Yesterday I briefly mentioned the weird idea, best known from Christopher Knight’s and Robert Lomas’s The Hiram Key (1997), that the Knights Templar discovered America and named it for an occult star called Merica which they learned about from Jewish Temple records. Their book, however, never explains where their information came from. In the first mention of Merica, the two authors present it immediately following a discussion of Flavius Josephus’ account of the Essenes’ belief in a western paradise (= Greek Islands of the Blessed) from The Jewish Wars (2.8.11), but it certainly does not come from that source. Instead, they assert without a source that the Mandaeans have a similar belief in a western paradise but that “this place is marked by a star, the name of which is ‘Merica.’” The authors, again without a sources listed, identify this star with the evening star, Venus, and thus with the morning star, also Venus, the holy star of the Knights Templar and thus proof that the Templars and/or Freemasons founded America. They also claim that the Mandaeans have a “very Masonic” handshake. The two authors then repeat the claim, again without a source, in Second Messiah (2001), to which they add that a “wide range” of scholars have embraced their claim “with open arms” because they hate Amerigo Vespucci and can’t imagine naming half the world for him. By “scholars” they apparently meant “conspiracy theorists.”
After Knight and Lomas, hundreds of other authors have repeated the claim. Not surprisingly, due to Knight and Lomas being so cagey about their sources, more than one later writer has mistakenly quoted Knight and Lomas and attributed it to Josephus. So far as I can tell, no one has an original source for it other than Knight and Lomas. Michael Anderson Bradley came closest, arguing that the name came from Atlantis in Grail Knights of North America (1998). Later writers, apparently to hide the lack of a true ancient pedigree, have taken to spelling the star “Merika” on the model of Arabic-named stars. Standard accounts of the Mandaean religious beliefs state that their paradise was called “those carried away by truth” and was termed msunia kušṭa. According to a book published by Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley (The Mandaeans, Oxford University Press, 2002), modern Mandaeans believe paradise lies not in the “west” but at the North Pole. The regular word for “stars” is Malwasia, and the word for paradise is Mšunia Kušta, from the word “messiah.” So that’s a dead end. Later writers also claim that the “Merica” star took its name from Ishtar’s “Star of Venus,” but the Babylonian name for Venus was Dilbat. So that doesn’t work. There was an Egyptian First Dynasty official named Merika, whose tomb is at Saqqara, but the Mandaeans aren’t Egyptians and Merika wasn’t a star. “La Merica” was also the name for America mangled by illiterate Italian peasants, but that’s too late for our purposes. So what do we do? Knight and Lomas claim that the Templars learned of Merica from “Nasorean” scrolls found beneath the Temple Mount, but neither author shares how they allegedly learned of this; the best they will say is a circular argument that the star’s name proves the continent took its name from that, and that the continent proves the star’s name. The proof, they say, is on the Nasorean Scrolls, which are hidden, they believe, beneath Rosslyn Chapel, where the Sinclair Holy Bloodline Grail Kings keep them where only Freemasons are allowed to see them. Conveniently, this proof is forever inaccessible, and known to Knight and Lomas only from Freemason rituals, which they believe encode Templar beliefs. I can’t find any mention of the alleged star prior to Knight and Lomas in 1997, and since they refuse to say where they got the idea from (other than Knight’s “research” into “religion”), I have to conclude that Knight made it up. So where did he take his inspiration? I would think that part of it must come from the myth of Shalim (Salem), the old Canaanite god of the evening star, whose name is believed to form part of Jerusalem. Since his name meant “completion,” the idea is that the evening star leads to the place of completion in the west, and thus to paradise. (Obviously, this reading is done in parallel with the Star of Bethlehem narrative, which seems to have cross-fertilized Knight’s claims about the “Merica” star.) So this must be the intellectual foundation for the “Merica” star, ascribed to the Templars via their occupation of the Temple Mount and their supposed veneration of a pre-Christian “goddess” also identified with Venus, the evening star. But what of the name? I am flummoxed. I guess Knight made it up, unless he back-formed it out of either the name of America or, less likely, something like the version of Marduk given as Merodach in Jeremiah 50:2, identifying Shalim with some M-named deity or demon by virtue of being sons of El and/or identified with Venus. Another possibility is that Knight misread Mercia and transposed some letters, that British earldom having associations with Templars, according to old chronicles. Before it was an earldom, Mercia was a kingdom, and early Freemason conspiracy literature makes occasional reference to it. In 640 CE, for example, Masons claimed that the king of Mercia recognized a lodge of French masons, whose leader became general superintendent of masons throughout Mercia. In 793, masons, identified as Freemasons in later conspiracy literature, built the St. Albans for the King of Mercia. Another version of Freemason conspiracy literature states that Charles Martel, as grand master of masons, sent a contingent of Freemasons from France to Mercia in 701 to restore the craft after several hundred years of neglect. Since we know that Knight believes that the Freemasons are the directly connected to the Templars, this may be the most likely source of the otherwise unattested name of “Merica.” That’s the closest I can come. As far I can see “Merica” springs into existence in 1997 from the pen of Christopher Knight, who refuses to tell anyone where he got the idea.
Shane Sullivan
9/17/2013 12:05:45 pm
I think you're giving them entirely too much credit. I assume--as I do of most conspiracy theories--that the "inspiration" involved a set of dice, or a dartboard covered with sentence fragments, scraps of paper being pulled out of a hat, or maybe 'conspiracy Madlibs'.
Uncle Ron
9/17/2013 12:52:00 pm
9/17/2013 01:15:31 pm
Some years ago I read a review of 'The Hiram Key' in the Fortean Times which ended "...cook until half-baked and serve as an expensive paperback."
9/17/2013 01:21:54 pm
It's worse than even that. They routinely assert that wild speculation is proven fact, and I don't think there's a single page that could survive fact checking.
j higgins
2/14/2015 12:45:40 pm
Knight could have a source with knowledge on which he may not have been permitted to talk to outsiders about .
Rose McDonald
5/10/2016 12:04:26 pm
Shane; I agree. It's gotten to the point, with all the pseudo-science floating around, that I check out as much as I can about who wrote what I'm thinking about reading. Sometimes the title is a dead giveaway that what follows is shite. Also the number and size of exclamation points are red flags. I recently came across a partial list of fringe science writers assembled by Andy White; it's on his blog and is a godsend. Here's a link
1/23/2022 05:02:18 pm
The name myrick and also mercia, mercy, mercury, wormwood, etymology holds a lot
Kevin M Sorbello
12/4/2023 08:08:13 am
Actually, the name "La Merika" appears on Portuguese charts that are pre-Columbian by over a century. These maps "were" made by Portuguese Templars and show the coastline of North and South America (although not very detailed). Recent discoveries in Nova Scotia show a Templar presence in North America dating back to the 13th century and possibly earlier. The "corn" and "yucca" carvings in Sinclar's Rosalyn Chapel predate Columbus's journey and are clearly only found in the America's. Sinclair's association with the Templars is also well documented. The chart's name "La Merica" was mistranslated by those who thought the apostrophe was a contraction of "La America", so when they dropped the "La" it became America. The attribution of Amerigo Vespucci as the source of the name was a mistake by the German authors of their "History of the World". When they discovered their mistake, they sent correction pages out to their customers, but no one cared to unbind their book for a page they couldn't have cared less about a the time. "This" is the source of the mistake, not some hatred for Vespucci. Whether there is an Essene or Nazorean connection is neither here nor there; the charts speak for themselves.
9/17/2013 01:42:59 pm
Could some "norrmen," or Northmen have been Templars?
9/17/2013 10:13:13 pm
Even the Freemasons themselves don't claim any kind of direct descent from the original Knights Templar. They have taken the Templar name (but so have a selection of other organizations hoping to cash in on their reputation), and they use a number of Templar symbols, but this in and of itself means nothing.
9/18/2013 03:09:41 am
The name-calling and posturing is what I like to avoid, though I will follow that trail when started by someone else. I respond. I will check someone if he or she needs checking, in my opinion. I am free to do this, and if I face consequences, spiritually or otherwise, I will make the payment. I will be punished and take it when I have it coming.
9/18/2013 07:30:10 am
"Whether or not any "Templars" came here in medieval times defies our current knowledge, however, it can't be ruled out. Is there such a creature as a Northman Templar, I wonder? But again, how long can people still be called Templars, and how long can a Templar past be claimed? What are the rules?"
9/18/2013 08:43:59 am
>>Finally, "the rules" generally dictate that when the organization no longer has a legal existence, you can't call people members of that organization anymore. You can call them FORMER members, you can say they had a past with that organization, but you can't say they are STILL members. <<
9/18/2013 12:49:27 pm
Varika, I was responding to a Blog Bully, which includes overt scoffing, explaining my position concerning his inappropriate behavior. Threatening? No. Unless you consider pointing out possible spiritual consequences as threatening. I will clarify by just saying: if the shoe fits while scoffing, wear it now ashamedly.
9/18/2013 03:17:18 pm
9/18/2013 06:20:10 pm
"The only thing I would add to this is that when there is oath taking involved, such as with The Knights Templar, even though the organization was dissolved, those that survived, as a result of their oaths, were Templars until they died. "
9/19/2013 10:17:44 am
Get rid of Gunn
9/19/2013 04:36:41 am
Wow, you're an idiot. Do you have to reinvestigate how to put on pants EVERY morning or do you have a chart that helps you through the process?
Only Me
9/19/2013 04:24:23 pm
If I may have a go at this, I found a couple of things that apply here.
Byron DeLear
9/18/2013 07:09:06 pm
some of this debate sounds like arguing the rules of ad&d or something... proclaiming what is legit or not after an org has been "dissolved" --- what you can call them or not? what if, from 1307 onward, they went underground?
Get rid of Gunn
9/19/2013 04:34:39 am
Hello contributors of the blog. Since everyone seems to be in the bad habit of indulging the idiocy of Gunn, treating him like an intellectual equal, which he is not, (in the hope of what exactly? Changing his warped and ignorant rotten vegetable of a mind?) I have a proposal. Let's start a campaign to get rid of him. He keeps threatening to leave and then coming back again, and again. and again, and again. STOP RESPONDING TO HIM AS IF HE HAS A VALID POINT, HE DOESN'T. We all know this. Don't cut and paste his quotes, reference his stupidity, or argue against the fictional insanity on which he bases his life. It will never do anyone any good. Instead I suggest that everyone, as often as possible, comment on his posts with something a little more on his intellectual level. See above. Thanks for your time. Hope you jump on board the campaign to annoy Gunn into oblivion.
Dan D
9/19/2013 10:52:50 am
That's a bit harsh. While I find some of his comments over the top, he does bring his passion here and that's OK.
Get Rid of Get rid of Gunn
9/21/2013 03:44:05 am
Hey, Get rid of Gunn, I'm glad you've been reading Gunn's comments. This is the only way people like you will learn anything new and substantive about the KRS.
William M Smith
9/22/2013 03:26:00 am
Why would you want to get rid of Gunn or any other researcher that is searching for validation of the KRS's authenticity? Their is a lot of untold and non academic approved data that support the KRS as well as the Templar presence in the USA before Columbus. As an independent researcher and retired engineer I have studied many of these pre-Columbian sites and find that most people follow the theory's made public by book authors or America Unearth TV. In support of Gunn and the KRS for example is the presence of a .022 in. mechanical wear line just below the rune letters on the KRS. By measuring over 60 grave stones of similar material in like environment I have found that the normal formation of a wear line is .oo5 in. per 100 years. This wear line is created by nature and exist on any stone that has been placed by man to stand up-right. It is also present on stone building foundations. This alone proves the KRS had stood on end for over three hundred years before it was over taken and buried by the tree roots present when it was found. Another un-known fact is the location of the builders mark at the top of The Newport Tower in R.I. This triangle stone is 14 degrees west of true north at the top of the tower. Just because it is a symbol of the Knights of Christ does not make it Templar, however its location of 14 degrees west of true north is what a magnetic compass would read in 1472 and is the magnetic declination at that location at that time. Don't shoot the messenger.
Rose McDonald
5/6/2016 03:34:30 pm
Re; Gunn. The entire long-winded polemic of his (one of many) and the equally long-winded responses are, at best, a collection of self-serving examples of how people can write hundreds, maybe thousands, of words and say absolutely nothing. Yawn.
William M Smith
9/22/2013 02:49:50 am
Verika - You are very correct about The Knights of Christ from Portugal. Their first documented leader was Henry the Navigator who had the school of navigation. It was here that Joah Cort-real learned the navigational skills and also became the head of the Knights of Christ. The two sons of Joah (Casper and Michel) were also head leaders in the Knights of Christ. The Cort-reals were fisherman and their is evidence they were in America before Columbus..
Only Me
9/22/2013 08:21:13 am
I'm not so sure, William. Out of curiosity, I did some research on the Corte-Reals, and at best, there is *fragmentary* evidence suggesting a jointly funded expedition between the kings of Portugal and Denmark, headed by Joao Vaz Corte-Real, in 1473. His sons, Gaspar and Miguel, made similar journeys; Gaspar in 1500 and 1501, Miguel in 1502.
William M Smith
9/22/2013 12:34:37 pm
Only Me -Three Danisb sbips wbose pilots were two Germans, Pining and POthOl'St and one Norwegian, Johan Scolp were to be led by Joao Vaz Corte Real.
William M Smith
9/22/2013 12:44:28 pm
Henry the Navigator founded the school for navigation in 1419 in Portugal. He became the highest order of The Knights of Christ and is said to have been a knight during the crusades at an early age. Much technological advancement that originated in Arabia was brought to his school. Among these were the skills and tools to measure magnetic decIination with a lodestone compass, the design of the caravel ship and the v rock formation to catch fish at low tide. One of many students that learned navigation at Henry's School was Joao Vaz Corte Real.
William M Smith
9/22/2013 01:11:33 pm
Sorry for the double post above relating to information about pre-Columbian voyages and the Corte Real's. If you are interested in some of this information you can enter (migration and diffusion) into your search engine and pull up a web site that records papers on the subject. After you get to the home page click on authors, then go down the list to my name (William Smith) click on it and a summary page will open that shows titles of three papers I have posted. Click on the paper of interest and a summary page will open. At the bottom of the summary is a link which will open the complet paper with photos. If that is to confusing and you want to view the Newport Tower from your computer just enter the following 3D program into your search and use your cursor to rotate the tower. At the bottom of the link home page is zoom and other features. When it opens you are looking south at the tower. The builders mark is a small triangle stone at the top of the tower 14 degrees west of north. (
William M Smith
9/22/2013 01:17:40 pm
If the earlier post on the 3D tower does not work then try this link. ( )
Thanks for your support, william. By the way, since I posted on my website the information and image relating to how the KRS could possibly have been relocated using sacred geometry, the number of visitors to my website has jumped dramatically, to well over a hundred per day, reaching toward two hundred, a record. So, in response, I decided to post the other maps I developed recently.
Only Me
9/26/2013 02:18:21 am
I think I've found some more pertinent info that may explain Wolter's insistence on a Templar connection with the KRS. I also found a tidbit that may also explain why the museum insists on calling your stone holes, mooring stones.
Yes, I' m definitely interested...always. While the search is exciting when something new is possibly right around the corner, the subject becomes frustrating, too, when nothing new seems at hand. Lately, I've been trying to scrounge up enough passion to make another trip to either the Brandon, MN area, or to the area where the Whetstone River used to empty into the beginning of the MN River. It was diverted back in the 1930's, and a green ribbon now stretches across the landscape (farmland). It seems likely to me that something could possibly be found in that area, since it represents the beginning of a "landing area," if one considers the Whetstone River to be that...a landing area for medieval Scandinavians who had a penchant for making stoneholes and occasional carvings.
Only Me
9/26/2013 01:42:36 pm
Oops! My mistake on the museum. I remember you said one of the two was responsible. Let me see if I can answer all your queries satisfactorily.
Okay, Only Me and William M. Smith, as I've been saying, life is a stonehole circle. Yes, there are two main groupings of stoneholes in the Runestone Hill and along the Whetland River in nearby SD. The stoneholes are accompanied by carvings; at Runestone Hill, there is the runestone; along the Whetstone River, there are what appear to be medieval Scandinavian carvings.
William M Smith
9/26/2013 03:43:03 pm
Only Me - Thanks for the info. I have heard most of it before. I do not know what faith the carvers of the KRS were, however it is my understanding that Christopher Columbus was one of the first to use it to represent Christ in his name. According to the great work of the late DeSilva (Columbus was Portuguese) and DNA from his brother was proof of this. I was at Gotland about 10 years ago and went into many of the churches as well as the ancient sites. I did not find any mooring holes, but did visit many of the stone ship structures that exist on the island. The consistency of the stones and the angle they were set indicates they were constructed next to the ancient timber line and functioned as a jig for constructing ships in the same design at various locations with consistency. I also visited the cave in Scotland where Robert The Bruce whathed the spider weave the web seven times before it caught the fly and told him he would be victorious in the seventh battle with Henry that formed the country of Scotland. My blood line is from Robert the Bruce and I still use the tartan assigned to the metal workers (Smiths) of that country. Their is no strong case that proves Robert the Bruce or other Scotts were Templars. I have three papers published in (Migration and Diffusion) which may show some insight on the subject. As for the 100s of mooring stones their are only two locations where more than 10 holes are grouped close together. One location is the KRS hill and the other is 65 miles west of the hill. all of the others are one and twos north of these sites and then the St Larence and New England states, except the one located where the Ohio Rock was found. You will not find mooring holes along the salt water oceans where their are beaches because it was easier to drag their sword in the sand to gather magnetite rather than drill a hole. If you want to find magnetic north just drill a hole in a rock that has iron and fill the hole with water, then float a iron needle in the hole and watch it point north.
Only Me
9/27/2013 03:45:05 am
Your most welcome. I only got into this due to some nagging questions. Was the KRS a land claim? What *about* those damn stone holes? How did we go from swaggering Northmen to Templar knights and Cistercian monks and finally end with French Normans?
9/27/2013 09:56:44 am
I would like to invite everyone interested in the KRS to try out my Forum under the "Forum" tab. You may find it easier to organize your discussion as a discussion thread in the "Alternative History" forum rather than piecemeal across many blog posts.
"...the intrigue has overtaken the subject..." 9/28/2013 02:03:14 pm
My website isn't a propaganda forum for you; if you don't like the forums or the comments, you're welcome to start your own forum to discuss the Rune Stone to your heart's content. It's "Alternative Archaeology" because it is not accepted as mainstream history. 9/28/2013 02:08:36 pm
But, I'm nice... So you now have a special forum just for KRS posts. Please carry on further discussion of the KRS there.
What I don't like is your cocky attitude. 9/29/2013 07:41:15 am
Oh, for Pete's sake. I don't care if people want to talk. I'm trying to make things easier by providing a place to talk about these things in a less disjointed and more coherent way, and all I get for my trouble is complaints. I thought it was a nice idea to have a discussion forum for particular issues rather than comments strewn across 1,000-some-odd blog posts. Silly me.
9/29/2013 08:36:55 am
Rosslyn and “The Secret”
9/29/2013 09:05:40 am
William M Smith
9/30/2013 03:40:18 am
I enjoy the information you give on the Templar history and feel it may be of importance if we find some factual (academic approved) information or artifacts used in the USA that would be unique to Templars. I may have an artifact you may be able to make the connection. It is called The Ohio Rock. This 500 lb. stone was found on my farm by my wife in 1977. Archeoligest (Rodney Ricks) looked at it and said it would have taken one man three months to carve it and the tool used would likely have been stone. Barry Fell looked at photos of it and said it was European technology of a sun dial which originated in Egypt and was used to keep time. After 36 years of research, I feel it is a time stone that the carver used to bury treasure that he wanted to recover at a later date. I feel it was made by the crew of Michel Cort-real in 1511 when his crew were fleeing from the now hostile natives. Michel as well as his brother Casper and his father Josh were all of the highest order of The Knights of Christ. The Ohio Rock was a time stone that was meant to rise to the surface and point the way to hidden treasure. It worked like a plate buried in sand. If it was buried right side up it would rise to the surface due to the rain washing the sand over the edge and under the plate creating a lift over time that made the rim of the plate rise to the earth surface. Had the plate been buried upside down the reverse would happen. Other reasons for making this connection are many which can be explained if interested.
William M Smith
9/30/2013 03:58:21 am
Sinclair - Some additional factual information about the Ohio Rock may be of interest for the potential Templar connection.
William M Smith
9/30/2013 04:19:15 am
I read a comment in Jason's lead in page that the Mandaean felt the North Pole was a sacred place. I also read where the King of Denmark told Pal Knutson in 1362 to go as far as the north pole.
9/30/2013 04:33:41 am
My main take-away is the "Scottish-Templar and Masonic connection," which we were looking for. Thanks, Sinclair. Jason, is this a clear, accurate connecting of the formerly perceived gap between the two groups...Templar/Masonic? I guess it's not so much the labels or titles, specific to time periods, as it is the actual historical connections? Or, is the information, above, unreliable?
9/30/2013 04:59:38 am
I think we'd need to prove this letter exists before speculating further. The only references to Mary's letter are in Sinclair conspiracy literature, and then only in a single-sentence excerpt. The letter seems to have first been published by Andrew Sinclair, who is a notoriously unreliable source. Further, in the English of the day "secret" had the meaning of "confidence" in the context Mary used it. It doesn't mean William gave her a Templar secret; it means that Mary promised not to publicize the advice William gave her. As always, mystery mongers made a mystery out of their own ignorance.
9/30/2013 05:49:07 am
Okay, thanks for your insight.
William M Smith
9/30/2013 05:15:21 am
Gunn- I am not sure if we are looking for the secret or the facts. I felt like Jason about the KRS at one time because of all the fabricated stories made public by Scott Wolter. Even his co-author Dick Nielson did not agree with Scotts theory's. As a retired engineer my research is based on my own findings and that is al I can defend. My onsite findings related to the KRS are as follows.
William M. Smith, I think we're looking for both secrets and facts, not either/or. We seem to agree that the KRS is genuine, though some of your ideas I find a bit odd, such as your rendering of the date. If I'm not mistaken, the world's preeminent scholar on Scandinavian runes (Nielsen) doesn't question the date of 1362, and I think it is perceived as being double-dated, at least by Wolter.
William M Smith
9/30/2013 07:28:52 am
Gunn - The only true answer I can give you is that Wolter will never review the Ohio Rock as long as I am alive.
William M Smith
9/30/2013 07:59:11 am
If you open (Migration and Diffusion) you can see the details that support the 1472 date of the KRS. (
9/30/2013 04:37:14 pm
I don't mind addressing the ground wear line of .022" on the KRS. Unless one has read Wolter's X book, one wouldn't know about the smaller, more "portable" stonehole rocks found north of the cleared Runestone Hill. I wonder where these four smaller rocks were originally located? It seems likely they may have been cleared off the hill, but maybe not. I can easily imagine the KRS having been originally set upright. Perhaps these smaller stonehole rocks helped to mark something on the hill, maybe even the maybe it was circled by these smaller rocks, even as the entire hill was surrounded with the dozen or so larger stonehole rocks.
William M Smith
10/1/2013 03:23:56 am
I tend to disagree with a lot of what you say about the KRS, however if the truth was clear we would not be looking for it. The reason for my thoughts are because I have spent time on the hill and in the area to the north.
10/1/2013 03:27:06 am
As this conversation has moved well beyond the subject of this blog post, I'd like to invite you to continue it in the Kensington Rune Stone section of my discussion Forum. I think it will be easier to organize a conversation there.
William M Smith
10/1/2013 03:58:48 am
Gunn - I guess it is best not to discuss the KRS on this site as Jason has requested. The subject of this blog seems to be looking for proof of the Templars in America.
William M Smith
10/1/2013 05:50:48 am
Gunn - I guess it is best not to discuss the KRS on this site as Jason has requested. The subject of this blog seems to be looking for proof of the Templars in America.
10/1/2013 08:53:33 am
Well, I'm still Searching for the Templar "Merica" Star. I think we both have Templars in the back of our minds, trying to figure this out, but I guess we're making Jason nervous. (I'd be another thing if he were running out of space.) Anyway, thanks for some possibly Templar-related information about Merica for me to mull over. I always like learning something new.
10/1/2013 09:08:45 am
How does it make me nervous to ask you to move to the discussion forum? It's not like it's a secret place no one can ever find. I just thought it would be easier than using the clunky comments section. As for running out of space, after 50 or so comments, the posts start loading more slowly. The Scott Wolter degree post, with hundreds of comments, has become a nightmare to navigate.
10/1/2013 02:07:09 pm
Easier is not always the objective, but I agree that this blog run is long and now tired, any passion long gone. But I do like to hear strange new ideas, see new "artifacts" and images, and try to digest what it might mean. For that opportunity, I do thank you, Jason.
William M Smith
10/1/2013 12:41:08 pm
I agree with Jason that many post leave new readers with a lot of homework when the subjects are multiple. I have a lot of subjects that may have pre-Columbian generation, however it would be very hard to include them all in one blog.
8/30/2014 05:55:54 am
The new book "La Merica" will answer a lot of your questions.
j higgins
2/14/2015 12:59:33 pm
So when the templars where chased and hunted out of Europe where did there ships sail apart from Scotland . I live in kilwinning and there are lots of hearsay about the start of the masonic lodge as carry on traditions of the templars that settled here and supposedly fought against the english with robert the Bruce . a still think they could have sailed for north America but if they got there who knows . am sure they no the truth .
Willaim M Smith
2/15/2015 01:26:53 am
j higgins - My great grandfather and his wife came from Scotland. Our tarton is the Stewart hunting. My clan were border gaurds near Gretna Green. I do not feel all the Templars fled France in early 1300s. Many went and stayed in Portugal where they were allowed to exist. I have studied the precolumbian contact since 1977 and find a lot of evidence the early templars that sailed to America were from Portugal and Denmark. I have visited the cave where Robert The Bruce watched the spider weave its web 7 times before it caught the fly. This was his omen to be victorious over Henry in the seventh battle which freed Scotland from England.
j higgins
2/16/2015 12:41:03 pm
The isle of Arran a think u visited not far from where I live in kilwinning. Its a fascinating subject. The templars there persicusion by the church the secrets and the true faith I believe they started to follow which would have took a lot of power and influence the Vatican had over Europe at the time .
William M Smith
2/16/2015 01:43:28 pm
I am sure the Pope was in bed to speak with the French during this period. They both were looking for $$$. Also during this time frame the Pope issued a degree that fish on Friday would be allowed. This made the Portuguese and Danish fishing industry very rich in short time. You will find a lot more political actions for profit than you will for religious. Today people that attempt to link the Masons to the Templars or Knights of Christ are way off base with any facts. They are using it to make money by selling books. 2/15/2015 01:35:53 am
Please refer to the book on Amazon titled "La Merica". It answers many of the questions posed here about the Knights Templar, the Masons, Rosslyn Chapel, the final origin of the name "Merica" and the pre-colonization of Merica by the Templars.
William M Smith
2/15/2015 04:49:23 am
Arthur - I have read your work and others as well that claim the Templars came to America from Scotland. As an engineer I find little evidence supporting this. The hooked X in Rosslyn Chapel is quite different than the ones found in America. I do feel their is evidence that links the hooked X to a group of explorers that were in R. I. and Minn. during the same expedition. I can show where the hooked X was used to explain (location) by the use of technology of the period. If you notice the hooked X in America has the hook pointing to the same direction as the left leg of the X. This is the sign of magnetic declination for determining longitude. (The difference between true north and magnetic north). When you remove the Templar B>S> from the equation and look at the logical reasons for symbol abbreation you may see how it shows their meaning. I reccomend you read the translation of the 1494 treaty between Spain and Portugal chapter 3 and explain the (TOWER) and the (MARKER STONE) 370 leagues west of the tower on pole lines. This alone is facts that the Newport Tower and the Kensington Rune Stone were well understood by the Portuguese and Danish before 1494. Many other facts exist in America that will be made public soon will change history with facts and not speculation for a new book.
William M Smith
2/15/2015 05:00:57 am
I see no mention of the Templars or Masons in the history of Robert the Bruce.
John Triplett
4/23/2015 01:25:42 pm
lol I never read that book but looky here- I'm a traveler from West Virginia and my People bought as slaves in England by John Washington. Old Georges Grandfather bought us Boswell Romanical (gypsy boy) to save us from Cromwell. And since we had been tinkering and making weapons for the Arpads and Washingtons for 500 years before they even came to England its like we were owned by them anyway. You can research we Triplett's brought here from England with other families of the Star. The Gypsy are Tolkiens Elves- we remember what everyone long forgot. We Gypsy know your ancestors were the same as the Hindu- your gods and myths all stolen from the oral urdic and hindi traditions. Homer was a fraud- Krisna died from arrow to the heal long before Achilles. The word "Merica" is well known to Gypsy as meaning "Lady of Virtue" or "Woman of Merit" - its from Latin-Sanscrit-Urdic word for having earned something through skill and talent. When Venus appears in the West she is called " Merica" and indeed it is a real star and indeed we Gypsy of Lord St Clair keep these secrets so every now and then we can be reminded that they don't know shit. Your attacking this book and being a Gypsy descended from Thomas Triplett signer of Fairfax Resolves and carried his excellency George Washington's Casket- Frank Triplett Morgan's hero at Cowpens and Daniel Triplet Washington's life guard at Valley forge. Our family of the Lady and he star Merica have forged the very civilization in which you live since the Merovingian (descended of the dark Virgin Sara) brought skilled metal working and building to Europe. The Ramanchal Boswel and Kale from Wales are the true keepers of the flame and the Blood of our son Thomas Jefferson a DNA y-haplogroup T Kale from Wales has given hope and light to the entire world. It was his inheritance from the Alexandrian Christians from which we descended. That why we named our first town in the land of the Lady of Liberty and Merit Alexandria- the cemetery of our dead is in Rosslyn Virginia although the Goyger calls it Arlington lol But just keep believing America was bamed for some Dego map maker lollll
12/15/2015 06:49:46 am
Just to add as an aside that on the Canarian island of la Gomera, last stop for Columbus for provisions before sailing west, the final mountain he would have sailed past is called La Merica. No idea whether it got this name before or after his voyages, so this snippet is just for interest rather than trying to prove anything.
James Arthur Becker
11/4/2018 03:45:01 pm
The Dead Sea Scrolls provide you with knowledge of 9 scrolls, never for the Torah, not shown in the Bible, but they represent the formation of a special order - THE SONS OF GOD. There are 37 times this term is shown in the bible - check the web. These went to Europe, used copper scrolls to move the King David and King Solomon's Treasurers to Europe. King Solomon's Treasure would go to America - following the Star. King David;s Gold would be used by the Jews to grow business opportunities. The Jews managed well, but sheer envy followed their success. They were to live in the Ghetto. This is history that has remained secret. In 325 AD Emperor Constantine wanted to be come a SON OF GOD. This would result in celibacy for the Roman Catholic Priest.
Paula Wells
5/2/2020 02:57:24 am
Lots in Triplett's & JA Becker's posts I relate to. 2 granddads were Masons. 1 from Mass. sure his people were here long before the Mayflower ever landed. Older relative knew native lingo & established 1st non-native land in R. I. Family were cod fishers. Stones in New England w/redhaired remains w/amulets & templar symbols. Spoke of "Merica" & the Merivingians & this is connected to King Solomon & Christ bloodline. Grandpa was a Scot (Kerr Clan) & other from near Wales. May have come from Portugal. Map & compass were v. imp. items to both & the "Morning Star" & North Star. I believe Rosslyn has significance. Same family (Gen. in Rev. War) mustered the 1st all black regiment of freed slaves out of R. I. "Merica" may have been a star & ideal worth shooting for - gotta save it from disaster.
John Beekman
11/6/2020 10:48:40 am
I read recently about a potuguese name: La Merica meaning -The Western Star.
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