Today’s discussion comes to us thanks to the investigative sleuthing of Le site d’Irna, where we find an interesting inquiry into the sources of a French-language documentary about the pyramids of Egypt. As you can see for yourself at the link, Jacques Grimault’s documentary film La Révélation des Pyramides (2010) is filled with faulty sources and pseudo-scholarly nonsense in service of a bizarre claim that “pyramid” sites at Easter Island, South America, Egypt, and China all align along two lines intersecting at Giza—as, indeed, Great Circle mathematics shows that one can make any two points “align” using such methods. According to the film, the only explanation for advanced pyramid technology is a lost Atlantis-like civilization. We’ve heard that one before. What I found interesting enough to report here is the misuse of an ancient source in service of this modern myth. According to the film, as translated at the above link, “Twenty centuries before [the Abbé Moreux], Agatharcides of Cnidus had stated that the Great Pyramid was a geographical image of the Earth.” That ought to be easy to check, right? But not so! We start in modern times. In 2007, the ex-neo-Nazi diffusionist Frank Joseph wrote in Opening the Ark of the Covenant that “the Greek geographer and historian Agatharchides of Cnidus concluded that it [the Great Pyramid] ‘incorporated fractions of geographical degrees.’” Thus, it was a model of the earth itself. Robert Schoch agreed in 2005’s Pyramid Quest. Earlier, in 1995, John Anthony West (who, you will recall, believes I am evil and attempting to destroy him) wrote in The Traveler’s Key to Ancient Egypt that “all allusions to the pyramid as an earth model could be traced back to the peripatetic Greek philosopher Agatharcides of Cnidus.” Similar material appears in Colin Wilson’s and Rand Flem-Ath’s The Atlantis Blueprint (2000), repeating nearly verbatim material in Wilson’s From Atlantis to the Sphinx (1996) and Wilson’s and Damon Knight’s Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved (2000); and these books give exact measurements allegedly derived from Agatharcides. These numbers are found even earlier in Charles Berlitz’s Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds (1972), again attributed to Agatharchides. But turning back any further and we hit a wall. The oldest reference is from 1971, when the classical scholar Livio Catullo Stecchini (1913-1979), a defender of Velikovsky and pyramid numerology, wrote an appendix to Peter Tompkins’s Secrets of the Great Pyramid (1971), wherein the author makes the first version of the claim. As Le site d’Irna quotes, Stecchini presented extraordinary detail about Agatharchides compared with his extant works: The interesting feature of Agatharchides’ report about the dimensions of the Pyramid is that he excludes the pyramidion from the reckoning. [...] From Agatharchides’ account one gathers that the Great Pyramid of Giza was topped by such a pyramidion, "small pyramid," as the Greeks called it. In the case of this Pyramid, at least, the pyramidion was used to achieve a mathematical result. (page 372) Not a lick of this material appears in ancient sources, which amount to a few paragraphs of fragments from Photius, Diodorus, Strabo, and others. So far as I am aware, the first authors to claim the Great Pyramid represented the circumference of the earth were John Wilson, author of The Lost Solar System of the Ancients Discovered (1856) and Edme François Jomard, editor of the Description de L’Égypt. The warrant, as Jomard had it, was that the Pyramid’s coffer was so close to the French meter (itself designed to be one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole) that the Pyramid must therefore embody astronomically-derived measurements. Other authors, like Hekekyan Bey and A. Dufeu similarly argued that the pyramid encoded the circumference of the earth in its various measurements, if multiplied by special numbers only they were able to deduce.
I have no idea where Stecchini got his material, but I can make a stab. Flinders Petrie measured the base of the Great Pyramid and, after doing some restorations to find the size with the missing casing stones, he suggested it as being 440 royal cubits per side, using simple geometry calculated from the height of the pyramid, 280 cubits. Petrie then explained that these 440 cubits were equivalent to 1.25 stadia, giving five stadia for the whole circumference. Petrie also gave a chart explaining the various measurements and their relationship to each other and to the earth. Since Petrie is the first pyramid writer to give these particular numbers (though the 440 cubit claim apparently predates him), he must therefore be the originator of the measurements cited by Stecchini. I do not know, though, why Stecchini would make up a fake ancient source for Petrie’s measurements. The only insight I can offer is that a character by the name of Agatharchides was the subject of an ancient bit of pseudo-scholarly fraud. A certain non-existent Agatharchides of Samos was cited in the Parallela Minora of pseudo-Plutarch (2.1), a document that many scholars feel was meant as a parody of Plutarch, and Alan Cameron (Greek Mythography in the Roman World, Oxford, 2004) points out that this fellow never existed, though it did not stop centuries of scholars from puzzling over whether he was real and if so what happened to him and his books. Perhaps Stecchini was honoring the dubious citations of this figure with his own bogus citation of another by that name, but, alas, Stecchini is long dead and all we have is dozens upon dozens of pseudo-scholars repeating his claims as though they were ancient fact.
Tara Jordan
7/14/2013 02:06:08 pm
Jacques Grimault is a well known impostor,attention seeker,fraudster and Guru. He cites his own book "La révélation des pyramides" publication date:7 April 2005, Carnot editions,EAN13 : 9782848551289 ISBN : 978-2-8485-5128-9,but the book isn't available anywhere, neither in libraries nor in bookstores,& there is a good reason for that.The book was never written & never published in the first place, according to Opale-Plus,the catalogue of the BNF (the Bibliothèque nationale de France). Grimault defrauded the editor,he sold the project & the name of the book to the director of publications,received some advance payment,but never delivered anything.
7/14/2013 02:22:57 pm
Thanks for the information, Tara. I must admit that I don't keep up with all of the Francophone material. I can barely keep up with the English language nuttiness!
Tara Jordan
7/15/2013 12:23:01 am
The final act of this absurdity.Olivier Krasker Rosen the executive producer of the movie "La Révélation des Pyramides",is suing Jacques Grimault for something related to Intellectual Property Theft,therefore preventing Grimault from:
Tara Jordan
7/15/2013 01:21:46 pm
Irna.Jacques Girault`s "associations" are listed as "sects" by numerous French organizations who monitor cultic activities. I am not responsible for the listing. Take a look at
Tara Jordan
7/15/2013 01:42:28 pm
The Editions Carnot went bankrupt in 2005,but they registered an acquired EAN13 & ISBN numbers before going bankrupt (EAN13 : 9782848551289 ISBN : 978-2-8485-5128-9).
7/14/2013 07:48:13 pm
"... the French meter...", which you will find was designed to be one ten-thousandth of the Pole to equator distance, not ten-millionth. That would be the millimeter.
7/16/2013 01:40:20 am
Oops. For some reason I was thinking in kilometers. Ten-millionth is right.
Hi Tara,
Tara Jordan
7/16/2013 09:02:40 am
1)I agree about the anonymous testimony,I am taking it with a pinch of salt.
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 12:39:51 am
Dear all,
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 01:08:30 am
Tara, I can't resist to ask you...
Tara Jordan
7/18/2013 02:12:00 am
I am working on behalf of the Illuminati but the CIA is paying my bills
Tim Coan
6/12/2018 01:58:40 pm
Can you get me a job with the Illuminati? I enjoyed your commentary. Can you recommend a book or film on archeoastronomy?
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 01:08:36 am
Tara, I can't resist to ask you...
Tara Jordan
7/18/2013 02:33:48 am
You are asking me to cite as a reference?. You`re either utterly ignorant or totally dishonest. Let me remind you that during Nicolas Sarkozy`s quinquennat, Sarkozy (who happens to be Tom cruise personal friend) personally intervened upon his administration to "make it easy" for the Church of Scientology who became entangled in a series of suits & criminal prosecutions.You have the right to believe that Jacques Grimault is a man of science,honest and ethical,mais il faut arreter de nous prendre pour des imbéciles.
stéphane Elsener
7/18/2013 04:10:04 am
No comment Tara, you must be right by using a Christian evangelist support to convince the world...
Stéphane : "As we do with IRNA"? Really? That's probably why you blocked me on Facebook, why Patrice Pooyard also blocked me, and why Jacques Grimault is unable not to resort to personal attacks :)
Tara Jordan
7/18/2013 05:55:55 am
1) Je ne suis pas une Chrétienne évangéliste,je suis athée
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 04:25:38 am
I meant Flour dead body part sorry for my English. It was for holly bread
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 04:35:38 am
IRNA, we invited you on other supports where some of your friends as cerberus, nemrod and tsuki won't be able to pollute and insult us on each comment.
"we invited you on other supports where some of your friends as cerberus, nemrod and tsuki won't be able to pollute and insult us on each comment."
Stéphane ELSENER
7/18/2013 04:50:05 am
I just realized that it would have been more correct to write
I don't know who you all work or getting paid by. You don't have to be a scientist to know that the wobling of the earth will create changes and there aren't any conspiracies in saying that there is no man made climate changes. Nature does a fine job of changing every second. Furthermore did any of you actually read Schwaller de Lubicz? Yeah I know he had nazi connections therefore he was a coot. Why did SRI (the CIA research facility from Standford) has paid to investigate what was underneath the Sphinx? Because there isn't anything underneath right? I don't particularly care if Jacques Grimault is a crook, I haven't donated anything so as far as I'm concerned he can be whatever he wants (his Karma).
10/22/2015 04:30:21 pm
I also wanted to find the original book by Grimault. It does not exist. Has not ever existed. Even Amazon which has everything - has not a record of it whatsoever.
10/28/2016 11:59:00 am
Illo wrote:
Martin Stower
11/3/2015 11:45:58 am
I have a theory that the credence given to Livio Catullo Stecchini is a function of the sheer impressiveness of the name.
12/11/2015 07:10:48 pm
Dear All, simple question:
Hi Tom, there have been a lot of analyses of the various claims in this film, but mostly in French. If you understand French I can give you a few links.
12/27/2016 03:23:26 pm
No, these are not true. Frank Doernenberg explains the "pi in the pyramid" quite well on his website:
Hi Harte, I don't know whether the French are more tolerant, or just less used to this kind of crap! After all, Ancient Aliens was broadcast on French TV for the first time only last year!
Martin Stower
12/27/2016 07:37:21 pm
Le pays aussi de Pauwels, Bergier, Charroux . . . 4/2/2020 08:23:24 pm
I have checked and continue to check the 'facts' presented in the documentary and find all of it to be true and a great deal more amazing facts have been presented (with the help of a CAD program). Whoever designed the cubit/meter and the Great Pyramid also designed it all to be found and proven true if Pi is reconciled as add 1/10,000th to Pi and remove any remainder, or Pi = 3.1416
3/14/2016 07:49:42 am
8/26/2016 12:15:27 am
Hello guys, I am a French girl suspecting one of my best friend to be mislead by Jacques Grimault and cie. I watched the video, read a lot about it, but I can't figure out if it's true or not. I don't think it can be dangerous anyway. He's just loosing his money I guess. But if anybody can tell me more about science and real facts, I'll be glad. Merci beaucoup ! Deb
Bonjour Deb, j'ai rassemblé des liens vers pas mal de ressources sur LRDP et Grimault sur mon site :
2/21/2017 03:13:56 am
Hi all,
bob smith
5/9/2017 09:50:21 am
if i ever won the lottery and could get back into reading, i'd just rent and apartment and do nothing but read jason colavito and my other favorite author, harvey cox, who wrote all those books about religions.... i had to write a paper about one of harvey cox's books way back in college, and he's written alot since then. but jason colavito does everything in just one source.... and i just don't have the time to read and read anymore...
5/22/2018 03:08:40 pm
Came across this after watching the German version of the _Révélation_ occultism on YouTube. So here's my two cents even though it's been a while since the last post.
Kevin Tibbetts
2/10/2019 10:28:05 pm
You don't debunk any of the math. You just site sources you believe the math came from and call those authors names like pseudo archeologist. And not one time in the documentary was the idea of atlantis mentioned. You mentioned it first paragraph to let your readers know that you are "on the side of science". Nor did they make any erroneous claims about aliens. The documentary ask the questions if it was possible we lost knowledge.
bob newb
7/8/2019 10:53:52 pm
Skeptics r often guilty of their own claims, ie focus on trivial aspects as a means of fear mongering. Much like focusing on spelling errors as a means of discrediting work. Spelling is important & sometimes critical, but usually not important. Focusing on 'sources' is another diversionary tactic. While critical in scientific circles the move is not a scientific exercise so does not need to satisfy skeptic criteria. As per usual Jason haven't focused on the actual claims just sources. No one cares if the ancient sources r cited correctly or not.Get over your desire for scientific process.
3/12/2020 03:07:37 pm
"pseudo-scholarly fraud"
David Barcelona
6/15/2020 07:21:35 pm
Dear all,
jason cocavito escobar
7/14/2022 01:44:29 pm
You didn't even watch the film, it's not "just a line".
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