I am really starting to feel the pressure of trying to proofread and index one book while writing a second as the deadlines for both loom. I find indexing and proofreading to be slow-going, particularly squeezing it in among other work. I hate to do it, but I’m going to have to rely on computer assistance to index proper nouns to save time. It’s problematic because it can introduce mistakes due to spelling and/or random similar names that then have to be manually reviewed, but it’s the only way to get through the book quickly enough given the minuscule time given to me. I have to learn to write books that are less fact-dense so each page has fewer indexable terms.
Anyway, while I try to squeeze more indexing into my day, I have only a few minutes to report on the damage that was done to the cider press wrongly described as a sacrificial table at America’s Stonehenge, the colonial-era site that pseudohistorians insist was built by medieval Irish monks, ancient Phoenicians, or some other Old World people before Columbus. Last week someone used a power tool to carve into the stone what looks to be at least part of the phrase “WWG1WGA,” an initialism used by fans of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory Q-Anon to signify “Where we go one, we go all.” The vandal also left behind a wooden cross decorated with the faces of young people. Jeb Card, the author of Spooky Archaeology, discussed the vandalism on Twitter.
The Manchester Union-Leader reported the story and immediately accepted the false claims put forward by the owners of America’s Stonehenge that the site was built four thousand years ago by visitors from the Old World. The article was an embarrassment.
But what makes this situation worse isn’t just the pseudohistory and damage to colonial artifacts. It’s that the Q-Anon / Christian symbolism attached to the vandalism appears to be an attack on the (fake) pagan religious ideas that pseudohistorians have created for the site. America’s Stonehenge has appeared on shows such as In Search Of…, America Unearthed, and Ancient Aliens, where it has been associated with a number of (fake) religious ideas, ranging from sun worship to the pagan blood cult of Moloch. Christians have long identified the Canaanite god Moloch with the Carthaginian god known in Classical literature as Kronos, whose statue received infant sacrifices at Carthage. It was only a few days before the defacement of America’s Stonehenge that one of the hosts on Fox News’s premium subscription service was fired for alleging that Democrats worship Moloch instead of Yahweh. The owners of America’s Stonehenge instead identified the vandalism as “anti-Masonic,” and the police began investigating it as such. This appears to be because the owners now work closely with Masonic advocate Scott F. Wolter of America Unearthed, whose interpretation of the site now fits into a Masonic view of ancient mysteries. Basically, there are no winners here. Update: On his blog, Scott Wolter blamed me (“hate blogger”) and academia for the vandalism, saying that our debunking of claims like his creates confusion among the public, and this somehow causes right-wing loonies to go nuts with power tools.
Joe Scales
10/8/2019 09:52:42 am
"I have to learn to write books that are less fact-dense so each page has fewer indexable terms."
10/8/2019 11:34:19 am
You should be flattered. Jason wants to start marketing his books towards people like you. Less facts, less indexable terms.
10/8/2019 01:45:31 pm
Caleb, the primary issue here is the injuring of a genuine archaeological site. Who did it,and why, is secondary.
Joe Scales
10/8/2019 01:52:18 pm
Please ignore the ankle-nipping cyber-stalker Tony. Though he'll never even the score, he won't relent until ignored. Then he'll find a new name and enamor me all over again.
Ham Grancock
10/8/2019 06:29:19 pm
"I have to learn to write books that are less fact-dense so each page has fewer indexable terms."
Doc Rock
10/8/2019 11:06:48 am
People have been altering materials at the site for a century or more so nothing really new here. Give people ten years to forget about the incident and Wolter will appear on the scene and announce that the carving is actually a 800 year old codedTemplar land claim based on the sciency weathering analysis he conducted.
10/8/2019 11:29:57 am
And he will likely come up with something "new" to go along with the carving..... Hooked W?
10/8/2019 12:12:26 pm
So far Wolter is just using it as an excuse to blame his enemies.
10/8/2019 12:14:47 pm
In fairness I should note " Treasure Templari " is billed as fiction.
10/8/2019 12:20:50 pm
He really is an a-hole. It's bad enough he has little to no understanding for history, nor appreciation for genuine archaeological artifacts while promoting himself as some kind of crusading avatar for truth. But the fact that he's using this incident, perpetrated by fringers like himself, to attack academia is a whole new level of scummy even for him.
Cousin Wolter
10/8/2019 12:37:06 pm
Says the guy whose handling of artifacts and conduct at sites in the course of conducting pseudoscience has on occasion been cringeworthy.
10/8/2019 12:50:08 pm
Ya, he calls the “WWG1WGA,” , cryptic messages and fails to mention the conspiracy theory Q-Anon letters to signify “Where we go one, we go all.
10/8/2019 01:38:15 pm
Wolter has a habit of not looking things up.
Joe Scales
10/8/2019 01:58:16 pm
"How long until we find out the "vandalism" was done by the property owner? "
10/8/2019 05:37:21 pm
CHarles Nelson life of reilly
10/8/2019 06:34:37 pm
I’m not sure how long it will be before that happens, but it sure didn’t take long for the right wing psychos here to put their diseased brains to the task of dreaming up another conspiracy theory to excuse the idiocy of their Q-Anon brethren!
10/8/2019 06:41:08 pm
"Hate bloggers" = anyone who calls Wolter out on his bullshit.
10/8/2019 06:49:17 pm
I've tried to read up on QAnon but couldn't track with it, figure it out, or deal with it, so... no.
One Gay caballero
10/8/2019 07:05:34 pm
Well then, no wonder Trump needs to employ the expert services of the Ukraine to investigate US citizens, our own FBI is clearly incompetent!
10/8/2019 07:24:05 pm
A 1999 treaty between the United States and Ukraine calls for cooperation from each country in prosecuting crimes. The Obama administration made use of that treaty in asking Ukraine to investigate Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Joe Scales
10/8/2019 08:49:43 pm
According to Wolter, there's a suspect for the "arson", to be "questioned by the FBI" for a connection to the stone vandalism.
James j. Bullock
10/8/2019 10:34:08 pm
It’s sure a good thing that the expert Ukrainian investigators are required to “cooperate” with a non-existent criminal investigation into the Bidens because the FBI is too busy worrying about ICP gang activity! Damn we’re lucky that right wing lunatics are on top of this one! Ha ha ha!
10/8/2019 11:07:22 pm
You didn't really think that through. Prosecuting <> investigating. And guess who the FBI is supposed to report to?
10/19/2019 10:37:45 pm
“Prosecuting” means that changes have already been filed. Are you actually that stupid?
10/20/2019 12:15:06 am
Are you disputing my statement that prosecuting does not equal investigating? How stupid are you?
Doc Rock
10/8/2019 02:15:53 pm
Wolter says, "...mysterious sites and artifacts that have not yet to be universally accepted as authentic."
10/8/2019 02:42:30 pm
Just suppose Wolter himself had one of his sycophants mess with that stone, to drum up publicity for some obscure and Masonic connection. Maybe he didn't even know the minion who did it, and he or she did it to impress the guy. Just suppose.
10/8/2019 06:13:20 pm
Fake it not there is simply no excuse or pla e fir vandalism. I guess we can not settle differences in a reasonable way in America anymore.
Ham Grancock
10/8/2019 06:26:36 pm
It's Antifa, Jake.
10/8/2019 06:40:04 pm
Just as long as they steer clear of the Hyde tomb, it's a bad business!
10/8/2019 07:47:57 pm
Holy crap, Wolter is going all in on attacking his enemies. He tries to make a comparison between QAnon and the Roman Catholic Church, yikes, is he trying to blame the Pope as well ? LOL,,Why does he feel the need to drag in the Roman Catholic Church ?
10/8/2019 08:35:17 pm
"Why does he feel the need to drag in the Roman Catholic Church ?"
10/8/2019 09:33:47 pm
"Speaking of conspiracies, it has now been confirmed by law enforcement it was indeed arson that caused the fire at the Northwood Masonic Lodge. A suspect has been identified and will soon be questioned by the FBI to see if their is a link to the AM Stonehenge vandalism."
10/8/2019 09:35:38 pm
Joe Scales
10/9/2019 09:52:46 am
Haven't seen anything public yet about a cause for the fire, but they are asking for photographs of the lodge to remember it by if you happen to have any. You can send them here:
10/9/2019 08:29:33 pm
Apparently like their Templar ancestors the Masons of New Hampshire were fastidious about not leaving traces of their presence, practicing "extreme hygiene".
10/9/2019 09:14:12 pm
Google Masonic Lodge and fire, look at the images. Appears that quite a few of their lodges tend to go up in smoke. Gives one a lot of condidence in their being master masons/builders. Maybe just with the lesser interest in masons, they have found a good way to get those old buildings off the books and collect a little insurance money besides. That is likely where the real conspiracy lies.
10/9/2019 09:31:03 pm
It's been suggested in the comments section of Wolter's blog. He even allowed the term "Jewish lightning" but he's all in on the QAnon theory.
10/9/2019 09:48:27 pm
Those damm Masons should use less wood in their buildings.
10/9/2019 10:42:29 pm
While I take no joy in a building being burned down, due to Wolter's aggressive stupidity and dickishness I have a "disdain" for Freemasonry in general and the fourth generation "Worshipful Master" (Tuttle) puts me in the mind of Miskatonic-style inbreeding.
10/9/2019 11:29:50 pm
Like those damned Martenses up in the Catskills.
10/11/2019 10:22:08 pm
Even if you limit the search to New Hampshire Masonic Lodges have an interesting tendency to go up in flames. I wonder what the percentage of Freemasons is in the insurance business.
10/10/2019 01:00:51 pm
A post by Scottie on his blog. My, my, Scottie has his panties in a bunch. Maybe the mysterious Jackson henchmen will find you.
Joe Scales
10/10/2019 01:23:15 pm
"You are correct and I would advise everyone to take a cautious tone commenting here as this site is being monitored by law enforcement. Troll comments could be interpreted as suspicious and lead to inconveniences."
Patrick Leary
10/10/2019 01:46:03 pm
My comments were that: There is no subsurface archaeological evidence from the site or surrounding area to support its authenticity. The stone structures have been moved, modified or added to, so any interpretation of them is deeply flawed. The sacrificial altar is an antique cider press. Archaeologists have real sites to deal with and it is wrong for Wolter to accuse them of negligence or conspiracy for refusing to waste time on further investigation related to this site. Wolter is either playing the drama queen to stir up publicity or he is becoming seriously unhinged.
10/10/2019 02:32:25 pm
Maybe Scott can hire Rudy Giuliani to railroad Jason.
10/10/2019 02:48:48 pm
Lol, I posted this:
10/10/2019 08:02:35 pm
"Wolter is either playing the drama queen to stir up publicity or he is becoming seriously unhinged."
10/10/2019 02:16:18 pm
"You are correct and I would advise everyone to take a cautious tone commenting here as this site is being monitored by law enforcement."
Ambulance Chaser
10/10/2019 03:11:44 pm
If law enforcement is actually monitoring the blog as part of an investigation then they would need to read and record everything submitted and/or posted in the comments section. S. Wolter would not be in a position to censor what the people monitoring the comments see or record involving any activity there. I doubt that they are aware of Wolter's own past legal problem, misrepresentations of his credentials, and known association with at least one unsavory character. Any fact-based comments submitted that raise these issues will be circulating unofficially in the law enforcement community in the near future and would become part of the official record if any legal action was attempted. If what he says is true then S. Wolter has made a very dumb move by voluntarily submitting his blog to monitoring.
10/10/2019 03:32:20 pm
The simplest scenario is Wolter is bluffing. The second simplest is that he forwarded a message or two to someone, in or more likely out of law enforcement.
Nathan Thurm
10/10/2019 03:40:15 pm
The simplest scenario is that he is an idiot who just created a situation where even more people may potentially learn that he is an idiot.
10/10/2019 06:59:35 pm
OMG, this is great, Hutton Pulitzer is on Wolters blog chastising Scott's bs accusations and starting a fight about Trump,,,,,,,
Alex Trebek
10/11/2019 02:55:13 pm
I'll take "staged event to generate some buzz by people desperate for some attention" for $500, Alex.
Whiskey Dick
10/11/2019 12:06:20 pm
Jesus and Mary chain, the boy has dun gone over the edge. Scotty has gone full on whacky doo. He is now statin' that he is sure sites have been destroyed because of academics inspiring crazy people to destroy hysterical sites and because they read "hate blogs." Any cow poke just out of the corral can see it was one of them Qanon whack jobs that did this that had an overdose of Alex Jones and thet there "film" he made about them Bohemian Grovers. Mister Wolter is definitely using a few unfortunate episodes to blame all his enemies for the destruction of what is in the end a colonial era site from the sunniest view. He is basically saying that academics who disagree with him are responsible for Qanon and burning his Masonic lodge down. Which is more whacky? Scotty boy or Qanon? I think he is seriously mental. WWG1WGA means there is a 99.9 percent change this was a Trump supporter.
E. Grimley
10/11/2019 09:29:08 pm
He's mental, I must say!
10/13/2019 12:01:19 pm
A little off topic but, some might remember Patrick and Wolter claiming a 1939 aerial photo showed the outlines of a chancel foundation attached to the Newport Tower. They completely ignored the obvious visible trees that made it impossible to see said outline through their canopy, and claimed the trees didn't exist.
10/13/2019 08:30:05 pm
That sort of thing is never off-topiic, but now you've made yourself an "enemy" of both Patrick the Mathick and Wolter. You can expect that law enforcement monitoring this and other blogs will cause you inconveniences.
10/14/2019 02:59:22 am
Mr. Wolter was on Coast to Coast AM late Sunday night early Monday morning with guest host Jimmy Church.
Joe Scales
10/14/2019 11:01:28 am
"However, Dennis and his family have decided they want privacy at this time and were told not to discuss the investigation."
10/14/2019 05:25:00 pm
Like Wolter I am not at liberty to discuss the ongoing investigation.
10/20/2019 12:39:33 am
Which is it? "Want privacy" or "Told not to discuss"? Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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