Now here is an odd thing. I discovered that one early Freemasonic source attributed the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx to Mizraim, the son of Ham, rather than to any of the usual suspects from mythology or history. Our example comes to us from a bizarre bit of popular culture, the Harlequin Free-Mason, a 1780 piece of commedia dell’arte pantomime by Charles Dibdin which concludes with a pageant depicting the history of Freemasonry from the Flood to the eighteenth century. The Gentleman’s Magazine considered it “the richest and most intelligent spectacle” in English theatrical history, and according to them, it was also the best attended in living memory. So much for the Masonry’s “secrets.” But anyway, in response to the popularity of the pantomime, guides to its imagery were published, and it is rather astonishing to see the Western Enochian view of history on full display. According to one such explanation, the procession commenced with Enoch, with two men bearing the pillars of stone and brick from Flavius Josephus’ account of the run-up to the Flood of Noah. Following the appearance of Nimrod, here identified following apocryphal accounts as the builder of the Tower of Babel, there came Mizraim, the son of Ham and the first king of Egypt. I give here the full description: IIId BANNER Now this is an interesting question. Why would the Masons attribute the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx to Ham’s son Mizraim? It is certainly not a belief confined to Masons. The Sunday-School Magazine published an article in 1849 in which they offered a similar claim in recounting the dispersal of the nations after the Flood: The nations thus dispersed abroad, and settled, became rapidly powerful and mighty. That of Mizraim, which occupied the country afterwards known as Egypt, and which during their occupation of it, should be called the land of Mizraim or of Ham, have left some of the grandest monuments that exist in the world, for we unhesitatingly assign to them the erection of the vast and magnificent Pyramids of Gizeh, which have always and justly been esteemed some of the wonders of the world. […] The Sphynx, which is but a part of the Great Pyramids, that is, a part of the same monumental range, hewn out of the same rock, and associated in the same group, possesses Nubian or African features; that is, those peculiar lineaments of the human face that belong to the Hamitic families. The Sphynx, then, and its cognate Pyramids must have been wrought when the Hamitic race were in power in the land of Ham; and this, as we shall presently have occasion to show, they were not while the children of Israel were subject to slavery and oppression in Egypt. The writer added that pyramids were conceived in sin, imitations of the Tower of Babel. This text is a pretty direct plagiarism of the History and Constitutions (1756) of the Freemasons: MITZRAIM or Menes, the second Son of Ham, led his Colony from Shinar to Egypt (which is Mitzraim in Hebrew, a dual Word, signifying both Egypts, Upper and Lower) after the Flood 160 Years, and after the Confusion six Years, A.M. 1816. where they preserved their original Skill, and much cultivated the Art: for antient History informs us of the early fine Taste of the Egyptians, their many magnificent Edifices and great Cities, as Memphis, Heliopolis, Thebes with 100 Gates, &c. besides their Palaces and Sepulchres, their Obelisks and Statues, the Colossal Statue of Sphinx, whose Head was 120 Foot round, and their famous PYRAMIDS, the greatest being reckoned the first or earliest of the seven Wonders of Art after the general Migration. The references to the wonder of Egypt are largely taken from Diodorus Sicululs (1.45-46). It is unclear to me where the author got the circumference measurement, since the real value is 91 feet.
The association of Mizraim with Egypt is clear enough: He has always been considered the first inhabitant of Egypt after the Flood in the Abrahamic faiths, and his name is reflected in that of Egypt itself, Misr, from the Hebrew and/or Aramaic Mizraim. There had long been disagreement over whether there had been an antediluvian settlement of Egypt, and opinion was divided as to whether the pyramids predated the Flood or postdated it. Clearly, the above writers considered Egypt a postdiluvian phenomenon and therefore followed the old practice, going back to Pseudo-Manetho’s Book of Sothis, of identifying Mizraim with Menes, the first king of Egypt. Pseudo-Manetho probably didn’t invent the claim, since Sanchuniathon, the Phoenician, gives Misor as the father of Taautis, with the latter identified as Thoth and Hermes (Trismegistus) and paralleling the genuine Manetho’s Menes and his son Atothis. It doesn’t take much to see how Pseudo-Manetho twisted the text biblically. The claim had a long afterlife. It appears in many Christian volumes of the nineteenth century, and it is a key line of reasoning in Martin Delany’s Origin of Races and Color (1879), where the same argument is used to establish that Egyptians originated from Ethiopia and that Mizraim built the pyramids in imitation of the Tower of Babel. This line of reasoning is still in use today. Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham’s creationist propaganda outfit, currently attributes to the pyramids to the “family’ of Mizraim “post-Flood.” But it’s pretty clear that Charles Dibdin or his explicators misunderstood the History and Constitutions or were trying to speak symbolically and incorrectly attributed all the works ascribed to the Egyptians (the progeny of Mizraim) or in the land of Mizraim to Mizraim himself. This same conflation of Egypt (Mizraim) in general and Ham’s son (Mizraim) in particular probably stands behind other efforts to attribute the pyramids to him, based on biblical fantasias.
Only Me
7/5/2017 10:01:55 am
Given the convoluted history of the other stories regarding the pyramids, this one seems fairly straightforward. Nice.
7/5/2017 11:50:38 am
I wonder what fellow pyramid fantasists like Charles Piazzi Smyth would have made of that claim.
Bob Jase
7/5/2017 12:51:30 pm
Obviously the pyramids were built by ancient Masons - six thousand years later they still don't know how to install windows in their buildings.
7/5/2017 02:32:30 pm
Apparently that wasn't included in the secret knowledge passed down through the millenia by the "initiated".
7/9/2017 12:27:59 am
What the hell is a window?
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 12:58:59 pm
Re the Sphinx head circumference discrepancy: would I be right in thinking that the 91 feet version does not include the missing nose?
7/5/2017 01:05:46 pm
Your distaste for even the easiest, simplest research does you no credit. The nose was lost later.
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 02:23:07 pm
There may be something significant you're missing :-)
7/5/2017 01:01:43 pm
"It is unclear to me where the author got the circumference measurement, since the real value is 91 feet."
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 02:51:19 pm
My guess would be a simple typo in translating Pliny's measurement (Natural History, book 36): "capitis per frontem ambitus centum duos pedes colligit"- 102 feet in figures accidentally becoming 120.
7/5/2017 03:08:19 pm
Because 102 and 91 are the same number? Jesus, you're stupid. 7/5/2017 03:22:25 pm
Roman feet and English feet are different lengths. David has what seems to be the right answer.
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 04:16:47 pm
I'd say the difference between Roman and English feet isn't enough. Gotta be the nose !
7/5/2017 04:52:18 pm
"Roman feet and English feet are different lengths." Not in the ratio of 91 to 102. Drizzly Dowager Dazzler Dave is not right. Imagine my surprise.
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 05:17:49 pm
There may be something else significant you're missing :-)
Only Me
7/5/2017 05:22:58 pm
Dave, I think your original suggestion is the most likely. The missing nose wouldn't make a difference, as Pliny wrote:
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 05:52:18 pm
But without the nose, there's no opportunity for an Obelix joke.
Only Me
7/5/2017 05:59:07 pm
I guess the Sphinx called him fat. ;)
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 06:21:41 pm
More like the Sphinx found out the hard way that he was fat.
7/6/2017 08:34:10 am
David Bradbury
7/6/2017 09:01:41 am
The Description de l'Égypte (descriptions vol. 2, p 441) gives the "contour ... vers le front" as 27 metres, which would be only 88.6 feet !
7/6/2017 10:42:31 am
Well, we're getting closer!
7/6/2017 11:07:56 pm
David Bradbury
7/7/2017 03:18:34 am
Yes, I may have to make time when I visit the British Library later this month- there's also an edition of the notes from the Caviglia excavation which isn't available to me locally.
7/7/2017 04:19:33 pm
Do let me know if you discover the answer, I would be interested in hearing.
Shane Sullivan
7/5/2017 02:53:19 pm
I don't understand. If the pyramids were post-diluvian, then how did Joseph keep his grain dry?
David Bradbury
7/5/2017 04:30:05 pm
The pyramids we see today are just stone replicas of structures built out of palm trees and reeds to Joseph's specifications.
Catspaw Assassin
7/6/2017 07:34:46 pm
I suspect that when Charles Dibdin walked into the pub, Laurence Sterne and Alexander Pope would move to the other end of the bar.
7/9/2017 12:27:54 pm
Gi' us a pint, there's a good lad!
10/18/2019 01:22:32 pm
The book of Enoch says that some of the Angel's fell because they saw how beautiful women were and since they could never go back to Heaven and us humans could they taught us all kinds of things and all to increase sin. Everything from reading and writing, dividing of roots and sorcery, astrology and astronomy, women how to do eye makeup to increase sex sin, men how to make breastplate swords and even names the angel that seduced eve. Even the bible says fallen Angel's and women slept together and had offspring that were giants and called nephlim.the bible says the nephlim were mighty men and went on to rule the nations. Now in ancient art you always see one figure bigger than the others and it's always interpreted wrong. They say he is the king and that is why he is depicted as that big. They are only half right because he really is that big and that's why he is king. It explains why writing just suddenly appears in Sumeria and tells you that adam and eve were in sumeria after the fall when left the garden. They went to the cave of treasures and remember they had always been blessed and everything just was given to them in the garden so now they are cursed and have to work for survival and living in a cave. So adam and eve were the cavemen but cavemen didnt last long because the fallen angels came and taught them and set up the first societies. So adam eve and family seen the fallen Angel's knowledge and some of them had to have worshipped these higher beings who knew everything as gods which explains the whole pantheon of gods in greek mythology. Thor is explained, the angel that taught man how to make swords n shields if worshipped as a god would be the god of war. Mythology says thor was demi god half god half human well that means he was nephlim and makes since he'd have a hammer so big no man could pick up. So if the pyramids line up with the stars and on certain solstice days aligns perfectly. Someone would have to know a lot about stars and who better than fallen Angel's and with the help of their giant offspring who could pick the rocks up and built the pyramids. Explains why we cant do it today.there is so much more I can explain and I know it's just thrown together and misspelled but I'm on a phone typing this mess. My emails left if questions
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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