Last week I reported on a Facebook claim that History had reprimanded America Unearthed star Scott Wolter for his alternative history views. I spoke with a representative for History today, and the network says it has never spoken to Wolter about his views. The story reported by the Facebook fan page for America Unearthed is categorically false. Officials for the network confirmed that a meeting did take place in March, but this was to celebrate the show’s renewal for season two. Network officials, in fact, not only are proud of America Unearthed but also confirmed that they have no position on the claims made on the program. (Indeed, many network officials have not watched the complete series and were unaware of some of the more extreme claims made on the show.) According to the History spokesperson, History and H2 programs are intended as entertainment only and are not meant to be considered factual.
titus pullo
4/17/2013 01:33:32 pm
I think the program went off the deep end at the end of the season. I think the ratings will plummit and the program will be 2 and done. is sort of like "finding bigfoot"..after one episode you realize they haven't and if they did you would hear about it in the news before the episode. Too bad since I think they could have approached this topic with a critical eye and focused on debunking all these pre columbian artifacts...when they found one they couldnt or was ambigious..that would then be interesting...
Shawn Sinclair
5/20/2013 05:06:07 pm
Het " titass"...A for effort with this series, to bad you didn't get your own show, we could talk about your information...which is?
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 06:23:23 am
Lol.... He reported on Facebook... that is funny... lol.. wow 9th hand information... that's the standard theses days.. what happened to 1st 2nd and 3rd hand information
2/6/2014 04:31:35 pm
Mr. Wolter is a heck of a lot more educated than this comment and all it's spelling and grammar errors. Of course CC was not the very first to discover's just common sense. Scott does not say categorically that everything he checks out has some hidden meaning. He is just trying to find proof of the many that came before. This is a fascinating show!!
2/6/2014 08:50:46 pm
Boy, easy to bash the guy that can't spell. Funny my Grammer is better then yours! I I like Scott . If you would have read other posts , you would have understood that. I guess your more interested in Un educated arguments .
Barry henson
2/22/2014 07:58:00 am
Scott's show is very damn interesting and I'm sure he'll be on several years from now.
2/6/2016 12:34:45 am
JJ, I Agree 100%.
Dan D
4/17/2013 02:41:04 pm
"According to the History spokesperson, History and H2 programs are intended as entertainment only and are not meant to be considered factual."
Jon B
4/17/2013 04:15:35 pm
"According to the History spokesperson, History and H2 programs are intended as entertainment only and are not meant to be considered factual."
4/18/2013 04:13:09 am
"According to the History spokesperson, History and H2 programs are intended as entertainment only and are not meant to be considered factual."
Shawn Sinclair
5/20/2013 05:08:22 pm
Or dirty " D" they could give us the same 'ol shit, I think more shows should offer " questions like Scott's.
Christopher Randolph
4/17/2013 06:28:31 pm
It sounds like when the History Channel changed their name to History they picked the wrong word to drop.
4/23/2013 12:37:22 pm
Oh, thank you for the giggle in your first line! Last year in the lead up to the end of the world, I'd taken to calling it the "Hysteria Channel," but your comment is so much more clever.
Shawn Sinclair
5/20/2013 05:12:59 pm
Chrissy,I guess thats why you don't have a show of your own funny guy. Shits and giggles, perhaps stop watching H2 is the next best thing for you since you don't agree with the programming, or better yet...just buy the station and create your own.... dick.
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 05:58:23 am
I can see that most of you writing these comments have no idea of facts and events through time. I have been looking at data about these things since I was a child. All these fact are through archeology, and messed with other historians and books available to everyone. If his findings have no facts then explain in your great wisdom why the white house is the almost exact replica of the temple of Jupiter in Baalbeck. .. and explain
12/12/2013 10:41:25 am
Mike, 12/12/2013 10:41:37 am
Mike, 12/12/2013 10:42:29 am
Raymond Howard
12/12/2013 10:43:01 am
Michael DAntuono
12/12/2013 05:19:15 pm
Mr. Howard. Your right my Grammer is terrible. Not only that so is my spelling. But, with that said my historical facts are strong. As well as my ability to connect with the data presented to me bvarious media . As well as being able to use the tools given to me to understand how to see through the gize of smoke and lights history. I don't blog often . I don't find much gain in it , but as we advance in technology, I must.
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 07:15:15 pm
Mr. Howard This Part of my last text message was hard to type or read. I would like to re cap that thought so we can finish this discussion. I quoted ..The temple blood was to guard the age . They we not the blood of jesus but the protectors the name. . What I was typing The Knight's Templars did not guard a blood line,but a name.
Raymond Howard
12/12/2013 11:26:02 pm
Raymond Howard
12/12/2013 11:38:43 pm
Mike Dantuono
12/13/2013 07:36:03 am
You really have no idea do you? You sound like the high priest who questioned Christ, " What good could come from Nazareth". As far as how a Christian talks. You again are off on your history. Peter was a very vulgar man. As a matter of fact he cut off the ear of a man, as well as yell at them for their trespasses against Christ.So the stories go.He also could not read or write. So, I guess you would tell him the same thing you have told me. I'm a man. Sinful in the eye's of God as you Sir are also! To call a brother a fool is one of the worst things to say to another brother in Christ. The difference is your ability to fail safe your inferences with references trying to drag a point at which your probably not even sure of making at this time. Attempting to strip down one's physiology by using an escalated level of intelligence in English, or any other degree you may have, to me Is an abused good. Your very knowledge you have obtained is collaborated ideology and law accumulated from all of us, by all of us, for all of us who seek it in christ's name . In my opinion, the only thoughts you have are the generic form of what seems to be an aggravated bibliography paparazzi. Your new name shall be google. . As far as my diction grammar and spelling. A waste of my time . Why? Most people are common men. Not MIT grads. So, my language , simply put, is humble and simple so all can understand. If that is not true then how did you understand my ill references to, The caves I mentioned through out Europe, but left no comment to the 38000 year old cave that debunks the idea of the Ancient Alien concept. Why? Because it shows a older accepted religion connected to the religion that we are directly referring to . Where depictions of the Anunnaki, show them as giants standing on the necks of smaller men. From different cultures, how is this known? By how they were dressed. Which is accounted in the old testament referring to the stories of Angles fallen from heaven and taking wemon for their brides. As well as the Jewish history of the mountain of Pan, where Azzale and Uzzle fell . Let alone the Nicaea Conference in 325 AD. To that I would add ,The Emperor of Rome of the time ordained the first 4 books not the Conference! So your again correct in your study ,but wrong of the impression that it left. Yes they add and dissolved books. They decided who and what this new God would be. Again these first Christians of Israel These men of the first four books did not carry any books! They carried the gospel of the Son of God . The professed word given to them by the Holy spirit. How ? Christ had to send his spirit after returning to his Abba to them. He was in the likeness of his Abba , he looked like him he was his son . His Abba was in him ,it was the same blood. How could he give himself to him while standing in front of him? But, your title list of books do not include these issues. These are worked out by Our mind.
Raymond Howard
12/13/2013 05:17:42 pm
Dear Mr. Dantuono,
Raymond Howard
12/13/2013 05:22:25 pm
Raymond Howard
12/13/2013 05:25:14 pm
Continued: Final 12/14/2013 01:18:10 am
First , I was humble in asking you to forgive me . Yes I t is God who forgives men . How then can God forgive me if you have not. I also do not follow the King James Bible. I read from the Zondervan Collection. The first writings in the ancient and transposed with no one's in put in ancient Greek as well as Hebrew. Yes I smear the name of Jesus. This name Christ would have never recognized before the Romans gave it to him. Why? The J was not used until the 1600's. So the name is a lie! But, the bigger question is why did Rome lie. In Germany I think to the day his name is Ivous which is a precursor to the name Jesus.
Raymond Howard
12/16/2013 05:18:20 am
Dear Mr. Dantuaono,
Raymond Howard
12/16/2013 05:27:43 am
you a princess? I think not!” She said, “No, but I can't understand it any other way.” I had to tell her, perplexed myself, “Then you'll never know.” Being the problem existed with the idea of getting from earth to heaven, how outside a hutch key her mother came up with, do you explain it otherwise?
Raymond Howard
12/16/2013 05:33:19 am
That at this point is the only meaning left to our senses.” Alas, at the time, she still didn't get it, and at 43 years of age, many years later and married to a non-denominational Protestant minister, upon an occasion, I asked her, “Did you ever find out how to get to heaven?” She sounded like she did when she was a little girl, perplexed and anguished quizzically, “NO!” She loves children, and her own are adored, and interestingly enough beyond Magik, she serves as a Children's Ministry Director. Her oldest daughter otherwise tells, and reads stories both to her own children, and to the children of their church... and in her heart, she knows despite all adversities that lie within the soul of her mother, like you, how to get to heaven. 12/23/2013 07:27:05 am
Mr. Howard ,
Raymond Dean Howard
12/23/2013 11:37:56 am
Mr. DAntuono,
Ms. JJ
2/6/2014 04:41:19 pm
Thank you, Mike. Finally some words of wisdom regarding Scott and his quests. It's a lot better than folks who just go with the status quo because that is what they were taught. We are here to learn lesson our entire lives. I love his insights and I'm glad to see you agree. I don't appreciate people with closed minds. For some reason (probably something to do with their religions) some people seem to be scared stiff of having a truth put right in front of them and they still won't believe anything other than what they have been taught. It's sad, really. Humans are here to discover and learn, not blindly follow.
Tara Jordan
4/17/2013 11:47:38 pm
Jason.At least Scott Wolter acted like an adult & kept is classy.He never made any threats,or requested his fans to launch vicious attacks against you.
4/17/2013 11:51:14 pm
I have never had any personal problem with Scott Wolter, who has criticized ideas rather than individual people. My only difference with Wolter is over ideas. The ancient astronaut believers, though, have repeatedly and viciously accused me of all manner of nefarious intentions for ten years now.
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 01:10:42 am
I agree.These Ancient Aliens professional bottom feeders have no class,not an ounce of dignity. Their reactions range from quasi hysterical to excessive sniveling.They all crave for attention, yet incapable of being subjects to criticism.What a bunch of post pubescent bed-wetters
J. Keller
9/15/2013 03:20:56 am
Well you &countless others have voiced your opinions however you & the other closed minded idiots need to pull your heads out of your asses & realize that Columbus wasn't the first Europeans to come to the new world in fact skeletal remains of Caucasians were found in the mid west that predate colubus' arrival. Secondly you call ancient astronaut theorists bottom feeders, then what do you consider yourself? you have attacked other people's views & ideas furthermore if you're foolish enough to believe that humankind is the only sentient life in existence aside from theological beings then you sir are far beyond stupid
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 06:44:09 am
Jason... that sucks. But America Unearthed and Aliens are way too different to compare. Rellica to little grays and green people. I'll stick with relics and the far fetched questions then green people. Look men thought flight was crazy. We go to space now. My great grand pa said when we landed on the ... that's ah bulla shit! This show the power of thought, taught by people who oppress reality to control and hold people down. It's like that Yale project with crabs. 1 crab tries to escape from the box, and the others pull him back down to die with the rest of them. This is the same concept. I think you get the understanding.
Mike dantuono
2/15/2014 01:39:59 pm
Please pull my email off as my name. On a older post. Thanks
shawn sinclair
5/20/2013 05:40:56 pm
I respect Scott.. Tartie, but an assault on Sinclair is an assault on me, and thats why I'm here. Scott has a good understanding of the Sinclairs, but this is where I draw the line, and anyone who deliver's the kind of attack on them that this group has, should know I'm not going away. Trash talk all you like, I'm NOT going anywhere. If Jason wishes to use women to defend him, thats his choice but I don't agree with Tartie in the least, and no... I'm not a " fan" whatever that means. Vive la famille de St.clair!
Mike Dantuono
12/12/2013 06:19:42 am
Awe ... I love people who defend a family name that don't belong to them. If you are family to the Scott kings then where is your Sir name?
Mike Dantuono
12/12/2013 06:20:14 am
Awe ... I love people who defend a family name that don't belong to them. If you are family to the Scott kings then where is your Sir name?
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 06:20:43 am
Awe ... I love people who defend a family name that don't belong to them. If you are family to the Scott kings then where is your Sir name?
12/27/2014 05:45:47 pm
I don't remember seeing any current posts of yours? I thought you weren't leaving?
Matt Mc
4/18/2013 01:21:56 am
I am glad to hear this. After all Scott's stern worded comments about how people are trying to suppress him it is nice to know that he did not change his approach with the History Channel execs.
Paul Cargile
4/18/2013 03:10:11 am
Regarding factuality: when I first saw Ancient Aliens, I was thinking the program would show both sides of the claims, or set out to prove or disprove, much like what Mythbusters did. Needless to say, I was dissappointed at what I saw, and only looked at a few more episodes just to see what crazy stuff they were doing. It's a shame that a channel known for its past accuracies in historical documentaries has decided not to educate its viewers.
4/18/2013 04:16:46 am
I guess it's because a show called "Ancient Aliens: Debunked. Nothing to see here, folks" wouldn't sell as much advertising. Although I'd watch it. I'd even not fast-forward through the commercials.
4/18/2013 05:41:00 am
The Other J.
4/18/2013 03:11:06 pm
Kenny Feder, Boy Archaeologist!
4/18/2013 03:39:39 pm
I admire Ken Feder too.
4/18/2013 06:35:53 am
I always kind of thought that America Unearthed and Scott Wolter would part ways after a season or two.
4/18/2013 07:13:58 am
I used to be amused by these clowns, but recently I remembered that clowns are not funny, just creepy. It was all good for a larf until I realized there are dopes who believe this stuff. And why are certain people out there pushing this sort of programming? Quick--somebody call Coast to Coast AM, I feel a conspiracy coming on--for realz.
4/18/2013 02:29:57 pm
OK, so these programs on the "History Channel" are just entertainment now? Well, that sort of almost explains some of the crap they push.
4/18/2013 02:36:25 pm
You're welcome! Decoded was a terrible series, but at least it seemed like Meltzer was aware that the conspiracy theories his minions came up with were full of hot air. They did not one but two episodes claiming that the world would end in 2012. The only thing that actually ended was Meltzer's show, which aired its last episode in January 2012.
4/19/2013 04:41:12 pm
Ahem. "Decoded" had a 2012 episode in December of last year. 4/18/2013 06:39:32 pm
I keep looking through this post or the other for any apology from you, Jason, to Scott for leaping on a fake story and running with it. Did I miss the part where you apologize for sloppy and slanted reporting?
Christopher Randolph
4/18/2013 07:19:10 pm
I imagine it's nice to take a break from counting Templar gold coins like Scrooge McDuck and dispatch a nastygram in the downtime.
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 08:50:41 pm
Steve St Sinclair ou "l'energie du desespoir".Your sneers are inappropriate and wholly misplaced.
4/18/2013 11:37:29 pm
I reported at the time what a seemingly credible source who had provided reliable information (confirmed by other sources) had said. That turned out to be wrong. I also printed that I was uncertain whether it happened. Further, the story was already publicly available (from other hands) on other outlets, such as Facebook, where anyone could have read the same material.
6/30/2013 05:26:22 pm
"I'd prefer to have reported that story the first time because that's even worse than the fake one" 6/30/2013 11:32:45 pm
First, please do show me where on my website I'm listing myself as "bestselling author." It's not on my homepage, and if you read my biography, it clearly states "author of the archaeology best-seller." I made sure to avoid using the bestseller adjective before my name precisely so you could not make this argument, and I even had a blog post back in April or so explaining this in detail.
J. Keller
10/11/2013 07:18:42 pm
Well if the so called source was acctualy credible you should have verified the story before running it, that is if you want to be credible & respected yourself 10/11/2013 11:34:48 pm
Scott Wolter himself later confirmed the original story in a radio interview, so History lied to me and your outrage is misplaced.
MIke DAntuono
2/4/2014 08:26:38 am
Jason, I feel you have lost sight on what you do...
Shawn Sinclair
5/20/2013 04:58:18 pm
I see Jason has deleted all of my posts and those of his minions, interesting. Could it be because I told one or two of his members to " tuck their rag ( tampon) in the right hole ie their mouth, where it belongs in stead of slandering others? I think steve has a good point and another is perhaps all those " members" are one in the same, perhaps Jason likes to make up false names and use his alter-ego to make people think he's agreed with more than he thinks. Hmmm
5/20/2013 11:28:46 pm
I only deleted specific verbally abusive posts about which there were specific complaints. I don't post under any other names but mine; I have IP address records for all posters that confirm this.
Mike Dantuono
2/15/2014 01:57:37 pm
The Templar Night strikes again. I do not think you are who you say you are. Your language is awfully disrespectful and surely offended your ancestors.
Mike Dantuono
2/15/2014 01:57:47 pm
The Templar Night strikes again. I do not think you are who you say you are. Your language is awfully disrespectful and surely offended your ancestors.
Mike Dantuono
2/15/2014 01:57:54 pm
The Templar Night strikes again. I do not think you are who you say you are. Your language is awfully disrespectful and surely offended your ancestors.
lillian solis
5/2/2013 09:23:12 am
I really do not care if "America Unearthed" is either factual or otherwise ! I enjoy it ! "Decoded" was also a favorite of mine ! Besides along with a lot of false Implications" there are some truths ! Ratings ? Don't care ! With all those "Mayan Calendar" shows on last year that I enjoyed too doesn't mean I take them with a "grain of salt" just as the rest of the Hype" of End of the world theme shows ! First off The Mayan Calendar was just too accurate BUT simply put mislead a lot of people into believing ! However my feelings have always been that changes will be drastic in the coming years (climate change n etc) Mother Nature will exact her revenge n soon ! [Mayan-Georgia] connection ? Maybe I am the one trying to make a connection But the connection I immediately thought of was the Georgia "guide stones" n are very close to the National park in question ! If I seem "out there" so what ! I enjoyed watching most of this kind of programing n I'm not feeble minded just tend to be a disaster "freak" .....
5/2/2013 10:37:04 am
So, you're OK with TV telling you things that aren't true on the off chance something therein might be true? Wouldn't you rather have shows talk about what is real? How else is the average viewer to decide which claims are "false" and which are "truths"?
shawn Sinclair
5/20/2013 05:02:28 pm
So where's your show then Jason??? Ohh...thats right you don't have one or ever did one. Why not since you can critique soooooooo many with ease?
Raymond Howard
11/23/2013 05:56:33 pm
Jason, what is true? If your looking for the Higgs Boson particle, unless you have a Cern excellerator, you're not going to find it, and there are plenty of average people, let alone pseudo scientists, and otherwise Theoretical Physicists, curious that it extists. What these programs like America Unearthed provide, is curiosity. The average person if they look for "truth", their going to find it. It's done by critical thinking, and you know that better than the average person. Yes, you want to seek "evidence." If the program doesn't provide it, then the average person's access to a computer is going to look for what available information there is and filter it by way of their own analysis. You know full well one person reading the Bible is going to talk about Angels, and Nephelim, others are going to be looking at philology first, and work with the poetic aspects of ancient middle eastern yarn utilizing literal and allegorical meanings with metaphors, and come up logically at some point with, ah, ha, extraterrestrial aliens! Granted, until with today's sciences there are better upgrades found for the technology, we are going to rely on everything from spectral annalysis, CT scan, to DNA testing. You want to find the Holy Gral beyond Scott Wolter, then look for it, but mind you, you have only otherwise the Qumran copper plates to follow... and their pretty hard to read their so corroded. How's you're Aramaic, Greek and Latin to boot in filling in those gaps?
Mike DAntuono
12/14/2013 01:21:40 am
Jason... Do you really think that most information on TV is the truth... Come on! You know most is not true, even the news is mostly lies...Plus didn't he do the study at the pentagon. Our government only hires the best....
10/11/2013 05:16:15 pm
Sure they told you it was fake why don't you post this from history channel. Because your the jealous fake person and I could give a fuck less what all the people here think
10/11/2013 05:27:04 pm
All you do is cry because people don't agree with you if you were half as smart as you claim to be I'm sure you'd have a show on some channel. Just keep blogging from your moms basement how you know everything and everyone else is wrong and how bad shows are. I love that you can't admit when your wrong it's someelse fault or a very reliable source you have no contacts loser. And to be a "best seller" on Amazon is nothing special at all it was most likely on the $1 downloads
Mike DAntuono
12/12/2013 07:02:10 am
I knew this guy just air. I like your comment . But to add again... to the gental men who wrote the page...
12/12/2013 08:03:23 am
Earlier this year Scott Wolter himself confirmed much of my original story in a radio interview. It turned out my source was correct and the History spokesperson misled me to try to bury the story.
MIke Dantuon
12/12/2013 07:48:53 pm
Really ... What storie is that?
MIke Dantuon
12/12/2013 07:49:04 pm
Really ... What storie is that?
Raymond Howard
11/23/2013 05:36:31 pm
Far as Scott Wolter, and the series America Unearthed, comon people, it's a show... with good alter history, speculation!!! There is alot in the United States, that shows whether pre-history or history, that much was known about the "New World" all along... and no doubt by way of so to speak secret societies. The problem evoked here, in presentation is very evident even today and on into tomorrow that there are just certain concepts some people, mainly Christian that want to hold onto, that really have nothing to do with the reality of Jesus as a person, (which that is all he was or could be) that make him to be in their eyes, conscience... for lack of a better word, "paradigm" think of him only as someone paranormal. The secret about secret societies is there is no secret!!! Yet, with persecution that Cathars, Merovigians, Carolinians, Templars let alone Jews ever experienced from the time of the early Catholic Church on, what else to do but go underground with so to speak "secret societieis?" The many codices, and alter histories that are led into question, if not for the Catholic Church, (an organization that has sequestered, let alone destroyed many ancient manuscripts from either the old world or the new, as the Mayan Codex is exampled, and if to reveal the "truth" amidst all this writing would not exist any longer in today's world... and ergo, so too the Protestant faith as it stands.) much would be accessible for public consumption let alone scholarly review to reveal much that is in question of the program. Usually, nay sayers are there not for the sake of history or science, as the evidence is just too telling otherwise, it is because they feel threatened to their pre-existing establishments of organized religion, in which such concepts... everything from a Jesus Code to extraterrestrial aliens, confronts them and what they think in regards to their own spirt, that is lost without the figurehead of Jesus as conventionally perceived in his execution on the cross. More times than not, there is plenty of evidence that is found, catalogued, and not mentioned publicly, as if one would only read the Brookings Report on the public reception of alien contact alone. This kind of thinking applies to all kinds of mystery and curiosities such as presented on the History Channel in this manner, and so... executives of the series aren't going to overact to the issues as they are, as in their minds... history, science, the body of Christ...Sasquatch, mermaids, and aliens etc.,... are all "ENTERTAINMENT!" Think of that! Oh, and by the way some of those media executives who say they haven't followed the program are already elected and honorary 33 degree Masons, Rosicrucians, if not actually Occulists or Jewish!!! Ha Ha!
12/2/2013 04:46:35 am
t5o Jason Colavito
Raymond Howard
12/2/2013 10:28:56 am
To tshau, lilly and anyone else....
Raymond Howard
12/2/2013 10:15:37 am
To tshau, lilly
1/4/2014 06:53:54 am
America Unearthed is right on some things and off on others. As for Ancient Aliens there is some truth there too. All religious tales have gods coming from the stars. If you want truth look pre Christian. It's to young a religion to explain things at the beginning of humanity. No disrespect to it and it's moral teachings. The older the recorded history the more chance of finding truth is all I'm saying.
Raymond Howard
1/4/2014 11:57:13 am
Your correct Bob, Christianity is too young a religion, and so is Islam, but between the two, the later in many instances for the history has retained outside its own extremes much of the history of its world intact. Actually the Christian world too, but more on the secular level its intact. Case in point, cosmology of the Universe, as it occurs from the whole universe, with the vastness between galaxies, and intermittency of dark matter, anti matter, otherwise anyone solar system, to us as only being a planet third from the Sun amongst seven others and a planetoid, with one possibly two other wandering ones, Christians that are fundamental will argue their case upon the KJV or derivative thereafter, to bring up expanding earth theories to put square peg in round hole explanations of the morphology of the earth using James Ussher's Chronology coming from the 17th Century... and never you mind all the sciences having come into being since the, between geology, physics, and the social sciences and academics of anthropology, archaeology, genetics, etc.
2/2/2014 05:47:13 pm
Mr.Howard,I am fascinated by your vast knowledge of history on so many subjects,would you mind me asking what your occupation is?
Jeff Stoleson
1/4/2014 02:42:58 pm
2 Things come to light here . 1 the Government DOES NOT HIRE THE BEST THEY HIRE THE BROWN NOSER...
Raymond Howard
1/5/2014 07:38:28 pm
Jeff, I see where your coming from... mainly in your dealing with, "the Gang In the Military", without having seen the footage. Meantime, checked, to get beyond the effect of your writing toward the end of your post, because I realized it seemed a bit vague until I read the background afterward why it was... although you were really trying to hit home. Let me remind you of something going back to the June 3, 1943... that the military mostly Navy and Marines being jumped by Zoot Suiters, prior on May 30, 1943 took the issues finally of criminals into their own hands along side the police, and it became mayhem of riots in dozens of major cities across America. While were talking about this, meantime in the last 60 years the pachuco gangs have been romanticized by Broadway, and amongst others, Joan Baez herself when she lived in Redlands, CA, and writing her first memoire', or Autobiography if you will of, Daybreak with her purported interaction with some of the local hanchos during the 50s while going to school, hanging out in preference with them, then singing in the glee club. Graffiti? Seen allot of it in my time, unfortunately. But the problem of what you saw in Iraq, yeah, grandpa and grand uncles taught allot of these guys you were with, how to garret... pocket watches with long chains were not only for keeping time. Italians piano wire, yes... pachuco's, watch chains, and the military figured at the time, jail... long stay, or send them to combat and either they get killed or redeemed. That was then, now is now.... and everything is meant to be politically correct. You shouldn't be fooled, far as racism, of white against Chicano or whatever they want to be called outside their gang affiliations, you know full well otherwise their as intelligent as any West Point Officer, the problem is they were brought up with a chip on their shoulder, and the gang substitutes the actual grain of values that are imbedded in familia, and thus they'll die with chips on their shoulders. Don't feel betrayed, nor continue to feel black listed... just take for granted you are... and your not alone. Far as Hollywood is concerned I could give you one hell of a story, but then I'd have to kill you! I know I don't need to elaborate, if you can just imagine what you experienced, me saying that, is the very tip of the iceberg. Just keep your head high, move forward, and far as big brother... get around to producing your own films and go to local. It takes time, but sooner or later those brown noses will be trying to brown nose you. Just remember... they've got the chip on their shoulder, not you!!!
1/5/2014 04:20:35 pm
History channel said this is entertainment only? They should be ashamed of their treatment of the gentlemen at the museum during the Lost Colony episode. The stones he insists are real were proven and confessed to being fake long ago.In addition, DNA has proven the Lost Colony settlers DID stay right in the area. He ignores historical fact then calls others closed minded. Not amused.
2/1/2014 03:26:31 pm
I had hopes that this show would delve into real history, those hopes died during the first episode. Now I watch the show for laughs. I admit that I am fascinated by the idea of pre-Columbian European visitors to North America ( I once went up to Heavener OK and saw the ruin stones) unlike Wolter I confess that there is no real evidence to support the idea. Everything that I have seen is either from later immigrants or is an outright fraud.
2/1/2014 03:29:04 pm
I am pleased to see the negative comments concerning the show in these comments; it renews some of my faith in the value of an American education.
Mike DAntuono
2/4/2014 08:08:42 am
I don't put square pegs in round I put them in the star hole... Why cause the square is boring...
Raymond Howard
2/4/2014 03:59:45 pm
Hi Mike DAntuono! It comes to this, between religion and science, between creation vs evolution, when all is said and done far as argumentation, then, far as the issues of more recent in anthropology, science and medicine, it doesn't take us out of the nomenclature and semantics of the following, (variously Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens) are primates of the family Hominidae, and the only extant species of the genus Homo. Homo Sapien, ( Knowing man or wise man), and in being Linnaen about it, Classification, Animal. Being, that the average European has 3 > 5% Neanderthal, and otherwise per population of the planet our DNA is otherwise 99% the same of all so called races, (Viktor Frankl,(26 March 1905 – 2 September 1997) said there are only two types of race of man, the decent and indecent.) and Chimpanzee's and us share all but of about 5% difference in DNA, I'm fine with being able to ape a man barring any fossil record missing of transitions.
Russ Scott
6/12/2014 07:29:21 am
Today Scott Wolter examined a rockwall in Rockwall Tx.He did a magnatism test and discovered the magnatism in the rocks all went in the same direction, therfore the rocks were a natural formation. Did he fail grade school science? If you place a nail on a magnet and leave it there the nail's magnatism will be in the same direction. Is that imperical or devine wisdom? Or is Scott Wolter just showing how intelligent he is NOT? I am sick of his fairy tales.
Raymond Howard
6/12/2014 10:01:07 am
Well, I don't know if Scott Wolter spells magnetism, as magnatism, but what I do know is that when rocks are laid by men/women, where 'magnetism' is concerned in any and all rocks... unless there is some point to align them "magnetically" they don't then uniformally show their pole alignment one to the other in the same direction. Being then in any given random arrangement however otherwise for formation appearance as a stacked wall of rocks or stones, they are going to be 'natural' in formation when they do. Not wise, as in Weisenheimer, just wise in "common sense" of scientific methodology and knowing a rock wall with iron deposit trace or otherwise linearity earth magnetic pole imprint of epochs as rocks form, is going to be different to present day alignment, so to speak set in stone. Last time as to any pole shift is well beyond 6000 years ago, so... Scott Wolter is not brilliant, just practical in the science using the most basic testing needed to qualify the statement, and somebody else needs to go back to school, disregard what they learned in grade school, and take Geology/Paleaontology/Archaeology 101 in Junior College.
russ scott
6/12/2014 03:10:14 pm
Well I never won any spelling bees, and I sure thought I was done with the teacher checking my paper to check my spelling.
russ scott
6/12/2014 03:10:23 pm
Well I never won any spelling bees, and I sure thought I was done with the teacher checking my paper to check my spelling.
Russ Scott
6/12/2014 03:11:02 pm
Well I never won any spelling bees, and I sure thought I was done with the teacher checking my paper to check my spelling.
Dan in Atlanta
8/14/2014 06:13:16 am
I find the show entertaining, and I take Mr. Wolters claims as speculation and theory, and any conclusions he may come to is strictly his opinion.
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