Travel Channel Adds "America Unearthed" Reruns in Quest to Be as Bad as Rival History Channel1/16/2019 On Monday night, the Travel Channel began airing reruns of the 2013-2015 H2 network series America Unearthed, and I’ve heard from several people contacted by the show’s former production company, Committee Films, that they are currently exploring a revival of the series and are looking to book guests for future episodes. The week-long multi-hour airings of America Unearthed seem poised to test the waters of viewer interest for a future revival. America Unearthed was hosted by self-described “forensic geologist” Scott F. Wolter, an expert in concrete, who explored alleged “mysteries” in the United States for evidence that Old World peoples colonized the future United States prior to Columbus on behalf of a vast conspiracy centered on the claim that the Knights Templar guarded the secret that Jesus Christ was not God but rather the father of a line of European nobles, culminating in the Sinclair family, America’s rightful god-kings. The Travel Channel bills the show as Wolter’s efforts to unravel a conspiracy imposed from above: “He uncovers compelling theories that predate the official ‘discovery’ of the New World and finds evidence of the great lengths people have gone to cover up these mysteries.” Notice that they frame the “discovery” of the New World in terms of European arrival.
Episodes of the series have been reedited into two-hour blocs and given new titles different from their original H2 run. Over the past few months, the Travel Channel rebranded itself Trvl and has increased its volume of Eurocentric anti-historical programming. Last month, Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox claimed that Native Americans were sub-humans who were hybrids of normal humans and non-human cannibal giants. In October, the network aired Lost Amazon: Project Z, which claimed that South America had been settled first by a lost race of Caucasian giants, reducing one of the show’s cast members to tears of joy at the thought that white people were the first inhabitants of the Americas. While show host Scott Wolter is not himself racist, America Unearthed fits into this milieu with an episode devoted to investigating whether Europeans were the real first Americans, an episode asking whether the United States is the royal patrimony of Northern Europeans who colonized it in the Middle Ages, and an episode in which a guest professes admiration for Confederate sympathizers’ efforts to expand slavery and white minority rule across Mexico and the Caribbean. In large measure, such insensitive claims made it to air because the production team relied on uncritically on outdated nineteenth and twentieth century material. At some point, it starts to look like a pattern. It certainly seems as though the Travel Channel is trying to remake itself as a junior knockoff of the History Channel, particularly in the wake of the loss of its most popular series, Expedition Unknown to sister network Discovery. It is especially surprising that the network would take on a modestly rated H2 castoff, but doubly so since Wolter’s America Unearthed earned a rebuke from he Smithsonian for its false claims about the Bat Creek Stone and his allegations of a Smithsonian conspiracy against the American people, and Wolter’s follow-up series, Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar, earned condemnation from UNESCO for ethical lapses, prompting Wolter to declare the United Nations’ cultural organization biased against Americans. For a network whose highest rated show is currently Mysteries at the Museum, it seems odd to purposely air a show that undermines the work of museums. I asked the public relations director for the Travel Channel for comment, but as of this writing, she had not responded to my request. Ratings for the rebroadcast of America Unearthed were released overnight. Just 475,000 people tuned in. The numbers seem bad, in line with the puny showing for Legends of the Lost, which finished its run with fewer than 400,000 viewers, but the numbers are a significant improvement over the same time period last week, when the Travel Channel prime time lineup failed to rank in the Nielsen ratings and the channel saw its highest ratings all day for afternoon reruns of My Ghost Story.
1/16/2019 08:39:30 am
Oy. As long as there's a dime to be plucked from the pockets of the gullible, this crap will never die.
1/16/2019 09:39:13 am
Sorry to be off-topic, but have you ever noticed that Oak Island is shaped like a rubber ducky? Go down by the duck's butthole, say the magic words, and untold riches will be pooped out by the island. This is the real secret of OI.
Joe Scales
1/16/2019 09:50:21 am
Wolter is a uniting force. Generally, we all stop squabbling when his topics come up here and we can bash him in holy harmony. So we should all agree that we need to see more of him on TV. You know... peace in our time and all.
1/16/2019 10:10:03 am
For once, almost everyone can agree with Joe Scales. Scott F. Wolter is a unifying force that invites scorn and excoriation from all sides of the spectrum. He's the "fringe" joke gift that keeps on giving. His very presence on a program immediately lends the show incredulity and absurdity.
1/16/2019 10:28:19 am
What I found funny of the latest airing of this show is that right off the bat they chose to replay the Mustang Mountain runestone episode..... The episode that, more than any of the others, calls into question Wolter's expertise in the field of study where he actually earned a legitimate degree. Since the original airing, the Mustang Mountain stone has been debunked without question, but in this episode Scott slobbers all over it claiming that it is hundreds of years old.
1/16/2019 01:42:05 pm
Wolter used his "go to" excuse for the Mustang Mountain stone carvings showing no signs of weathering that they should if they were exposed for hundreds of years.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
1/16/2019 12:50:04 pm
"While show host Scott Wolter is not himself racist"
Joe Scales
1/16/2019 01:23:22 pm
Perhaps Jason is of the mistaken impression that if your politics are liberal, then you are not a racist. For me, it's how you live that decides; not necessarily your politics.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
1/16/2019 01:39:26 pm
My guess would be it's just a prudent thing to say, so the writer can say "Hey, I said Wolter wasn't racist!"
Joe Scales
1/16/2019 05:03:25 pm
I fondly recall him declaring to his minions the certainty that I was none other than Richard Nielsen. Then Nielsen died...
American Cool "Disco" Dan
1/16/2019 05:43:27 pm
Speaking of crazyass shit, check this out for a boatload of craziness from "Anthony Warren". See if anything "Hooks" you.
Accumulated Wisdom
1/16/2019 07:07:35 pm
What's crazy, Sniffles? Sexual symbolism? The Pool/Billiard Table being a teaching tool for Astronomy?
American Cool "Disco" Anthony Hooks
1/16/2019 08:29:19 pm
I don't get why you're not posting on Wolter's blog anymore since he'll print and swallow whatever batshit nonsense you jizz into a textbox. Did he find out you're posting here and are cheating on him?
Vlad the Inhaler
1/16/2019 09:57:59 pm
Not every comment submitted makes it onto Scotty's Website. Mention his little lawsuit and association with a neo-nazi in the same post and it won't make it.
American cool "Disco" Dan
1/16/2019 10:20:14 pm
Our Anthony, Priceless Defender, Accumulated Wisdom, has been a prolific and welcomed poster there for years under the name Anthony Warren, which he adopted in February 2015. Wolter has given him a forum for his batshit craziness, including the risible idea that a game invented in the 1920s is intended to teach Kabbalah. And to answer the inevitable question, no he doesn't read Hebrew, any more than Wolter reads Swedish or French or Diana Muir reads Latin. He's just one of many mental patients who isn't shy about sharing his delusions.
Accumulated Wisdom
1/17/2019 02:13:20 am
"Nine-Ball SEEMS to have been developed around 1920"
Joe Scales
1/17/2019 11:12:41 am
So then... Resolved:
Joe Scales
1/17/2019 08:30:36 pm
Wolter's next book ought to be a collection of Anthony's emails. I suppose he could call it The Descent... or maybe that's already been taken.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
1/19/2019 12:14:12 pm
"Anonymous January 17, 2019 at 3:14 PM
1/19/2019 12:45:25 pm
Anthony blew it, if he would have used eight ball Wolter would glommed onto it, eight being Wolters imagined Templar/Goddess holy number. When Patrick tosses in an eight into his dumbass formulas Wolter gets all excited and agrees with everything Patrick says.
An Anonymous Nerd
1/21/2019 05:42:50 pm
I've seen nothing indicating that Mr. Wolter is Liberal. If you have something please cite it because, if it's accurate, I'd be very curious as to how he bridges the gap between this and the politics his public persona gives comfort to.
Joe Scales
1/21/2019 08:51:07 pm
See what happens when you use Google for brains? You'll have to remain curious.
1/16/2019 06:45:07 pm
Yes. There was a Native American person once. And there were some native Hawaiians in the episode on the menehune. And the fact that I can NAME the times that there were non-white people on the show tells you that it was not NEARLY enough. If it isn't overtly racist as a show, it is decidedly skewed in that direction.
1/16/2019 07:33:51 pm
The answer to your anger is... balance. The entire history of white people has been erased by black supremacists. If a person who is aware of their past gets an opportunity to tell it, of course, they will emphasize what has been suppressed. You view it as racism, the speaker will view it as history.
1/16/2019 07:40:39 pm
"There was a Native American person once."
1/16/2019 07:47:19 pm
Eagle Feather,,,, You agree with Wolter that the Native Americans had no rights to land in America ?
1/16/2019 08:00:41 pm
Note to every post -
1/16/2019 08:11:14 pm
Titus pullo
1/16/2019 08:18:17 pm
Using ur standard i could say hollywood sit coms writers snd producers are anti catholic as they trnd to be mostly jewish. Elementary schools are anti men as most teachers atr women. I could point out the lack of italian americans in the Obama admin and say he was a bigot and so on. Unequal results doesnt mean very much most of the time in a free society. I mean seriously should yhe nba be forced yo be 70 percent white? We all have a right to discriminate in the marketplace. Its called freedom
Vanessa Barnes
1/16/2019 05:40:21 pm
Get over it guys. The show is BACK! Travel apparently bought it from History and is rebooting the show.
Joe Scales
1/17/2019 11:17:00 am
Lovely skirt there, Philyaw. Lookin' good! And hey, some of us would LOVE to see Wolter back on TV.
1/16/2019 05:45:54 pm
Columbus 1492. Mayan pyramid generally agreed to by scholars as 250 BC. The term Pre-Columbian exists, therefore it has a meaning.
1/16/2019 06:47:42 pm
The problem is, honey, that no, people DON'T "know the truth," and therefore the racist narrative that Wolter builds is accepted as factual by people who DON'T know any better. And no, sorry, skeptic arguments could NOT be "dismissed just as easy," since they're largely based on FACTS, and facts have an inconvenient way of not disappearing just because you don't LIKE them.
1/16/2019 07:27:59 pm
The truth IS KNOWN. It has been outlined for you several times. Not every layer of each society has been spoken, but the purpose behind the societies have. The purpose of society is simply renewal, to preserve what was created over time. Some things are abominable, other things are justified.
1/17/2019 02:19:12 pm
American cool "Disco" Dan
1/17/2019 03:26:00 pm
Our Scott is not one to let facts get in the way. There was ONE Catholic colony which later became the state of Maryland. VENUS FAMILY! For a while Massachusetts had a state religion but it was not Catholicism. I wonder what his thoughts are on the Palestinians. It's easy to be against genocide when everyone's already dead.
Doc Rock
1/17/2019 07:02:31 pm
1/17/2019 08:47:10 pm
From poking and prodding Wolter on his blog, I honestly believe he thinks he is a Templar, and that he actually does worship the Goddess.
Shane Sullivan
1/17/2019 10:57:23 pm
Kudos for taking the time to dig so deep, Jim. I don't have the stomach to read Wolter's blog. I have enough nightmares from watching Suddenly Susan once.
Doc Rock
1/18/2019 12:27:33 am
1/19/2019 07:21:41 am
In a textbook example of "seeing what you want to see", Super Pseudo-man does it again.
Joe Scales
1/19/2019 10:55:31 am
He is the imbecilic poseur. And yes, there is an all powerful feminine force behind his "work". Her name is Mrs. Wolter...
1/20/2019 12:56:20 am
Eagle Feather, do you just have a twisted sense of humor and are trying to amuse us? Or do you actually mean what you are saying?
Joe Scales
1/20/2019 10:36:10 am
Ah, I see your angle here. Confront nonsense with even more nonsense. Brilliant!
1/22/2019 12:38:06 am
HANS, booby, I'm your white knight.
1/22/2019 01:00:12 am
1/22/2019 01:35:25 am
Sorry, I'm too kind to be cruel
Tony Marino
1/22/2019 01:03:32 am
As someone who's written more than his fair share of fiction,I think a lot of this stuff generally belongs in that realm. Unfortunately for those like Scott Wolter or Megan Fox,much of this stuff has little proof to back it up. They try,but it almost always comes up short in the evidence department.
1/22/2019 01:33:48 am
TONY, nice to see you again!
1/22/2019 01:46:17 am
- there would have been no BC, just a bunch of mythology.
1/22/2019 09:34:44 am
'If the pyramids come in at 1500 AD, every timeline is skewed'
1/22/2019 09:37:02 am
My bad, should have read - Which means, Columbus forged a diary of finding 'Indians' in America, to conceal the fact that they were starting an industry of slave trade.
Tony Marino
1/22/2019 08:40:31 pm
Ah yes. Let's beat up on Columbus because he was searching for another route to Asia and ended up finding a continent that nobody else in the rest of the world knew about beforehand. From what I know,he wasn't responsible for slavery. He just stumbled upon this continent. He had no idea what would happen next.
Joe Scales
1/23/2019 10:53:53 am
"As for Eagle Feather,for a lot of people,including myself,don't see the proof of what he's talking about." 1/24/2019 09:33:12 pm
Just to show how fuzzy these things get. I was reading an old Masonic Journal and came across a reference to a stone found on Goat Island across from Annapolis, Nova Scotia dated 1608. It had a square and compass chiseled on it along with the date, making it the first monument to Masonry in America. It's discovery was credited to a famous Geologist, Charles Thomas Jackson (June 21, 1805 – August 28, 1880). Wolter would go nuts to know the stone was preserved for some time, and eventually given to a new museum then under construction with instructions to place in in the outer wall facing inside the exhibition hall. Unfortunately a worker oblivious to the agreement plastered it over. Several attempts to remove different sections of plaster to uncover it proved fruitless.
Joe Scales
1/25/2019 09:57:48 am
Sounds like a made up story. A photograph that doesn't actually show what it's supposed to show. A promoter that died in the looney bin. Add a dash of "masonic scholars", and yeah... perfect for Wolter. All that's missing is a hooked X.
Charles Verrastro
1/25/2019 11:09:22 am
Give it time. I'm sure if they ever were to pry it out of the museum walls they will say the hooked x was secretly removed by a Masonic Cabal prior to the bequest. The workman who plastered the carving over was probably also a stonemason (and so, ipso facto, a Mason).
1/26/2019 02:51:16 pm
in a As to Columbus, I am Italian and have read his private journals and theological prophetic writings. He was very much a believer in Messianic visions of missionary work to bring about the Heavenly City on earth. While he did far less damage in his initial forays as later explorers did he set many of practices others would follow in respect to plundering the country and subjugating the natives. I note today there is a push to remove the famous series of murals from Notre Dame depicting Columbus' career. My Uncle (and member of Knights of Columbus-the Catholic response to the outlawed Masons) had a huge reproduction of the mural depicting Columbus' return to the Court of Spain exhibiting the spoils of his voyage. Everything from exotic plants, parrots, and Indian captives. Even as a child I looked on this huge painting hanging in pride of place over his living room with some revulsion.
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