Some weird ideas cross my desk every day, and I don’t usually subject my readers to too many of them. But sometimes I just can’t help but share some of the truly nutty things people believe. Today we’ll have a Reader Mailbag edition of the blog. Let’s start with an email I received last week from a very concerned fellow who genuinely believed he made a massively important discovery about recent U.S. history. White House Secrets
This correspondent, whom I will not name publicly, informed me that he recalled reading a “humorous” newspaper article in the 1980s that stated that a military veteran touring the White House in the Nixon years stumbled by accident into a high-level briefing about outer space thanks to an unlocked door. The government forcibly re-enlisted the man to keep him from talking. My correspondent could not quite remember any of the details, but he has visited the Library of Congress, the Associated Press, and the Nixon Presidential Library in hopes of finding this article. He failed to find any trace of it, suggesting to him a conspiracy of silence. Nevertheless, at thirty years’ remove he is confident enough about his memory of this “humorous” story to research what the story could possibly have referred to. He believes that no one enters the White House without being already privy to our nation’s most important terrestrial secrets; therefore, he must have stumbled into a meeting about non-terrestrial or supernatural material. (But of course.) Further, because he wasn’t kicked out of the meeting, it must have been so fascinating as to render the President and his officials speechless. (The conspiracy, of course, somehow failed to stop the intruder from telling his story to a reporter.) Therefore, the concludes that the officials were examining photographs of Santa Claus examining the golden disc sent into outer space on the Voyager space probe. That’s just logic, right? (In reality, the golden disc launched in 1977, during the Carter administration.) My correspondent asked me for recommendations of appropriate experts to whom he could submit a paper he had written on the subject (a copy of which, sadly, I now have). I sent him to Giorgio Tsoukalos, care of Prometheus Entertainment. Sanskrit Fundamentalism I also received some negative feedback from ethnocentric Indians who would like to see the subcontinent take its place as the center of world history. According to multiple complaints, I have failed to recognize that Sanskrit is so regular and perfect a language that it must have been artificially created by extraterrestrials or Atlanteans at the dawn of time in order to encode high level information for all of time. All of these messages have come from India, which, perhaps not coincidentally, is also the source of daily blog comment spam directing my readers to college cheating websites and spyware websites. As a matter of fact, Sanskrit has plenty of irregular verbs and other irregular constructions that a “perfect” language would not possess. It is one branch of the Indo-European language family, but Indian supremacists want to adopt the long-outdated eighteenth century belief that it is the oldest Indo-European tongue and therefore the progenitor of all European languages. Sinclair Family Values I pointed out in my newsletter this past weekend a blog post by a genealogy researcher discussing the ongoing feud within the world of the Sinclair family and its admirers, with various advocates arguing for which people with the Sinclair name are a part of the “true” Sinclair bloodline and who are just pretenders. Linking to that article opened a flood gate of Sinclair mail. I had no idea how many Sinclairs there are, nor how many of them are deeply invested in tracing their royal/divine genealogy back to Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Jesus Christ. Fortunately, most of the people who wrote to me—many of whom asked me to avoid mentioning their names because they have been in disputes with Steve St. Clair over his DNA line—do not believe that the Sinclair family has anything to do with a Holy Bloodline, a Templar discovery of America, or gold-eating aliens. (Laurence Gardner tied the Holy Bloodline to gold-eating Anunnaki, so that made the Sinclairs alien step-children by default.) Nevertheless, I have never encountered so many people who devote so much energy to analyzing their family tree in search of minor nobility; it became quite clear that many “rank and file” Sinclairs are only interested in their DNA in the hopes of connecting themselves to Henry Sinclair’s alleged discovery (and/or conquest) of America and to Jesus. Nor have I read through so much very boring material on the DNA markers of various Sinclair claimants—all of which I find somewhat funny since in human history, genetics has played only a partial role in defining family. We are today more absolute than medieval or early modern people would have been in deciding who counts as family. The Romans would have laughed at the idea that adopted children aren’t “true” family, a hurtful concept that lingers even today. Ironically, all it would take—even if a Jesus Bloodline really existed—was a single cheating wife around 300 or 400 CE and the Sinclairs wouldn’t have any Jesus genes at all! I think the most telling anecdote is one sent to me via email in which a Sinclair reported that after America Unearthed broadcasted its Sinclair conspiracy nonsense, people started stopping him whenever they heard his name to ask him about his relationship to Jesus and to Prince Henry. No reports yet of the public bowing down in worship or offering tributes, though.
9/2/2013 06:39:48 am
It looks to me like you're putting way to much emphasis on the purported linkage between Henry Sinclair and a Jesus Bloodline. Is it to ridicule Wolter without mentioning his name? When you say "Jesus Bloodline," are you saying "Wolter's Belief," in association with Sinclairs?" If so, I see a continued fixation on Wolter, perhaps much as I have a fixation on the KRS.
9/2/2013 06:42:44 am
No. I don't control what people write to me, and if they write to discuss their claims about the Jesus Bloodline, that's their business. Scott Wolter isn't the only person discussing the Jesus Bloodline--dozens of books are published about it each year. You're welcome to do some research and discover this for yourself. Did you read the blog post I linked to? That writer all on her own talked about the Jesus Bloodline, if only to disparage others' obsession with it.
Shawn Sinclair
9/7/2013 04:21:19 pm
The Jesus issue isn't a concern for most, it's rather a dead issue as its been proven that he was a man and not a God. His lineage survived period, and I agree with Jason in that there is an obsession with it. It just should be looked at with normal genealogy.
"as its been proven that he was a man and not a God"
Christopher Randolph
9/8/2013 05:16:09 pm
I have yet to see proof that Jesus even existed... at all.
Shawn Sinclair
9/7/2013 04:04:53 pm
Earl Henry Sinclair's fictitious trip to America
9/8/2013 03:33:48 am
"... have come home after an absence of a quarter of a century. They have been visiting previously unknown countries called Estotilanda and Drogeo in the far west."
Shawn Sinclair
9/8/2013 05:02:06 pm
9/2/2013 08:33:02 am
Jason please let me clear up a few things regarding your Sinclair blog post. The person who wrote this blog does not carry the surname Sinclair and is not related in any way, but does have his own ongoing feud with some Sinclairs who themselves are not part of the Sinclair family to which they claim to be.
9/2/2013 09:03:53 am
I wasn't referring to a specific adopted person. I still don't quite get what is so fascinating about being a Sinclair or a "Sinclair." I've known people who were descended from actual famous people of the Middle Ages and early modern times, and they weren't half so interested in their bloodlines. I'll fix the ID of the blogger.
9/2/2013 09:34:38 am
Thank you Jason. The issue is NOT who is a Sinclair, it's who is NOT. This whole Sinclair issue is due to Steve StClair and his DNA site. To me it's about all the hype and false information and certain ones who think they belong but actually do not. Even though to you the Sinclairs seem to have no importance. But to those who think they do and have thought all their lives that they belong to this family, and well, then to find out they are no part of the history they thought was theirs is more than a bit of a let down. Suddenly you have NO family history and that to some is too much. Like Steve StClair now will have to have a garage sale to rid himself of all the Sinclair/StClair trinkets I have seen in the background in the vidios he has put out. You see none of the history Steve talks about has anything to do with him, he simply has the surname. It is these people who are the loudest outspoken ones,trying to belong
Clint Knapp
9/2/2013 10:31:08 am
In the end, does it really matter who "belongs" to any given familial line or not? If one is born or adopted into a family bearing the surname "Sinclair" one is a Sinclair. Or a St.Clair, or a St.Claire, or any other spelling of any other surname on earth. 9/2/2013 10:38:51 am
Obviously, Clint, you haven't read the opening of the Gospel of Matthew, where the author traces Jesus' paternal ancestry back to Abraham only to stop and say "oops!" Joseph isn't really his father, so it's all moot. Clearly the Sinclairs have taken notes.
Clint Knapp
9/2/2013 05:17:31 pm
I tried, I really did. But then I learned there were actual people using that as a platform for linking their own families back to Abraham as well (and then using the Genesis list to link from Abraham back to Adam) and frankly I laughed and moved on.
9/3/2013 10:13:38 am
Tracing one's lineage back to some mythical founder was de rigueuer (sp?) for many centuries especially in the ruling classes. In the Greek and Hellenistic world, anyone who was anyone claimed descent from Hercules and other demi-gods and gods.
Christopher Randolph
9/4/2013 03:57:10 am
I was initially going to comment just what Jason said here, and I thought he was going to mention in the text of the article: according to the Bible itself Jesus isn't from his own bloodline!
Only Me
9/2/2013 09:55:32 am
Are you the same Sinclair that I asked Steve about? He says you've been kicked out of six forums for raising a stink, something to do with "strange notions of one, true Sinclair bloodline."
9/2/2013 10:09:43 am
Hmm how to answer that. I have been kicked off a few sites,but probably no more than Steve. Six, lol deffinetly not. If your believing anything Steve tells you,well good luck.
Shawn Sinclair
9/8/2013 05:12:52 pm
Oh, and so everyone is clear, I'm the Sinclair who got the line from Caithness proven, and did the DNA testing on a person who is of the Earldom line with title. The others of that line aren't titled and some are mouthy, ungrateful underlings who know nothing about their own history until we told and showed them.:) Without me, they just wouldn't have been able to prove themselves and the Earldom line.:(
9/8/2013 06:08:02 pm
Getting this guy to dna test was just the feather in the cap, we know who we are and who you are not Shawn. You did no research at all other that to ask someone to test. Its not like you had to search around for a testee,he was right there,and you simply asked..good for you. Actually things work the other way Shawn your man is confirmed by our dna, without our dna he would have no one to compare to.I kow my history,and again its you who has none. There must be one more of you guys I thought the stooges were a group of three
Shawn Sinclair
9/8/2013 05:31:30 pm
" Sinclair" is Robert James Sinclair, the dim wit little brother of the family who has mentioned me as the "adopted" Sinclair, yet my DNA is similar, yet different, and I'm also the one who proved his lineage, and without me he'd still be guessing about it because he couldn't do it without me and my connections in the Clan. He is despised as a low life, even his own brother says so openly. Sinclairs are their own biggest enemies, so if there is a fight with a few in it, stay out. You never know the outcome and where the next attack will come from. Get Some....whoa.
9/8/2013 05:57:09 pm
SHAWN Sinclair's father was adopted, his fathers name was listed as surname Martin. What a surprise that Steve's old partner would show up here . Shawn emailed me last week trying to get me to be his buddy again, I told him to take a Someone is pissed eh.
Shawn Sinclair
9/8/2013 05:48:56 pm
Chris, I completely agree.
9/2/2013 10:15:13 am
Sinclair- What is your assessment of the connections the H2 program America Unearthed is making to the Sinclair family?
9/2/2013 10:32:14 am
H2 Program is very interesting if you belive in fairytales. I actually enjoy watching it but feel somewhat embarassed also. This Prince Henry Sinclair thing has been going on for what seems ever. My opinion on Prince Henry is that someone has stuck the name Sinclair into other history and maybe added onto the tale a few times. I think I posted on this on one of yor other postings. There was a Prince Henbry the Navigator but he was not a Sinclair and I don't think he ever went to America. He was a Templar or belonged to the Order of Christ. To me anyway this is where the Sinclair story started.
9/2/2013 10:41:54 am
Thanks for the response. Are any family members making an effort to counter the false claims about the Sinclairs?
9/2/2013 10:49:48 am
Clint Knapp, I claim NO connection to Jesus, that would be the NUTBARS.But regarding your comment about DNA and family. All documents such as birth certificates and so on are written by some human,who can or did on purpose make mistakes. People took surnames for all types of reasons and still do today. Actors in hollywood are usually not the person you think they are, as most change their names. Family is exactly that family, but Y dna is of the male line only and a direct blood link. DNA does not lie people lie. It really does not matter who is or who is not, its just the point of the matter. Maybe I will change my name to Knapp and say Im your blood cousin, I mean why not we share past history do we not.Is your GGGG grandfather not my GGGGrandfather??? Of course Im kidding and we are not related in any way even though I can change my name to the same as yours. So distance and time does not change who we relate to, you either relate or you do not.
Clint Knapp
9/2/2013 05:08:35 pm
You're more than welcome to become a Knapp if you like. So far as I know there is no chance in hell we have anything to do with Jesus bloodline conspiracies, and as far back as I care to note we're mostly hard working German immigrants with a good eye for horseflesh. My mother's line is distantly related to James Monroe's VP, but who cares about that? He wasn't nobility, so I stand to gain nothing by relation. Just as whoever the "legitimate" Sinclairs are stand to gain nothing but bragging rights to a link to a fictional Jesus bloodline.
9/2/2013 10:59:22 am
CFC........I think thats whats happening here now.
9/2/2013 11:24:08 am
Has there been any "official" Sinclair family statement put forth regarding the unscientific claims being thrust upon the public by those profiting from these false claims?
9/2/2013 11:49:58 am
Your kidding right! This senario is from the top on down.
9/2/2013 12:00:13 pm
I wasn't kidding.
9/2/2013 04:16:25 pm
"Sinclair" is Robert James Sinclair. Just to lay the groundwork for the fun that's about to begin here, Bobbie, I wonder if you'd introduce this august group of DNA experts to your favorite academic, Dr. James Wilson, BSc (Hons), D.Phil (Oxon), FRCPE.
Strictly speaking, you don't need to include 'Dr.' and 'D.Phil' in the same title. They're the same thing; if you have a DPhil, you have a doctorate. Using both titles sounds like you're trying to puff up the qualifications, which you don't need to do. Actually, using any of these titles - especially the bachelor's degree - is unnecessary.
Dave Lewis
9/2/2013 05:51:12 pm
This stuff about people surnamed Sinclair being related to Jesus is just plain silly. His descendants would be surnamed "Christ".
9/3/2013 12:56:46 am
Jason --
9/3/2013 01:04:23 am
Of course we receive DNA from both parents, but presuming (and this is of course speculation) that we are referring to patrilineal descent and exogamous marriage, a cheating wife impregnated by a non-Sinclair Bloodline male would therefore give birth to a child with no Bloodline DNA. However, if the family were marrying their cousins, then, yes, some Jesus DNA would still pass on through the mother. Nevertheless, as you note, at this far remove, everyone of European heritage would share some of that DNA, just like the often-repeated claim that all Europeans have Charlemagne for an ancestor.
Coridan Miller
9/3/2013 02:18:02 am
Or Ghengis Kahn. 9/3/2013 04:18:45 am
Jason says: "Obviously, Clint, you haven't read the opening of the Gospel of Matthew, where the author traces Jesus' paternal ancestry back to Abraham only to stop and say "oops!" Joseph isn't really his father, so it's all moot. Clearly the Sinclairs have taken notes."
9/3/2013 05:00:58 pm
....Gunn, why would God use Joseph's DNA for a VIRGIN birth when he could just let the pair of them do what married couples are actively encouraged to do? Furthermore, Jason's description of the Gospel isn't far off from the truth; it really does run through Joseph's lineage and then IMMEDIATELY go into the story of hos Jesus isn't actually Joseph's son because Joseph had kept his pants on around Mary. "This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit." (Mathew 1:18) How does this statement NOT render Joseph's genealogy moot to the question of Jesus' DNA? Wouldn't giving MARY'S genealogy be way more pertinent? Taking strictly what is written in the Bible, you simply cannot make the assumption that Joseph's bloodline is in ANY way pertinent to Jesus' bloodline. This is JUST like the Sinclair "quest" going on--there's a political reason why that bloodline would be emphasized, whether it had anything to do with Jesus himself or not; in Jesus' case, the fulfilling of Messiah prophecies, and in the Sinclair's case, the thought that it would make them Powerful, however delusional that belief is.
Christopher Randolph
9/4/2013 04:07:56 am
"that part of the miracle was perhaps using Joseph's DNA (sperm) for the Virgin Birth, thereby making Jesus the son of both God and Joseph."
9/6/2013 07:26:18 am
Varika and Christopher, I only provided a possible explanation for the Virgin Birth, which would include Joseph's DNA. Of course, God could have accomplished His mission another way. Why would there be a given genealogy for Joseph, if it were not to show the lineage leading to Jesus? Why would there be this linkage if not for a physical purpose...that being, Jesus is physically descended from Joseph, in addition to being the Son of God.
Christopher Randolph
9/8/2013 05:12:03 pm
The Long Goodbye continues! The Who have called it quits fewer times than Gunn.
9/3/2013 06:42:01 am
Mystical Beliefes carried on by Niven Sinclair:
Only Me
9/3/2013 07:05:55 am
Talk about a jab at God's word! To suggest that Jesus didn't die at the crucifixion, or make his ascension to Heaven, something that is the basis for the validity of the Shroud of Turin, is a slap in the face of the faithful. Then this all-knowing Niven Sinclair postulates that Jesus fathered a bloodline with Mary Magdalene, conveniently trying to loop back to the Templar-Sinclair link.
9/3/2013 07:49:52 am
I wonder where Niven got the idea of a bloodline? Dan Brown, or before, when the French Hoax was occurring? Where did the idea truly originate? Then we could see where the Sinclairs came into the bloodline hypothesis. Did Niven make the first connection, and if not, from where then? If the original hoax was revealed, why then do some continue on in the deception, either deceiving or being deceived?
Only Me
9/3/2013 08:46:33 am
"If the original hoax was revealed, why then do some continue on in the deception, either deceiving or being deceived?" I think Sinclair provided the best answer to that question: money. As he said, books and movies generate money and self-importance.
9/3/2013 09:02:11 am
Now come on ,this Jesus thing is nothing new. Many books have been written regarding this idea of a Bloodline of Jesus, and its the band wagon effect.Wolter just happens to be one of the most recent to jump on board. The more recent books like Rex Deux, and Holy BVlood Holy Grail are to blame for the interest in this topic
9/3/2013 05:12:30 pm
Gunn, I would argue that there are sects of Christianity that would not find the concept of Jesus having a family to be an attack on their faith. On the other hand, I've also noticed that you tend to take anyone stating that they believe differently from you as an attack, and often as an attack on Christianity, so I suspect you'll just turn around and insist that those sects are heretics or apostates or something.
Clint Knapp
9/3/2013 06:02:53 pm
"You noticed I garnished my name with the very honorable Sinclair name for this occasion. Way before this blog caught me, I came up with the name Gunn Sinclair because it was the Grandest pen-name name I could come up with...which I still think is true!" - Bob Voyles
Christopher Randolph
9/4/2013 04:17:38 am
"To suggest that Jesus didn't die at the crucifixion, or make his ascension to Heaven, something that is the basis for the validity of the Shroud of Turin, is a slap in the face of the faithful."
9/3/2013 07:43:12 am
This article by Nisbet helped me understand some of the nonsense that was part of The Holy Grail in America on the History Channel. Thanks!
9/3/2013 07:48:54 am
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 09:14:26 am
"Sinclair" AKA Robert James Sinclair must have missed my request above, so I'll go ahead and recount a story for this august group of DNA experts.
piero sinclair
9/8/2013 05:27:10 am
Just come across this and I've rarely read such nonsense.
Steve St Clair
9/8/2013 11:26:22 am
What follows is a direct lift of Piero's lengthy Facebook proclamation. He clearly says "there is very little chance of a Non Paternity Event (NPE) in that short time."
Steve St. Clair
9/8/2013 11:42:19 am
Also, Piero, since you use the work of the DISTINGUISHED Dr. James Wilson, BSc (Hons), D.Phil (Oxon), FRCPE (title lifted from his own website), then you also might want to help us to interpret why he is a good source for your claims given the thoughts from his peers at the many links I posted above.
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 09:20:21 am
Got cut off above... here's the rest (I know you don't want to miss anything I have to say) --
9/3/2013 09:53:00 am
And there you have it folks from the total WAKO himself lol
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 02:16:12 pm
Bobbie wrote, 'Steve is obviousluy [sic] upset by Dr Wilsons [sic] opinion,why because it does not go along with what Steve wants to hear. All the other blither is just that.'
9/3/2013 04:49:48 pm
Steve says once again:
Steve St Clair
9/3/2013 05:25:11 pm
Drako wrote, "By our group you really mean you."
Only Me
9/3/2013 10:35:39 am
Speaking for myself, I'm far and away NO expert in DNA. I can, however, understand the points being made from both sides of the debate. Since I'm no expert, I'm content to simply read the material you've provided, abstain from weighing in and await the final verdict. DNA is amazingly complex, and we learn more about it as we explore.
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 09:26:01 am
Gunn Sinclair wrote - "Hi Steve! I was hoping you'd show up. The Wolter fixation goes on. By the way, would you mind clarifying your own position on the so-called Bloodline? I'm wondering how much of this actually may come from Sinclairs, and how much is generated in this particular blog in honor of Wolter."
9/3/2013 11:49:34 am
Steve, do you think it is likely, or unlikely, that there is a so-called Jesus bloodline? Answering this could either take some heat off you or else put more on....
Steve St Clair
9/3/2013 01:54:24 pm
Hi Gunn, 9/3/2013 01:57:55 pm
So far as I can determine, the oldest reference to Henry Sinclair in conjunction with the "Holy Bloodline" and the Knights Templar is Andrew Sinclair's 1992 book "The Sword and the Grail." Since the "Holy Bloodline" is largely a modern invention, I can't imagine that the Masons have anything to do with promoting its fictitious history.
9/3/2013 02:11:43 pm
Jason, don't forget Holy Blood, Holy Grail published in 1982. The Templars were linked to the Jesus Bloodline in that hoax. The entire premise was that there exists a Jesus Bloodline.
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 02:21:20 pm
Agreed Thane, but Jason is right that "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" made no mention of Henry Sinclair coming to the New World.
9/3/2013 02:38:11 pm
But the Sinclairs were mentioned, right? It's been years since I read it so I don't recall some details.
Steve St. Clair
9/3/2013 03:22:16 pm
They were mentioned Thane. In my "Special Illustrated Edition with exclusive new material" ISBN 10: 0-385-34001-X, I mean the Sinclair family, is mentioned on pages 178, 210, and 453.
9/3/2013 04:39:41 pm
Steve StClair says:
Steve St Clair
9/3/2013 05:05:05 pm
This is the kind of reasoned discussion you wanted, right Jason?
Only Me
9/3/2013 06:02:31 pm
Steve, I read the articles you linked to, and,, just wow. Very revealing backstory there.
9/3/2013 06:38:02 pm
Steve says
Steve St. Clair
9/4/2013 01:18:06 am
But Bobbie, we're not done. You haven't addressed or even mentioned the information at those 6 links I put up regarding the methods of your main source.
9/4/2013 02:32:43 am
Steve you go on like a mindless child,
Jason said: "...the "Holy Bloodline" is largely a modern invention."
"As a matter of fact, Sanskrit has plenty of irregular verbs and other irregular constructions that a “perfect” language would not possess."
Elian Gonzalez
9/3/2013 02:50:19 pm
Oh please. Everyone knows it's Homeric Greek that is perfect and has an alien origin.
Only Me
9/3/2013 07:12:50 pm
And here I thought mathematics would be the perfect language...since it's universal, ya know?
Mike Fedele
9/4/2013 10:24:28 am
9/4/2013 10:28:10 am
I can't say that I know of documented reports, but my late grandmother, who died in 1997, frequently told of a frightening night in the 1950s or 1960s when an orb of ball lightning passed through her house.
Mike Fedele
9/5/2013 08:35:44 am
Thanks Jason. Now I'll wait for an episode on Ancient Aliens or America Unearthed which says ball lighning either is a mini black hole which Aliens used to get to Earth or is a result of the Knights Templar..ha ha
Steve St. Clair
9/4/2013 12:59:26 pm
So, Jason...
9/4/2013 01:09:25 pm
I do not know Robert James Sinclair, or, for that matter, any Sinclairs. I do not solicit comments for this blog, nor have I ever done so. (Frankly, if I did, they'd be more on-topic more frequently.) He (or at least someone claiming to be a Robert Sinclair) was among those who emailed me after my initial blog post, along with many, many others. (I had to check since I can't keep all the various Sinclairs straight.) Frankly, if you hadn't asked I never would have connected that Sinclair email to the above comments.
9/4/2013 04:17:05 pm
WOW Steve you really are losing it. Its as Jason says Steve and no other way.....
9/4/2013 03:13:39 pm
This argument has to be one of the most ridiculous I have seen on this blog. It is like watching two children fighting over a toy that no one else really cares about. I understand the distinct argument that both of you are presenting about who the real is a real Sinclair. But in the end does it really matter whom is a “true” descendent of a minor Earl from the middle ages? Not to pick apart individual arguments but I do have to ask a question to Steve. You specifically argued against the other Sinclair that you are about the science and the research. That his team is about marketing, that they ignore the science to sell the “story”. Yet you are the one who agreed to appear with Scott Wolter on “American Unearthed”, it is your website that covers the Jesus Bloodline when discussing your DNA research project. So is it really about the science or is it really selling the Sinclair story that you are more concerned with. Also I do not think that you are able to claim the adult / mature argument when part of your counter argument is to name call and belittle the other person.
Steve St Clair
9/4/2013 04:13:12 pm
Lovely Joe,
9/4/2013 04:14:45 pm
Thank you for your comments Joe. Yes I spend far too much time following Steve around the net to counter all his tales, WHY because he is claiming other peoples genealogical family as his own. This obviously means nothing to you and I do understand that. I can say my line is from Caithness and 99.9 percent sure of belonging. Then we have, not only Steve but many others who carry the name Sinclair but honestly do not relate to this particular family. But that does not stop them from dragging the Sinclair name though the mud with rediculous storys and claims of fame. The Clan Sinclair CLAN is a social club or association made up of people with the surname Sinclair/StClair and various spellings. Anyone with the name can join or others related. Thats all fine and dandy, but when it comes to genealogy,that cuts to the core and I have actually warned people that if they want to stay a Sinclair then do not do the dna test . Most of the high upetty Sinclairs within CLAN Sinclair have done a dna test , guess what none of them relate to each go figure that one. Almost all of them are not related to the Sinclair family that they all claim. Yes they are Sinclairs their birth cert says so, but again no relation to the Sinclairs in Scotland. Its like a Wendys burger in a MacDonalds wrapper...may be better or may be worse but their not the same and not from the same restaurant
Oh, it's all so rediculous!
Matt Mc
9/5/2013 12:55:45 am
Well said Joe
Steve St. Clair
9/4/2013 05:07:39 pm
Bobbie, it's hard enough for me to keep up with all your complaints. I can't imagine what this groups thinks of you. Now you're veering over to slamming the Clan Sinclair and its leadership. We weren't even talking about that.
9/4/2013 05:39:39 pm
As you can see Steve is off his meds again. I think you posted on the wrong list there Steve.
9/4/2013 06:02:44 pm
Sinclairgate.......I have no problem with what the CLAN is all about, great fun, and many people enjoy it. I did my DNA Steve and am open to what anyone can say or prove about my genealogy. My line were a bunch of farm workers in Caithness, but at least they were there lol...Your stuck in America and thats whats eating you up, right SPUD
Steve St Clair
9/4/2013 06:14:53 pm
So, Drako isn't going to clarify his complaints.
9/8/2013 09:08:05 am
Steve StClair? mentions Name matching,between StClair of Herdmanston and Mandeville. Both being P310+ and so hey they must be related as Mandeville had close ties with StClair some 740 years ago.Well Steve likes to throw out this info without doing any real research and again as usuall these two surnames are most likely NOT related till WAY befor the use of surnames. Using this as some sort of proof that StClair is indeed the StClairs of Herdmanston or that they maybe descend from Mandeville is totally rediculous. The STR markers between these two is a huge difference and simply says what it is.......NOT related at all in the time frame that Steve is trying to connect them to. This is what I have been told by experts in the field, and no not Wilson lol So Steves only proof is some guy who wishes to remain anonymous, in other words its all just Steves say so LMAO
Steve St Clair
9/8/2013 11:30:31 am
Bobbie wrote - "This is what I have been told by experts in the field..."
piero sinclair
9/8/2013 12:50:21 pm
Steve, having read the above, and now your previous posts on this site, how on earth are you in a position to advise anybody how to be taken seriously on it?
Steve St Clair
9/8/2013 03:30:45 pm
Piero, you supremely arrogant Brit, you will never answer the points I made about one of your chief pieces of evidence, will you? I speak of the DISTINGUISHED Dr. James Wilson. And you can try to throw me off the sent, but I purposefully made this entire comment thread all about a particular academic very early in this thread. So, try as you might, you can't throw anyone off that.
9/8/2013 04:11:49 pm
HAHAH Steve I have learned to not name a source to you ,as all you would do is call that person names and try and belittle them as you do everyone else. Anyone who knows anything about dna knows Im correct. I went to someone else for a different opinion and got the same one I had. Your work is absolutly full of flaws and assumptions.
Steve St Clair
9/8/2013 04:59:39 pm
God this gets tiresome. Drako claims I'm "A desperate man who for some reason will not give up trying to claim to fit into this family." Knowing the pure blood mentality of Drako, he probably means I'm trying to claim I'm related to the One True Pure Begat By Mary Madeline Rosslyn Line. I've been very clear about my known genealogy and it's published on our website at this link where it's been for years -
9/8/2013 06:43:21 pm
So does anyone have any ideas how the Nixon administration could have obtained photographs of Santa Claus looking at the golden disk that was launched with Voyager that wasn't built and launched until the Carter administration? You think this may end up on a future AA episode?
Only Me
9/8/2013 06:52:33 pm
Duh! Time travel!
piero sinclair
9/8/2013 08:57:14 pm
What did I say? The same techniques being used yet again. I say you're not smart, so you say I'm not smart. I say your site is a shambles, so you say my article on Rob's Facebook site is a shambles.
Steve St Clair
9/9/2013 12:45:16 am
In Piero's lengthy Facebook proclamation on Drako's Hatebook site, he clearly says "there is very little chance of a Non Paternity Event (NPE) in that short time." Now he won't answer to it.
piero sinclair
9/9/2013 03:52:30 am
Well, since you're actually inviting me to reply to you.
Steve St Clair
9/9/2013 04:29:51 am
A good way to explain probabilities and statistics to someone who clearly doesn't understand them is to compare to dice. The outcome of a throw of a die (dice) is the same for each throw of that die. If you're looking to roll a 5, for instance, the chances are 1/6 that you will roll a 5. It doesn't matter if you've rolled 20 times and hit every other number but 5 multiple times. The chances of you rolling a 5 on that next throw are still 1 in 6.
Matt Mc
9/9/2013 05:13:46 am
I bet the Sinclair/St Clair family reunion is a blast.
Steve St Clair
9/9/2013 05:38:29 am
You'd be shocked Matt. I've seen at least 8 families have blowups of similar proportions. Usually they're contained on a family website, but in our case Robbie follows me around the web looking for any opportunity to throw jabs. Piero seems to be joining in the fun.
Matt Mc
9/9/2013 05:56:47 am
I understand what you are saying.
Paul Cargile
9/9/2013 05:41:32 am
Thanks for the good laugh, Matt.
piero sinclair
9/9/2013 05:41:06 am
As I thought, you're an idiot.
Steve St Clair
9/9/2013 12:10:31 pm
You can name-call all you want Piero. I fully understand statistics and probabilities and I can read what you posted on Bobbie's Hatebook site.
piero sinclair
9/9/2013 08:08:25 pm
The quote from my piece.
Steve St Clair
9/10/2013 12:27:45 am
Piero wrote, "It’s interesting to try to think of other alternative scenarios that are even vaguely plausible, but you’ll find you cannot because there are NONE. So folks, IT'S DEFINITE. Z346* Sinclairs are ultimately paternally descended from the Roslin Sinclairs." MY CAPS
9/10/2013 04:54:59 am
piero sinclair
9/9/2013 06:21:03 am
I apologize Matt for calling names, especially as I was accusing another for the same behaviour.
piero sinclair
9/10/2013 03:52:52 am
As you lose each argument you bring up a new one. You're now trawling the internet in a desperate effort to land a blow. I'm not playing this silly game anymore, especially as you don't seem to understand any of my answers.
Steve St Clair
9/10/2013 02:02:20 pm
Oh, you'll keep playing, Piero, because you love to have the last word. At some point you must rectify your claim of being "pretty much 100%" certain your DNA are the direct paternal descendants of the Rosslyn Sinclairs. Or you can just keep name calling and making it clear to all the readers here that you're bluffing because, if you understand DNA and SNPs, then you're not 'pretty much 100%' certain.
9/10/2013 05:00:40 am
Al, I resemble that! So you admit that stupidity and stubbornness is in your head? (I'm using Opher's manner of reasoning.)
Christopher Randolph
9/10/2013 05:59:51 am
This Sinclair idiocy has nothing to do with me. I don't know what a blog rat is, exactly, but I assume it's a slur. Since this entire thread has been overrun by slurs thrown by the warring St/Sinclairs, I suppose that is apropos. I'm not sure, though, why you object so strongly to my objections to the inanity, triviality, immaturity, and stupidity going on in this thread.
Only Me
9/10/2013 07:26:51 am
You'll get used to it, Al. Inanity, triviality, immaturity and stupidity are Gunn's stock and trade on this site, especially when he's trying to steamroll the latest topic in favor of his pet obsession. Whenever he reads a comment that doesn't square with his personal belief system, he goes on the attack like a rabid chipmunk.
9/10/2013 01:27:58 pm
Okay, why not...Steve needs a break now.
Steve St Clair
9/10/2013 01:49:15 pm
Christopher Randolph
9/10/2013 02:16:53 pm
I don't see any point in participating in this forum any longer. Jason clearly prefers having the Gunn and the Sinclair idiots here than the people who get scared away by them. 9/10/2013 11:24:32 pm
I don't prefer them. I'm not sure what you would have me do. I don't have all day to sit here reading Sinclair bloodline claims or monitoring everything people say across 3 years' worth of blog posts. I have a real job and not nearly enough time. I let people post what they will, within reason. Leave them to complain among themselves and you can comment on more productive posts.
Steve St Clair
9/10/2013 02:49:30 pm
Mission Accomplished
9/10/2013 04:49:55 pm
Good Evening,
piero sinclair
9/11/2013 02:56:07 am
But Jason, you deliberately primed the posts by your remarks above in ‘Sinclair Family Values’. You knew very well they would set off Steve and Shawn. For the record, the argument is not about the Bloodline, except among a small minority. The Roslins are one of several Sinclair lines, and hardly any Sinclair considers himself to be descended from Jesus Christ or is convinced by the Jarl Henry Sinclair story. For the record, you show your prejudice again by describing them as ‘minor nobility’. Actually, they weren’t and aren’t minor nobility, but you miss the point. If you paternally descend back to nobility it’s far easier to trace your agnatic ancestors into deep history, and this helps to resolve the dna evidence. I’m not saying some don’t preen themselves on this descent, which is annoying and incites envy from some, who then resort to the satisfying pleasure from taking pot shots at us, as per yourself.
Steve St Clair
9/10/2013 06:29:07 pm
Joe, this has been going on since Dr. James Wilson declared that he could prove which of the many lineages of the Sinclair family were the Rosslyn descendants. He over-reached, but the damage was done. Robbie and a few others decided that my urging caution and further research was tantamount to a conspiracy. I must have been "hiding the great and NOBLE TRUTH" of Robbie's 'true heritage.'
9/11/2013 03:13:04 am
WOW This gets better and better by the moment. Read back through some of these posts ,and just see the childish comments and just who was name calling. Steve is the very best at turning things about and playing to an audience that has no clue as to what this is all about. I say Steve StClairs actions here, speaks for itself. Steve is in marketing advertizing,go figure eh.
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 07:04:03 am
Bobbie wrote, "Most of what is put out by poor Steve who is haunted on the net is all lies."
Only Me
9/11/2013 07:04:06 am
Steve, Piero, Robert:
piero sinclair
9/11/2013 08:16:14 am
To Only Me.
Only Me
9/11/2013 09:51:03 am
I say to thee, nay, I am not a myth buster. I've read all the comments so far, and both sides have accused the other of being the charlatan.
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 11:02:30 am
Piero wrote today, "Also go to Steve's St Clair Research site, as he urges you to. Read his piece on Z346*. Then come on this forum and explain to us what it's all about, and how he came to the conclusions he did, and how it all makes sense. If you can't make sense of it, don't blame yourself. No one can."
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 05:22:26 pm
Uh... Piero? Drako?
9/15/2013 04:20:52 am
Only Me, by the way, as a lying fool, would you also be considered a prick? Well, in a Biblical sense, I guess you quality.
Gunn Sinclair
9/11/2013 08:42:29 am
Some visiting think the conversation has grown weary...not me. As long as there is something new, a new angle to explore, the subject and endgame are not over. This happens to me all the time here...a door is flipped open on a subject, I respond, the conversation progresses, and then a Blog Rat tries to intervene. Like, just when I was getting somewhere...someone actually wanted to know something else about "Jason's Waterloo," for instance.
9/11/2013 05:39:24 pm
Seems Steve and Shawn have had issues in the past...Shawn says,Steve there buddies.
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 06:28:57 pm
Yes, Drako. Shawn and I dealt with our issues like men. We moved on for the betterment of the Sinclair / St Clair Family. As a result, we're working together to answer the questions of the history of the family using DNA and genealogical records.
9/11/2013 05:43:58 pm
Please foreward all emails for Steve to his new address here. Seems he will be staying at this new address for some time.
piero sinclair
9/11/2013 08:03:44 pm
It's a psychiatric hospital. Yes, I can well understand why you've been dealing with it for years!
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 06:26:04 pm
Very clever, Drako. This is the kind or response I've been dealing with for years.
piero sinclair
9/11/2013 08:00:58 pm
And as I've said, you won't find the answers there.
Steve St Clair
9/11/2013 11:29:55 pm
You've been exposed here, Piero, on several counts. Everyone who reads this can see it. Do yourself the favor of either responding to the completely clear lie above, or being quiet.
piero sinclair
9/12/2013 01:37:51 am
I don't know what you're referring to. But I have just re-read above and noticed a post by you I missed. Is this it? This is part of it.
piero sinclair
9/12/2013 04:31:46 am
500 centuries should read 5 centuries.
Steve St Clair
9/12/2013 03:46:30 pm
Wow, Piero, I understand the issue now. You can't read simple English.
Matt Mc
9/12/2013 02:51:55 am
Honestly I don't thing anyone is pulling wool over anyones eyes. Except for the Sinclair lot and one midwestern obsessive, no one really cares about the lineage and who is who and related or not related to whomever.
9/12/2013 04:22:26 am
Matt McNutt, you have reached new lows here calling Mr. Wolter a "Midwestern obsessive." Well, it may as well go full-circle back to Jason and Wolter. Ha! Ha!
Matt Mc
9/12/2013 04:42:08 am
Gunn, I will gladly interact with you when you choose be respectful until then good day sir.
Only Me
9/12/2013 09:42:37 am
Try not to be too terribly disappointed when that doesn't happen, Matt.
Matt Mc
9/12/2013 10:10:42 am
I won't and don't expect it
9/15/2013 04:09:36 am
Only Me likes to butt-in, being a jerk, adding nothing to the discourse. He is the epitome of waste.
9/13/2013 06:03:52 am
Oh yes, you are the model of respect on a blog...more like just another Blog Rat.
titus pullo
9/12/2013 11:33:24 am
Here is a new one..I recall reading a book by Clive Cussler a while back that postulated that the Trojan war really was a Celtic tale of a battle in South West England over the Tin Trade..Troy was in England not Greece. The guy advocating it pointed to the simularity of river names and geography in Iliad. Haven't heard much of this theory since..anyone have any further insight on this?
9/12/2013 05:40:34 pm
It appears there is no civility in the Sinclair family, which again is still incredibly ridiculous behavior by what I have to assume are adults. I understand that I am sounding like a broken record in this conversation but I still have to wonder why such animosity. We all understand that you all disagree on the exact methods of the other groups research. But how do you think you will convince the opposing side of your point if all you do is bash or insult the other side. In fact it appears that you actually agree on some points.
9/13/2013 06:00:08 am
Say it ain't so, Joe. You got it wrong. So far, Henry Sinclair coming to America can be classified as a myth, if you choose to ignore Native American accounts. But, there is a Templar/Freemason connection to America...interwoven with Sinclairs.
Only Me
9/13/2013 07:47:12 am
Wow. One Internet delivered pat on the head and the sycophant continues his ankle-biting attacks in deference to his new master. Keep jumping through hoops like a trained seal; every court has to have a jester.
piero sinclair
9/13/2013 09:04:58 am
This is hilarious. But since it's 'Only You' we'll ignore the hypocrisy, and your attempt to goad the argument alive again.
Only Me
9/13/2013 09:55:58 am
No hypocrisy here, Piero.
Matt Mc
9/13/2013 12:40:36 pm
Actually Gunn as was referring to Wolter with my Midwestern Obsessive comment. Just to clear that up.
Matt Mc
9/13/2013 12:42:12 pm
Sorry that should read I was referring to Wolter
9/15/2013 04:07:36 am
Only Me, you're not adding anything but nastiness. You're showing everyone what a mean and nasty fellow you are.
9/12/2013 06:24:03 pm
Nicely said Joe,all but one thing that is
Steve St Clair
9/12/2013 11:08:55 pm
Joe, I'm sure you're left wondering how Drako thinks those words he posted suffice as an answer to your well-thought-out questions.
Steve St Clair
9/12/2013 11:30:56 pm
By the way Drako, I've repeatedly said I have nothing to do with the Sinclairs of Caithness. I've written it here, I've got my actual known genealogy posted on the website, and I've posted it on other forums.
9/13/2013 01:18:50 am
9/13/2013 03:16:31 am
Joe ,
Steve St Clair
9/13/2013 03:10:55 pm
Robert, you’re a liar. And the amusing part of your sad game is you know you’re a liar. My genealogy to Glasgow is well-proven. I’ve been on various other blog comment boards and Yahoo groups in which you and I already beat each other up over this. There is a court case in which my oldest ancestor is testifying for a gentleman named Mercer. In that he makes clear he is ‘of Glasgow.’ That’s a court case, Drako. It doesn’t get any better than that. But you should feel free to keep on repeating your tired old crap. That’s what we expect from an ass – crap.
9/13/2013 03:36:16 pm
That would be Lord Sinclair to you .now on your knees.Im sure your used to that.
Steve St Clair
9/13/2013 10:41:00 pm
Actually, I've changed my mind Drako. Post whatever you want. I'm done with you here. You won't answer a single point. You're only here to make noise.
Only Me
9/14/2013 04:29:24 am
Mission Accomplished?
Steve St Clair
9/14/2013 03:36:37 pm
Perhaps ! LOL
Only Me
9/14/2013 04:11:09 pm
I know we started off on the wrong foot some time ago, but I respect your tenacity. Keep fighting for what you believe, and continue your research efforts.
Steve St Clair
9/14/2013 11:59:11 pm
Thanks Only Me,
Gunn Sinclair
9/15/2013 04:16:24 am
My mission is not accomplished with you, Only Me. I'd like you to be able to see what a fool you've been here, falsely attributing quotes to me, etc., and attacking just for sport. Steve, you are playing with the devil...a true hypocrite.
The strongest and fearless person is the one who knows his/her mistakes and still seek for guidance and forgiveness. Have a pleasant day and keep on smiling. Visit my site for more information.
I enjoy reading all your post in your blogs. I guess you are a great blogger beacuse you have a lot of comments in your blogs. Keep on posting. Please inspire more people through your post! Fighting!
Steve St C
11/29/2021 10:53:42 pm
That in no way makes Colavito a "great blogger."
6/24/2016 05:04:01 pm
... what the hell did I just read ...
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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