Time magazine carried a disturbing article yesterday about conspiracy theories and their growing impact on the 2020 electorate. In the article, voters described a variety of beliefs derived from Q-Anon conspiracy theories as well as the occult fringe of YouTube, including a number of references to former Ancient Aliens star David Wilcock’s “cabal” of parasitic blood-drinking liberal extraterrestrial elites who have long been a staple of Q-Anon culture under other names. I hate saying I told you so, but how many years of warning did we have about this coming intellectual apocalypse from the History Channel’s parade of shows stoking panic about demons by other names? How many years of warning did we have watching Wilcock build an underground following of millions of believers absorbing his snake oil about secret government blood-drinking extraterrestrial liberals? Just for the record, Wilcock was spouting the nonsense about underground pedophile blood-drinking liberal elite alien cultists years before the October 2017 debut of Q-Anon, as I previously documented. His version, centered on Hollywood and Jews, derived directly from the (false) 1980s Satanic panic literature and Hollywood’s long (and actually partially true) history of sexual exploitation and abuse. The blood-drinking Satan-worshiping pedophiles in underground tunnels seem to come straight out of the infamous McMartin case of 1983-1990, where those exact allegations had been made against preschool staff through moral panic and damaging (and deceptive) hypnotic regression therapy. I’m not sure who was the first person to apply these themes to Hollywood or the Reptilian/alien “cabal,” but Wilcock’s use of the Q-Anon conspiracy material years before there was a Q-Anon shows how Q-Anon was able to take preexisting Ancient Aliens and Christian fundamentalist conspiracy theories and use them to give a spurious depth and history to a thin veneer of Trump-worship. Just look at how Wilcock-style Q-Anon ideas have dribbled off the internet into everyday life. This example comes from Wisconsin: On a cigarette break outside their small business in Ozaukee County, Tina Arthur and Marcella Frank told me they plan to vote for Trump again because they are deeply alarmed by “the cabal.” They’ve heard “numerous reports” that the COVID-19 tents set up in New York and California were actually for children who had been rescued from underground sex-trafficking tunnels. While both Q-Anon and Wilcock use “the Cabal” to refer to the evil alien/demon/liberals, it’s probably worth mentioning that the Cabal is a pretty close parallel to the Syndicate from The X-Files, whose mythology folded into Wilcock’s and Q-Anon. By 2000, the Syndicate was being referred to as a “cabal,” as evidenced by Jan Delasara’s use of the term in PopLit, PopCult and the X-Files (McFarland), possibly through contamination from ufologist Steven Greer’s use of “cabal” to describe his appropriation of X-Files mythology in the mid-1990s. The earliest reference I found to the modern idea was from 1995, but Otto Binder used the word “cabal” in 1967 to describe a UFO conspiracy in his What We Really Know about Flying Saucers, as did Randall Fitzgerald in 1979’s Complete Book of Extraterrestrial Encounters. All of that, in turn, seems to date back to mid-twentieth-century conspiracies about the Council on Foreign Relations as an “Invisible Government,” often referred to as a “cabal.” That ties it all back to traditional right-wing John Birch Society-style conspiracies, which take us a bit beyond our scope. Time threw up its hands and said that they don’t understand why people believe these weird ideas. Believers themselves don’t always know the origins of their own ideas, pointing most often to “online” as the repository of secret wisdom. But there are decades of precedent that gradually built toward a complex belief system with each new tabloid article, media panic, and History Channel occult program. And this isn’t just an issue of people believing in a new satanic panic. It’s a massive problem for the very notion that Americans can even agree on the definition of reality: “They’re not on the same epistemological grounding, they’re not living in the same worlds,” says Whitney Phillips, a professor at Syracuse who studies online disinformation. “You cannot have a functioning democracy when people are not at the very least occupying the same solar system.” Recent surveys have found that a quarter of Americans believe COVID-19 is a planned conspiracy, and more than half of Republicans told Pew Research that they believe some or all of the Qanon conspiracy.
Time talked to a voter named Kelly Ferro who practices yoga in the morning and then spends several hours watching online conspiracy videos, taking them for a divine revelation of a glorious truth shining as brightly as Trump’s orange bronzer. “You can’t stop, because it’s so addicting to have this knowledge of what kind of world we’re living in,” she told Time. “We’re living in an alternate reality.” And there it is, that old Gnostic hope, to break out of the pain and suffering of the physical world toward a more real one somewhere beyond. But I’ll be damned how anyone can think Trump is going to rend the veil and bring down the New Jerusalem. Well, St. John did say it would be covered in gold and encrusted with gaudy gems (Revelation 21:18-21), so there’s that.
Nick Danger
9/11/2020 10:29:38 am
We have reached the point technologically that the internet can, with some willing suspension of disbelief, allow us to be whatever we want to be. Apparently, a lot of people want to be superheroes, rescuing helpless children from evil supervillains.
9/11/2020 01:32:26 pm
The internet has given snake oil salesmen a willing audience of billions of gullible customers. It has forever changed the way many con men operate, allowing them to make loads of money by volume.
Joe Scales
9/11/2020 10:36:25 am
I was surprised the Time article even mentioned Democratic embrace of conspiracy theories; though of course... downplaying them. And not surprisingly, you don't even recognize them to begin with, and continue your association fallacy driven politicking.
Nick Danger
9/11/2020 11:24:51 am
WordPress is ready when you are...
9/11/2020 01:23:29 pm
"But by far the greatest delusions I heard came from voters on the right. More than a third of the Trump supporters I spoke with voiced some kind of conspiratorial thinking."
9/16/2020 03:28:18 am
Spoken like someone who was not around for the 1969 flu epidemic,
Bama Dillert
9/11/2020 02:11:29 pm
The most well-known and idiotic conspiracy theories are associated with the right wing. We shall have to agree to disagree on whether this constitutes downplaying leftwing conspiracy theory. Do you think that focusing on the current covid epidemic means that we are downplaying ingrown toenails?
Tim bridges
9/11/2020 06:45:30 pm
Doesn’t change the fact it’s mostly right wingers who think this obvious bollocks, and doesn’t change the fact that they’re in government right now. And have a chance of consolidating their foothold in power in November.
9/13/2020 09:08:14 pm
It's like giving the car keys to a 5 year old. These people are not ready for responsibility and they certainly are NOT ready to defend/protect/promote the freedoms of ALL citizens, regardless of creed, gender, orientation, level of success etc.
9/11/2020 12:43:31 pm
Yeesh, kind of wished I hadn't checked your blog today. This is so depressing.
Martin Stower
9/11/2020 07:12:17 pm
Thinking about this. The entertainment industry, certainly, but I do not believe that SF fans and cosplayers are the problem. Rather those unable to find an outlet in fantasy known to be fantasy: the simple-minded, literal-minded and just plain stupid. For these the “infotainment” of Ancient Aliens and worse.
Lyn McConchie
9/13/2020 03:37:26 pm
I've been a member of fandom since 1980 in my country. (And writing SF/F since 1990) The interesting thing about some of this is that no one I know in fandom believes any of this. They are in fandom to enjoy SF/F, not to live out such dopey falacies.
Martin Stower
9/11/2020 06:44:42 pm
The (sick) joke is that the execs who presided over this infotainment stultification/radicalisation likely believed that the public isn’t stupid enough to believe it.
Martin Stower
9/11/2020 06:55:20 pm
1920: “They wouldn’t let them print it if it weren’t true.”
Alphard Grape
9/11/2020 07:47:49 pm
In the late 1970's "60 Minutes" ran several stories regarding blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls being kidnapped in the US and sold into sexual slavery in Saudi Arabia. I don't recall hearing anymore about it after 1980.
Hilda Hilpert
9/17/2020 11:21:54 am
Oh yeah, I remember that one, and the McMartin case. Are there people who are true satanists with the whole blood thing, the Black Mass, which is parody of the Catholic Mass, etc. sure. But they aren't spouting off about it on tv and do whatever they do in great secrecy.
Not Kent
9/11/2020 08:57:39 pm
Hey, J.
I’m with Brian and almost wish I hadn’t read the blog. I joined Parler....and yes, it’s an echo chamber that would be improved by the addition of a liberal with a following of at least 50,000. They are offering a bounty of 20 grand if you all know anyone that fits the bill whose willing to cross over. Beyond that, this is the reality of German Idealism in political form folks. I keep thinking of the 1993 book Why we are not Nietzscheans as a bell weather that claimed (falsely) to warn about what brought this on but that’s possibly unfair. You can criticize it for its “organic flaws” all you want but “Think locally and act globally” applies in the life of the average person. Even when the will to act outstrips the ability to effect change. The fact is there is a sex trafficking pandemic. Check the numbers. I’m not going to quote anything, and while you all sit throwing shade, “some people did something “ and they are TRAFFICKING CHILDREN and ADULTS. Look at how many children go missing each year in just the US alone. Don’t look at any numbers other than that and tell me what do you think the people taking these children believe? What code do they live their lives by? I’m in full agreement it need not be Satanism but fascist is a term that typically involves the willingness to kill those deemed imperfect to better the lives of those deemed worthy. Don’t bother replying. I’ve not said anything reply worthy. But do the world a favor and LOOK UP THE NUMBERS OF MISSING CHILDREN IN THE US. Look at how many busts Trump has overseen. If you don’t see a problem, you need to look in the mirror.
9/12/2020 01:49:18 am
It’s because a) they’re scared of people taking away ‘their way of life’, b) they don’t know what to believe anymore, because the internet offers too much information, and it’s easier to fixate on a bubble than look at all of it, c) because people are fanning the flames of FUD, d) increasing marketing of social media sites as ‘the only’ place to be
Nick Danger
9/14/2020 09:52:40 am
Giant Vinnie Barbarino ovah here
9/12/2020 12:29:24 pm
Where did the Cylon originate? Battlestar Galactica, the text shelter specialist L. Ron, or some other source? I haven't seen Battlestar Galactica since it first aired. I recall the Cylons being reptiles who allegedly died out leaving behind robots also called Cylons. I seem to recall one reptile showing up.
9/12/2020 11:26:58 pm
Surprised not to see a mention in the article or comments of the fundamental point that QAnon is basically a remixed version of the medieval Blood Libel and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Is this too obvious to mention? I would hope not. And of course the word "cabal" comes from cabala.
Surveys .... and how to read them.
Lyn McConchie
9/13/2020 03:57:34 pm
Jason said "The blood-drinking Satan-worshiping pedophiles in underground tunnels seem to come straight out of the infamous McMartin case of 1983-1990, where those exact allegations had been made against preschool staff through moral panic and damaging (and deceptive) hypnotic regression therapy."
9/13/2020 10:05:31 pm
Even Jason nods sometimes. "The blood-drinking Satan-worshiping pedophiles in underground tunnels (first) seem to come straight out of the infamous" reports of the early Christians when they showed up in Rome. Damn debauched heathens.
I’m on Parler, and I’ve found that the best way to challenge believers in the cabal is to ask them why they don’t have more faith in Jesus. Accusing them in having faith in Satan to be in control usually shuts them up and then you see them blink. Quite frankly, they’ve created a Surrealist environment and there are parallels to criticism of the body of Nietzsche’s work. It’s social engineering. Point blank. They are attempting something but I’m not sure how coordinated it is.
9/14/2020 06:58:07 pm
In this instance specifically but also in general you sound like a lunatic.
9/16/2020 01:28:02 am
Hmmm. You're the only one so far who's mentioned the word "geek" or the word "fiction" and the two together. You may think everyone's talking about you but that's a delusion. Helpful hint: When you go out in public, no one is talking about you. They're talking about trivial stuff from their own life.
9/16/2020 06:12:23 pm
You may think everyone's talking about you but that's a delusion. I hate to break it to you Kent but the First Time a member of my family who happened to be a MD and TRANS CULTURAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST told me that being gay was not a choice I was probably 12. I have a step brother whose biological father divorced his mother in order to marry a man. He retired from the Air Force after that and my father picked up his discarded wife and whisked her away. I don’t care WHY you saw a need to interject homosexual Star Trek references into a conversation that wasn’t about them in the first place but I am certainly calling you a GOD DAMED BIGOT NOW. If you have never heard of The Log Cabin Republicans I suggest you Google them you piece of S:&t
Hilda Hilpert
9/17/2020 11:29:09 am
I don't think you're nuts AMHC in anyway. I agree with you.The Bible talks about there will be wars, and rumors of wars. Jesus and the apostles speak of wolves in sheeps clothing and false teachers and prohets and how we are not to listen to them.Sometimes I think our society is getting dumber every day.
9/17/2020 05:21:30 pm
Wow, endless issues. Think people are talking about you, mandatory homosexuality, Jezebel spirit, anger bubbling, hatred of Star Trek fanfic, and of course profanity. No wonder people talk about you.
Nerd11135 ("An Anonymous Nerd," rebranded)
9/14/2020 08:46:56 am
Well let's see here....Just a general reply, trying to debunk some of the bunk others have spread.
Nerd11135, just to clarify two things:
9/15/2020 11:33:56 am
Bunk. Debunk. More Bunk. Eventually I'll get too depressed and tired to respond and go away. (Soon enough, I'm sure.)
9/15/2020 11:41:43 am
President Trump could raise someone from the dead and within a few hours he would be denounced across the liberal media for practicing medicine without a license.
Martin Stower
9/15/2020 03:03:30 pm
Another Trumpette confusing Trump with Jesus.
9/15/2020 07:28:49 pm
Another lefty with even fewer brain cells than Biden who can't understand sarcasm.
Martin Stower
9/15/2020 10:25:29 pm
Another nitwit Trumpette reveals the limitations of her imagination, in which everyone lives in the USA and everyone fits into the facile categories of her politics-for-dummies.
9/16/2020 12:19:39 pm
In other words you have nothing. Even as I type this the liberal media is frantically working to downplay the historic agreement signed yesterday and brokered by President Trump. If a liberal had brokered the exact same thing the liberal media would be demanding a Nobel Prize for the accomplishment. Everyone knows that and no amount of spin by you will change that.
Martin Stower
9/16/2020 02:48:18 pm
Still not got that I do not live in your country and do not share your parochial obsession with US media?
9/22/2020 08:43:38 pm
Trump has earned every bit of the hate he receives.
Martin Stower
9/22/2020 09:41:22 pm
TV clip not long ago: Trumpette saying (tearfully) “He’s here to save us!”
Joe Scales
9/15/2020 11:47:17 am
"Mr. Scales and his ongoing false equivalence of the conspiratorial elements of the Left and Right."
Martin Stower
9/15/2020 03:00:09 pm
If they have not “repeatedly pointed out that there is a clear and long-standing connection between the Fringe and the Right”—if rather they have “done no such thing”—what exactly is it you’re complaining about?
9/15/2020 08:44:33 pm
9/16/2020 11:10:55 pm
Scales you should know better.
9/17/2020 08:34:15 am
But Joe counters with excuses on why he cannot support his position.
Martin Stower
9/17/2020 11:05:01 am
You don’t understand. It’s just that he’s too considerate of your feelings to prove that your politics would prevent you from seeing them.
Joe Scales
9/17/2020 11:08:58 am
Politics is a cesspool Jim. That you care to dabble within its partisan hypocrisy is wholly disqualifying for rational discourse. It's all I've ever pointed out to counter Jason's unabashed politicking on the site.
9/17/2020 03:02:41 pm
Joe Scales:
Joe Scales
9/18/2020 11:03:58 am
Right Jim. It's good vs. evil. As every partisan believes...
9/18/2020 01:22:47 pm
" It's good vs. evil."
Joe Scales
9/20/2020 09:28:42 am
"Your sad fall back position that everyone who disagrees with you is somehow a partisan Democrat is complete nonsense."
9/20/2020 01:59:13 pm
Scales: ,," It is actually you, and the partisan cabal here"
Martin Stower
9/21/2020 04:38:35 pm
How do I join this cabal?
9/22/2020 10:10:55 pm
Mr. Nerdiiiest, you seem to have a laundry list of people who are nefarious, some would even say you've provided a partial list of left wing conspiracy theories.
E.P. Grondine
9/15/2020 10:18:54 am
These people have no idea what is happening to their lives, and are just trying to fit together different pieces into a coherent narrative. It only gets scary when they have firearms.
The Guardian about QAnon polls:
9/15/2020 01:13:56 pm
Right wing shock host Alex Jones is indirectly to blame for the biry of QAnon. See Pizzagate stories. Jones fan went mad and tried to kill the alleged cabal under a pizza place, but there was none, and he was arrested. Jones was never charged.
9/15/2020 05:02:47 pm
"Jones was never charged." Perhaps because of committing no crime?
9/15/2020 05:07:49 pm
Actually, 'cabal' does come from Qabbalah, which simply means "received, as a tradition passed down in Hebrew. It came to signify people forming a secret subgroup much later.
9/15/2020 05:39:01 pm
I like "Rittenhouse".
9/18/2020 03:07:23 pm
Kent on Beck:
4th and 5th gold plates
9/18/2020 04:05:32 pm
Could have chosen to become a Dunkard or a Mennonite. Went to school with one Mennonite girl who was taught black men had tails. She wound up having three mixed children in the first 2 years of college. At first, I couldn't figure out how someone could make it through life thinking like that. Then I realized I was surrounded by several men who couldn't read a write. I blame the educational system in general.
9/16/2020 01:14:31 pm
Alex Jones is the one suggesting he would eat his neighbors, but it was Gingrich who repeated it.
Martin Stower
9/17/2020 11:46:49 am
QAnon: I have to keep reminding myself that this is not 觀音.
Martin Stower
9/17/2020 05:53:15 pm
Mention of Otto Binder. Otto Binder exemplifies the exceptional case of a science fiction author giving credence to UFOs and ancient astronauts.
Martin Stower
9/20/2020 10:27:04 am
9/21/2020 12:15:14 pm
Perhaps a portion of the current problem with the right and their overabundance of conspiracy theories compared to the left is due to the fact that they (the right) have to make crap up against their targets whereas the left simply has to tell the truth to attack their targets.
9/21/2020 05:47:07 pm
"The left simply do not need to make crap up." Yet they do, Steele Dossier, cough cough. Thirty thousand emails on yoga classes and wedding plans, cough cough.
9/21/2020 07:31:13 pm
Sure Kent, sure.
9/22/2020 07:07:33 pm
It certainly was "crap" that was "made up". Up your daisy.
Martin Stower
9/22/2020 07:41:55 pm
Sorry, I’ve lost track. Who’s making stuff up? Is it Kent?
9/23/2020 08:26:01 pm
Jim, meet Daisy:
9/21/2020 12:17:11 pm
I sure hope that the comments section helps out Mr. Colavito's numbers. Because at this point, substantively, it's become little more than the Charge of the Fringe/Right Brigade any time Mr. Colavito writes something that offends them.
Joe Scales
9/21/2020 09:21:09 pm
Sure. Jason can learn much from fawning sycophants such as yourself, with only Google for an education, basking in his glow while attempting to climb upon his pedestal, so to speak. And speaking of taking offense... that's your bag Nerd. (sigh)
9/23/2020 12:42:18 pm
The Complete and Unabridged Collection of Joe Scales Evidence for Left Wing Conspiracies in these Comments.
9/23/2020 07:56:04 pm
Reminds me of the lost Spinal Tap album:
Joe Scales
9/24/2020 09:50:28 am
"Hey Joe, why can't you debate anything with fact, logic and knowledge ?"
9/24/2020 01:16:36 pm
Joe Scales
9/25/2020 11:12:37 am
"Why then Joe do you respond to me at all ?"
9/25/2020 08:29:30 pm
Lol Joe,, hahahaha.
Joe Scales
9/26/2020 09:32:49 am
Wrong again Jim; as is your want. I've posted dozens of times on Andy's site and had been there well before the 2016 election. That's just the point where you all lost your minds. But if you'd like to believe I just went there once and was driven off by you and your many monikers... good for you Jim. You get a cookie.
9/26/2020 05:26:25 pm
Sounds like a daisy situation.
Joe Scales
9/27/2020 08:30:14 pm
Jim types the letter J into his search engine and it auto-completes my name.
9/27/2020 11:44:53 am
You are correct Joe, I was mistaken. You were on Andy's blog more than I remembered.
Joe Scales
9/29/2020 09:25:03 am
Not sure if Jim wishes to live in my head or my pants at this point. This is not something a sane person does. So with that, I will step away from the lunatic. He'll keep going however. Jim cannot stop, as proven by his incessant off-topic blathering which only serves to pollute Jason's board. As if I wish to continue arguments I've already won.
9/29/2020 01:04:30 pm
9/29/2020 06:32:29 pm
Ah, again with the recycling of the definitions. Joe's remark? Arguably only ad hominem if you're homophobic. Yours, however, about the empty head...
The Atlantis Expert
9/29/2020 02:54:26 am
Surely there are more than a few Jeffrey Epsteins who keep their activities low key and out of sight?
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