In a new YouTube video made up of clips of a speech given by ufologist Steven Greer and outtakes from his various media products, Greer makes a number of extreme claims about the miscarried human fetus known in UFO circles as the “Atacama Humanoid” and falsely believed to be an alien. These include allegations that the dead fetus is part of a race of alien-like small creatures that currently live in Chile and that a vast conspiracy has pressured credulous scientist Dr. Garry P. Nolan into falsifying his investigation into the body, which concluded that it was human. Greer has attacked Nolan and his research into the Atacama fetus for years now, often using similar or more extreme language. In the video, Greer is heard alleging that the native people of Chile believe in a race of miniature creatures, whom he claims they call “Gentiles,” reinforcing an old colonialist trope that Native Americans are secretly the Lost Tribes of Israel.
In alleging that the body could not be kept alive under any known medical procedure (to which: no fooling; it’s dead), Greer also makes the odd claim that Chile “may” have no neonatal intensive care unit. I don’t know what he has against Chile, but the country does have actual hospitals and doctors and everything. I checked, and there are indeed NICUs in Chile, and not only that, they have been written about in nursing journals, in both English and Spanish. Greer complains that in 2013 Nolan told Greer that he thought the body could not represent a single mutation, but shortly after receiving a $3.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to map ovarian cancer cell lineages, he changed his tune and stopped advocating for a mysterious origin of the Atacama fetus. “By the time he began to start running the genetic tests and workups, it seems that he had been told by someone to say it was a deformed human,” Greer claims. This implication of conspiracy doesn’t match the actual records of events. Nolan’s team made a number of eyebrow-raising assertions in their analysis of the Atacama fetus, and their cavalier attitude toward the ethics of testing presumed human remains received serious criticism from other experts in the field. Had the Defense Department wanted to bury the results, surely Nolan would have avoided making controversial claims that cast doubt on his understanding of his own subject matter. Greer went on to allege that there is an “orchestration” releasing a mixture of true and false information about the fetus as part of a series of “scams” designed to deceive the public. “It’s very worrisome,” Greer said. Why might the government want to “scam” the public? Greer says it is a conspiracy by oil companies who feared that crashed flying saucers might produce more efficient engines that would spell “the end of oil” and force lazy billionaires to innovate or face still competition from the Third World. Apparently, Greer’s belief is that technological inefficiency is necessary to maintain capitalist kleptocracy, so therefore superior technologies must be suppressed. I can’t help but feel that this is a paranoid reflection of actual U.S. government policies, which work to privilege some industries over others and to subsidize unprofitable industries for political reasons. As Greer’s tirade descends into a Marxist critique of late capitalism, it’s rather painful that Greer seems unable to fully embrace his leftist critique and instead channels what might otherwise have been activism for economic equality into a fetish for the trappings of state and capitalist power structures. Near the end of the video, he speculates that UFO disclosure is a threat to the 1% because it “would change forever their grip on that power.” Are we really at such a point in society that economic inequality has to be understood as a conspiracy of, for, or against space aliens because a UFO invasion is more believable than even modest social and economic reforms? I am tempted to make a reference to Adrian Veidt’s Watchmen masterplan, but I fear it might give Greer ideas. Anyway, it’s nice that ufologists aren’t bothering to hide their real concerns anymore, or to more or less openly concede that UFOs are simply window-dressing for political and social issues that they seem to feel unable to discuss directly.
12/18/2019 10:06:59 am
You still make for good reading Jason after all these years. I appreciate you even though I'm unable to donate to your upkeep.
Dr. Jeff
1/27/2020 01:51:16 pm
Well-crafted snark aside, Greer has this 100% correct and sober in his position here. Any well-informed deep dive into the surrounding evidence will show the frail, fantastical nature of the molecular biological claims made by the well-funded debunker squad to be bunk.
Joe Scales
12/18/2019 11:05:22 am
And more evidence that this nonsense transcends political boundaries. Right/Left. Liberal/Conservative. They all eat this up, and why? Because your choice of political party has no relation to your intelligence. You're all equally stupid.
12/19/2019 11:26:41 pm
I’ll agree with you there. Stupid isn’t restricted to any one segment of society.
12/18/2019 01:52:51 pm
"Anyway, it’s nice that ufologists aren’t bothering to hide their real concerns anymore, or to more or less openly concede that UFOs are simply window-dressing for political and social issues that they seem to feel unable to discuss directly."
Anti-semitic aliens
12/18/2019 04:11:20 pm
You love anti-Semitic aliens, you Judas hater.
12/18/2019 05:02:10 pm
Jesus without Judas would be like Gallant without Goofus. If by "anti-Semitic" you mean I hate Jews, well of course I hate Jews. What right-thinking person doesn't?
Minoans & Athenians
12/18/2019 10:54:06 pm
Minoans & Athenians RULE !!
Fall of Rome
12/18/2019 11:04:49 pm
It's all about who you are.
I Remember
12/19/2019 12:55:43 am
"Books have been written by professors and lecturers that argue the beginning of Western Civilization began with the Fall of Rome."
12/19/2019 10:56:42 pm
Yes please do list them. I’d love to know who these authors are that completely ignore what the Near East, Greece and Rome gave to Western civilization.
Caleb Again
12/20/2019 03:06:35 am
Hey Caleb,
12/20/2019 09:23:28 pm
Damn right it’s Caleb again.
I REMEMBER needs to show
12/19/2019 07:28:36 am
You name your books. You do that.
Obvious and the self evident
12/19/2019 07:36:01 am
The origin of the building of cathedrals and churches and the first existence of parishes. And the religious primate of every country was directly aligned to the relevant monarch, These things represent the basics that Western Civilization was based on the Bible. The Coronation Ceremony of monarchs was directly linked to the myth of Jacob's Pillar in the Old Testament.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/19/2019 08:20:06 am
Tom Becket and Tom More would like a word with you.
What ???
12/19/2019 12:43:47 pm
Is this the same Over Educated Grunt who believes Freemasons are no different to the Oddfellows, Elks and Rotary Club...
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/19/2019 01:46:17 pm
I have no idea how they behave toward other fraternal orders. I do however know the difference between "to" and "from."
I Remember
12/19/2019 05:00:54 pm
It's hard to call just one story from the Bible the stupidest, but Jacob's Pillar is definitely in the running.
Jacob's Pillar
12/20/2019 03:10:24 am
I remember can be forgotten
Reminding Grunt Again
12/20/2019 03:26:07 am
A book has not yet been written explaining how Throne and Altar was replaced by democracies in the West. The UK Monarchy is a Constitutional Monarchy whereby the Queen's Speech is written by the Prime Minister. And so on. Everything to do with the Monarchy in the UK like asking for the opening of Parliament is strictly theatre.
American Independence
12/20/2019 03:37:12 am
Witness American Independence and the overthrowing of George III of Britain and neglecting America to have a religious primate. That's because those in charge of the Revolution were either Freemasons (like George Washington) or if not Freemasons - at least were in sympathy with Freemasonry (Thomas Jefferson), Over Educated Grunt does not know the history of his own country. Only one exception existed in the history of American Independence that took the Bible and Christianity seriously. All other major players in the history of American Independence were followers of the Enlightenment and rejected the Bible and Christianity.
Nearly Forgot
12/20/2019 03:49:26 am
Witness the pre-Christian Greco-Roman architecture in the American capital following Independence.
Jr. Time Lord
12/20/2019 07:41:41 am
"Over-Educated grunt mocks Hiram Abiff while showing the utmost respect towards the piffle and nonsense about the stories about Jesus Christ."
12/20/2019 10:56:57 am
Logic represents mortality
I Remember
12/20/2019 01:31:38 pm
The Catherine Millard Guy said: "Over Educated Grunt does not know the history of his own country."
@JR. Time Lord
12/20/2019 01:37:53 pm
12/20/2019 08:08:26 pm
The American War of Independence overthrew George III
12/20/2019 09:42:30 pm
12/20/2019 10:01:13 pm
I Remember
12/20/2019 11:03:20 pm
12/20/2019 11:41:18 pm
He didn’t cease to be “King of America”, as there was no such term to begin with. Mexico is in America as well, but the British never ruled over it. He was King of the colonies in North America because they were a part of England. France and Spain laid claim to other parts of the future US as well.
I remember
12/19/2019 03:56:57 pm
12/19/2019 04:06:33 pm
Greece and Roma vanished and never had a central control that was comparable to Christianity at its height.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/19/2019 04:06:43 pm
Bro. You have NO idea. Years of this shit.
12/19/2019 11:00:46 pm
Years of shit from Grunt
12/20/2019 03:15:45 am
Grunt's messages over the years have been shit. Like for example pointing out one country in Europe that did not have the system of monarchy to distract attention away from the fact about how monarchies were replaced in the West by democracies that were not based on Throne and Altar. What a load of crap that was. And Grunt's claim they did not take the Bible seriously - when in fact that person is on kneepads to that book in every single message on this Blog be never even once criticising it.
Sunday School
12/20/2019 03:19:41 am
I didn't know that Sunday Schools taught that the Bible was based on mind expanding drugs.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/20/2019 08:05:46 am
You know what's a sure sign of a good argument? Rage-posting fifteen times, changing your name, slogans, and never actually defending your core thesis.
Over Educated Grunt diverting attention away
12/20/2019 11:01:46 am
Another historical fact - those involved in American Independence were connected with those involved in the French Revolution. More Freemasonic involvement in beheading monarchs and replacing them with democracies.
12/20/2019 09:30:14 pm
@ Over Educated Grunt Diverting Attention Away: Perfectly said. It’s a genuine pleasure to know there are others here who know real history.
12/20/2019 10:06:29 pm
Over Educated Grunt's knowledge of history is biased towards the established view of Christianity, which is pure hokum because the only honest description of Christianity was given by 19th century Biblical scholars because they stuck to the facts. especially the German Protestant Theologians who concluded everything rested on Faith and not on history.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/21/2019 11:56:00 am
Reminder, when anyone says "correctly" regarding social sciences or history, or any field which relies heavily on context and analysis, what that really means is "the way I like."
12/22/2019 09:12:48 am
There is not a single scrap of papyrus New Testament fragment dating from the first century. There are no first century Christians mentioning existence of Gospels and what is contained in the Gospels.
12/22/2019 09:23:16 am
That's right. Context is important. And the "correct" context needs to be given within German history about how German Protestant theologians ripped apart Christian fundamentalism while having a monarchy. Somehow I don't think we can rely on Over Educated Grunt about that.
12/22/2019 04:19:18 pm
I suspect you keep banging on about the Gospels here because everyone you know in real life has told you to shut the heck up because they're tired of it already.
12/22/2019 04:41:23 pm
"Something being unfound doesn't equal something not existing."
Wilhelm II
12/22/2019 04:49:24 pm
Wilhelm II of Germany was the last Emperor who abdicated in 1918 because the allies during World War I refused to accept German surrender until after it became a democracy. Wilhelm II was anti-England, anti-Semitic and anti-Freemasonic. Just like the British Monarch Queen Elizabeth II he was a simple minded believer in the Bible.
12/22/2019 05:18:44 pm
You obviously think you're trying to make a point. Any chance of you telling us what that point is?
The Point
12/22/2019 10:46:58 pm
All world leaders are simple minded believers in the Bible who don't know anything about Biblical criticism. World leaders are completely ignorant about Biblical criticism who have never left the stage of Sunday School. So much for our so-called "peers".
TV Documentary series
12/22/2019 10:49:10 pm
Jesus The Evidence (Channel 4 Television, 1984)
12/23/2019 12:24:03 am
And the insanity comes out from the shadows.
All World Leaders
12/23/2019 09:42:50 am
All World Leaders that attend Christmas Mass are simple minded believers in the Bible. Prove it otherwise.
12/23/2019 10:51:26 am
You obviously think you're trying to make a point. Any chance of you telling us what that point is?
The Point
12/23/2019 03:35:38 pm
The point is contained in my messages
12/23/2019 04:40:34 pm
I believe that you believe that but you should know that's just something someone says because it's nicer than asking where someone is a mental patient.
12/24/2019 08:02:57 am
Kent suffers from amnesia because it wasn't that long ago on this Blog where Kent mentioned I made an interesting point about World Leaders being simple minded believers in the Bible.
12/24/2019 12:54:33 pm
You obviously think you're trying to make a point. Any chance of you telling us what that point is?
The Point
12/24/2019 01:47:29 pm
The point is that the historical Christ was invented during the second century whereby the ceremony of the Mass was converted into pseudo-historical narrative. This is so obvious because of the clumsily way historical characters like Pilate, Herod, Quirinius, Caiaphas, Simon of Cyrene were placed into it all, and not forgetting the topographical errors that no-one from the first century would have made. German Protestant theologians arrived at this same conclusion during the 19th century and which has been used by various atheist critics of the Bible ever since.
12/24/2019 02:04:15 pm
That and a dime will get you two nickels. What is the point of your point? And why do you keep saying stuff over and over when no one's arguing with you?
12/24/2019 02:26:17 pm
12/24/2019 03:46:48 pm
Again, what is the point of your point Captain Oblivious?
12/24/2019 04:26:19 pm
Obviously no need for anti-Semitism if Jesus Christ never existed. LOL
Anthony Warren Is Anthony Warren
12/24/2019 04:56:31 pm
It seems to me that getting rid of the best Jew ever means anti-Semitism is needed more than ever.
12/24/2019 10:55:15 pm
12/25/2019 12:09:44 am
Tell it to the Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans. In general, read a book once in a while.
Biblical Fundamentalist
12/25/2019 06:02:50 am
Without that, Anti-semitism would be out of a job'
12/25/2019 03:48:34 pm
So explain the 3 pre-Jesus groups I mentioned.
Jack E. Jessel
12/25/2019 04:55:37 pm
A class of schoolchildren is asked to produce an essay about giraffes; little Tom Smith hands in a piece on the neck; little John Baker writes about its diet; others write about the tail, the environment, and so on. Then little Benny Cohen hands in his paper, and it is titled “The Giraffe and the Jews.”
12/19/2019 05:17:35 pm
That fetus is obviously a hominid or even a human, or it was, and let's just say it is fully a human, which it likely was. Have these fake scientists actually ever seen a stillborn human baby? They do look alien like, but you probably don't want to search Google for pictures. Just saying. Gross. That was someone's child. They should be ashamed. It's not an alien because that's not possible. They're carting around a dead human. Ghouls. It should be a crime. Oh, it might be. They should return that body to the grave.
12/19/2019 09:57:42 pm
No need for your stillborn torture porn, live babies look like aliens.
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