Back at the start of the year, I made a very brief reference to the claim that the true father of Jesus was a Roman soldier named Pantera, Pandera, or Panthera. The claim originates in Jewish anti-Christian lore and first appears in the historical record in Origen’s Contra Celsus 1.32, where the Church Father relates with disapproval the fact that the pagan philosopher Celsus had said of the Virgin that “when she was pregnant she was turned out of doors by the carpenter to whom she had been betrothed, as having been guilty of adultery, and that she bore a child to a certain soldier named Panthera.” This particular tale also appeared in the Jerusalem Talmud and the satirical Jewish anti-Gospel called the Sefer Toledot Yeshu. Some Late Antique Jewish texts call Jesus the “son of Pantera,” and imply that the story originated in the first century CE. What I didn’t know is that James Tabor, advocate of the Talpiot Tomb, takes this seriously! I discovered this fact in a roundabout way after a Facebook posting linked me to an article from last year that not only rehearsed this claim, which was well known to me, but included the full name and career of Pantera, which was not known to me from any ancient or medieval source. According to the article, this soldier was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, from Phoenicia, who died at the age of 62, having served 40 years as an archer in the Roman army. This was rather specific, given that none of the medieval or ancient sources provided any such claim for the alleged rapist who sired Jesus. Even better, the article gave the text of his tombstone! I transcribe it here from a standard source, for accuracy: TIB ∙ IVL ∙ ABDES ∙ PANTERA ∙ The Latin text of the tombstone allowed me to quickly find that it belongs to a stone discovered in Bingerbrück in 1859, on what was then the Prussian-Hessian border. After the stone’s discovery, scholars considered it an unusual name and wondered if it was unique to this fellow. By the end of the nineteenth century, archaeologists and philologists had proved that the name “Pantera” (and its variants) occurred commonly among the people of Judea, particularly Roman soldiers. Pantera’s cohort had moved from Judea to Germany during the time he served.
So far, so boring. The stone is of interest to those who enjoy Roman military history, but James Tabor wrote in his 2006 book The Jesus Dynasty that this Pantera might well have been Jesus’ father! “I became convinced that the possible connection of this Roman soldier with the traditions related to Jesus’ father should not be dismissed out of hand just because it sounds offensive to piety and faith.” Tabor rejects the scholarly suggestion that “Pantera” was a somewhat anagrammatic pun on the Greek Parthenos, referring to the Virgin Birth, because he doesn’t think the words sound much alike. (Others believe the phrase Ben Pantera, meaning “son of a she-leopard” is simply a phrase meaning “illegitimate,” parallel to the Arabic insult “son of the lioness.”) While Tabor offers the requisite hedges and qualifiers that his claims are only possibilities, he argued that as a soldier who was stationed in Judea around time of Christ’s birth, and bearing the same name Celsus gave to the rapist, this Pantera (can we call him T. J. Panther to keep them straight?) is probably the Pantera of Celsus’ account and later Jewish lore. Further, although we don’t know when T. J. Panther served, his cohort was involved in sacking Sepphoris, near to Nazareth, in 4 BCE, the time of Jesus’ conception and birth. (The cohort moved to Dalmatia in 6 CE and Binger in 9.) The rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus allegedly claimed in the first century that Sepphoris is where the story of Pantera originated, but we know this only from later accounts, written around 300 CE. Just since it’s been a pain in the ass to find, here is what Eliezer said to the Romans after being arrested on suspicion of being a Christian, as given in the Avoda Zara 17a and Tosefta Hullin 2.34 (bracketed words are only in the Avoda): “Once I was walking in the main street of Sepphoris, and met [one of the disciples of Jesus the Nazarene] Jacob of Kefar Siknin, who repeated to me a heretical saying in the name of Jesus ben Pantera which pleased me well” (trans. George F. Moore). The astonishing leaps in logic in this case are paralleled only by the leaps in logic he makes in declaring the Talpiot Tomb that of Jesus himself. In both cases, Tabor is happy to declare common names to be meaningfully related to the Bible. There is little surprise that fellow Talpiot Tomb advocate Simcha Jacobovici endorsed the Pantera parentage as well. We have no reason to trust that Celsus is correct, of course, and many of his other claims cannot be supported by evidence. For example, Celsus, and later Jewish sources, claimed Jesus learned magic while apprenticed to Egyptian mages. This has no evidentiary support. We also have other Panteras in the required area, including Pentheros, a Hellenized Jew who lived in Jerusalem, and presumably other members of his family who shared the name. The presence of other soldiers named Pantera would suggest that when Eliezer allegedly spoke there was a Jewish rumor in circulation decades after Jesus’ death challenging Christian claims with scurrilous accusations of sexual impropriety with the impious Jews who collaborated with the occupying Romans. Anyway, the bottom line is that the three largest assumptions underlying Tabor’s claim hardly let us declare the “Pantera mystery solved,” as he said.
There is therefore not enough logical reason to suppose that T. J. Panther was “Pantera,” or that either of them was really the father of Jesus. It’s a possibility, but not more of one than it was in 180 CE.
Bob Jase
2/22/2016 03:02:22 pm
Either way it shows that the claim that no near contemporaries contested the reaality of the divine Jesus is crap.
Scott Hamilton
2/22/2016 03:08:17 pm
Celsus' slander is a pretty good reason to think there must have been some sort of historical Christ. After all, claiming that Christ didn't exist would have been a far more devastating argument to early Christians than making a dirty joke about his parentage. There must have been some sort consensus at the time that Jesus was a real person, even if we'll never be 100% sure why.
Time Machine
2/22/2016 03:36:18 pm
>>>Celsus' slander is a pretty good reason to think there must have been some sort of historical Christ.<<<
2/23/2016 09:01:44 am
The slander did not happen while Jesus lived, but rather decades after his death when the Christian religion was taking hold. This is not evidence that Jesus existed at all, rather that some people didn't like the new religion and wanted to counter claims of his divine conception with claims of Roman parentage. There is no concrete evidence the Jesus of the bible ever existed at all.
Time Machine
2/23/2016 11:10:18 pm
>>> decades after his death when the Christian religion was taking hold.<<<
2/24/2016 08:04:58 am
Although the gospels did not exist, the early Christian church was using Jesus as it's martyr and symbol. In fact, the very word "Christian" was meant as a derogatory term.
Time Machine
2/24/2016 08:47:04 am
Both Judaism and Christianity were unpopular during the first few centuries, as indeed were other cults that the Roman Empire consider were disrespectful towards it.
2/24/2016 10:13:28 am
That is true enough, look at how the Romans treated the Druids.
Eric Breaux
11/13/2016 10:09:47 am
Time Machine and Dave R, If I knew as little as y'all do about the data showing the gospels historically accurate, I might have the same disposition you do.
12/9/2019 05:56:16 am
Flavius Josephus, Jewish historian of the day mentions Yeshua in his book antiquities, book 22 says " the trial of James the brother of the claimed Messiah" but an earlier mention in book 18 has clearly been embellished, the later book says the claimed Messiah but book 18 claims him as the Christ Messiah who worked healings and miracles, accepted to have been altered in the middle ages, but two definite mentions by a scholar historian of the time who clearly mentions the historical Yeshua, whether he is man or divine is subjective, his existence is objective fact non the less.
Time Machine
2/22/2016 03:33:48 pm
Jesus Christ never existed.
Dale Hardeman
3/11/2017 03:39:39 am
There are at least 22 non-biblical references of which I am aware that reference Yeshua, the Nazarene, who was crucified in Jerusalem circa 33 A.D., including the records of the Jewish Sanhedrin, Emperor Titus, and Saul of Tartus, who persecuted followers of Jesus. There would have been no followers of Jesus if he never existed. Reasonable scholarship easily supports the existence of Jesus, though one may argue as to the issue of divinity.
5/11/2017 10:48:49 pm
Nazarene was not a city when Jesus was alive. So you can not use the Jesus of Nazarene references to prove his existence.
4/23/2017 12:55:48 am
do you believe writing existed 2000 years ago? did people exist 2000 years ago? did pontius pilate exist? did the roman empire exist? is christianity a folklore, fable, tale or does it really exist? are islam and judaism folklore, fable, tales or do they really exist? where did roman catholics come from? why associate romans with a tale they did not ascribe to or which did not exist in the first place? now, do you believe abraham lincoln existed? if 2000 years from now, some people say he didnt, will they be right or wrong?
2/22/2016 03:46:15 pm
“There were reports of people in Palestine healing in the name of Yeshu ben Pandira [Tosefta Hullin 2.23], which must have been a mockery of the Greek title Virgin, Parthenos. Jesus was variously said to have been the son of Pandira or Panthera, even though his mother was married to Stada. Thus ‘Ben Stada is the same as Ben Pandira. Rabbi Hisda said, ‘The husband was Stada, the paramour was Pandira’ [Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 104a. Rabbi Hisda was teaching around 300 CE].
2/22/2016 03:48:34 pm
these things
Time Machine
2/22/2016 03:54:29 pm
>>>Tosefta Hullin 2.23<<<
2/22/2018 05:49:50 pm
Stada means a woman who has been unfaithful to her husband ( Josheph put her away verily ) means he divorced her for being unfaithful .
2/22/2016 04:02:08 pm
This Panthera thing is a mess, help us Jason.
2/22/2016 05:27:03 pm
Wikipedia ( shows that the matter has no solution because of the large number of interpretations regarding the etymology of ben Panthera
2/22/2016 05:55:33 pm
So some German fringe person claimed to have found a headstone with the name Pantera on it and thought it must be Jesus' real Dad? It's kind of the same ludicrous logic as saying names sound alike therefore they are, like the two Marys or the term for Adulterer in ancient times. It doesn't mean there is any relation. It's not likely the guy who put up the headstone was gone to get more tourists by doing that. It's not like the KRS. Sure he'd get curious onlookers, but it smacks of a pointless hoax. How is he going to make any money off having the grave site of the alleged soldier father? Why brag about that? It would be like claiming you have the site of the mistress of a Civil War political figure. Who would are?
Time Machine
2/22/2016 07:39:53 pm
>>>So some German fringe person claimed to have found<<<
Time Machine
2/22/2016 07:43:50 pm
Here's a close-up of Pantera's tomb in Römerhalle museum in Bad Kreuznach, Germany.
Time Machine
2/22/2016 07:47:27 pm
Sorry, that was the wrong link.
2/22/2016 05:58:09 pm
It's even more cynical than that actually. It is Germany where they like having connections to historical figures (kind of like France but with not as much humor). The guy that made the stone was probably just trying to upset some staunch Christian leaders of the time.
Paul S.
2/22/2016 10:54:09 pm
Is there any reason to think that the Roman soldier Pantera's tombstone was faked in the 19th century? If I understand the original post correctly, it wasn't until recently that fringe authors associated the Pantera on this tombstone with the Panthera alleged to be Jesus' father.
Time Machine
2/23/2016 06:24:50 am
Why should there be any reason it was faked?
5/11/2017 10:53:30 pm
They also found several other headstones as well. Why would you believe someone would put that much effort into proving Christianity wrong.
2/22/2016 06:17:52 pm
we now know where Panera Bread comes from.
Shane Sullivan
2/22/2016 07:24:15 pm
Panera Bread: The Original Eucharist.
Bob Jase
2/22/2016 08:39:42 pm
Quality has really gone downhill.
Quinn Barra
2/23/2016 10:27:08 pm
Beat me to it...
2/22/2016 10:54:47 pm
Jason, if you could lend your investigative skills to modern myth and legend as well as you tear into past pseudo-history, we'd have fewer presidential candidates.
2/23/2016 02:22:24 pm
The Talmd was actually making a poetic allusion to Panderus of the Illiad. Romans mistakenly replaced with the d with a t.
2/28/2016 05:32:19 pm
JESUS IS THE SON OF JASON COLAVITO!! ... I can't prove it but heck, isn't that what belief in the Son of God is all about!! ... LMAO ...
6/30/2016 03:42:13 pm
It is all conjecture, both Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera and some yet defined impregnation by the God of the Universe. There it remains without DNA testing.
6/30/2017 09:37:21 am
The non-Biblical accounts presented by Christian scholars as evidence of the historicity of their deity come from authors who lived after the alleged life of Jesus. Since they did not live during the time of the hypothetical Jesus, none of their accounts can serve as eyewitness evidence. This applies to the most-often cited Josephus Flavius, born in 37 CE, Pliny the Younger, born 62 CE, Tacitus, born in 64 CE, and Suetonius, born in 69 CE, and to the many other sources even further removed in time from the events they claim to attest.
the problem is easily solved. Occam's Razor. Is it more logical to believe birth is the result of a Roman soldier or some mythical being in the heavens which no one has ever seen and has not even been able to solve the problem of evil!!! Go with the simpler explanation. Soldiers are impregnation women all the time. Never seen proof a God doing it a single time. LOL
6/19/2018 03:03:39 pm
Let us not touch the sky ,the truth is open even now the real israelist in jerusalem (betlehem) is not the real israelist for e.g afrikaa ners (african) was only group of people and bandit who volunteer as missionaries to occupy and in slave the real people of canaan and for oil and other resources even now those people they defend them to real for claiming their land jews and palestinene are one family divided by this invaders the crusaders the group of french,england,germany ,e.t.c,when overtook to romans emperors claiming to protect the jews ,romans killed mesiah .is where the hospitalers with red cross the crusaders and the front liners black march to kanaan and take land and called them israelist but still use the protocol of euroupeon. jews are not free they are divided. the crusaders modified their mind with the great priest,pope some involved in the killing of messiah their punishment was to reveal all the way of messiah so that they must translate it to their own language and preach it to other nation as missionry in other hand looking for resoucers and slaves to extend their powers greater world and write what is suitable to confuse people and grab the land , then put their government and some never go my believe muhummad and messiah is one person they talk one thing only one we are confused because the crusaders changed all script and add what is not and potrait messiah by da vinci the artist with image of prince son of king edwards and called him jesus christ son of god in real script of torah messiah did not proclaim that he is the son god.he proclaimed that he is the son of man child of god .the crusaders also revealed that the romans killed as sort of politcals that people follow him and the priest,pope those put law with emperor became fear that people will not pay tax and he will take power because he got miracle,and that is the son of bandera a black roman archer from line age of black slaves jew ,as hidden because of racist is why now were start to realise that is why black people inslaved all over the world ,and even mother of messiah is not married to real father of messiah is due to racist but because god is one ,the child grow with other child and play ,and listen to her mother guide and attend jews culture praying god and spending many years with priest learn about god,when he grow up he devoted to the spirit of god and with powers of god he heals soul and condemn some law of the emperor and popes to save the lost people truth by listing and obeing emperors as god ,and not following ten commandment and that only god is the mighty. .like crusaders they translated torah to bible and changed sabaath to sunday but by the real jews ,sabbath is friday evening till saturday evening because of inslave people the saw this that their work will delay and slaves will rest long days they change it to sunday mid night ,LET US THAT JESUS DIES FOR OUR SINS DUE THIS BECAUSE HE TOOK OUT THE PEOPLE IN SINS THAT THEY WERE PRAYING HUMANS BEING RATHER THAN GOD. those emperor,popes,priest set him influence soucers and bad people to accuse him and kills.after some nation realise that they killed a wrong man he was devoted to God. and he was real JUSTICE OF HEAVEN messenger to peoples..even till today there are those who inrich the with the message of him .AMEN.
7/15/2018 08:37:17 pm
Jesus categorically existed. This much we can be certain of Jews Christians Muslims Romans and Greeks and others all concede that he existed. They cannot all be mistaken. I agree that there is so much confusion as to what information we have available to us and it's reliability or lack there of. There is definitely a problem over Jesus identity I agree that he may well have been mix raced but we should focus on all the positive achievements he accomplished in his short life his commitment to God and other human beings. Ultimately remember that Jesus is the Messiah and let us keep his commandments to love God and love our neighbours to keep our faith proudly and promote love and peace whilst we await his return. Amen
10/23/2018 03:35:29 am
M.A.M. It would be lovely if you learnt grammar. Albeit, you are quite enlightened to say the least. Corruption in all propogates hunger for untruth...
Randeep Kaur
4/22/2019 12:44:23 pm
In order to come into this world the human zygote is fertilized by both the ovum and the sperm in order to become a fully developed human being. It is very possible the Pathera could have been the true father of Jesus. Romans ruled the Middle East and used women for their disposal. The church has argued about a miraculous conception but modern science cannot accept this as we all know that an embryo is definitely produced from fertilization of sperm and ovum. There is no other way of reproducing humans.
11/16/2019 01:58:43 am
Who's Pathera?
12/30/2019 02:23:25 am
so much nonsense spewed from the mouths of anti-Christians ... so childish
Paul E. Starbuck
2/6/2020 12:04:59 am
The assertion that Pantera was Jesus' father has more logic going for it than the "Christian" fantasy that Jesus was fathered of a virgin by God.
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