We live in strange times when even the purveyors of conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific nonsense gape in awe at the horrors they have wrought. Giorgio Tsoukalos has happily fronted a TV series that has reveled in all manner of conspiracy theories, from anti-government speculations to Russophile propaganda, and at once point he literally claimed that space aliens made a peace treaty with the coelacanth to spare it from extinction. But this week even Tsoukalos couldn’t fathom how it was that his fans could hold baffling conspiracy theories in their heads at the same time, namely that all of NASA’s visits to the moon were fake but that the U.S. secretly traveled to Mars and established a colony there.
Not to point out the obvious, but if your whole career is based on making wild and unsubstantiated claims about every subject under the sun, how can you really be surprised that your fans are unhinged loons who take it to the logical extreme?
But since I have to spend much of this weekend working on book-related projects, I wanted to take this opportunity to address some of the issues that have emerged over the comments section of this blog. Too often, these comments have descended into personal insults, political feuding, and off-topic discussions. I am, frankly, at a bit of a loss as to what to do about it. Here is the problem: I don’t have the time to read all of the comments, and I can only waste so much time pruning and deleting them. I have a filter in place to block the most egregious comments. Seriously: If you think what you read now is bad, you should look at my “pending” comments folder. Ever wanted to read hundreds of 500-word-long rants about how Jesus’ UFO will come to burn all the sinners? I also have an IP blocker that restricts posting from specific IP addresses that have abused posting privileges. However, that is easy enough to circumvent if someone is motivated enough. Since IP blocking is not particularly effective, my only other tool for controlling comments involves delaying or eliminating comments. I could close blog posts to comments. It is not my preference, but many major websites have ended up doing this because of the problems comments cause. I could also hold all comments for moderation and only post approved comments. Again, this is not my preference, but it may be the only way to avoid libelous, insulting, and off-topic comments. However, because I am not able to be present on the blog around the clock (I usually log in once a day in the evening to set up the post for the next morning) the delay is likely to be significant. So, this brings me to a bigger issue: There are only perhaps a dozen or so people who regularly post comments, a minuscule fraction of the tens of thousands of people who read this blog on any given day. It seems unfair to make rules based on the interests of a dozen people against the entire audience, so I would like to ask everyone reading this, especially those who do not post comments to share your thoughts. How would you like to see the comments section changed?
12/1/2018 09:44:37 am
I seem to have instigated this with my public complaint in the 11/30/18 blog comment section about the commenting of one particular commenter, who currently uses the 'nym "American Cool "Disco" Dan" (hereafter ACDD).
A Buddhist
12/1/2018 02:24:32 pm
As a person (I hope the only one!) whom ACDD has urged to commit suicide, I agree that ACDD has genuine knowledge. I have accepted corrections from ACDD. However, ACDD so mixes genuine knowledge with insults and uncharitable allegations and assumptions about those whom he/she interacts with that it is difficult to accept the correction in good spirits.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 02:50:46 pm
12/5/2018 08:41:06 am
Why does everyone think that they need to post e everything that comes into their head. If a comment offends someone there is no law to say that they have to take the bait.
12/1/2018 10:40:16 am
Since you state that an IP blocking is available, then why not use it to block American Cool/Disco Dan's comments? I would suspect that doing so would eliminate the problem that he creates. It would probably take more effort then he would want to take to circumvent the block. At least it would show that you want to address the problem he has created instead of excuses about how you are unable to do anything. Also, if you have a pending file, do what I did when I was working. I deleted it, unread, instead of wasting my time scanning it.
E.P. Grondine
12/1/2018 10:40:53 am
Here's my morning, Jason - Google news, Yahoo news, archaeological news, your site. This allows my body and mind to get functional. Then the days business. You usually have content on the fringe industry.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/1/2018 11:23:21 am
I have cut my posting back substantially because my most common posting option is my phone, and the inconvenience of posting is a pretty good brake on my natural tendency to argue. It just isn't worth my time to post. Still here though.
Phil Gotsch and others
12/1/2018 12:55:46 pm
The one with the egotistic alias
Joe Scales
12/1/2018 11:24:35 am
The comments are the best part. Altering them will reduce traffic to the site. Besides, taking offense is a choice. Try to have a thicker skin and ignore the contributors you don't respect.
Priceless Defender
12/1/2018 12:26:17 pm
That's rich coming from you. One of the worst offenders on the site. Consider this the first and last time I acknowledge your existence. You would need "thick skin" here in the real world, where your consistent verbal abuse would induce an avalanche of physical retribution. You are a classic example of smug narcissism run amuck with internet intestinal fortitude(online balls). IF, you were as intelligent as you claim, you would choose your words more carefully. There is a big difference between your perceived intelligence and the actual Street Smarts it takes to get through life. Good luck with that dude!
Joe Scales
12/2/2018 09:21:01 am
Oh great. Another obsessive suitor. Sorry, but it's my personal policy to never type anything online to someone that I wouldn't say to their face. I also do not believe that I ever boasted in regard to my intelligence. Perhaps something within you is lacking for you to feel this way.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 02:57:13 pm
12/6/2018 01:05:21 am
Anyone who can't within 4 minutes let alone 4 years post something on the internet in a public forum probably shouldn't be on the internet, or ever leave their house. They should also truly seek help as feeling that way must be terrifying.
Joe Scales
12/6/2018 02:59:34 pm
Priceless is a liar. They've posted here numerous times before under various monikers and they're now polluting the place yet again on a near nonstop pace.
I just want to point out the irony of asking people who do not comment how they want the comment section to work.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 01:10:52 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 02:14:48 pm
People who lurk and then post may be mocked but they are not mistreated. It's idiots like E.P. Grondine who get taken down, down to Chinatown.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 02:23:41 pm
"People who lurk and then post may be mocked but they are not mistreated."
Priceless Defender
12/1/2018 03:49:54 pm
@Doc Rock- Nice summation. I wholeheartedly agree. TESTIFY!
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 09:52:41 pm
It should be noted that Doc Rock, he of the alcoholism and fascination with children, edited "Priceless" to "Princess" perhaps for his Samuel Pepys style needs, I don't know and it's a skeevy topic that is not my thing.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 10:24:34 pm
Weak. Bottom line is that you have been called out by multiple people who cited multiple examples of you saying very inappropriate things. My occasional non-PC quips are not even in the same ballpark with your often beyond the pale outbursts. You are now grasping at straws. I will leave you to it.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 12:04:40 am
I'm not the one who intentionally typed "Princess" Lost Weekend.
Joe Scales
12/2/2018 09:35:20 am
Lost Weekend. It's pop culture reference jibes such as this that make the comment section the gift that keeps giving. In an avalanche of whingeing, we get a true gem.
E.P. Grondine
12/2/2018 10:49:38 am
@Shit for Brains -
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 10:18:08 pm
"I have provided you with my DNA"
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 12:51:57 pm
Several years back my hometown newspaper had a blog that experienced similar problems. It became impossible to ignore the problem posters because it was a constant time consuming struggle to scroll through all of the nonsense and try to follow the flow of legitimate discussions. People increasingly came to disagree with the notion that everyone, apparently including children and members of the gay community, should just grow thicker skins and learn to live with the use of terms like "faggot", "queer," and "fuck."
E.P. Grondine
12/2/2018 10:52:46 am
@Doc -
12/4/2018 01:25:45 pm
I agree absolutely about the Jesus UFO's torching sinners! That sounds like a terrific read and I wish we could simply keep this comment section afloat, engage in constructive discussion, with the understanding that an occasional well-intentioned barb isn't going to kill anyone.
12/1/2018 01:12:09 pm
Festivus come early !
12/1/2018 01:12:41 pm
I find myself in a similar position to AO-E G, at the moment I am required to posting on my tablet, thus limiting my posts and the content.
My 2 cents:
12/1/2018 01:32:05 pm
"Another possible and effective measure would be using real names. Also profiles for each poster would be helpful which tell you what he basically thinks and what his pet theory is."
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 01:41:46 pm
I agree that given the large number of legitimate loons surfing the net, using one's real name is often just asking for trouble. However, people tend to behave better if the person operating the blog knows their name and email address even if that information is not shared with the public. That is, of course a good option if the person operating the blog isn't a loon. I think that everyone can agree that Jason isn't a loon, except for the loons.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/1/2018 08:30:16 pm
SMFH. There's no such thing as "my" email address. There's an email address I choose to give you. I use "[email protected]" and hereby declare it not a secret. Facebook account? I have none but could have dozens.
A Buddhist
12/1/2018 08:50:09 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan: Given that you are the person being complained about and not me nor E. P. Grondine, I dare say that most people are relatively fine with my characterization of YHVH based upon a Buddhist interpretation of so-called Abrahamic scriptures, as well as E. P. Grondine's occasional use of foul language. We are not the ones who ceaselessly insult many commentators here or urge one to commit suicide.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 09:13:59 pm
You are clearly ignorant of how email addresses work, especially relative to implementing more rigorous moderating policies. I won't say any more so you will have to figure it out on your own if/when the hammer finally drops.
An Anonymous Nerd
12/1/2018 05:18:48 pm
Is it not an option to use a service that requires creating an ID and logging in, such as Disquis, and then customize the permissions as needed? Is it too pricey or something?
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 05:41:44 pm
It is an option that has been widely taken often for the same reasons at play here. I discussed my hometown newspaper blog as an example. The downside is that it may result in a dropoff in traffic in terms of gross number of posts because the hijackers who get into double-digits of non-relevant posts in every thread are gone or behaving. On the other hand, you can get an upside in terms of quality of discussion and the number of new posters who now feel free to comment without being harassed may help offset the initial loss of posts. The ultimate upside is that a blog committed to exposing the lunatic fringe is no longer in danger of being dominated by those who are in some respects worse than the lunatic fringe that the blog is supposed to be combating.
Riley V
12/1/2018 07:29:35 pm
I agree completely. Using Disqus or Facebook would at least provide some pre-screening, and an edit function.
12/1/2018 10:29:31 pm
It is technically an option, but given Weebly's technical limitations, it means either (a) starting a new blog with Disqus, or wiping out all existing comments back however many years and replacing all comments with Disqus. Or at least that is how it worked 2 or 3 years ago, the last time I considered switching.
Doc Rock
12/1/2018 10:52:25 pm
If you keep the same system, one option that hasn't been discussed would be you appointing a couple (or more) people as co-moderators with the discretion to delete inappropriate or non-relevant posts. Another site that I frequent did this. It works out pretty good even though the site has 30K members and gets hundreds of posts a day. Sometimes the mods catch the bad stuff on their own and sometimes they respond to complaints. Would assume that there are at least two or three long time visitors here who you actually know and could trust with some responsibility.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/2/2018 01:25:50 pm
Not the first time this has been discussed by any means. A mod team has in the past been viewed as worst of all possible worlds because the mods aren't the owner, there's no guarantee of impartiality, and there's just new ground for people to act like children over COMPLAINING about the mods.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 01:55:55 pm
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/2/2018 03:59:42 pm
Also, I love showing off how ignorant I really am
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/2/2018 04:04:50 pm
I don't want to know that the gospels are works of historical fiction and that judeo-christianity is founded on a mind expanding drug that is extremely easy to explain
12/4/2018 01:33:27 pm
Jason, my preference is to stick with weebly (at least for now) and hope that things improve a bit simply because we've had this discussion. I disagree entirely with starting over with disqus and particularly with FB as I don't have an account and do not want one. It would be a real shame to lose all of the previous comments, etc.
Time Machine
12/5/2018 06:43:35 pm
I do so love to sockpuppet.
12/1/2018 06:12:20 pm
The majority of the posters to this blog I believe are responsible and welcome the exchange of information on this blog. That being said there are a few that do not. Another question needs to be addressed. Who's blog is this? It isn't those who come on to post comments, It is Jason Colavito's. He is the one who needs to make a decision what needs to transpire on this blog. I don't believe he should put it to a vote.
12/1/2018 07:03:44 pm
I'm not putting it to a vote. The opinions expressed are advisory only, not binding.
12/2/2018 12:11:31 pm
Yep, certain commenters are here to scream at other while many others contribute.
12/2/2018 12:20:02 pm
Its like Lord of the Flies in here. But ACDD or AN has blatantly attacked people for simply stating their point of view for literally years on this chat board. Its just not his dispute with one or two people here. He is intentionally abusive and insulting and anyone who posts anything here is considered fair game to him. Anyone who disputes anything he says is fair game. Thumbs down. He must go. He is the only reason I don't make any comments here.
American Cool "Disco" dan
12/2/2018 04:37:19 pm
Bless your heart. May the insane and evil God of Jews and Christians and Al Qaeda cause you to be reborn as a 7 foot tall Injun. I'm told you will have plenty of company but no one will be able to see you because they're all invisible and let's be honest, imaginary.
E.P. Grondine
12/3/2018 11:07:55 am
@Shit for Brains
Dig Dug
12/2/2018 12:57:40 pm
Honestly, the comments here have been a big turn off for me. A few years back, it was more tolerable. Perhaps an occasional roasting of Wolter, but for the most part it was civil.
Chip Brocky
12/2/2018 03:05:13 pm
I propose making American “Cool” Disco Dave the moderator of the comment section, since he is the only one of the compulsive posters with half an education and who isn’t slinging his/her own ignorant conspiracy or wannabe religious nuttery.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 04:04:27 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 04:54:00 pm
Don't forget Israel, Antifa, and Ian MacKaye. And don't think I'm not watching you President Lukashenko.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 05:16:38 pm
"He doesn't realize we are no longer collectibles. We are no longer Hummel figurines for your amusement."
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 05:43:09 pm
While I take the paper I don't follow the sports games and mic dropping shows a regrettable disrespect for the equipment.
12/2/2018 05:53:50 pm
Also weak people who can't cope with words on the internet.
Doc Rock
12/2/2018 06:06:29 pm
Understandable since you have told us before that you read the newspaper and what one of your particular interests is in that regard, and it ain't the NBA. But, in the spirit of a new start with this blog, I will give you a break and say no more beyond that.
American Cool "Disco" dan
12/2/2018 10:39:22 pm
The fact that I don't read about the fellow who raped the maid in Colorado somehow makes me a bad guy? Okay.......Nor entirely sure about your point.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/3/2018 08:37:05 am
... Thereby proving you don't read about it like Trump doesn't watch CNN.
E.P. Grondine
12/3/2018 11:18:05 am
@Shit for Brains -
12/2/2018 03:05:50 pm
I'm a long time, and daily, reader but rarely post. If the total number of regular posters is fairly small and the number of offenders miniscule, why not just delete the offenders' posts and ban them. If they re-appear under a different email/IP, ban them again. Heck, you could ban ACDD/AN & Joe Scales and lose most of the offending posts right there.
Joe Scales
12/3/2018 09:36:56 am
"Heck, you could ban ACDD/AN & Joe Scales and lose most of the offending posts right there."
12/4/2018 01:47:55 pm
BF - Sorry Sir, but I disagree entirely. There's no reason at all to even suggest banning Joe S. (ACDD/AN I'm less sanguine about.) Lord knows Joe and I have had our differences of opinion, but I seriously enjoy reading his ripostes to my comments - I even learn from them.
Joe Scales
12/5/2018 10:22:28 am
Well, as far as seeing Facebook as the devil, we are in accord Jocko.
12/2/2018 04:12:39 pm
Let Him/Her without sin cast the first stone!
12/3/2018 11:30:11 pm
"And posting here should remain as is, minus the insults and the degrading of one's intellect or personal preferences, such as religion, political, and academic pursuits, etc."
Peter de Geus
12/2/2018 04:49:26 pm
In addition to voting 'no comments', if this should be the decision, I suggest going back several weeks or months and deleting everything in comments from the "..dozen or so..". The value of the blog as a current read and a future reference has nothing to do with the "..dozen or so..". If this has already been mentioned here, sorry for repeating it, but I stopped reading comments long ago.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 05:36:35 pm
Do you understand that what you posted here is ipso facto a lie Mr. Smullyan?
12/2/2018 09:48:37 pm
Nobody will hate to see you go more than yourself eh Dan. Ironically painful to you, and ironically hilarious to everyone else.
Prospero 45
12/2/2018 06:01:16 pm
David O
12/2/2018 10:59:31 pm
I like to read the on topic, non-troll comments almost as much as the article.
David O
12/2/2018 11:08:38 pm
I'd like to see a team of moderators performing the cleanup. They can consult each other if unsure what to do for a specific post.
American cool :"Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 04:15:17 am
There are currently 55 or so posts in this thread. If you can't search by date maybe the internet is not for you.
David O
12/3/2018 08:55:32 am
prospero 45
12/3/2018 02:16:49 pm
I don't understand why you find it such a challenge to NOT read a few comments. As we are reading the same posts from the same posters, we should be experiencing similar internal reactions. Yet I have to say, my equilibrium remains unmoved.
David O
12/3/2018 04:25:57 pm
12/2/2018 06:15:25 pm
This has been an interesting study, but I believe it is probably not going to go anywhere constructive. I have serious doubts that Jason Colavito will actually do anything about policing what is ending up on this blog. I don't believe that he really has the backbone to take a stand and enforce his own rules governing what is posted to this blog.
A Buddhist
12/2/2018 06:35:34 pm
Willard: He has removed posts urging me to commit suicide.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/2/2018 10:47:53 pm
Yet, Hwaet, you continue to think about it. If you were really a Buddhuist you would realize that you've already done it countless times.
A Buddhist
12/3/2018 08:07:42 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan: I have no doubt that in numerous past lives all of us have committed suicide. I have simply never had the need to bring up this belief upon this blog. Yet you use my not mentioning a belief as a reason to insult me.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 04:39:43 pm
"I have simply never had the need to bring up this belief upon this blog."
12/2/2018 06:27:32 pm
Ban the offenders. I’ve been insulted here too much.
Riley V
12/3/2018 12:50:31 am
Archive all past blog entries, and the comments, much like you archive the summaries.
12/3/2018 01:44:59 am
Disqus sound like it might be a solution. Individuals can just eliminate the trolls and have meaningful discussions.
E.P. Grondine
12/3/2018 11:33:37 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 05:45:03 pm
Hebephrenia says what?
Nuke The Site From Orbit
12/3/2018 05:10:34 am
What would Cthulhu do? Disqus them into sweet oblivion.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/3/2018 10:12:20 am
Guys, a lot of the commentary here has, as usual, gotten way off track into finger-pointing. You don't, or at least shouldn't, make policy recommendations based off one person. If you have a problem with one person, deal with that separately. The question here is how to deal with toxic behavior IN GENERAL in the comments section here. If you have examples, great. We all do. Might even be a consensus on a particular example. But the issue is how to fix the problem, not ban one person.
12/3/2018 12:36:29 pm
Never mind toxic statements - your self-pleasuring and egotistic behaviour - what about that ?
Andy White
12/3/2018 01:02:11 pm
The comments on your blog seem to me to be somewhat of a reflection of the Wild West nature of what passes for online "discourse" on pseudo-archaeological topics. I love a good argument as much as anyone, but the stupidity one encounters over and over again wears me out, which is one reason why I've stopped writing on these subjects as much. That being said, I check your blog every day to see what's going on, and I usually skim the comments to see if there's anything interesting or funny.
12/3/2018 04:23:56 pm
12/3/2018 01:27:48 pm
Jason, I think you should consider this: when you provide a platform like this, then ignore when people make complaints about harassment, then you are complicit in the harassment you are ignoring. You are directly responsible, in part, for instance, for the mutual harassment that goes on between American Whatever-it-is-this-week and EP Grondine, because it's been going on FOR YEARS, and I know that I personally have made at least three complaints about it, plus the dozens to hundreds of other complaints from other people over that time period. "Free speech" is and has been a LIMITED right for the better part of a century at LEAST, and it has NEVER meant that you have to provide a platform for the worst of humanity.
Joe Scales
12/3/2018 03:24:22 pm
Jesus Christ...
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 04:52:19 pm
While it is a truism that you cannot shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre you certainly can SAY "Fire" in a crowded theatre.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 05:02:14 pm
"Nobody here is a felon." 12/3/2018 05:11:16 pm
Alanon provides wifi now? I'm not buying your detective work. What is my IP address? Jason is disqualified from participating in this contest for obvious reasons.
Kal (Jane)
12/3/2018 04:16:27 pm
Jane here.
Priceless Defender
12/3/2018 05:47:42 pm
@Mr. Colavito- This is your blog. You are free to do as you wish. However, allowing hate speech, like words meaning "bundle of wood" would get one fired in the real world. As would using the "N" word, even if just quoting a line from "Pulp Fiction".
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/3/2018 07:30:51 pm
Larry Wilmore might beg to differ. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/05/01/juan_williams_wilmore_saying_n-word_to_obama_embarrassing_to_america_degrading_to_black_america.html
12/4/2018 10:20:10 pm
"Just so we're clear you're okay with describing the God of Christians and Jews as "insane and evil" in this..."
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/4/2018 11:12:06 pm
NIIIICE. Could this get any better? Now we have two guys who INSIST on saying that the God of Jews, Christians, and Muslims is "insane and evil" and one of these guys says the God of the Jews boiled the Son of the God of the Christians, and remember Christians think they're all the same guy, in shit.
Seed of Bismuth
12/3/2018 06:01:02 pm
Why the F is off-topic as bile a thing as slander and insults? if a conversation can't go off-topic is nothing but a circular yes squad. The human mind processing things through tangents not robotic logic circuits.
12/3/2018 08:41:37 pm
You all better stop pickin' on ACDD before you make me cry.
12/3/2018 08:44:18 pm
Shane Sullivan
12/4/2018 12:03:35 am
That might be the funniest parapraxis/autocorrect I've ever seen.
12/4/2018 10:23:34 pm
No excuse lol
Joe Scales
12/3/2018 08:57:37 pm
Come to think of it, some of the nastier remarks made on this site are from those who defend our host when his posts are questioned. The same people doing most of the whingeing here on this one. Why don't we get rid of them? The sycophants.
12/3/2018 09:00:06 pm
Because sycophantic ranters rule?
Doc Rock
12/3/2018 09:26:08 pm
Having a few aggressive sycophants willing to push the envelope is part of a good business model in this field when it comes to building a brand. So is allowing considerable latitude for a certain amount of 8th grade smack talk.
12/3/2018 09:41:29 pm
That's absolutely on the mark. 12/3/2018 11:44:50 pm
Where do you get this "undressed" business? I know you like to take a tipple or twelve and are fascinated with children but do not understand your process.
Doc Rock
12/3/2018 11:55:04 pm
12/3/2018 09:16:47 pm
Kill them all, let the Goddess sort them out.
12/3/2018 10:06:53 pm
If by "sycophant" you mean human being trying to make a difference, okay, whatever. Nope, can't say I have any money in this at all. I didn't even buy his latest book. Can't be much of a sycophant.
Joe Scales
12/4/2018 09:29:21 am
No Kal, that's not what sycophant means. So let me explain this for you in no uncertain terms. There's a lot of nastiness that gets bandied about here. Some of the folks complaining can be just as nasty when they feel the need to defend our host, even if presented solely with an honest point of dispute. They excuse their petulance because they believe themselves to be right, or good even; and thus flows the vitriol. And yeah, must of this nastiness is due to the political asides made here and encouraged by our host when he partakes in political talking points.
Doc Rock
12/4/2018 12:41:42 pm
A lot of the inappropriate comments come in exchanges where politics are not involved. Just people losing it and failing to maintain a filter because someone proves them wrong or simply wants to post something that they disagree with. Unless stuff like getting homophobic with someone who disagrees with you about how the Kensington Stone was analyzed somehow qualifies as political talking points.
Doc Rock
12/4/2018 01:10:59 pm
And for the 1% who don't get the reference, kiddie table refers to the practice of having a separate table for children during Thanksgiving dinner so that the adults can converse amongst themselves. It has been used as a comic theme in comedy routines and on TV and in movies. Think there was even an episode of Seinfeld that included it. Why some people here want to try to spin that reference into posts about sexual abuse of children is beyond me.
Joe Scales
12/4/2018 04:11:22 pm
Well, at least we know one person who wasn't using the Alcoholics Anonymous IP address. Perhaps he should quit digging as well.
12/4/2018 10:28:18 pm
You complaining about non-existent politics is the most political thing about this blog
Joe Scales
12/5/2018 09:57:06 am
In regard to political comments by our host, what I've complained about were unfair slurs and stretches, along with inaccurate paraphrasing of sources which gave our host the appearance of sloppiness in his work and ignorance with his perceptions. Over the last two years there have been numerous instances of such transgressions. You care not for this of course, because you are a partisan.
12/10/2018 04:41:43 pm
"what I've complained about were unfair slurs and stretches, along with inaccurate paraphrasing of sources which gave our host the appearance of sloppiness in his work and ignorance with his perceptions."
Joe Scales
12/10/2018 08:28:49 pm
What are you, an idiot? Jesus Christ... coming here doesn't make you smart. Okay? In fact, nothing will make you smart. Now beat it, ankle-nipper. You'll never understand a word I type, so I will spare you the added injury of having to rub your face in it with a direct response from this point forward.
12/18/2018 11:43:43 am
Typical Joe
E.P. Grondine
12/3/2018 10:24:51 pm
@Jason -
12/3/2018 10:57:51 pm
Again with the pottymouth. Disappointing.
12/4/2018 02:50:27 pm
Sycophant, a person who acts nicely to the important person to gain his or her favor in a given situation. Yes man. Someone who act nicely to the blog host is being a sycophant.
Priceless Defender
12/4/2018 03:01:23 pm
Where are "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" when you need them???
12/4/2018 03:55:03 pm
It's "sows" not "sews" - apologies for pedantic impulse.
Joe Scales
12/4/2018 04:06:16 pm
It would appear Kal has trouble with words. So you may have to repeat yourself Jocko.
12/5/2018 12:25:45 am
Thanks Joe.
12/4/2018 04:50:38 pm
I think it’s good to give people a voice. Why not limit the space to 200 characters or less?
Andor Noman
12/10/2018 02:39:05 pm
"There are only perhaps a dozen or so people who regularly post comments, a minuscule fraction of the tens of thousands of people who read this blog on any given day. It seems unfair to make rules based on the interests of a dozen people against the entire audience, so I would like to ask everyone reading this, especially those who do not post comments to share your thoughts. How would you like to see the comments section changed? "
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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January 2025