Sirius Mystery author Robert Temple has a new book out, A New Science of Heaven, claiming that 99% of the universe is plasma and that plasma is a sentient form of extraterrestrial life.
I am not familiar enough with cosmology, astronomy, and physics to evaluate these claims, but it doesn’t fill me with confidence that Coronet, his publisher, blurbed the book with quotes from a fashion designer and a professor who studies calligraphy and semiotics. Also—the 99% claim refers to the matter in the universe, not the physical space in the universe.
The press release accompanying the book alleges that this “living” plasma is conscious and implied that Temple likens it to a pantheistic God.
Billy esquire
12/15/2022 09:38:53 pm
Any Star Wars afficianados care to comment on this?
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/16/2022 09:17:57 pm
I'm thinking more Evangelion.
Rock Knocker
12/16/2022 07:05:17 am
According to several academic papers, including a definitive work published by the Royal Astronomical Society in 2018, the Kordylewski Clouds are not living “plasma” but instead are composed of the third state of matter - dust. It could be interesting to learn where the evidence for Mr. Temple’s claim can be found, but FWIW I won’t be purchasing his book to find out.
12/17/2022 01:00:41 pm
I wonder what part of the alien anatomy a black hole is ?
Bobby B
12/19/2022 12:33:33 am
Good one! Wish I’d thought of that.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
12/16/2022 08:16:37 am
May the force be with you.
12/16/2022 09:48:50 am
This book was first published in 2018, and has not become available as audiobook
12/16/2022 10:47:31 pm
Apparently there are many who have a problem with the definition of science vs science fiction. And then those who wish to make a quick buck off that population.
Joseph Foresti
12/17/2022 12:32:49 pm
Do please buy a good vacuum cleaner. Thank you and best wishes for the Festive Season.
H. A. Smith
12/18/2022 08:06:57 am
One is reminded of astronomer Fred Hoyle's 1957 novel, The Black Cloud. Not having read Temple's book, I don't know whether Temple makes any mention of Hoyle's fiction. Of course, Hoyle sometimes put forward bizarre hypotheses in his scientific work as well as in his stories.
R.J. van Leuken
12/19/2022 01:26:35 pm
I checked the Wikipage about Hoyle's "The Black Cloud", and found this link:
David Stewart
12/31/2022 07:21:58 pm
I never got the idea that plasma can be a living thing, as (like a gas) no structure can be sustained AFAIK. Not unless there is a lot of structured energy going in (like laser beams can create hot low density regions where the laser goes). But none of this seems to allow for the long-term stability of internal structures without external support. 12/18/2022 05:31:39 pm
This is a very old view of celestial matter. The very basis of astrology & the frequent identification of gods as stars and planets, and the very sky itself as a living, creating Sky Mother.
12/25/2022 01:41:31 am
As Known Liar Anthony G./ Anthony Warren / any number of aliases says "It's all stars, man!" The power of his cellphone compels you. Not.
12/19/2022 04:43:54 pm
The "plasma theory of the universe" has been around for decades but this sentience business appears to be a new twist. As Uncle Ted says "Free speech lets you see who the stupid people are" and this guy sounds like an idiot.
1/1/2023 05:07:55 pm
The idea of a sentient matter is not inherently impossible. New Physics come perilously close with the idea of quantum entanglement. While they prefer seeing it as a mirroring or stabilizing phenomenon to provide some equilibrium in Space/Time there could be an internal logic, even a motive per say why this exists.
Bobby B
1/4/2023 12:16:50 am
“Even without positing a Divine Mover with a primal master plan there must be some mechanism in play that can be thought of as intelligence & intentionality.”
1/7/2023 02:10:31 pm
I don't 'believe' anything. I merely say what cosmologists and physicists are saying. If indeed there are myriad universes, other planes of existence present, past or future (or beyond time streams), then there may be realities that are in stasis or continually forming & collapsing mere microseconds apart.
1/5/2023 11:33:33 am
Kent, you would probably understand better if you had more sentient matter in your head.
1/7/2023 12:18:53 am
Reminds me of that Crowley essay "How to Succeed and Suck Eggs". Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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