I’ve received quite a bit of criticism for my conclusion that the Russian government has purposely promoted UFO and ancient astronaut beliefs as part of their propaganda efforts aimed at destabilizing the West. As part of that campaign, Russian trolls and bots made more than one million tweets to influence the 2016 election. Twitter recently deleted those tweets in an effort to clean up its service, but NBC News published a spreadsheet containing 200,000 tweets from Russian propaganda accounts sent in 2016 and 2017. A significant, though not overlarge, number of Russian propaganda tweets were about UFOs, ancient astronauts, and ancient mysteries. Here are a few representative samples of the Russian retweets. I have stripped them of the linked articles to avoid promoting bottom-feeding clickbait and propaganda sites. “Ancient Hopi Claim Their Ancestors Came From The Inner World.” Almost all of the tweets were retweets from fringe sources, with little to no original content. The sources include Coast to Coast AM, Disclose TV, World Truth TV, Prison Planet, Before It’s News, and The Rundown Live, apparently selected from among all possible sources to amplify conspiracy theories about aliens and UFOS alongside more political conspiracy theories and outright propaganda for Trump. (Disclosure: I once appeared on The Rundown Live.) It’s interesting that I wasn’t able to find direct mention of Ancient Aliens, perhaps because the trolls purposely sought to amplify the dodgiest claims from the least reliable sources, or didn’t want to call too much attention to themselves. There was one retweet about the History Channel: “I don't want to be a victim on a future history channel show. So do me a favor and think.” It got retweeted because its author is an NRA member and a Trump super-fan who tweets arch-conservative political statements.
It’s true that the tweets contain myriad subjects unrelated to politics, including tweets about food, football, shopping, the Kardashians, etc. UFOs and ancient mysteries are a small but significant percentage of the tweets. For example, there are hundreds of UFO tweets, but only a handful for astrology, a comparably popular pseudoscientific belief. Like other tweets not explicitly serving as political propaganda, they seemed designed to attract targeted demographics to Russian propaganda accounts. This might also explain why there is another large bloc of hundreds of tweets devoted to The Walking Dead, a program that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, told Forbes was specifically targeted for ads by the Trump campaign because its viewers were the most likely in the television audience to vote Trump. By contrast, TV’s highest rated sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, warranted only a handful of tweets, most involving a controversy over Mayim Bialik’s comments on Muslims and Israel. There is method in the madness, but it will take someone with more time and resources to quantify the hundreds of thousands of tweets in order to better understand how UFO and ancient mystery stories were used and for what purpose. But a similar research study conducted with this same database of tweets by scholars at Johns Hopkins University regarding vaccine denialism found that Russian trolls were “significantly” morel likely to tweet about vaccines than “average Twitter users,” though how one quantifies an average Twitter user must be open to debate. “These trolls seem to be using vaccination as a wedge issue, promoting discord in American society,” said the authors of the study. I have no doubt that the UFO material served a similar purpose.
8/28/2018 10:32:26 am
"I’ve received quite a bit of criticism for my conclusion that the Russian government has purposely promoted UFO and ancient astronaut beliefs as part of their propaganda efforts aimed at destabilizing the West."
8/28/2018 10:41:16 am
I'm not the one who came to these conclusions, nor did I create the database of tweets. If all of the American intelligence agencies, the U.S. Congress, and nearly every major news organization all came to the same conclusion, one even the White House reluctantly conceded was true, this is not my fantasy.
8/28/2018 12:28:22 pm
Nonetheless Joe (re)raises a good point. Similar to my belief that not all mass-shootings are false-flag operations. Some of them are just mass shootings.
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 01:44:31 pm
"I'm not the one who came to these conclusions..." 8/28/2018 01:49:42 pm
You are conflating two different issues. The first is whether the Russians sent out tweets from troll and bot accounts. That is beyond dispute. It is simply a fact. The second is whether it was effective, which is the part you dispute. Regardless of whether you think it worked, the fact that they did it makes in interesting that the Russians took the UFO material they had long used as elements of state propaganda and added it into their mix of tweets.
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 02:41:41 pm
The "fact" that anything was done only has importance if it also had relevance and impact. Given the sea of others tweeting, botting or posting the same sort of nonsense from any spot on the globe, does little to affirm any such relevance and/or impact beyond it's more obvious political implications embraced by partisans looking to smear their political opposition.
8/28/2018 02:51:50 pm
Joe is right. Nothing about efficacy. 8/29/2018 01:30:29 pm
Nick Redfern has a new article about Russian meddling in the UFO movement during the Cold War. https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/08/ufos-russian-meddling-alien-encounters-a-strange-saga/
Joe Scales
8/29/2018 02:21:38 pm
In other words... Hey, look over there!
8/29/2018 03:37:01 pm
NIck Redfern will punch you in your facemouth!
8/29/2018 04:22:41 pm
Having dived into Nick Redfern's tube sock and read this nonsense I have to say that unsurprisingly Jason is REALLY not helping his case by citing it. It's a bunch of anecdotes about people who are skeered of Russkies.
9/2/2018 02:28:25 pm
To American(fool) Dan: If you can't see the value of the detailed in in-depth article by Nick Redfern that Jason linked to, then I doubt your reading comprehension, and your impartiality. Nick describes multiple times in the past where the Soviet Union used UFO personalities to insert pro-Russian, pro-Communist concepts into the West's consumption of UFO-contact material, from placing agents in US contactee groups to trying to convert contactees themselves (like Orfeo Angelucci).
9/2/2018 03:02:09 pm
Having dived into Nick Redfern's tube sock and read this nonsense I have to say that unsurprisingly Jason is REALLY not helping his case by citing it. It's a bunch of anecdotes about people who are skeered of Russkies.
8/28/2018 02:54:36 pm
Okay, we get it, you adore the big orange racist baby in the White House, because it suits your privileged position. I'm always amazed at how much you have to twist to see the world in the way you want it to be rather than the way it's proven to be.
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 03:24:44 pm
My privileged position? What might that be V? And yeah, generally I don't entertain the partisans here, but I like you V. You're not boring, nor pretentious. Just incredibly wrong.
8/28/2018 03:32:49 pm
"It's not like this isn't an outright PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR from Russia, or did you not know the history of how we wound up with an Iron Curtain and a Cold War?"
Titus pullo
8/29/2018 10:54:48 pm
Cut the bolshevik race baiting please.
Suggestion, for what purpose the UFO tweets had been made:
8/28/2018 12:34:15 pm
Thanks for clarifying that Frank. Where would we be without your trenchant analysis?
9/3/2018 11:45:56 am
Hey, American Negro, I really like what you have said in this thread, you are one of the few people who seems to able to use your brain, you remind me of someone I know who served.
8/28/2018 11:28:29 am
_Russian government has purposely promoted UFO and ancient astronaut beliefs as part of their propaganda efforts aimed at destabilizing the West. _
8/28/2018 12:11:48 pm
Oh, it's had an effect. Since the then-Soviet campaign started in the 1960s, confidence in science has fallen and it is now commonplace for mainstream people--not just the lunatic fringe--to deny basic scientific conclusions. This clearly isn't the sole doing of propaganda, but it helped the process along.
8/28/2018 01:47:29 pm
I look forward to seeing the proof of that assertion. Otherwise quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur. 8/28/2018 02:06:15 pm
It isn't possible to quantify the impact of propaganda in most cases because its goal isn't to change hearts and minds. It's just a thumb on the scale, helping to reinforce by contributing to the echo chamber effect and normalizing certain viewpoints through repetition. But "Foreign Policy" magazine laid out Putin's goals vis-à-vis pseudoscience, and we see that surveys of popular attitudes toward science are now close to matching Putin's goals, so the conclusion that seems most likely is that Russian propaganda has at least contributed to the achievement of those goals.
8/28/2018 02:37:03 pm
You wrote: "Russians tweeted out UFO and conspiracy theory material in much greater volume than comparable pseudoscientific claims."
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 02:50:11 pm
" I do wonder, though, at the number of Russophiles here who seem very upset at the idea that Russians tweeted out UFO and conspiracy theory material in much greater volume than comparable pseudoscientific claims. "
Jason, the greatets harm to science is when science teams up with politics.
8/28/2018 03:43:46 pm
"I think of the abuse of archaeology as an argument against the Iraq war. And after the war there were many lies about the alleged plundering of the Iraq museum in Bagdad in order to blame the Bush administration."
Americanegro, you miss the point, here. Regardless whether the Iraq war was OK or not OK, nobody should abuse archaeology or any other science (except maybe political science) to argue for or against it.
8/29/2018 03:07:25 pm
Wow, Sally, the very idea of an invasion seems to give you a hardon. I suppose it's in your blood.
8/29/2018 03:44:11 pm
8/29/2018 06:05:54 pm
8/30/2018 03:02:56 pm
You really can't read, can you Herr Katzenjammer? I criticise someone and you tell me I am "a believer" and they are my "hero"?
Americanegro, your view of the US engagements is highly questionable. It is at least safe to say that the US does not kill in dimensions of hundredthousands ....
Joe Scales
8/30/2018 03:23:05 pm
"It is at least safe to say that the US does not kill in dimensions of hundredthousands ...."
8/30/2018 05:09:54 pm
"... and thank you for your confession that you are a believer: 'and I believe you're an idiot.'"
Americanegro, Joe Scales ...
8/30/2018 06:21:04 pm
"... we talked of Obama, Bush jun., Bill Clinton .... and you come with World War II. Seems to be an obsession?"
Americanegro ....
8/30/2018 07:21:40 pm
First, with regard to the murder figure, I can't be responsible for everything you hear, idiot (it's not an insult if it's true). The figure I gave is what the U.S. Military ADMITTED TO, which tells us the actual figure is higher. Remember this ignores murders by U.S. forces in the first year of the war.
8/31/2018 01:29:01 am
"By the way, would you have preferred that Japan had won the war? And if not, how would you have made Japan surrender? Any clue? Any plan? Any better idea? You have even not any awareness of the problems, but are quick at putting forward premature judgements."
Americanegro ...
Steve StC
8/31/2018 09:39:40 am
I just scrolled all the way down the comments under Joe Scales “Russophile? Moi? So I'm "a person who is friendly toward Russia…” comment.
8/31/2018 01:31:58 pm
Profanity is the last refuge of the ignorant but sometimes as in the present instance you have to talk to those ignorant fuckers.
8/28/2018 02:50:35 pm
Trump has done significant damage to the reputation and effectiveness of the United States in the international community and civil unrest has increased domestically. Coincidentally, slightly less than half of the population of the United States voted for him. I'm not saying there's an exact match-up, but when the Trump campaign has admitted that they TARGETED PEOPLE WITH THOSE BELIEFS, it's safe to conclude that more of them voted for Trump than against. Ergo, belief in UFOs has contributed in a statistically significant way to destabilization. Of course, people deny climate change, too.
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 03:31:36 pm
V... you really ought to think a bit more about what you write. Some of our best presidents were closer to 40% of the popular vote, than 50%. As for the rest... you really need to turn off MSNBC.
8/28/2018 01:15:59 pm
This is off-topic, but what do you make of this study advocating pre-Columbus contact between South Amercia and Oceania using sweet potato genetics:
8/28/2018 03:01:15 pm
Mr. Colavito, where have you received such criticism, other than on the comment section of this blog?
8/28/2018 04:07:12 pm
Kal, where are you institutionalized?
8/28/2018 03:46:01 pm
Propaganda by definition (https://www.dictionary.com) is:
8/28/2018 04:11:51 pm
Not just social media in this Age of Trump, as Glenn Greenwald of the HUGELY PRO-TRUMP The Intercept demonstrates:
Joe Scales
8/28/2018 04:59:54 pm
Greenwald's split with Maddow is intriguing commentary in an of itself of how the very worst in politics trumps true idealism within the entertainment-news industry. Outrage is now wholly manufactured.
8/28/2018 05:29:07 pm
“Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump-Russia story and about Russia particularly,” wrote Greenwald. “At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.”
An Anonymous Nerd
8/28/2018 08:08:08 pm
It amazes me just how many folks come here who seem to think they have some sort of personal stake in defending purveyors of the Fringe.
8/28/2018 09:37:27 pm
Objection, Your Honor! Relevance?
8/28/2018 11:22:18 pm
Duly noted. I agree.
8/28/2018 11:15:45 pm
Man, this subject, the matter of “Russian Hacking”, has really become a stomache-turning thing for me.
8/29/2018 06:03:04 pm
Well said !
Joe Scales
8/29/2018 07:01:40 pm
"And anyone who doesn't believe that Russian operatives, and Russian pawns ( wittingly or unwittingly ), are responsible for a very large portion of internet sabotage and counterintelligence are living in a naive bubble."
8/29/2018 07:18:07 pm
I'm going to invoke the Wolter Rule here and state categorically that anyone who says they "know enough to be dangerous" neither knows enough nor is dangerous.
8/29/2018 08:30:39 pm
Joe Scales
8/29/2018 09:17:40 pm
I'm not sure which is better, being a Russian apologist or a "Russophile". Though the latter moniker was no doubt a reflexive slur given in lieu of an argument, considering the source of the former, I'll assume it was made in good humor and give a tip of my hat in response.
8/28/2018 11:41:58 pm
Criticizing Jason for the criticism that he receives makes my Derrida hairdo stand-on-end.
8/29/2018 12:09:00 am
Not really sure what your point is in the long post above, but if it's that you really like the word "I" then message received.
8/29/2018 12:27:52 am
8/29/2018 12:54:06 am
Hey, AN.
8/29/2018 12:58:30 am
Russia grows bananas in Tashtyp in the Republic of Khakassia. This region was formerly known for its oranges and grapefruit.
8/29/2018 01:01:29 am
Strong work.
8/29/2018 01:04:02 am
8/29/2018 01:10:42 am
8/29/2018 01:15:24 am
I'm not enthralled. There was no "hacking", DNC files were copied by someone with physical access to their servers.
8/29/2018 01:39:03 am
Good Lord!
8/29/2018 02:18:57 am
“I'm not enthralled.”
8/29/2018 10:10:29 pm
Would you just shut the fuck up or start your own blog you egomaniac douche canoe? What a waste of cyberspace you are. Now fuck off. Jesus, go out and do something for a change. There's actually an interesting world out there. Maybe you'll finally get laid and save us all a great deal of mental anguish. Get a lifestyle for fucks sake. You have all by your lonesome self ruined this blog for everyone else you useless turd. You don't make any sense at all. Now go arouse yourself by watching reruns of America Unearthed and spare us all your nearly unintelligible horseshit. Fini.
8/29/2018 11:05:46 pm
That’s some sweet, sweet praise, AN.
8/29/2018 12:05:18 am
8/29/2018 11:51:37 pm
I was not addressing you. Figure it out.
8/29/2018 11:58:11 pm
Identify yourself then.
8/30/2018 12:05:13 am
You have to realize...and I say this only for your own sake.
8/30/2018 12:21:54 am
Are you even getting how much I love this?
8/29/2018 12:55:59 am
Damn this iPhone
8/29/2018 02:01:17 am
“DNC files were copied by someone with physical access to their servers.”
Joe Scales
8/29/2018 10:07:00 am
Got some more homework for you DK. I know how some folks like to throw out "facts" that are basically their own political observations, but try these facts on for size:
Joe Scales
8/29/2018 10:09:23 am
Oh, and just one more thing. When the DNC recently suspected a hacking had occurred, they contacted the FBI. Why didn't they do that before? I wonder...
An Anonymous Nerd
8/29/2018 07:57:17 pm
This is a conspiracy theory/talking point (pick your term) which I already have debunked here:
8/29/2018 11:13:23 pm
Thanks, Joe!
Joe Scales
8/30/2018 09:55:55 am
Though confident in what I'm talking about and the undisputable facts set forth above, referring to what "we're talking about" introduces a variable of which there is less certainty. Given that disclaimer, I'll take Hearts & Minds for a thousand Alex...
8/29/2018 02:11:52 am
Henceforth I will be known as “TheDiscoKing”.
8/29/2018 02:35:38 am
8/29/2018 03:08:31 am
“And he's being called out on his obsessive Russia-bashing and Russia-tying-in-ing.”
8/29/2018 04:37:13 am
It's not obsessive because I know I can't, nor do I want to change anyone's mind. I'm here for sport. Jason is currently obsessed with Russia, in this Age of Trump.
8/29/2018 11:28:58 pm
“I'm here for sport.”
8/30/2018 01:40:14 am
9/2/2018 04:34:10 pm
I think this article from the Atlantic about Russia's information war is an excellent read:
Joe Scales
9/2/2018 04:49:13 pm
Meanwhile, the nefarious plot to feminize the American male goes undetected...
9/2/2018 05:57:26 pm
Really? I think you can find that YouTube is practically crawling with videos on the alleged "feminization" of the world. I suppose we never went to the moon too?
9/2/2018 08:37:15 pm
If you believe the movie that's coming out now, First Man, ONLY "we" went to the moon. To quote departed-couldn't-be-soon-enough-Dear-Leader, "You didn't build that."
Joe Scales
9/2/2018 09:18:35 pm
Oh great... we got another one without a sense of humor. Welcome to the forum. You'll fit right in...
9/3/2018 02:27:07 pm
In that case *thumbs up*. :D
9/3/2018 10:46:36 pm
God Speed you, American Negro,
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