Ancient Origins fancies itself a one-stop shop for fringe history claims, but it tends toward the lost civilization and ancient mysteries end of the fringe spectrum. As a result, we also have Ancient Code, a website from Ancient Origins writer Ivan Petricevic that’s exactly the same but focused on ancient astronauts. Both sites are larded with crippling amounts of advertising—my browsers routinely crash when trying to load their pages—and both are characterized by recycled content and very bad, sometimes incoherent, writing. Nevertheless, they are wildly successful with their audiences due to a mixture of clickbait and seeding article links across the web. In a recent article on Ancient Code, Petricevic claims that “investigators” have developed a “new theory” that human beings with Rh-negative blood (blood that lacks the so-called D antigen) are the descendants of a race of humans created by space aliens known as the Anunnaki to serve as their slaves. But because Petricevic is a poor writer, he does not identify who the “investigators” are who proposed this idea. It also turns out that it isn’t “new.” Like many articles on Ancient Code and Ancient Origins, it’s recycled from other writers and other websites, repackaged and presented as “news.” Petricevic notes that the British royal family have Rh-negative blood and therefore are likely to be part of an intergalactic conspiracy. This is all standard ancient astronaut material, and Petricevic never bothers to do more that feint toward any reason to suspect that a particular blood protein would be associated with both slavery and absolute power, or why those two concepts would be the same thing. However, as it turns out, a Sitchin-inspired writer named Betty Rhodes explained this much better than Petricevic in her self-published 2006 book Keeper of the Celtic Secrets. This book is presented as a novel, but like the quasi-fiction of Kathleen McGowan Coppens or the Shaver Mystery, Rhodes tells her readers that her novel might really be true beneath its “heart-wrenching love story.” It is also unsurprisingly racist, in which divine aliens create white people as the master race, a claim she attributes to ancient “St. John family journals” from Ireland written by a certain Job St. John around 1650 that reveal the following: 1) Caucasoid, or the WHITE races, descend from the Anunnaki, including the Elohiym godhead. And yes, the ancient Israelites, are actually descendants of the Elohiym royal family. You can read much more of her racism here, if you are so inclined. She goes into detail about how the slave Rh ended up in some white people due to miscegenation with “the Browns.” In her view, the red-haired white gods (i.e. Celts like her) created dark-skinned, dark-haired people as dumb beasts of burden. In the excerpt that follows, she uses the word “ruddy” to mean black or brown skinned, not “red” as is usual: “The Elohiym family of ‘gods’, originally created the ‘black-haired’ people, in part because the Anunnaki hated to do manual labor, such as, mining gold, diamonds, and other precious metals. Therefore, the creation of black-haired, ruddy-skinned peoples was initially to provide manual workers for the extraterrestrials, a.k.a., the Anunnaki people.”
What can you expect, though? She is merely echoing Erich von Däniken’s explicit claim in Signs of the Gods that the “black” race was a “failure,” and marrying that to Zecharia Sitchin’s adoption of the (genuine) Mesopotamian myth that humans were created as servants for the gods—a myth meant to explain the origins of labor, just like the Hebraic myth that Adam’s sin led to him being condemned to labor for his sustenance. To this, she adds more than a little Victorian-era scientific racism. But Rhodes didn’t invent the Rh-negative claim; she merely made it explicitly racist. The claim already appears in David Icke’s The Biggest Secret (1999), in which he identified the Anunnaki not as cosmic Aryans but as cannibalistic crypto-Jewish Reptilians, and he suggested that Rh-negative blood was a sign of Reptilian (read: Jewish) ancestry. These Reptilians, who control world governments and manipulate global finance out of a lust for money, “certainly feed off human blood and flesh,” presumably in their Passover matzo balls, as in the old blood libel Icke draws upon but never quite makes explicit. Icke’s views carried over to anti-Semitic literature, where the undated, anonymous book called The Truth about Freemasons, Illuminati, and New World Order connects Rh-negative blood to a global Jewish elite trying to destroy the world through Zionism. The book says that Rh-negative “blue bloods” came from the Caucasus mountains, and the authors mistakenly think that aristocrats literally turn blue at birth due to their Rh-negative blood, whereas the phrase refers to the blue veins visible through the skin of really pale white people, who in Spain were the aristocratic elite, unmixed with darker Moors. The phrase comes from the Spanish sangre azul. So, while Petricevic presents the “new” idea that Rh-negative blood might be associated aliens as some kind of entertaining lark, in reality it’s more often been used as a kind of dog-whistle calling to racists and anti-Semites under the cover of “harmless” extraterrestrial speculation. At any rate, the idea is not new and to present it as such is false advertising. But what can we expect from ad-choke fringe history clickbait? *** Update: As I learned this morning, the “news” value in the story apparently refers to Nick Redfern, who has a new book out about the Rh-factor called Bloodline of the Gods, published last week, in which he recycles the above material to hunt for alien ancestors.
Only Me
8/23/2015 01:28:46 am
When it comes to the likes of Petricevic, Rhodes, Icke and their ilk, and the ideas behind their bullshit, I think it can be summed up thusly: garbage in, garbage out.
11/17/2019 05:43:46 pm
Can’t wait for the human garbage such as yourself to be cast out.
8/23/2015 02:55:39 am
The claims about the British Royal Family are excruciating since the current line of descent of the present Royal family is not that old. The current British monarch is not descended from King Arthur,.
8/24/2015 03:29:54 am
King Arthur may be almost entirely fictional. He is probably based on a native British king who was defending his Kingdom from Celtic invaders in the sixth century A.D. His name was Arthur, but unlike the fictional King Arthur, he built forts and castles defended by infantry instead of mounted knights.
8/24/2015 04:54:35 am
The descend from Germanic royal houses, and certainly go back to Chalremaign as all modern Royal families do.
8/23/2015 06:38:32 am
As a former freelance writer, I can relate to this and I wanna say something which is not related to this specific topic, but is symptomatic for the writing online in general.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/23/2015 08:27:54 am
So I AM a tool of the Annunaki. Phooey.
Shane Sullivan
8/23/2015 11:11:48 am
Ditto. It's a bit ironic that I inherited my black hair--proof that I'm a member of the slave race--from my German grandfather. =P
Shane Sullivan
8/23/2015 11:13:43 am
Ditto. It's a bit ironic that I inherited the black hair that proves I'm a member of the aliens' slave race from my German grandfather. =P
Shane Sullivan
8/23/2015 11:16:45 am
Whoops, sorry about the double post. It said there was an error with the first one.
Shane Sullivan
8/23/2015 11:14:33 am
Nice try, Betty Rhodes, by I have it on the highest authority--that of none other than Steve Quayle--that the Celts are evil homosexual Nephilim!
11/17/2019 05:58:12 pm
Wow now look who’s RACIST 🤣 you’re the same type that would advocate the racist signs in 1920’s New York and elsewhere, “Irish, “Micks” “Guinness” need not apply” 🙄
8/23/2015 04:55:57 pm
I am a little confused over what my Rh-negative blood actually means, but if it is part of a reptilian alien elite, then somebody should have told me before now.
8/23/2015 06:44:13 pm
All pseudo history is racist.I've seen that ancient-origins site and it is rife with racism.Of course their favorite is their racism againts native americans which seems to be the norm.
8/24/2015 02:29:28 am
Icke's premise has always seemed to me to be racist against White People. Insisting that White People are the ones inherently more likely to be the evil shape shifting Reptilian or vessels for their interdimensional cousins.
Duke of URL
8/24/2015 03:40:02 am
Hey, *I'm* a Celt! Where do I go to collect my slaves to do mining gold, diamonds, and other precious metals for me?
8/24/2015 06:33:10 am
This is indeed one of the strangest aspects of fringe theories, that they accept racist ideas in their fantasy worlds. What would ring an alarm in all of us in the real world, is nice and shiny in the fantasy world. For me, this clearly shows that these persons mostly are dreamers. They clearly know deep in their heart that their fantasies have nothing to do with reality. (Only few try to transfer their fantasies into reality ...)
Bob Jase
8/24/2015 06:40:36 am
One would think that an ancient wise race of aliens would do a few controlled test runs of their pet genetics project to make sure they got the results they wanted rather than a majority of failures.
8/24/2015 09:19:14 am
"Petricevic never bothers to do more that feint toward any reason to suspect that a particular blood protein would be associated with both slavery and absolute power, or why those two concepts would be the same thing. " Since I have that particular blood protein, and spent 30 years in civil service, the answer would seem to be, (depending upon one's particular politico-historical predelictions), "either", "neither", or "both". Makes sense to me..
terry the censor
9/4/2015 09:07:35 pm
> Nick Redfern, who has a new book out about the Rh-factor called Bloodline of the Gods
11/17/2019 05:53:10 pm
LMAO do you and your time wasting politics of political correctness and anti-white jargon really amount to anything in the end? Do you exalt yourselves based on your own false sense of racial pride. This planet Earth ok, the planet where the lion doesn’t really give a shit of the monkey thinks he’s racist. The ant will never be on the level of a human as the human will never be on the same level as the divine. Only wishful coombaya thinking. Stupid hippies replacing real education of science, math and TRUE historical facts with liberal farts, genders studies and social sciences (aka social engineering and reprogramming).
11/17/2019 06:55:44 pm
Sorry my comment was meant to be a reply to this article. Not to you. This page is glitchy AF and caused my browser to crash also.
11/17/2019 05:41:56 pm
These authors you are trying to discredit with your emotional reaction at the historical truth of the world but if you hate what these authors have simply repeated from the Gnostics and divinities themselves, you are REALLY going to hate that the lost tablets of Enki and numerous other ancient Sumerian creation texts concur. This is why Enlil said the truth wasn’t meant for humans. I agree with him there. I bet you still champion and virulently defend the fostering of men pretending to women and ice versa (trans programming) and for the gayifcation of the nation by confusing impressionable children about gender she. I can tell you as an inhuman being, these programs are being implemented for population control. I personally find the programs a bit too cruel, sick and ineffective as far as the necessary curbing of Human numbers.
11/17/2019 06:14:43 pm
Truth is stranger than fiction. As disheartening or unpleasant as the truth may be for some, so goes the notion ”YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH”. I knew humans weren’t ready for this. They’d go ape shit. (Pun intended) however all the dissatisfaction, bemoaning of and reviling of the truth doesn’t make it untrue however 😂
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