A powerful storm hit eastern New York on Wednesday and took out electrical service for much of the area. While some parts of the region are still without power, fortunately my power has been restored. My internet service came back on just before 10 PM last night. As a result, I have been unable to keep up with my usual work this week. However, I could not let the week pass without noting the proclamation that Pres. Trump issued yesterday declaring Oct. 9 to be Leif Erikson Day, in honor of the Norse explorer often credited as the first European to reach the Americas. More than 1,000 years ago, the Norse explorer and Viking Leif Erikson made landfall in modern-day Newfoundland, likely becoming the first European to discover the New World. [...] Accomplished in the face of daunting danger and carried out in service of Judeo-Christian values, Leif Erikson’s story reflects the fundamental truths about the American character. On a mission to evangelize Greenland, Leif Erikson and his crew were blown off course. They had to brave the cold waters of the northern Atlantic to find safe harbor on the North American coastline. In surviving this ordeal, these hardened Vikings tested the limits of human exploration in a way that continues to inspire us today. It is interesting that the White House uses outdated terminology about “discovery” to describe the Norse arriving in a continent teeming with people, but it is more interesting that the Trump team have interpolated Judeo-Christian “values” into a story that the Sagas do not describe as motivated primarily by Christianity, much less an ahistorical “Judeo-Christian” set of a values that Europeans of the Middle Ages would not have recognized. The Sagas describe Erikson, newly baptized, bringing a priest to Greenland in 999 to baptize the natives, but this does not extend to Vinland, which Leif only reached in 1002, presumably without the priest still working back in Greenland, and it is unclear why the White House wants to associate Christian “values” with violent, forced conversion of the natives anyway. I guess that is the fundamental truth about the American character Trump was talking about.
The interesting thing about this is that in the nineteenth century, during the creation of the myth of Viking discoverers of America as a foil to Italian claims based on Columbus, propagandists used these same arguments. While the Sagas do not describe any priests traveling with Leif beyond Greenland, Victorian writers assumed that one did because of those same Christian values. “He and those with him must, therefore, have gone as Christians,” one typical Victorian source writes, “and as they went to remain, they must have been accompanies by a Christian minister or ministers.” That assumption is not necessarily true. History records the first notice of a priest visiting Vinland in 1059.
Doc rock
10/10/2020 10:25:41 am
Not too long ago Trump was making a serious run at Minnesota for the election. Wisconsin and Michigan are in play. Probably part of Trump's usual 3.0 version of circa-1850 political spiel or just tossing a bone to the upper midwest scandies to pick up some votes, or more likely a little of both.
Another interesting thing
10/10/2020 10:44:13 am
Why isn't God doing anything about this Covid pandemic ?
Hm, the proclamation "stretches" history, yet it is not downright wrong.
What Christianity did
10/10/2020 02:09:49 pm
Christianity did what it did to promote itself and to impose by force the Bible. Look how Christianity has systematically wiped out the cultural identities of peoples around the globe throughout history. How South American natives were transported to another continent to the Vatican so that the clergy could debate whether or not the natives had a soul,
Now, and what do you want to say with these words in respect to the question raised? That a US president never shall mention Christianity again? Or that he shall condemn Christianity, and condemn Leif Eriksson? What is it? Tell us, please.
10/10/2020 09:24:48 pm
"I doubt that American Indians were brought to the Vatican in order to debate whether they have a soul."
Hogwash from T. Franke
10/11/2020 07:21:07 am
The current Christian ceremonies only date from the Middle Ages and the concepts were quite unknown to the Church Fathers, never mind not being found in New Testament
10/11/2020 07:40:28 pm
There were a number of loopholes in the rules against enslaving Indians. Denouncing slavery while permitting loopholes and permitting the Encomienda and Repartimiento systems was hypocritical.
10/12/2020 12:33:10 am
To reinforce what WCD's comment alluded to above...The leaders of the Christian church literally and forcibly HURLED all of Europe into the dark ages, where it remained for more than 500 effing years.
Kent, after the mess was complete, there was no going back, only a going forward. Christianity first helped to destroy ancient wisdom, partially, and then it helped, partially, to recreate it (partially not).
10/13/2020 01:39:24 am
I hope no one has put you in charge of even the most trivial of envelopes because you are not qualified.
Darold knowles
10/13/2020 12:16:43 pm
He’s actually one of the more intelligent Trump supporters I’ve come across.
Pablo Calahorra
10/11/2020 10:15:38 am
You are completely right. The cultural relativism which seems to be so in vogue in these times for certain people leads to nowehere in my opinion. Besides, the anti-christian -and by implication also anti-catholic- bias of some of the people who wrotes here tends to forget facts, like that the Western way of life -the much reviled "Judeochristian capitalist civilization" is the gold standard which other people strive to have worldwide.
Marco polo
10/11/2020 12:17:06 pm
Except that China is doing fine on the world stage with a decidedly non-Judeo-Christian belief system and their own hybrid version of capitalism. Pablo Calahorra, exactly. We should always be aware that we live on the sunshine side of this world. If I had serious criticism concerning this proclamation, then it is that the heritage of antiquity is not mentioned. This is the main part, in my humble opinion. It came only encapsulated with Christianity in Leif Eriksson's days, but I would see it as a heritage in its own right. It is not enough to refer to Christianity alone. Christianity alone means Middle Ages. Only with antiquity we come to the Renaissance and Enlightenment.
E.P. Grondine
10/10/2020 11:34:21 am
Hi Jason-
10/11/2020 12:47:48 am
Cusick's opus, though uncorrect, is uncorrect only because it reports uncorrect stuff. He also mentions Indians who left the east coast, got to the Rocky Mountains, were spooked by a giant and skedoodled back to the east coast. No one will be surprised when they find no mention of Norsemen in Cusick's work.
10/11/2020 12:48:17 am
Cusick's opus, though uncorrect, is uncorrect only because it reports uncorrect stuff. He also mentions Indians who left the east coast, got to the Rocky Mountains, were spooked by a giant and skedoodled back to the east coast. No one will be surprised when they find no mention of Norsemen in Cusick's work.
10/11/2020 02:01:49 am
Cusick's opus, though uncorrect, is uncorrect only because it reports uncorrect stuff. He also mentions Indians who left the east coast, got to the Rocky Mountains, were spooked by a giant and skedoodled back to the east coast. No one will be surprised when they find no mention of Norsemen in Cusick's work.
10/11/2020 05:57:51 pm
It should be noted that the software on this site rejects duplicate posts so the repetition above is not my doing. On a similar note, Joe Biden's current commercial that is flooding the radio in my area begins with "Listen to me!" Screw that noise, when someone says "Listen to me" I respond with "Eff you." To be fair, I'm equally pissed off about the Trump recording robocalls. Mitt Romney's looking pretty good right now, huh? Sorry America, you had your chance in 2012 and YOU BLEW IT!
10/11/2020 08:02:59 pm
" Mitt Romney's looking pretty good right now, huh?"
Chitrali Bob
10/11/2020 08:22:01 pm
Yeah, and Weiner's account was hacked.
10/10/2020 12:33:01 pm
Trump is not versed in history enough to know anything about the Vikings. To him they're a football team in Minnesota. This was probably written by one of his staffers to hide his roid rage tweets after being pumped oin a cocktail of experimental Covid drugs. It's not him. He was probably also watching reruns of Vikings on TV.
10/15/2020 12:45:58 am
Trumps mother was from the isle of lewis,stornoway was was founded by the vikings so he has probably read about vikings
10/10/2020 05:08:37 pm
Oy, again with the "Judaeo-Christian".
Cat Steven
10/10/2020 07:36:44 pm
I bid four goats. Her price lessens greatly because she is educated and has been outside of close Male relative direct supervision for extended periods. Goats delivered after the circumcision ceremony.
10/10/2020 07:36:09 pm
I don't know who wrote this for him, but it's definitely a two for one wink to Evangelicals and his white supremacist fans enamored with Vikings.
Suzanne, I understand the wink to Evangelicals, but a wink to white supremacists? No, I can't see anything like that.
10/11/2020 09:43:00 am
There's some obvious political pandering here. Some states in the upper Midwest celebrate Leif Erickson Day, and Trump needs them for his reelection. Wisconsin, the one he probably needs the most, has Leif Erickson Day as an official holiday. The question is whether the proclamation also is a dog whistle to some far right groups that seek to revive Nordic practices and Odinism.
10/11/2020 03:36:44 pm
The presence of a priest is hardly relevant to the exploration by Leif. The Sagas make it clear the Vikings were not on a missionary bent. When they encountered the 'Skraelings' they quickly pictured them as savages and promptly began a war with them.
10/12/2020 08:18:00 pm
But Franklin went to France and boned and bone and boned. He didn't bone his slaves because he didn't have any. He boned other people's slaves.
10/12/2020 10:07:02 am
If we are celebrating primacy here, let's declare October 9th Dino Day. The dinosaurs certainly predated anyone else. Or perhaps we should just call it Rock Day.
10/13/2020 09:50:48 pm
I'm as disturbed by the mania to topple monuments as the next guy, when it is carried to excess. The point of the original announcement, however, was to use the argument of the "Manifest Destiny" of the White Race to evangelize the benighted dark savages. This is the first time I ever even heard of the idea the earliest Vikings were marauding monasteries and slaughtering the monks to spread Christianity. It took the Saxon King Alfred kicking the Viking King Guthrum's ass to convert him to Christianity.
10/13/2020 10:14:51 pm
Just seconds after my last post I hit on a news bulletin (e.g.; clickbait) about the latest meme by the White House bunch that "nobody dies from Covid anymore". But before I could even see the video clip an ad appeared by some joker called Stefano that his grandfather (conveniently dead, I assume) told him all about Atlantis and the 'Root Races' taking us from Theosophy to the Wodenist Aenir/Aryan super race right up to the Reptilians.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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