The post has been updated to include information on the Hill abduction and anal probing provided by Robert Sheaffer. In Weird Al Yankovic’s new parody song “Foil,” he sings about the need for tinfoil hats “in case an alien’s inclined / to probe your butt or read your mind.” Why it is that aliens want to probe our butts; or, more specifically, when exactly did people start claiming that aliens gave them anal probes? I know this is a silly question, but silly questions often end up revealing hidden layers and secrets. And I have not been able to find a satisfactory answer to what should have been a simple question. Anal probes are now such an established part of the UFO phenomenon that you’d think there’d be a clear answer to that question, but if there is, I can’t find one. Many UFO books refer to it, and many assume that it’s just a given during an abduction, but I can’t find a catalog of anal probing events or a timeline of when they supposedly started. Even the otherwise exhaustive Wikipedia lacks an entry for alien anal probes. There must be something about it somewhere, but since I am not as familiar with modern UFO material, I am not sure where to look for it. Ufology isn’t much help in the matter. In his A UFO Hunter’s Guide (2012), Brad Lueder simply denies that there were any anal probes, dismissing the formulation as “misinterpreted and misunderstood” sex experiments. He’s wrong, of course, but it shows that some ufologists want to distance themselves from what Lueder calls the “sneers and jokes” of “modern popular culture.” On the other hand, Zen Benefiel self-published a book this year called Alien Agendas and Anal Probes that promised to investigate “the science behind the anal probes” and what these probes can tell us about why the aliens are really here. But his book isn’t a history so much as New Age-influenced fringe speculation. We can probably put a terminus ante quem and terminus pro quem on our search by establishing that the trope was famous enough in 1997 to be the subject of South Park’s pilot episode, “Cartman Gets an Anal Probe.” The probing can’t be part of the abduction experience before there was an abduction experience, so it had to have developed after 1964, when under hypnosis Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been subjected to surgical examination (Betty claimed a needle entered her naval) during a 1961 alien abduction. Or at least it would have developed after 1962, when claims that Antonio Vilas-Boas had been seduced into sex by an alien following a medical examination on a spaceship in 1957 were first published. The interesting thing is that Barney Hill actually did claim to be anally probed, but because that claim was not included in The Interrupted Journey (1965), the account by John G. Fuller of the hypnotic regression he performed on the Hills, this claim was not generally known until a 1965 report by NICAP investigator Walter Webb was popularized much later. In that report, Webb stated that during the hypnotic regression, Barney Hill stated that “A cylindrical object was inserted up the rectum, and once again the witness believed something was extracted.” Fuller left this out of the book, along with a claim by Hill that a cup was used to extract sperm. We can narrow down a bit further when the trope reached the general public. In 1994 John E. Mack’s Abduction described a tube inserted in the rectum as part of alien abduction and reported that under hypnosis an abductee named Peter said he was anally probed and that “These guys don’t know how to touch people … like get some bedside manner.” What a contrast from Betty and Barney Hill! Barney Hill told his hypnotist that “I wish I had gone with them … Oh, what an experience to go to some distant planet. … Maybe this will prove the existence of God.” Abduction had become blasé. In 1992, David M. Jacobs claimed in Secret Life that aliens conducted rectal examinations with an instrument shaped like a wire whisk. Also in 1992, UFO researcher Karla Turner defined anal probing as one of the key elements of an alien abduction: “genitalia and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.” She said “numerous” reports confirmed anal probing. So let’s go back still further to Whitley Strieber’s Communion (1987), widely considered to be the most influential alien abduction account, even though Strieber did not specifically identify the creatures that abducted him as space aliens. Although he never uses the phrase “anal probing” in recounting what he supposedly “remembered” of his 1985 alien abduction while undergoing hypnotic regression, he does discuss the aliens violating him anally: Soon I was in more intimate surroundings once again. There were clothes strewn about, and two of the stocky ones drew my legs apart. The next thing I knew I was being shown an enormous and extremely ugly object, gray and scaly, with a sort of network of wires on the end. It was at least a foot long, narrow, and triangular in structure. They inserted this thing into my rectum. It seemed to swarm into me as if it had a life of its own. Apparently its purpose was to take samples, possibly of fecal matter, but at the time I had the impression I was being raped, and for the first time I felt anger. Before his death, the painter and ufologist Budd Hopkins took the rape analogy still further and argued that the actual procedure is not, as Strieber suggested, to collect a stool sample but rather electroejaculation stimulation to collect a semen sample through prostate stimulation. Hopkins had become convinced that aliens had a reproductive agenda, not a scatological one.
I was not originally able to find earlier accounts of anal probing than Strieber’s before Robert Shaeffer pointed me to the 1965 report on the Hill incident. This report was not common knowledge until decades later and this is reflected in the lack of anal probing between Hill and Strieber. Hopkins claims to have spoken with people who say they were anally probed in the 1970s. However these claims were made after Strieber’s, as evidenced from Hopkins’s first UFO book, Missing Time (1981), in which probing was discussed, but not up the ass. Instead, Hopkins told of the hypnotic revelations of Betty Andreasson who claimed to have been abducted in 1967 and was hypnotized in the late 1970s, when she revealed the probing: “Oh! He’s putting that thing in my nose. […] He had that thing up in my head!” Sandy Larson, hypnotized in 1975, similarly reported nasal probing. Virginia Horton, in 1979, claimed under hypnosis to have had a nasal probing. For what it’s worth, Horton’s nasal “probe” (it was “a nice smooth texture,” looked like “a microphone,” and hummed) seems to be the model for the anal probe of later literature. After her nasal probing, Horton was treated to a party with the aliens, complete with electronic music and gossip about dating. What she learned at the party about the aliens’ research program, she said, was “one of those things people like to deal with in science fiction themes.” I can’t find a published account of anal probes predating 1987. (The Webb report was not published or reported publicly.) That same year saw the famous 1987 MUFON convention at American University that triggered national headlines (including in the Washington Post) when several abductees told their stories of aliens experimenting on them. That claim is common enough; Travis Walton also described a medical examination like those of the Hills and Vilas-Boas. Hopkins—again!—was back in 1987 with Intruders, in which he introduced more hypnosis evidence, this time of gynecological examinations—vaginal probes. It was a big year for probing, but once again, there wasn’t any anal probing except for Strieber. It seems therefore that Strieber must be the direct source. After his book—and especially after the 1992 film version of Communion, with its famous scene of Christopher Walken receiving a writhing, phallic anal probe—the number of references to anal probing multiply exponentially in the literature, including a rising number of people in the 1990s who claimed to have been so probed. As early as 1990 Mademoiselle magazine reported that Communion had already inspired a “cult” of believers who started reporting similar abductions. The movie, I’d guess, is the most important source for making anal probes a standard part of the abduction experience, at least in its pop culture form, but it’s interesting that the stereotypical anal probe is closer in description to the nasal vibrator of the 1970s than to the scaly penis of Strieber’s version. I’m guessing his throbbing, thrashing probe wasn’t technological enough for true believers. I think, though, that there must be some contamination from when cattle mutilation claims became associated with aliens, for in those claims, too, the aliens are said to be particularly interested in anuses. As an animal lover, I find the subject distasteful and am not particularly interested in the details of violence against animals (real or perceived). Newspaper accounts from the 1970s asked whether UFOs were responsible for the supposed mutilation of cattle, and according to FBI files from the 1970s, sexual organs were among the most frequently reported subjects of mutilation. The FBI had been asked to investigate cattle mutilations at the request of U.S. Sen. Floyd K. Haskell. The Bureau explained in 1975 that they lacked jurisdiction and that their experts concluded that scavengers simply ate the soft tissues first. Sen. Haskell wouldn’t take no for an answer and in 1979 gave the FBI jurisdiction over cattle mutilations by helping pass a law to do so. He also seems to have been involved in popularizing the aliens’ taste for cow rectum. In an August 29, 1975 letter to the FBI on official U.S. Senate letterhead, he wrote that as part of the “bizarre mutilations” that the “rectum and sex organs of each animal has (sic) been cut away.” Media accounts from the era also tended to focus on, as OUI magazine put it in 1976, “the anus … cow vulvas and bull dongs.” The chupacabra would take over many of the aspects of the cattle mutilation myth in the 1990s, leading Lynn Picknett to report in the Mammoth Book of UFOs (2001) that the chupacabra not only was witnessed entering passing UFOs (or could be an alien itself) but also was involved in anally probing its victims: “Sometimes the rectal area showed evidence of having been probed.” The emphasis on sexual organs and the anus in the 1970s immediately attracted claims that sexual perverts (or “weirdos” as OUI put it) were behind the mutilations. Once UFOs were suggested as an explanation for the cattle mutilations, it must have logically followed that aliens were interested in sex organs in general and the anus in particular. If the aliens were removing cow anuses with “surgical precision,” then they must logically want to probe abductees’ asses, too. This association occurred just before the rise of claims that aliens wanted sperm samples or gestational carriers to make hybrid children—claims that Thomas E. Bullard noted first occur in the work of Budd Hopkins and John E. Mack, who built on Hopkins’s work, by his own admission. But, again, this focused on reproductive organs rather than asses. Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle specifically connected cattle mutilation to the abduction phenomenon, apparently in early 1987 (if Linda Moulton-Howe can be trusted to have reported this accurately), so I guess he is partially to blame for shifting the aliens’ anal interest from animals to abductees. Sprinkle reported that under hypnosis in 1987 a woman named Judy Doraty claimed to have witnessed a cattle mutilation in 1973 while she was a passenger on a UFO, though she described only mutilated sex organs, not an anus. Nevertheless, this appears to be the first connection between animal and human abductions as part of the same “phenomenon.” But what I suppose is most interesting is that anal probing enters ufology as essentially (male) rape, and that this occurs in the late 1980s at the height of the AIDS crisis when penetrative male on male sexuality was heavily stigmatized as a carrier of disease and therefore something to dread. Notice that Strieber described his probing as essentially a rape and that the penile device was thrusting within him as though it were a living phallus. I’m not the only one to make this connection; several books from the 1990s drew a parallel between alien anal probes and AIDS fears. Similarly, stories of anal probing don’t seem to become common before the invention of colonoscopies in June 1969. The procedure gradually expanded in use in the 1970s, though generally only after a colon cancer diagnosis, so it was still largely unfamiliar to most Americans of the era. It did not become a procedure widely used for the general public as a preventative measure until after—wait for it—January 1987, when Ronald Reagan famously underwent the procedure to remove polyps from his colon. Shortly after colonoscopies had their moment in the sun, aliens seem to have decided to make use of the same technology. It doesn’t seem like this gives enough time for Strieber to be influenced by it, given the long lead time on books, but it must have helped make it one of the key details from his book that subsequent abductees seized upon.
7/30/2014 03:54:05 am
I'm fairly certain Strieber is patient zero on this, which is why I didn't respond to your twitter question. Before I can continue, I'm certain that Strieber blogged about coming up (independently?) with the electrostimulation hypothesis on his Dreamland site, probably 10 some years ago.
7/30/2014 04:00:50 am
>>gay rights movement
7/30/2014 04:01:19 am
That's a very interesting connection to the sex-panics of the 1970s and 1980s in reaction to the counterculture. I'd agree that the emphasis on sexual activity on UFOs has to have something to do with sexual anxieties here on earth. It's sort of interesting, I guess, that the ancient astronaut theorists set the precedent for aliens wanting to mate with humans by emphasizing Genesis 6:4 and the Watchers just one fringe history cycle before ufology decides that those alien hookups are still going on today.
7/30/2014 04:53:44 am
Don't confuse the abduction mythology with the introduction of sex into UFOs. That had been there since early on. 666 notes Villa Boas, though his story didn't get told until some time later. But the contactees, even when they didn't explicitly talk about sex, clearly had it on the mind in a number of cases with their beautiful pilots in skintight suits. They're obviously taking their cues from space opera and the artwork that illustrated it. Succubus/abduction sex is something else
7/30/2014 05:32:32 am
Of course, the seeds of UFOs in the Shaver stories were peppered with sexual violence, predating abduction and mutilation by decades.
Clint Knapp
7/30/2014 09:38:18 am
I don't have a date handy on me, but Strieber himself took credit for creating the anal probe story and directly inspiring South Park's infamous episode in one of his appearances on Coast to Coast AM in the last year. He maintains that it happened and he blocked it out until a doctor told him he'd been raped.
7/30/2014 04:10:33 am
Jonathan Z. Smith, Close Encounters of Diverse Kinds, pp. 3-21, in Susan L. Mizruchi (editor), Religion and Cultural Studies (Princeton University Press, 2001)
7/30/2014 04:15:57 am
I must admit that I can't maintain the same interest level as others (especially SpookyParadigm! ) to research potential socio-political connections this... but to me, just at face value, it strikes me as nothing more than a semi-normal escalation of "seriousness" in the UFO phenomena drawing on something that males were already semi-touchy (no pun intended) about. That is, I see it as nothing more than the rough male equivalent of females reporting forced intercourse / insemination. Maybe throw in a few dashes of repressed sexualities, odd fixations and "they did stuff to me, man!!" sensationalism and boom - there's your story.
7/30/2014 04:30:41 am
>>> socio-political connections
7/30/2014 05:02:04 am
There is the oneupsmanship effect, but it happens in specific veins or traditions, and then usually dies down as it isn't popular anymore. Then something else appears.
Scott Hamilton
7/30/2014 04:25:16 am
While Stieiber created the trope, I wonder if Travis Walton's claims might have inspired him to a certain degree. Walton didn't claim to be probed, of course, but his account of first waking up in the alien spacecraft does parallel the imagery of gay rape panic at the time: He wakes up, he's in pain "even inside." Once he realizes he's surrounded by his abductors he grabs a transparent rod off a nearby shelf, and makes what even believers in his story have called an unlikely "display of macho aggression." Filter all that through Strieber's fantasy prone mind, and you can see where anal probing might come from. Of course there's no way to prove the connection, short of time travel and mind-reading.
7/30/2014 04:32:31 am
Travis Walton failed the lie-detector test
Cathleen Anderson
7/30/2014 05:54:56 am
There is no valid double blind study showing that Lie-Detector tests are valid. Sooner or later some young bright attorney is going to challenge the (non-existence science) behind them. Failing or passing one of those tests is about as meaningful as a psychic reading, of any variety.
7/30/2014 06:31:01 am
7/30/2014 09:25:43 am
>>> all they prove is that the subject believes what they are saying
7/30/2014 05:06:27 am
Strieber was already part of Hopkins crowd at that time, though, right? He clearly added his own elements, but surely the Hopkins school of creepy clinical sex aliens is part of the mix.
7/30/2014 05:13:05 am
7/30/2014 06:37:58 am
There was a pretty successful 1992 film called Passion Fish where an actress talks about the various ways to deliver the line (for a low-budget alien abduction film): "I didn't ask for the anal probe." That's where I first remember it entering the "mainstream." A clip is here:
7/31/2014 12:37:38 am
I thought of that, too!
7/30/2014 06:52:28 am
I was unaware that any real Abdcutees claimed to have been Anally Probed. I always saw that as only a fictitious invention of those mocking UFO believers.
7/31/2014 05:53:11 am
I was unaware of any real abductees...
7/30/2014 07:16:32 am
This article is so wrong ...
Only Me
7/30/2014 09:02:25 am
Yes, Vlad Tepes defined the meaning behind "giving someone the shaft".
7/30/2014 09:23:36 am
>>>There s still no proof about his real tomb, so he may be still alive
7/30/2014 09:46:53 am
Here's the traditional grave of Vlad Teppes in Snagov Monastery by Bucharest (a 19th century tradition)
7/30/2014 10:37:45 am
Interesting .
7/30/2014 08:37:31 am
Jason, I wonder whether the Japanese "tentacle rape" stories, which had attracted some attention due to their apparance in several animated movies in the mid-1980s, had a role in the appearance of this myth. Tentacle monsters, at that time, were generally either alien creatures or somehow associated with other worlds.
Clint Knapp
7/30/2014 09:27:57 am
The most immediately responsible Corman film I can point to would be 1981's Galaxy of Terror. The crew of a rescue vessel crash lands on the same planet they were sent to search for survivors on and essentially become pawns in a game played by a pair of high-level intelligences who aren't quite defined.
7/30/2014 10:10:48 am
The Wikipedia page also mentions his 1970 film "The Dunwich Horror". It connects (without giving any evidence) Corman's representations with the Id Monster from the 1956 movie "Forbidden Planet".
Clint Knapp
7/30/2014 10:41:55 am
Ah, quite right. I tend to forget about the depiction of Wilbur's brother in that film since it's invisible for all but the briefest moments in the original story. It probably didn't help that the film's plot itself is rather divorced from the source material. Dean Stockwell made it watchable, though.
7/30/2014 10:59:09 am
It would be funny to see how many movies got inspiration from "Forbidden Planet" :)
7/30/2014 11:11:37 am
The talk of colonoscopies really made me think. They knock you out during a colonoscopy, but some people respond to anesthesia differently. They might wake up, but be unable to move. What if someone woke up during the procedure? They would be laying on an exam table. Probably bright lights. Doctors and nurses walking around. Medical equipment everywhere. Their brain is fuzzy and their eyes are blurry, so it looks like strange creatures and weird devices are all around. They feel something up their rectum, so they think they are being probed. They go back under and later remember the incident vaguely, but don't connect it to the colonoscopy. They might think they had been abducted and anally probed.
7/30/2014 01:58:20 pm
OK, just for fun and giggles, try this on and see if it fits. These aliens who are doing the anal probes are last year med school students who are training to be colo-rectol surgeons and they just wanted to get in some extra credit practice before they finish their degrees.
7/30/2014 07:10:44 pm
No probing victims have come forward in this thread... Maybe there's hope for humanity after all...
7/30/2014 11:46:44 pm
Hope for humanity?
7/31/2014 03:48:36 am
Jason please right some more about Alien's anal probing humans I'm sure we can take it.
7/31/2014 05:59:34 am
8/3/2014 04:08:47 pm
Actually, Marty Kottmeyer informs us that the claim of the alien anal probe goes all the way back to the very beginning, to Barney Hill. Walter Webb's report to NICAP, dated Aug. 30, 1965 and obtained through Karl Pflock, says,
8/4/2014 06:36:37 am
Thank you so much for sharing that, Robert! Do I take it that this report was not common knowledge between 1965 and 1987?
8/4/2014 07:38:16 am
Jason, not only was Barney's "anal probe" not common knowledge prior to 1987, it does not seem to be so even today, considering how many people have read this Blog asking this question - and failing to answer it correctly. Marty Kottmeyer seems to have been the first to notice that alleged incident, and tie it in with later claims. He wrote a little-noted article for REALL published in 2002, which he had told me about but I practically forgot until thinking about the 'earliest anal probe.'
8/4/2014 09:55:58 am
Robert, a question, if I may:
Shane Sullivan
8/4/2014 07:42:43 am
"The post has been updated to include information on the Hill abduction and anal probing provided by Robert Sheaffer."
Scott Hamilton
8/5/2014 09:26:05 am
The fact that Barney Hill reported an anal probing (something I had completely forgotten, though I know I've read it before) got me thinking about The UFO Incident, the 1975 movie based on The Interrupted Journey. It was a network TV movie, so of course there was no anal probing, but one could argue it was implied, possibly accidentally. When Barney (James Earl Jones) flashes back to his experience on the saucer, his examination is giving to him with him lying on his stomach, presumably because the alien are scraping a mole on his back(!?), and it ends with an intimately framed shot of Barney's face as a gloved hand moves to touch his shoulder from above. Creepy, and perhaps a bit more suggestive than the makers intended. The movie aired right before Travis Walton claimed to be abducted, so there's that connection too.
terry the censor
8/12/2014 08:24:22 pm
I go on vacation and Jason posts about the Hills and anal probing -- probably the only two UFO topics I know anything about!
1/18/2015 12:56:15 am
Nice article, Jason, and it's stirred at least a short flurry of responses. I appreciate the mention of my book, but it's a bit of a stretch to turn an articulation of a direct experience into a 'new-age influenced' fringe speculation. Whether the story sounds incredulous (and no doubt it does to some or even many) the events happened. I come from an aerospace manufacturing production control background and am constantly looking for scientific correlations and corroborations with the 'phenomena' so to speak. I'm not invested in maintaining a public image, like some you mention. I'm just reporting what nearly a lifetime of experiences have offered in as best an articulation as I could muster. Call it what you will. Some things are just beyond our current capacity for perception, let alone understanding, unless you've had the experience.
john harper
3/9/2016 08:08:35 am
15 years ago I had witnessed a beam of light at the back door of my home at Clacton I suffered memory loss and from that time have a small lump in the third finger of my left hand with the added excitement of bleeding from my behind all scary stuff but ive the lump to prove it
8/5/2016 07:57:23 pm
Trey Parker and Matt Stone saw Christopher Walken's masterful performance in 1989's film adaptation of COMMUNION. The scene is a classic, it was on Youtube a few years back, don't know if it still is. Back at the time in High School we had a friend who was big time into all those alien books and insisted we see the movie on it's opening night. I had no idea what it was about, but it did scare the heck out of me when the aliens burst into his house, zapped him, and took him onto the ship. Walken tells the lead alien to "go to hell" the alien then nods and out of the wall comes what looks like a silver microphone on a long silver garden hose, a smaller, troll like alien then proceeds to shove it up his butt. Afterwards other than the true believer, the rest of us joked with disbelief about that scene for a few days then forgot the whole thing until South Park came out.
5/29/2018 02:04:48 am
About my anal probe, it happened in the 1980's after I got married, I was laying in bed with my wife and we were both asleep when I woke up and three of them were standing at the foot of the bed, I did not move, I could see them and I knew they were there but I was in some kind of trans or something that made me feel I was not threatened but I just laid there and let them do what that were doing, I knew they were putting something in me but still was not able to move or speak, after they disappeared I felt like I had been raped by what ever alien anal probe they had, it made me mad and I felt dirty and for two weeks after that it felt like they had left some kind of egg in me or something, after two week It seemed like I had a dream that they came back and after that the next morning it seemed like they had removed what ever thy put in side of me,I think they used my body to incubat one of there eggs or something like that.
John Baiada
2/11/2019 06:29:53 am
Last week end our pet cow died for unexplained reasons. Only hours before witnesses said that she was fine but agitated I videoed her before she passed & sent it off to a well respected vet of over 50 yrs experience with cattle. He commented about the her anus & I thought nothing of it. On the way home that evening (only 5 minutes away) my wife pointed out a strange yellow flashing light which was travelling low & at explainable speed. (I don't believe it was a drone). I rang my adult son who is a marine biologist & employed as such. Off the cuff he replied "was it a victim of alien cattle anal probing" which reminded me of what I had read about years ago. I don't know what we witnessed that day but I can't stop looking for answers.
You know if its true there are NO cases of alien abduction before Betty and Barney, then it sure is a strange coincidence that this phenomenon began after the governments MK Ultra experiments were being carried out. I can't prove it, but it is something to ponder.
Pat McD
5/5/2020 08:04:42 pm
Independence Day (1996) definitely made the idea "mainstream" and pre-dated the South Park Cartman episode. I would guess the script idea came from the "unpublished" Barney Hill regression. I think the whole idea is bogus, an alien capable of interstellar travel could easily get DNA data from a skin sample.
Pat McD
5/5/2020 08:37:44 pm
I just thought of an alternative reason for an alien anal probe apart from collecting a sperm sample - microbiome transplant. If an alien needed some healthy gut bacteria, they might use humans as a source. Or, if a human was sick, they might use a stool transplant to attempt to cure them, by donating them some healthy gut bacteria. It's a developing new area of scientific research for humans as i write this.
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