The Curse of Oak Island had its season (and possibly series) finale last night, and after big promises about a major discovery, nothing much happened. The team found some colonial era materials, including a gold button, and that was that. No evidence of pre-Columbian expeditions came to light, and with that my interest faded to nothing. It’s what I expected. A real discovery would have prompted news coverage long ago. Such is life. I am not particularly thrilled about having to discuss today’s topic, but I think it’s important to have something in the record for when it comes back to bite me later. A few days ago a man named Robert Burke contacted me. He was the Libertarian Party candidate for Wisconsin governor in the 2014 election and a 2016 House race, and he told me that he was writing a book. “I am working on a book and you have popped up in my research now a few times. I was wondering if you might have 15 minutes for a short interview,” he said. He told me that the book would look into the culture of the UFO disclosure movement. I agreed to speak with him, and I called him on Monday afternoon. Burke worked in marketing communications and never asked that the interview be off the record. Consequently, I feel it is important to share it. He told me that he had read some of my blog posts and was impressed with the depth and quality of my research. He then proceeded to ask me questions about my impressions of a number of figures in the UFO, ancient aliens, and ancient mysteries fields. I shared with him my impressions, and I said nothing that I haven’t already put in print here on my blog, namely that many in the field speak without or beyond the evidence, that they complain about oppression despite having platforms with major publishers and TV networks, and that they cast themselves as victims despite many of them making massive amounts of money from a variety of revenue streams. I also mentioned that ufology is not my area of specialization and that I focus mostly on ancient history and archaeological questions. Burke came across as a pleasant enough person, though some of his questions baffled me a bit, particularly his interest in something called the “plasma universe” theory, which I had never heard of. It is apparently a kind of speculative cosmology that suggests that plasma plays a major role in governing the physics of the universe. Burke seemed to see this as connected to the plasma flare hypothesis Robert Schoch offered to explain the end of the last Ice Age. Anyway, I had assumed that this was, as Burke had suggested, a conversation to generate some ideas for his upcoming book. I didn’t think much of this until this morning when Burke sent me a message via Facebook to accuse me of being a government disinformation agent and suggesting that my blog posts are written for me by forces unknown in order to deceive the public. He even accused me of being “very crafty” in denying knowledge of plasma cosmology despite the fact that my 2005 book The Cult of Alien Gods contains a picture of a nebula, which has some connection or another to plasma. His major complaint, however, is that when we spoke he felt I was being dishonest in telling him that I did not remember the content of a podcast interview that occultist Peter Levenda gave to Jason McClellan et al. back in December. That was almost three months ago, and while I recall the passage I quoted on my blog, the rest of it, being of no use or relevance to me, passed into the void, along with the hundreds of hours of audio and video I consume each month. I write about 400,000 words per year on this blog, another 100,000 in other published projects most years, and 500,000 or more in my regular freelance work. If you think I can recall not just all of that but also all of the research it was based on without notice and on demand, you have another thing coming. But that wasn’t sufficient for Burke, who felt that I should have ready recall of the specific material that interests him (even if it isn’t important to me): No one else in the universe paid Levenda’s interview with McClellen even a wink. Zero. I couldn’t even find it with a search engine. Either you would have to be watching Jason McClellen's interviews (in which case you could legitimately recall both his name and even a piece of the interview and blog) or this was constructed for you. Nope. I just didn’t care because it made very little impression on me. It’s like trying to recall who won Jeopardy! three months ago. You probably knew it right when it happened, might have a vague memory the next week, but by now it’s just a blur. “No one is putting out the level of incorrect information at your pace,” Burke added. His definition of incorrect information is more accurately information that disagrees with me. Anyway, the reason I bring all of this up is because Burke seems to see me as an important part of the story he is telling in his book. He previewed it for me: Like I said, there is a small probability you are just a skeptic. Small. I don’t sense you are emotionally driven in your thinking which causes the disconnect. My book has not been about aliens. It is about disclosure and the elements that went into making it happen. At the tip of the spear debunking the work is you. So, I learned a few things: (a) The Libertarian Party vetting process is not particularly stringent. (b) I need to stop trying to help people with their research. (c) … Well, I had best not say.
2/22/2017 10:57:17 am
Wow. this guy robert burke really is a sleaze bag.
2/22/2017 11:16:28 am
I wonder why he even bothered to contact you. You explained to him that alien contact wasn't your area of interest, that you only commented on the fact that they failed to provide any real evidence to support their conclusions. That they always viewed themselves as "victims", despite the fact that they had platforms to spread their message. Then he complained because you didn't remember an obscure video you had seen months before and didn't remember.
2/22/2017 11:16:49 am
As the Curse of Oak Island can lead the nightly rating for first run cable series, and also ranks in weekly cable ratings, you can probably count on there being a Season 5. Add to that that the Lagina brothers are now fully invested in the type of deception the narrator sets forth weekly in failing to disclose Robert Dunfield's geological findings ruling out that the "box drains" were some sort of flood tunneling (more likely a salt works operation back when fishing companies had claims on the island as per Dennis King:
Benjamin James
2/22/2017 01:58:04 pm
I have never heard anyone on the show "insist" that the smaller round logs were from the platforms. Its merely a theory to explain them being present. It was on the peculiar side to me that it would be at that depth when everything else was cribbing in nature. Plus everything being tested is showing a consistent time frame of late 1600s. You cannot criticize someone during a discovery process.
2/22/2017 09:59:19 pm
I agree with you Benjamin. The shown present many theories and the brothers seem open to many of them. Besides, they are spending millions sonic they want to make some assumptions they are entitled. 2/22/2017 11:48:19 pm
There have been countless diggings on that island and all they're pulling up are the remnants of those past operations; cribbing, framing and yes... round logs used as ceilings for tunneling by gullible treasure seekers.
Benjamin James
2/23/2017 02:54:16 am
I will check out that read. I try to be as informed as I can.
2/23/2017 06:49:12 am
Thankfully, we are each entitled to pur own opinions.
Joe Scales
2/23/2017 11:13:26 am
Hey, when I first heard of the show, I assumed they were dealing with an historical anomaly and was intrigued accordingly. Then I did the independent research and realized what a crock the entire idea was from the get go.
Joe Scales
3/1/2017 09:48:16 am
"Personally, i found he bit and pieces they did pull out his week quite interesting and am glad that although it was the season finale there will be a follow up next week to provide some of the analysis"
Scott Hamilton
2/22/2017 11:25:06 am
Burke's huge about-face there suggests he talked to someone after your interview who convinced him you're a disinformation agent. I wonder who that might be? It would be fun to have a nemesis.
2/22/2017 12:55:34 pm
My hunch is that he had it all planned from the beginning. Probably hoped Jason would say something that would 'give away the whole scam'. Jason's wisdom to only speak to what he knew and what he'd already written left him scrambling desperately for something.
Bill Forbes
2/22/2017 10:09:14 pm
I have watched this show since it has started. Last nights grand finale was one of the biggest let downs. I thought that they found some gold even the smallest gold coin would have made me feel good about watching the show. Now I just feel like I have used for the bro's to make money on the tv show. SHow us something will you. Now I have to wait until next season if there is a next year just to wait for another season finale for another button. Come on guys, your losing your fan base..
2/23/2017 01:25:13 pm
A more interesting show would be an exposé of the hoax which began in 1849 and would feature actual research into the history of malfeasance and fortunes lost by those falling for the scam. If only a responsible network could undertake such a task involving genuine history it would actually be quite captivating.
2/25/2017 02:25:31 pm
The problem with that idea is that Oak Island is still primarily controlled by Dan Blankenship, who is the biggest scam artist of them all. The Laginas only got onto the island by purchasing a majority portion of the syndicate that Blankenship partnered with Dunfield and Nolan before Nolan sued them.
Shane Sullivan
2/22/2017 12:35:02 pm
I'm sorry to hear about your troubling experience. I guess Libertarian politicians aren't all animal-sacrificing Thelemites. Turns out some of them are weirdos.
Bob Jase
2/22/2017 01:02:10 pm
First - the fact that he's a Libertarian should have been sufficient warning.
2/22/2017 01:09:58 pm
Plasma cosmology isn't a theory, its an area of investigation that ranges from valid but unconfirmed science to interesting speculation to Velikovskyian drivel.
2/22/2017 07:53:42 pm
If you want a good (eg Skeptical) background into the 'Electric Universe' and 'Plasma Physics' there is a two part episode of the Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast.
2/22/2017 01:34:31 pm
Oh, Jason! Never trust a libertarian. There is literally only ever one person they are looking out for.
2/22/2017 02:30:59 pm
I wouldn't have given him the time of day. He was clearly out to get the fringe guy ala trolling, and now he has your number. Great. I've had that kind of thing before with fringers who want to 'talk about stuff' and it turns out they want to moan and rant about how they're wronged in their let's say less than accurate theories, and somehow obsessing over you for being intelligent is turning them into haters. Libertarian does explain a great deal. Don't let it bother you. Just block his number on your caller id.
Only Me
2/22/2017 02:50:19 pm
I'll be the one to say it: I don't believe Burke read any of your blog posts at all. If he had, he'd already have an idea of what topics are most discussed. He'd have also seen your book and episode reviews and he could have easily read your bio.
2/22/2017 06:55:53 pm
It is disturbing that Jason is being targeted by a (failed) politician. The infiltration of fringe into politics is stressing me out
2/23/2017 10:41:32 am
It's getting to me as well, but there's always been a strain of libertarianism prone to deep suspicion and conspiracy theories.
It is a sad experience that being on display in the public awakes certain fools to play their games with you. You have to live with it. The only remedy is transparency and openess. And of course, the clear knowledge, that you are the one who is OK, and that the other side is the problem, not you.
David Bradbury
2/22/2017 04:02:35 pm
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the BBC just aired an extraordinary, moving, harrowing episode of its long-running genealogy/history series "Who Do You Think You Are" based on the Indian/Bangladeshi family of a young soap opera star.
2/22/2017 07:37:32 pm
I'm curious why he expected to find an emotional drive into your reasoned, scientific writing. Maybe that's where he has gone wrong in the first place. He also seems to talk about disclosure like it was event. Was it? Did I miss it?
2/22/2017 07:44:21 pm
Jason, now that Burke knows, Langley is shutting us down. Seventh floor stuff. I've cleaned out all the accounts so you're on your own. You can still draw from TIMEMACHINEATRISK using the HACKYSACKUNDERWEAR protocol. But hop to it, son. I'm not sure who's running the shop these days. Since I'm on the run you won't hear from me for the next five minutes or so.
2/22/2017 09:06:59 pm
Sounds like Burke is desperate for evidence to back up his martyr complex, which it looks like his political career is also feeding. Burke is just a Libertarian crackpot (are there other kinds?). Remember the axiom: one fringe belief begets others.
Titus pullo
2/22/2017 09:14:58 pm
You are painting too broad a brush. Libertarians are usually well grounded in critical thought and a high percentage have either hard science or engineering backgrounds. Believing in natural rights, freedom of trade, sound money, free markets, and peace is hardly wacky positions. Thinking a few central planners can improve the human condition through pseudoscience like keynsian economics is wacky.
2/23/2017 03:39:14 pm
Uhm-huh. Libertarians believe in free markets (which have never existed) until they need to be bailed out. Freedom of trade is great until their trade is smacked by somebody underselling them. What they believe in is no regulations on themselves, lots and lots for everybody else. Scratch a Libertarian and an Authoritarian comes roaring out, whatever their backgrounds. I worked on Wall Street and in corporate law. I know too many of them to be fooled by the liberty hype.
Titus pullo
2/22/2017 09:07:14 pm
Run when someone talks about the plasma or electric universe. It's total bs. Anyone who takes a first year physics class could easily refute this garbage . Rational thought is the hallmark of classical liberalism aka libertarianism but like any ideology it attracts strange birds
2/22/2017 09:25:11 pm
It would be interesting to hear a "first year" physics student or a PhD in physics refute it. When can we expect to see that? Never? No surprise there. Maybe the secret is in stoneholes.
2/23/2017 07:19:04 pm
2/24/2017 08:59:23 am
How can I block your tiresome, imbecilic comments, "American Negro"???
Ed Wensell
2/26/2017 09:47:49 am
Yeah I've looked into plugins that can block posts on threads that used to work really well. But as technology has progressed they started to become more and more flaky. Now I read so much on my phone that they are useless.
2/23/2017 02:20:24 pm
Ha, fake uppercase passcodes for the top secret printed on the interweb, lol!
2/23/2017 04:53:49 pm
"Dark matter" does not exist.
2/23/2017 07:12:48 pm
Why are you here? If you want to show everyone how smart you are and how dumb everyone else is, start your own blog.
2/24/2017 12:55:33 am
2/23/2017 02:28:33 pm
What he might be thinking of is the bow shock of the galactic medium the Sol system passes through, or the Sun's 'solar wind', but it seems he has a lot of that wrong, as even energy and radiation from the sun does not explain his bizarre idea. Also the medium is not nearly as dense out beyond the oort cloud, and space gasses and dust hit the solar system. This is also not a plasma or an ether. Is he confusing the cosmic background radiation for an actual cloud? That's insane! It would make a fun spoof though. Imagine a cheesy 1950s style space rocket landing on a Venus like planet, bus with no science involved, having been checked there by the ether of space. Upon landing there, the scantily clad queen princess regent of the colony takes in the hapless astronaut, who is a paunchy middle aged politician from an unknown and made up Earth country, insert US, and then he naturally becomes their god until the luckless aliens realize he's just a con. Gee, sounds like an old b movie, or something Ed Wood would have tackled.
terry the censor
3/1/2017 07:39:40 pm
> The Libertarian Party vetting process
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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