading his thought, but should he serve some proofs, or just google some antagonising facts? Or he is just paid to spread propaganda? My mistake to doubt the Doubter. Sadly I am not paid to discredit your statement, but practically all of them is easily destroyable. But wish you all good luck, your webmaster does a great job.
Michael Moore
2/20/2018 06:58:22 pm
Glad you saw this also. Bone Cave that is in between Rock Island and in the direction of Spencer in Van Buren County has been explored countless times by us locals and probably many outsiders. The cave entrance is now gated closed with radon gas dangers I believe used as an excuse. 2 caves in different locations being interchanged in an argument that may be lost to time by now. As a boy I was told the bones of giants were found in the cave, but who knows???
12/6/2014 04:31:14 am
The lengths you went to to "debunk" the location of the cave is shameful, when a simple use of Google and any Map site (along with some simple attention given to the episode) would have cleared up whatever misgivings you may have had about where the Vieira brothers were.
12/6/2014 04:51:17 am
"Embarrassing", "shameful"... Don't you think your language is a bit too strong for the occasion? :)
11/5/2015 10:20:06 pm
Too strong? I think not. Yes, the show is over the top and does not provide hard evidence. However if one is to be believed when debunking misinformation, providing false information does detract from credibility.
12/10/2014 07:29:59 pm
Nevermind whether I believe in giants or not... What ever happened to helmet cams??
10/23/2015 06:31:03 pm
I'm actually a caver in Manchester TN I live 3 miles away from Bone cave.
11/5/2015 10:21:08 pm
I am just a little south of you in Franklin County. It would have been nice if this blog at least corrected to show where we really are. :D
11/6/2015 01:36:41 am
What about the cave city 360 ft below molbery Missouri having paved rd giant remanis with advanced tools water fountain and dental work ????? Dating 300 million years ago ??
5/15/2016 01:55:08 pm
I'm familiar with the Manchester tn area and I'm surprised how they make up things that are far from accurate... While in the cave they find a board with a couple names and old stone Fort July 198? Written on it. Immediately their "theory" it washed form the stone Fort area. They also speculate that would be a 1 mile connecting cave the fort and bone cave.. First of all the cave and the fort are about 30 or more miles away. And it's impossible for a board to wash in to the cave since the cave is located in a hill a couple hundred feet higher than the fort. . It's a shame that history Chanel plays shows like this.
Roy Johnson
11/24/2019 08:05:54 pm
I am intrested in seeing photo copies of the newspaper articles and the editor name.
deb morgan
2/9/2022 09:24:42 am
I get SO tired of 'bloggers' who DO NOT DO THEIR HOMEWORK when disparaging another. BIG BONE Cave is in Van Buran county, tn. IT IS a National Monument.
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