The Tulli Papyrus Returns! Plus: Russian Geologist Claims to Find Million Year Old Ruins in Turkey5/4/2016 It seems that there is no claim to ridiculous for the fringe to believe it, and no claim too frequently disproved to come back again. Heck, last night the Republican Party all but chose a conspiracy theorist as its presidential nominee. Today we have two examples of the lack of quality control in fringe history. Do you remember Alexander Koltypin, the Russian geologist who claimed last year that geological formations in Turkey were the tracks of alien tanks from millions of years ago? Well, he’s back again. Apparently a couple of months ago Koltypin told the Epoch Times that he’s found more million-year-old remains, and the claim was reprinted this week on the Ancient Origins website. According to Koltypin, most underground structures in the Mediterranean basin were once connected to one another as part of a vast network of tunnels and subterranean cities. He concludes that these structures reached the surface not because they were carved and excavated close to the surface but because they eroded out of a deep underground realm 500,000 to a million years ago.
Koltypin bases this on a medieval Turkish site at Antalya where he claims that a pink “cement” contains both manmade ceramics and volcanic basalt more than 500,000 years old. He argues that the cement could only have been made 500,000 or more years ago because he apparently can’t conceive of using older rocks to make medieval cement. He also believes that Baalbek is proof of a prehistoric megalith-moving culture because he cannot fathom that the Romans could move large rocks, but firmly believes that a million-year-old lost culture could. Sadly, these kinds of claims are par for the course in fringe history, as is the constant recycling of bad ideas. We all know that the Ancient Code website is bottom-feeding clickbait, but its utter lack of quality control continues to astound. In a recent article now going viral on Facebook, we read once again about the so-called Tulli Papyrus, an allegedly ancient Egyptian document found among the papers of Vatican Egyptologist Alberto Tulli telling of the arrival of a fleet of “circles of fire” during the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 BCE). After the sighting of the UFOs, fish rained from the sky. According to Ancient Code “the document and the translation are considered authentic and not a hoax.” This is entirely untrue. The so-called Tulli Papyrus isn’t a papyrus but a modern translation of a modern transcription of an Egyptian document that no one can prove ever existed, as it was seen by only one person, who was also (conveniently) the translator, Prince Boris de Rachewiltz, Ezra Pound’s son-in-law. Rachewiltz was a bit of a card at the time, an impecunious Egyptology student, a popular writer, and a self-proclaimed scion of the Lombard kings. Rachewiltz offered his translation of the Tulli Papyrus when he was still green in the field, in 1953, when he was a 27-year-old college student studying Egyptology. In 1955 he began to study Egyptology under Ludwig Keimer and by most accounts developed into a respected professional in the field. By the 1970s he would rise to become a professor in the field, having left the Tulli Papyrus in the dustbin of history. In 1968, the U.S. Air Force commissioned an investigation into UFOs known as the Condon Report, and in it Samuel Rosenberg and Edward Condon investigated the Tulli Papyrus. They asked the Vatican for the original document, and the Vatican explained that it did not belong to them. They inquired after Tulli’s papers, only to learn that Tulli was not a professional Egyptologist, nor was the minor aristocrat who translated the text. The actual Vatican Egyptologist, Gianfranco Nolli, told the U.S. Embassy’s scientific attaché that the whole thing was likely a hoax. That said, when Jacques Bergier wrote Extraterrestrial Intervention: The Evidence (1974), he concluded that the papyrus could not be proved to be a hoax. None, however, seem to have asked Rachewitz for more information. So far as I can tell, after the papyrus entered UFO lore, Rachewiltz never mentioned it publicly again, which would seem to be a tacit admission that it was not all it seemed to be, especially if it were truly an otherwise unpublished account of a forgotten episode in the life of Thutmose in the hands of an Egyptologist. At the time he published his translation, Rachewitz claimed that he had received a transcription of the original document. That turned out not to be true. In later private correspondence, he admitted that (a) he had never seen the original document, (b) the hieroglyphs published as the original document had been back-formed from notes made in Egyptian hieratic by another Egyptologist, and (c) Rachewitz had never seen the hieratic notes. In short, he translated a copy of a copy of a copy, with no guarantee they reflected an original text. Additionally, Rachewitz turned out to be a member of the Fortean Society, the same group that published the translation in their magazine Doubt. Even the credulous Jacques Vallée considered it suspicious that a Fortean researcher would stumble upon such a convenient text as one that linked UFOs to the Forteans’ favorite phenomenon, a rain of fish. So, while we cannot prove conclusively that the papyrus never existed, there is very little evidence in its favor, and certainly not enough to say that anyone other than fringe historians offer unqualified acceptance of the text.
Uncle Ron
5/4/2016 11:05:09 am
Not to put too fine a point on it Jason, but the Republican PARTY isn't choosing Trump. The Republican PARTY hates Trump. It's the stupid American voters who are choosing Trump, just like so many stupid American voters are choosing Sanders.
5/4/2016 01:40:41 pm
I think that voters cast their ballot less for Trump and more against something or someone else. Donald Trump seems to appeal to the worst in American society. Don't like the government, vote for Trump. Don't like immigrants, vote for Trump. Don't like this, don't like that, vote for Trump. He pretends to dislike what you dislike and will cater to your dislikes, and this from someone, who if you were dying of thirst in the desert, wouldn't let you lick the sweat off his dick.
5/4/2016 02:26:05 pm
Trump has lived a life of grotesque affluence, and yet always looks like he's about ready to punch someone in the face. The truth is the people who are voting for him are the people Trump would toss off a boat to save his own life. Anybody claiming Trump knows and cares about the plight of the working class is either a liar or willfully ignorant.
Time Machine
5/4/2016 07:59:03 pm
That's President Trump you're mocking.
Mark L
5/5/2016 02:20:50 am
In other words, "I am a Republican who hates fairness". Just say it.
5/6/2016 06:51:51 pm
Ron, those "stupid American voters" ARE the Republican Party. Don't know if ya noticed, but in most states if you're not a member of the party, you can't vote in its primary. This would be the reason I did not vote in the primaries, as I am registered Independent.
Scott Hamilton
5/4/2016 11:45:18 am
I think "impecunious" was on someone's word-a-day calendar yesterday.
5/4/2016 12:22:47 pm
It would look like someone used Rachewitz.
titus pullo
5/4/2016 02:50:42 pm
First Trump...he is just a messenger albeit a very flawed one. The elites in both parties have caused so much pain and suffering that alternatives (including the Bern) seem rational. Decades of deficit spending, money printing, propping up failed sectors (which enriched the elites and their friends..see Freddie Mac and so on), a foreign policy that honestly did not put American interests first but other nations (and go thousands of young Americans killed for Wilsonain necocon dreams of empire) have created a very unhappy populace. Wages stagnant for decades (since Nixon tool us off the gold standard or what was left of it which created the whole "money supply" economic growth theory). Both sides ran up massive deficits (the GOP through tax cuts and big spending and the Dems through big spending) and both said it would be an investment and pay for itself. (Supply side is the same thing as Demand Side economics when you really look at it-both justify govt running deficits). And it all didn't work. Globalism where the elites in the US allow other nations to peg to our currency allows them the investment needed to buy our govt debt (we print money and keep rates low..Chinese goods look cheap..we buy them and the Chinese have all these dollars to then buy US govt debt). If you are a govt elite or a primary dealer like Goldman it is a great life. If you were a manufacturing engineer or just a factory got screwed. Sorry but Trump for better or worse has destroyed the GOP which had been taken over by the neocon cabal..
5/9/2016 07:46:31 pm
Just because you think you are an intellectual does not mean you are smart. Those STUPID AMERICAN PEOPLE are the HEART OF THIS COUNTRY, and most, like me, are registered Republicans and hold College Degrees and are Christians. My degree is a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. The media has twisted EVERYTHING out of context in their biased video clips and reports against Mr. Trump. His zeal for simple politics and the hard truth pegs him a target of the complex Social Elites and the young, ignorant people who vote based on the media, their staunch liberal professors and a party that acts like they invented " progress".
5/4/2016 04:07:06 pm
I suppose the 500,000 year number comes from just guessing, and that's what they think actually happens in the field.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
5/4/2016 04:35:31 pm
To a certain extent, Trump's campaign is helping conspiracy theories become more mainstream:
Time Machine
5/4/2016 07:54:26 pm
Yeah, conspiracy theories everywhere except in the Bible,
Only Me
5/4/2016 06:19:36 pm
>>>he cannot fathom that the Romans could move large rocks<<<
Time Machine
5/4/2016 07:51:26 pm
I say Monica Lewinsky for President - she is not a peabrain like that crappy Hilary Clinton who has an IQ of about 65
Time Machine
5/4/2016 07:52:58 pm
I can see them howling with laughter at that simpleton Clinton
David Bradbury
5/5/2016 03:24:50 am
No, Hillary's just a different flavour of very very clever.
E.P. Grondine
5/5/2016 10:02:07 am
TM -
5/6/2016 06:56:55 pm
Wow, sexist much? Get bent, moron. There are plenty of us women who have no intention of voting for Hilary AND remember that this is not a two-goddamn-party system regardless of what the Dems and Repubs would have you believe.
E.P. Grondine
5/5/2016 10:47:27 am
Jason, while its true that the same lack of "discernment" is involved in both cult archaeology and political conspiracy delusions, May I suggest that what binds the two is computer mailing list operations?
Bill Morgan
5/8/2016 10:01:42 am
Why vote for Trump?
5/8/2016 02:32:07 pm
And, recent comments made by Trump, indicate a total lack of understanding about how national debt and trade imbalances work.
Bill Morgan
5/8/2016 02:47:12 pm
It's not that complicated. First, cut Government spending by 20%. Good by fat cat over paid bureaucratic jobs! This will give us a surplus . Use the surplus to pay down the debt. Put import tariffs on imported goods of 35%. Use that money to pay down the Debt. This will allow us to pay off the debt at a rate of 15% per year. In 8 years the Debt is paid off. The math works. Don't be a pessimist, be an optimist. We can do it with Trump in the Oval Office.
5/8/2016 06:02:22 pm
Jason, I love reading your newsletter. However, I was surprised to see that someone with as much knowledge and smarts as yourself wrote, "He argues that the cement could only have been made 500,000 or more years ago because he apparently can’t conceive of using older rocks to make medieval cement."
5/8/2016 06:05:10 pm
Jason, I love reading your newsletter. However, I was surprised to see that someone with as much knowledge and smarts as yourself wrote, "He argues that the cement could only have been made 500,000 or more years ago because he apparently can’t conceive of using older rocks to make medieval cement."
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