In the 1970s Hugh Harleston Jr. mapped Teotihuacan and declared that after identifying a standard unit of measurement equal to 1.059 m, he had found that selected monuments at Teotihuacan formed a precise scale model of the universe, including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. (Pluto, of course, is no longer considered a planet, and other micro-planets have since been discovered that are larger than Pluto.) The key, though, was the “selected” set of monuments, selected to conform to a predetermined framework and which later work mapping the site has discredited. I wonder if he would have still noted the “Pluto” mound if he started his research after Pluto was no longer a planet. This is how our mental frameworks shape our ideas. The screen grab below from Ancient Aliens illustrates how alternative theorists view the correlation. The “sun” is represented by the Temple of Quetzalcoatl (bottom) and not the temple traditionally associated with the sun (center). The four small circles represent the orbits of the first four planets, though the buildings supposed to correlate with them spill over into one another’s “orbits.” Further out, in the fifth white circle from the center, Jupiter—the largest planet—is represented only by a few small structures while Saturn (sixth circle) and Neptune (seventh circle) bizarrely warrant the city’s most massive constructions. But even here, in Ancient Aliens’ own graphic, it is painfully obvious that the “correlation” is based entirely on picking and choosing among buildings—selecting every tiny structure around Quetzalcoatl’s temple, but ignoring all the structures between the temples of the Sun and Moon. And, needless to say, Ancient Aliens presented only a handful of the city’s buildings, as the site map shows. The red buildings are temple platforms (pyramids), and there are far more of them than there are planets in the solar system. Earlier, in the 1960s, James Dow argued that the city was built on a “cosmic framework,” and Stansbury Hagar in the early twentieth century had claimed that the city was a map of the heavens, with its broad central avenue representing the Milky Way. These latter claims are much less sensational and might even have some truth to them (though Hagar was a proponent of “alternative” astronomy). Many scholars now accept some version of the celestial alignment hypothesis, but only in the sense that the site was aligned to the heavens along an axis pointing to the Pleiades. And even this is contested by others who favor a topographical alignment with the local volcano, which, coincidentally, occupied the same bit of sky relative to the city. These, though, are not the claims of alternative historians and ancient astronaut theorists. Instead, Graham Hancock and the crew of Ancient Aliens go with the solar system interpretation, while Robert Bauval favors bizarre claims that the three main pyramids of Teotihuacan represent the belt stars of Orion—especially strange since it would mean that the “biggest” (i.e. brightest) Orion star is represented by the smallest major pyramid, that of Quetzalcoatl, while the dimmest star is symbolized by the largest pyramid, one tradition assigns to the worship of the sun. I wondered though where the idea that Teotihuacan was especially sacred to the stars came from. It seems that the answer derives, once again, from Victorian-era scholarship repeated uncritically. Here is William Hickling Prescott in his 1850 work The History of the Conquest of Mexico:
So, if I read the situation correctly, Europeans discovered an Aztec tradition that attributed Teotihuacan’s monumental core to a stellar cult some thousand years after Teotihuacan flourished, and from this, subsequent theorists have attempted to expand the Aztec tradition into ever more complex variants, attempting in a way to “science-ify” the oral legends. Along the way, the "stars" became "planets" and "planets" became a "precise scale model of the solar system."
I suppose this is why the ancient astronaut theorists take the trend to its obvious conclusion and conclude that the site’s name, a Nahuatl Aztec term for the “Dwelling-Place of the Gods,” simply reports truthfully that alien gods used to live there. And in true Ancient Aliens fashion, even this isn’t what it seems. Others translate the name as “the place of those who have the road of the gods,” “the place where divinity comes into being,” and the Lovecraftian “place of the owners of the Elder Gods.” The Maya said its name was “the place of reeds.” At any rate, it isn’t cut-and-dried that it was named for an alien base; instead, it refers to the Aztec belief that the ancestral spirits resided in the abandoned city. The Aztec would visit to commune with these spirits with nary an alien in sight. Disney characters on the other hand...
9/10/2013 08:25:05 pm
Evolution (hand-written fair tale) = THE Biggest Shame EVER in our human history.
Bruce David Wilner
6/11/2017 01:49:48 pm
It's a total sham. Uranus is fully twice as far from the sun as Saturn, yet I don't see any neighboring circles that exhibit a 1:2 ratio of diameters. Only a fool would fall for this nonsensical claim that doesn't even REMOTELY correspond to the given diagram.
John Attwood
5/26/2018 06:42:26 pm
Visited this site in 1999 what an amazing place.
I have searched the internet and found nothing except this link below on Google Maps. I believe Harleston's theory is correct and has been deliberately over looked and ridiculed by main stream scientist. As so often if something doesn't suit them, they simply gloss over it.
Richard Diaz
12/6/2019 10:23:49 am
I agree. Hugh Harleston's work was admirable. Of course, if we're going to argue about Pluto as a planet or not we degrade the whole idea of trying to determine what the ancient builders of Teotihuacan were inspired by. Yet these self-righteous "scientists" have yet to explain coherently why the aztec and pre-aztec ruins include sculptures of obviously negroid and chinese entities.
Russty Kuntz
7/13/2019 12:51:51 am
Hey Jason,
Thomas Hayes
12/13/2019 08:50:42 am
How easily they define my heritage. TEOTIWAKAN is bad for the the Supreme Court Law called the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. It renders moot the argument about land ownership by Native Americans back in 1823. Teotihuacan far exceeds anything in European history that involved the complexities of running such a large kingdom and the construction of it far before the birth of Christ.It took the power of a King to plan it's construction. It’s existence reveals the confidence and power of nothing less than a KING. The NOBILITY that came from TEOTIWAKAN are: The entire Dakotah, Nakotah and Lakotah Nation also known as the Seven Council Fires; the HoChunk people also known as the Winnebago; and, Omaha, Ponca, Mandan, Hidatsa, Assiniboine, Iowa, Osage, Oto and more. They are all “O” positive blood people. To further prove the people of this great advanced civilization are the above people an Indian Health Service (IHS) study in the seventies found that the three major linguistic groups of North America had specific majority blood characteristics. The Algonquin speaking people are “A” positive, the Athabaskan speaking people are “B” positive and the Siouxian linguistic group are “O” positive. The majority of South American Indians are “O” positive blood. The “Mississippian” culture arrived in the area of South Carolina and the confluence of the Missouri and the Mississippi rivers around 700 A.D. Their artifacts reveal a mesoamerican influence (meaning their pottery looked like the people from TEOTIWAKAN when they arrived). The Dakotah People possessed astronomical knowledge in their language that far exceeds the rest of the planet’s at the same time and is provable by the following facts: Around 1890 a priest named Father Buechel began compiling a 60,000 word Lakotah dictionary and the astronomical knowledge found in it wasn’t realized until after the mid 20th century. Under the names of the months or moons the old Dakotah names are also listed with the more contemporary. In the old language which could be tens of thousands of years old the names for JANUARY and JULY are the same: WICOKANWI. To explain this word first note that “WI” is the name for a moon or month of the year or a planet or orb. “WI” at the end of the word signifies month or moon, month names end in ”WI”. When “WI” is used at the beginning of a word or the name of a month it means “SUN”, The word “COKAN” means “center”. So the whole word means: SUN-CENTER-MONTH or the “Month that the Sun is in the center.” The Sun has a barely discernible wobble at its poles, it wobbles back and forth annually. The center of each of these wobbles occurs in January and July and this phenomenon was recorded unbeknownst by Father Buschel around 1900 through Lakotah language. This dictionary was written in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This astronomical fact was not known until the middle of the 20th century (except for in the Dakotah language). And finally, what America used to call “The Great Sioux Nation” has a nation-state people called the Seven Council Fires and the Mdewakanton, which is one of them, has an extended family-nation of Kings in it called Mantanton. The Kings word was law. We have unrecognized lineal descendant Kings with their spiritual entourages intact among us today. The reason for the people of TEOTIHUACAN's departure is better looked for in a Dakotah mind. It could have been that we left to become a Sun Dance Nation or that we left because the King liked the taste of BUFFALO MEAT but whatever it was, there is no need to look for the great nobility of the greatest city on earth, we are here among you. You need to admit it in your schools. The old name for the Sioux Nation is Isanati which means people of the white knife. Isan is a white knife. Modern historians in the past tried to place this white knife material to the rocks on Lake Superior but they are wrong. TEOTIWAKAN was built on the commerce of the obsidian mines and the sale of knives. Blue for nobility, green for the priest-sect, and white for the Kings. Isan-a-ti, means Isan=white knife/a=they/ti=house or live there (short for tipi); or “people of the white knife.” In the naming of nations the kings knife would have been the most important. The people of the white knife came from TEOTIWAKAN and we are now the Seven Council Fires of the Dakotah Nation and all their linguistically connected Nobel relatives.
Thomas Hayes
12/13/2019 08:59:34 am
The name is an inflected word constructed according to the rules of the Lakotah, Nakotah and Dakotah language. There is no Spanish word, noun or name that is pronounced this way and is descriptive of TEOTIHUACAN. In Dakotah: Tee is from “TIPI” and in this instance means “Palace” or “Pyramid” because it is referring to the buildings at TEOTIWAKAN. So I will construct this whole word for you: “Teh” meaning death or die; O is shortened and inflected, it is derived from the Sioux word “omahed” (Dakotah) or “omahel” (Lakotah) which means “inside” but when preceding and conjoined with the shortened version of “TIPI” which is “TI”; “OTI” becomes the word “room” in Dakotah. The last part of the word is “Wakan” which means “Sacred”, “Holy” or “Mysterious”. Put the whole word together in Sioux or Dakotah and it means: “death-room-sacred” or “a palace with a room in it that is sacred” or a “mausoleum”.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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