On Wednesday fringe historian Graham Hancock was to debate former Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass on the origins and function of the Giza pyramids. However, when Hawass discovered that Hancock would be making reference to the Orion Correlation Theory and using a picture of fringe theorist Robert Bauval in his slideshow, Hawass loudly demanded Hancock remove all references to the work of a man Hawass considers a “thief.” When Hancock refused to do so, Hawass stormed out of the theater and refused to engage in a debate. Instead, both men gave separate lecturers without interacting. Their interaction was caught on tape: Special thanks to John Hoopes for sharing the YouTube video with me.
What we see here seems to be a case of misunderstanding. From one perspective, Hancock is completely correct that the Orion Correlation Theory exists independent of Robert Bauval, its creator, and must be judged on its merits, however slight. Hawass, however, almost certainly viewed Hancock’s use of Bauval’s image as a personal provocation due to the history that Hawass and Bauval have with one another. Hawass suspected that Bauval was behind the vandalism of two German fringe history believers who scraped part of the ancient paint from a cartouche within the Great Pyramid a few years ago as part of a clandestine effort to prove the pyramid was 10,000 years old. Hawass also claimed that Bauval was secretly advocating a Jewish agenda to strip the Egyptians of credit for the pyramids. Bauval, in turn, announced that he was suing Hawass for libel, though so far as I know the suit went nowhere. If you haven’t seen the comments on my Wednesday blog post about Nick Redfern and the ant people, be sure to check it out. In the original article, I wrote that the academic literature and Native sources don’t seem to support the claims made for a godlike race of humanoid Gray-like beings living under the earth, keepers of knowledge about coming earth changes, and possessed of flying machines. In the comments, Redfern stops by to take issue with my presentation of his article, and his defense says quite a bit about fringe writing. Redfern admits that he gleaned his information about the Hopi myth of the Ant People from ufological sources and did not consult any ethnographic or Native American primary sources. But more importantly, he fell back on the defense we hear so often from fringe figures: “This was simply a small article, not a multi-thousand word paper dissecting every aspect of the controversy.” Of course Redfern did not suggest there was a controversy at all, presenting only one view of the Ant People. Redfern appeared to suggest that he viewed articles as a lesser form of work that excused accepting secondary sources and ufological opinion at face value because, according to him, he was merely reporting what other ufologists believe, regardless of its accuracy. It is perhaps the weakness in Redfern’s writing that he lards his pieces with so many rhetorical questions and conditional tense verbs that it becomes difficult to determine which parts Redfern means for us to take seriously and what is… I’m not sure exactly: What is the point of reporting something you know or believe to be untrue without indicating its untruth? Entertainment, I suppose. Just to be clear: My problem with Redfern’s writings is hardly confined to his passage on the Ant People. I have repeatedly taken issue with areas where he seems to make superficial connections or missed out on important information through failing to pursue a story to its logical conclusion. That occurred in his flawed piece on Mikel Conrad’s Flying Saucer movie, his uncritical acceptance of UFO claims, his uncritical and low-research presentation of what an anonymous source told him about government ancient astronaut research, and his silly idea that a horror movie could help us understand underground Bigfoot. (Does Bigfoot eat Ant People? Those tunnels must get crowded with the all the Vril-Ya, Nephilim, Atlanteans, etc. down there!) It’s the one question I can’t form a clear answer to: Why do so many fringe figures feel that when writing about what ought to be the most important scientific discovery in history—contact with other, unknown sentient beings!—they don’t need to reach for the highest standards of research and reporting? Doesn’t the audience deserve the very best with each piece? We saw this with Micah Hanks and the uncritical book report on a Jim Marrs opus that he passed off as an “article” on alien contact in Texas. Now, granted, I don’t always live up to the impossible standard of perfect accuracy and universal research, but I do try to make every blog post, article, and book the best, most complete, and most informative it can be. Why wouldn’t the people who claim to be working to change our very understanding of reality? Do check out the entire conversation. I found it most enlightening. And, seriously, I do want to thank Redfern for taking the time to discuss his writing process, despite our differences. It was good insight into how fringe material is assembled. Our conversation reminded me very much of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s appearance on the Today show this morning to defend his work on the Dr. Oz Show after a group of doctors sent a letter to Columbia University, where Oz teaches, criticizing him for offering bad advice and endorsing questionable medical treatments on his daytime talk show. This was followed by a letter from six Columbia faculty doing the same. In his defense. Oz claimed (and I wish I were making this up) that the graphic design of his show logo was sufficient indication that he doesn’t believe the things he says, because his name, “Oz,” is rendered in a much larger type size than “Dr.” According to Oz, this conveys the message that this is a personality-driven show in which Oz acts as cheerleader for “wellness” products rather than as a doctor offering sound advice. In other words, he is a doctor but doesn’t play one on TV. In the case of Dr. Oz and all the many fringe claims, I get the sense that no one cares at all about the impact on the audience. The argument that audiences are sophisticated enough to tease out information from graphic design or to distinguish between facts, inferences, and opinions through a complex rhetorical analysis is belied by the facts. Surveys find time and again that the majority of audiences can’t distinguish facts and opinions, and don’t see a clear difference between, say, The O’Reilly Factor and the CBS Evening News, or Ancient Aliens and Nova. The average American reads at only an eighth grade level, and 50% of Americans read at only basic or below basic levels, according to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy. Just 15% can read at the level of complexity needed to sustain the argument that an audience can tell when a fringe writer doesn’t mean what he says; in fact a full 1 in 4 adults cannot “locate information in a text” or make “low-level inferences” from written materials. I wish that weren’t the case, but I can’t change audiences. I can’t make them information literate. Communicators hold great power to shape their audience’s attitudes and beliefs, and with that power comes the responsibility to use it wisely. I guess I have trouble imagining cranking out incomplete or questionable material just to fill air time or column inches. But then I also have seen seven seasons of Ancient Aliens, so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise!
4/24/2015 08:44:47 am
Whatever! I'll say and do what the fuck I like and when the fuck I like! I used UFO sources for the story, and then I gave people links to click on that clearly told the Hopi side. I gave people both sides.
4/24/2015 09:21:20 am
So you're Cartman from South Park? ("Whatever... I do what I want!") No one has ever denied you have the right do "what the fuck [you] like," but that shouldn't exempt you from criticism for what you get wrong or leave out, any more than it does anyone else (including, often enough, me). Ultimately, the purpose of criticism is twofold: to inform the audience and to help make the writer better. Has no one ever criticized your writing or reporting before?
4/24/2015 09:34:09 am
Yes, of course people have criticized me before, it's one of the things that go along with being a writer! And I hit back as I see fit!
Seal Ion
4/25/2015 07:36:00 pm
"I gave people both sides."
4/26/2015 04:13:09 am
I would say a combination of the two: "Nick Redfern: Fair, balanced, but not at all beyond sharing with his readers information that remains unverified until (or even if) we get more data and can prove the story or dismiss it." 4/24/2015 09:28:25 am
On the matter of that immortality article you brought up, I fully acknowledged (in the article) that the story was problematic.
4/24/2015 09:55:43 am
Yes, Nick, I know: I mentioned in my own piece that you admitted that the story was a one source wonder from a possible hoaxer. It wasn't totally 100 percent fine, though, because your ignorance of the origins of the many claims used by the hoaxer led you to monger a mystery that research would have shown you could not be true. I get people telling me all the time about how they think they've discovered Atlantis, or how the government implanted something in their butts, or how they had revelations from Vishnu (it's weirdly popular). My criticism of you is that your research tends toward the superficial and you seem to lack expertise while promoting yourself as an investigator. Can you talk about the chemistry of monoatomic white powder gold, for example? How might that substance, which does not exist in the world as we know it, work? What possible Mesopotamian sources could discuss such things given that not a single extant text references anything to do with space aliens or powdered gold? It's warmed over Laurence Gardner-Zecharia Sitchin speculation, which was based on a mountain of easily disproved lies. Repeating those lies doesn't make them any more believable. I laid out other criticisms in my article, but the long and short of it is that your investigations and explorations seem to skim along the surface and lack the deep background and expertise that would produce genuine answers.
4/24/2015 10:01:51 am
Yes, of course I can talk about all those things, but instead I chose to refer the reader to 3 links in the article that dealt with the matter of immortality. I don't believe that is skimming. I take the view that I am writing an article that is concise and to the point, and which I then allow the reader to learn more about by checking out the links that expand on the things I have mentioned.
4/24/2015 10:09:56 am
You implied that there is such a thing as a "White Power Gold conundrum," when the substance doesn't exist. The link you provided was a mystery-mongering link made up of fringe speculation without factual basis. That is skimming the surface. Can you point to a genuine ancient text that discusses white powder gold? That is the difference between skimming the surface (repeating secondary sources) and providing true investigation (original research and primary sources).
4/24/2015 10:17:32 am
The link took people to a white powder gold article. The reader can use that article to make up their mind what they think of WPG. No, I cannot point to a genuine ancient text that discusses WPG - that's why I used that link! 4/24/2015 10:27:29 am
But that's the problem, Nick! The link was to BAD information. By linking, you've told readers that you found this useful, even though it's WRONG. You'd know that if you had actually gone beyond the secondary literature. To use another example, if you linked the Simon Necronomicon, that doesn't suddenly make Cthulhu real, or something for readers to make up their minds about. There is just as much support for Cthulhu as white powder gold. In short, you need to be more than just a recycler of other people's bad ideas. You need to actually know and understand where they came from and whether there is any truth to them. 4/27/2015 11:26:03 am
"The reader can use that article to make up their mind what they think of....".
4/24/2015 10:03:20 am
Dear Mister Redfern, if you cannot respond to criticism without the use of profanity, then in my view you have no business being on a public forum. You, if you consider yourself as a professional, should realize that as a writer you open yourself up to critics and should respond to them as a professional would.
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 11:33:41 am
Tara, you say:
4/27/2015 01:55:40 pm
Nick. 4/28/2015 01:16:14 am
Add addendum.
4/28/2015 04:57:15 am
"In the end it doesn't really matters what a man does,that`s the way he handles himself, that counts."
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 05:27:12 am
Tara 4/28/2015 06:16:38 am
Hypatia. 4/28/2015 06:53:20 am
let me try to rephrase the "I wont blame you for taking advantage of people`s gullibility.". Maybe its about the subjectivity of your readers?.
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 07:16:23 am
Tara 4/28/2015 08:36:46 am
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 08:49:27 am
But, Tara, the whole point of my previous comment was to point out that all of the people I referred to clearly are NOT dysfunctional. My personal experience is that the dysfunctional imagery is exaggerated by the media and then the assumption of the weird, 40-year-old virgin with a giant telescope in his backyard creeps in. Okay, maybe I'm generalizing here - but I'm using it to demonstrate that such assumptions are made, or embraced, by people who don't take the time to personally get to know the ones they assume are dysfunctional.
4/28/2015 09:51:59 am
@ Tara 4/28/2015 10:26:49 am
4/28/2015 02:05:48 pm
@ Tara 4/24/2015 10:14:21 am
Clete, "profanity," as you word it, is my every day language. Why should I moderate myself and pretend to be someone I'm not? Of course, I acknowledge that a writer is ripe for criticism - my writings do get criticized from time to time. And, yes, I have a bad temper and aggression and that can come out in a debate like this. It's who I am, and I don't apologize for it and if people don't like it or are offended, that's just too damn bad.
Only Me
4/24/2015 10:52:52 am
Damn time traveling space lizard. :)
4/24/2015 04:11:01 pm
Websters publishes a book that can help you articulate yourself better than profanity ever will. By using that book you will be able to get your point across more effectively and will not polarize part of your audience and make you revert to the tired old excuses of doing and saying what you want when you want and not censoring yourself for anyone, instead of admitting your vocabulary needs expanding, and doing what needs to be done to accomplish that goal. It will help you in debates like this.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:08:25 am
Rick, I articulate just fine.
4/25/2015 08:48:32 pm
"Clete, "profanity," as you word it, is my every day language. Why should I moderate myself and pretend to be someone I'm not?" It sounds quite immature, and quite unprofessional. Unless someone is a teenager with problems of impulse control, any adult person should be able to control emotions to such extend that he/she will not use profanities in disputes. Public disputes are not some sort of domestic temper tantrums, it is time to realize that.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 09:01:21 pm
Uncle Ron
4/24/2015 11:30:29 am
As for the Jason/Nick conversation: it's obvious that we are dealing with two different objectives in their respective writings. Jason wants to reduce everything to discoverable facts (the laudable approach in my personal opinion); Nick likes intriguing stories even if they include explanations that are (with research) demonstrably untrue or, at least, unprovable. You can't expect Nick to want to do depth research which would disprove or at least shed doubt on his tales. It's obvious from the repetition of themes in their conversation that they will never agree.
4/24/2015 11:35:21 am
You're right that we will never agree, Ron. I'd like to think that a point made well might cause Redfern to see things a bit differently, or at least recognize that what he's doing is essentially telling campfire stories. Of course, the guy who tried to investigate the "truth" behind campfire stories got mad at me for discussing that, too... Nevertheless, I hope that by discussing this we can learn a bit more about how fringe writers assemble their work and what goes into the thinking behind the mystery-mongering.
4/24/2015 01:38:35 pm
Uncle Ron: I don't have an "objective." I just do what I do, when I want to, and how I want to. There's no big master-plan! It's not a matter of me not doing research. Note (as I said in an earlier comment in the other thread) in the Ant People article, I based the article on what the UFO people thought of the Ant People. But, in the links (where people could learn more) I linked to an article on the traditional Hopi beliefs. So of course I did my research, and I presented both sides of the coin in my article - the Hopi belief (via links) and the UFO theories in the text.
Uncle Ron
4/24/2015 03:15:13 pm
Nick- I didn't mean "objective" in the sense of a "master plan." I just meant that you and Jason have different reasons for writing what you write. 4/24/2015 05:11:12 pm
Well, I dont think we have differing reasons. I think we have a different approach. For example, I think it's totally fine to offer readers a campfire-style story, providing that's made clear. Take that immortality article Jason refers to. Had I presented it as hard fact that would be wrong. But I showed that it was a one source story, that no second source was found, that the source could have been nuts or a liar, etc etc. Now, Jason may feel that all those potential issues are enough reason not to publicize the account. But, I feel that if I hit a brick wall, there's nothing wrong with me putting the story in the public domain in the hope it might open a door. It might not. But, if it's just stored away in some filing cabinet, then it definitely wont go anywhere. I suspect where me and Jason differ significantly is on differing levels of criteria that make a case worth sharing with people or not, based on levels of back-up data, second sources. I have no qualms about openly sharing controversial stories online that lack second sources and that have hit a wall. It's the possibility that something may come from it that directs me decision to do that. 4/24/2015 11:27:21 pm
The issue I had, Nick, isn't that you told a story you can't confirm (I've done that myself) but that you didn't show your work in "hitting a brick wall." In what ways did you try to confirm or refute it? You leave us to guess and provide too little information for us to try ourselves. Essentially, we're left to evaluate based on your word, and that's not good enough. 4/25/2015 03:17:08 am
Jason, you say: "Essentially, we're left to evaluate based on your word, and that's not good enough."
Mark L
4/25/2015 07:26:37 pm
Nick, do you never feel like you want to prove or disprove any of the things you write about? 4/26/2015 04:08:33 am
Mark, you say:
4/24/2015 12:25:32 pm
Dear Mr. Redfern: if you don't even know how to do what a high school student can do, I'm not sure I can agree that you are in fact "a writer." I know an entire class of third graders who know to look deeper than you do for their five-paragraph research essays, and clearly how to better evaluate their sources for use. If you are incapable of doing those things, then you are uneducated. If you refuse to do them because you don't want to, then you are a lazy hack. In either case, you do not belong in the same category as people who actually qualify as real writers.
4/24/2015 01:40:39 pm
"By the way, your profanity only proves that you're a hack." No, it proves I have a violent temper.
4/24/2015 05:16:16 pm
Jason, a selling point? It's just who I am. Nothing more, nothing less.
4/24/2015 05:21:35 pm
"No, it proves I have a violent temper." Yeah, that's probably not a helpful comeback.
4/25/2015 09:01:39 pm
"No, it proves I have a violent temper. "If someone has a violent temper , I agree with the other poster, this is hardly a selling point. 4/26/2015 03:17:06 am
Dora, I'm not making an excuse for my temper/behavior. I'm simply being honest with people. That way they know what they get from me. I don't "expect" people to "put up" with my temper, I just speak as I speak and do as I do. There's no agenda of me making excuses or expecting this or expecting that. If someone pisses me off, I respond by blowing up. No big mystery, it's all very black and white. 4/24/2015 05:18:09 pm
V: after that tantrum of yours you should probably get your blood-pressure checked.
4/24/2015 05:24:30 pm
To be honest, you really should calm down a bit. That first comment on the board was pretty unnecessary. 4/24/2015 05:34:27 pm
Platy, Nope, I'll say whatever I feel like saying and whenever and wherever. Next!
4/25/2015 08:16:33 am
Mr. Redfern and Mr. Colavito, if we simply agree that Redfern is an entertainer/entertainment writer with no credentials which even remotely resemble true scholarship, then I believe that you could both agree upon, at a bare minimum, the right of each other to exist without damaging the public discourse or offending the tenets and standards of true scholarship. I pop the popcorn and put my critical brain on hold as I enjoy the entertainment value of Ancient Aliens, for example. ("Ancient Astronaut theorists say 'yes'"; that one cracks me up every time). The problem is that when a person (I strongly resisted the urge to say, "douchebag") tries to shortcut his way to a few cups of fame via face time on basic cable and The Internet, they attempt to leverage perceived credibility to future enrichment. Redfern and his ilk are a product of The Internet. In the 1970s he would have been relegated to the back pages of a comic book. 4/25/2015 10:52:35 am
4/25/2015 09:10:35 pm
@ Mr. JimR:I would have no problems with people who are what you describe as entertainer/entertainement writers. I think there is place for entertainment. However I have problems with gossip, for ex. Ancient Aliens program is not entertainment, it is kind of expanded gossip, the same way fringe theories are.
4/27/2015 09:30:48 am
Why did you put a dog a pony show on about a violent temper when you come out down here as saying what you want when you want? That's the classical easy way out of formulation of debating principals that logically follow an order.
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 10:02:33 am
Dave, I actually don't think most people DO care - at all. And that's fine. My attitude and approach isn't to deflect anything. I spent plenty of time responding to everyone's comment in this thread (unless I missed a few, which may be possible, as I don't have the comments sent to me as notifications - i Just check in here to have a look). But here's my point: I admit I'm not the nicest person around. But I dont think of it as a flaw, it's just me. And if someone pisses me off, my anger-driven response probably does overwhelm the point being made, or the reply. But so what? The important thing is that between my rants and expletives, I still answer the questions.
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 10:17:02 am
Dave, and when you bring up the dog and pony comment, that's ridiculous. I don't need to play games etc. And I don't do things to deflect. You are way over-analyzing what I'm doing. If people say things about me and I don't like what they say, I tell them to go and fuck themselves. There's no dog and pony, and no deflection. Just me firing back in the way I want to. And that's all.
John R.
4/24/2015 12:27:51 pm
Anyone been offered stolen Egyptian artifacts at Hawass' dinners?
4/24/2015 01:04:18 pm
Hawass and Bauval have not been getting along for sometime. Although I didn't know about Hawass' idea of Bauval advancing a "Jewish Agenda". That is rather an unpleasant element in their personal dispute.
4/26/2015 08:29:06 am
Why would Hawass even bother to waste time with a pseudohistory nut like Hancock in the first place?
4/24/2015 01:27:44 pm
Well, interesting comments!
4/24/2015 01:33:50 pm
Yes, the immortality article definitely was the equivalent of a campfire tale (even though I didn't use that term). I fully admit in the article that it has no secondary back-up, the source could be a hoaxer or a fantasist, and it led nowhere! I made no attempt to suggest it was anything majorly important - just a story told to me and which went nowhere. If I had tried to present it as something else that would be different. But I pointed out all its flaws very closely.
4/24/2015 02:01:06 pm
Sooner or later Colavito will slander or defame a "fringe" author who has money.
Only Me
4/24/2015 02:37:24 pm
First, it would be considered libel. Second, as minor public figures, such an intent would be difficult to prove. Third, Jason has tackled them all for years, beginning with Graham Hancock, and nothing has come from it.
4/24/2015 11:46:24 pm
Only me: go suck Colavito, you know you want to! Or you already have.
Only Me
4/25/2015 05:29:05 am
You do realize your comment heavily implies Jason is guilty of slander or libel and defamation in the past, but he's gotten away with it because no one with money has bothered to file suit.
4/28/2015 02:30:15 pm
Only Me, I'm pretty sure you're dealing with an impostor :)
Only Me
4/28/2015 03:53:49 pm
Yeah, and it shows just how absolutely sad this moron is. Of all people to imitate, why "."?
Judith Bennett
4/24/2015 02:07:54 pm
Hancock really didn't help by saying "shame on you" to Hawass. It's a fairly innocuous phrase in English, but concepts of honor and shame are taken far more seriously in Islamic cultures. I wonder if Hancock was aware of that, and being deliberately provocative, or if he was simply unaware that he'd inflamed matters.
4/24/2015 05:07:18 pm
From Wikipedia article on Nick Redfern:
4/24/2015 05:31:12 pm
No, it talks about the specific Roswell crash as being a high-altitude balloon with regular, normal Japanese people. The progeria angle has nothing to do with what came down on the Foster Ranch. My Wiki entry is a total joke. I have no idea who wrote it, but it's filled with errors. It says I was born in Pelsall. I wasn't. It says I live in Dallas. I don't. It says my books are best-sellers. They definitely are not best-sellers. I'm not a feature writer or a contributor to Phenomena Magazine (it closed down a decade ago!). I didnt attend Pelsall Comprehensive School from 1976 to 1981. And I didn't start working for Zero magazine in 1981. I have repeatedly tried to have Wiki take that page down. No luck. If anyone can find a way to remove it, go ahead.
David Bradbury
4/24/2015 11:33:23 pm
"Education: 4/25/2015 02:47:56 am
David, that original link is not mine either (the .com address I mean). As for the reference to "Walsall 6th Form College, 1981-1983," I began work in 1982, so I certainly wasn't at any college in 1983, and I'm not even sure that anything called "Walsall 6th Form College" even ever existed!! I've never heard of it.
4/25/2015 02:56:14 am
And, for the record I have never attended any college, ever! I left school at 17, gave them the finger, with no academic qualifications worth a shit, no college, no university - nothing. Worked variously as a writer, fork-lift driver, van-driver, plumbing, and in the house-painting field. All of which is far more relevant than just about anything on that Wiki page!
David Bradbury
4/25/2015 03:23:42 am
Curiouser and curiouser. 4/25/2015 03:35:06 am
David, yes, that was where I used to live, and I registered the name. But the site was then given to someone else, as I'm certainly no expert in website design etc, who screwed it all up. and I wasn't able to access it as the passwords etc were changed, and it took someone else to finally be able to close it down.
David Bradbury
4/25/2015 07:54:03 am
You're right, of course, about the non-existence of Walsall 6th Form College. That line in the bio on nickredfern.com appeared when the site started in 2004, but was removed in 2008 (presumably when your fellow Staffs-States emigré Paul Robinson became site administrator), at which time the next item in your bio:
4/24/2015 05:07:20 pm
Anybody who rips Hancock a new one is OK by me.
4/25/2015 08:31:49 am
David, Correct re Zero dates amending, changes to site, and Paul as admin. I asked Paul to close the site a couple of years ago (or thereabouts, I think).
4/24/2015 05:43:36 pm
"I'll say and do what the fuck I like and when the fuck I like!"
4/25/2015 03:29:44 am
4/25/2015 03:41:48 am
David, When I said, "David, that original link is not mine either (the .com address I mean)," that is correct. Yes, anyone can see (as the official record shows) that I registered the website, that's public data! But that bio link I referred to is indeed not mine. It's littered with errors. Nothing on that site was ever done by me, because I couldn't access it after I made an unwise decision about giving it to a certain woman. Then it took a while to get it closed down, which, thankfully, it now is.
4/25/2015 12:53:39 pm
Gee, I was betting on you saying the dog messed up and ate the website; but it turns out it's a 'certain woman.'
4/25/2015 01:25:15 pm
Sarcasm. Yawn. Yep, bad judgement. At least the site is now closed down, which is the most important thing.
David Bradbury
4/25/2015 08:38:56 pm
Shouldn't it be "bigfoot ate the website" in Nick's case? 4/25/2015 05:31:20 am
This is really a rare event. Usually, such a clash never happens, because everybody knows in advance what will come, so a personal meeting is avoided. The clash happens via newspaper articles, only. But this is hard. Here we can see which energy can be in such controversies.
4/25/2015 06:51:49 am
Oh, Dr. Hawass!
4/25/2015 09:52:31 pm
Graham Hancock shouldn't indeed not use words lie "shame on you" toward Dr.Hawass. What an ignorant behavior! And than he still comments, probably in Dr. Hawass hearing range "shame for egyptology." If he wants to deal with matters and people relating to the Middle East, he should get some cultural brokering, in order to know what behavior or words may be very offensive in this cultures. Ignorant behavior, sorry to say, on Hancock's side. No wonder 0:31 Dr. Hawass says "don't say this word to me" ("shame")
4/26/2015 01:59:54 am
Entertainment is fine, but fiction should not be presented as a documentary on channels that call themselves 'History,' and the shows should have a warning that it is not a documentary, but opinions and fiction presented in a documentary form; otherwise it is a form of fraud on gullible audiences, which, as Jason noted:
4/26/2015 03:09:44 am
Hypatia, no it's not "covering one's ass." Why on earth would I even need to do that? I decided to show both sides. It's all very simple. I dont write articles and think about how to cover my ass. I just write them!
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:06:22 am
4/26/2015 12:55:27 pm
Good example, Nick, I'll agree with you on that one. But it is reporting on the claim that government agents are spying on individuals, and proved to be right rather than paranoia, and deals with reality: government agents have been spying on people ever since central governments have existed. I don't object to reporters who cover undisclosed source stories, as long as it is not libel or propaganda. I object to TV shows which pretend to be documentaries on 'facts' about Ancient Aliens, Big Foot, paranormal phenomenons, ghosts, poltergeists, giants, mermaids, etc for which there is not a thread of evidence and keep dulling gullible audiences. As Jason remarked, most people do not know the difference between 'Ancient Aliens' and 'Nova.'
4/26/2015 02:29:17 am
And, may I add, investigating and presenting the truth is a lot more fun, diverse, surprising, less conscience-gnawing and not so boring for an audience as the same old same old 'the aliens did it.'
4/26/2015 03:31:16 am
4/26/2015 03:44:29 am
We can debate on all this forever and a day, but what it comes down to is this:
4/26/2015 06:06:24 am
I never said your approach is wrong, Nick, only that you don't do what you set out to do as well as you think you do. I fault you for failing to do the necessary deep research and failing to develop a better understanding of the topics you discuss. You're too trusting of what other fringe writers say, and don't know enough about the underlying material to make your speculations valuable. If you want to write about the "controversy" over powdered monoatomic gold in ancient times but can't point to a single source from ancient times, the fault is on you, not on a difference of opinion. Even speculation must be grounded in facts, and I fault you for lacking a familiarity with those facts.
4/26/2015 05:03:10 am
Speaking of tulpas, interesting discussion of the intellectual/folkloric history of tulpas, and how they've changed meaning from their original meaning to how they're used in Western occulture (I don't have any connection to either the Monster Talk folks or to the guests, it's just a good interview)
David Bradbury
4/26/2015 06:29:47 am
The trouble is, campfire stories are the sort of things you expect from hacks with some space or time to fill. Nick Redfern, on the other hand, is regarded as a:
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 09:46:50 am
David, how other people view me ("paranormal expert," "UFO expert") is their opinion. I never, ever say "I'm a UFO expert" or "I'm an authority on Bigfoot." I just do what I do. How others perceive me is down to them.
David Bradbury
4/26/2015 11:31:02 am
Also, in the case of the "immortality elixir" tale, there is a more serious problem not mentioned by Nick, or any of the people who did respond to his 21 February blog. There is an actual commercial firm in Utah, selling "white powder gold", founded in 1998 by alchemist Jason "I tried college, but it didn't work for me" Davis (since sold). A Chinese Whispers version of that firm's publicity is almost certainly the origin of the "campfire tale".
4/26/2015 07:03:02 am
In the case of tulpas, the original Buddhist concept is, if anything, pretty much the opposite of the bastardized Western occultist concept. The whole point of tulpas is that they are illusory and that to believe them to be real is to be deluded. Which, if you know anything about Bhuddism, should not be surprising in the least.
4/26/2015 07:18:59 am
Which is pretty much what the interview points out, though it specifically does so in relation to the Western occultist perspective.
4/26/2015 07:36:05 am
Oh, God! Don't even get me started on Victorians (and Edwardians) on fairies, it's the creepiest shit! (In addition to Silver's book, I'd recommend Nicola Bown's.)
4/26/2015 07:42:29 am
I'm particularly interested in the science interface, hence Silver's book, but I'll keep the Bown one in mind. The big difference between the Victorians and fairies and the post-WWII societies and UFOs is that a century earlier, the fairie-ologists were inside the academy or at least in its more acceptable fringes (the seriousness that the "pygmy race" theory of prehistory could inspire is amazing). A century later, only a few isolated eccentric scholars could be counted actively amongst the ufologists etc.. Which is, of course, solid evidence for the efficacy of the Illuminati conspiracy to hide the Nephilim.
4/26/2015 07:47:54 am
...or, for the rest of us, the consequence of the rise of organized science and the decline of the horror that was the combination of antiquarianism and Naturphilosophie.
4/26/2015 01:01:48 pm
@ spookyparadigm
4/26/2015 01:17:15 pm
4/26/2015 08:05:29 am
Mr. Redfern admits he left off organized education at the age of 17 and never looked back. What he fails to realize is that education without an overseer or mentor to provide intelligent and meaningful direction and feedback is a worthless attempt at scholarship besides a waste of time. Years spent mulling through trash articles does not make a person an expert of anything.
Nick Redern
4/26/2015 09:52:37 am
Gabriel, I have never claimed to be an expert on anything. I'm very interested in Forteana, and I write about it. I would argue that it's practically impossible to be an "expert" on Bigfoot or UFOs. You can be a collector of data on such things and you can analyze the info and try and reach a conclusion. But, how can someone be an expert on something no-one has proved exists?
4/26/2015 10:16:10 am
"I have never claimed to be an expert on anything."
4/26/2015 10:19:48 am
So... I have a question: Is it worth going through all of Nick Redfern's comments to get myself up to speed? Or is he just a less unintentionally hilarious version of Scotty Roberts?
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:30:45 am
EP: Probably not. Here's the quick summary to get you up to speed: I get angry quickly, I swear a lot, I have aggression issues, I have no academic education worth a shit, I disagree with just abut every comment leveled at me, and I think I'm right. I think that about covers it.
4/26/2015 10:32:36 am
I wasn't really addressing you there, but if you insist you forgot to mention your apparently utter lack of humor.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:39:34 am
EP: Nope, I have a fine sense of humor. And it doesn't matter if you were addressing me or not. If you mention me, of course I'm going to reply.
4/26/2015 10:45:52 am
You just keep on keepin' on, mang.
Dave Lewis
5/5/2015 02:41:41 pm
I enjoy listening to Nick on Coast to Coast AM. He spins a good yarn. I don't believe much I hear on C2CAM.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:25:44 am
What I'm saying is that people have wildly varying opinions. Someone might call me an expert. Another person may call me a hack. A third might call me an authority. A fourth might say I'm full of shit. What this demonstrates is that people come to their own conclusions.
4/26/2015 10:30:30 am
Yo Nick Redfern, I'm real happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but if you're right, then no one could ever be an expert on, like, deep space. Think again about what you just said:
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:37:17 am
4/26/2015 10:48:44 am
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:44:36 am
EP: So, you think that the people who read my words are, to use your words, "gullible illiterates"? Interesting...
4/26/2015 10:53:12 am
(1) That doesn't actually follow from what I said.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 10:54:56 am
4/26/2015 11:00:52 am
Confirming that whenever I point out logical flaws or express my low opinion of someone's work, I am actually panicking and backtracking.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 11:07:49 am
No, wrong.
4/26/2015 11:10:22 am
"And let's be clear on something, you did NOT use the word "illiterate." You used the word "illiterates," meaning in terms of people. Check it out, it's only just a few comments above!"
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 11:15:12 am
I am what I am, but I don't go around making sweeping statements about who knows how many people being "gullible illiterates."
4/26/2015 11:25:45 am
Good for you. Biting the hand that feeds, etc., etc.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 11:29:55 am
Nope, dead wrong.
4/26/2015 11:33:34 am
I see that your dialectical prowess is only matched by your scholarly credentials...
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 11:36:33 am
4/27/2015 07:51:26 am
I mean... as long as you're going to bother with Nick Redfern at all...
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 07:03:38 pm
TM: Angry? Yes. Uneducated? Definitely. Aggressive? Yep. Manipulative? Nope. Why would you want to talk to me? I sure as fuck don't want to talk to you.
4/26/2015 07:16:55 pm
Oh! He's manipulative AND dumb...yawn...
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 07:18:34 pm
Something else, I don't hide behind a pair of initials.
4/26/2015 07:25:26 pm
Attempting to distract is a form of manipulation...yawn...
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 07:27:13 pm
Not distracting. Besides, you do a poor job of hiding yourself. A very poor job. Do you not know what I mean?
4/26/2015 07:38:39 pm
Denial, followed by a vague accusation is a form of manipulation. The open ended question at the end is a very sophisticated touch. It attempts to sucker the target into accepting the manipulation and a change of subjet...yawn...
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 07:45:12 pm
Not at all! I'm not accusing you of anything, other than hiding your name! When I said that you hide your name, but don't do a good job of it, I meant it. Jason assures the people who comment here that their email address won't be published. Move your cursor to touch on the "tm" of your first comment to me which begins "So, you're angry..." Doing so reveals your email address. You're now public. Methinks you need to have a word with Jason. Unless you are fine with everyone seeing it, of course, in which case you can ignore this.
4/26/2015 08:25:02 pm
Evidently tm entered his email address in the "Website" space of the reply form, so Jason's assurances remain valid.
4/26/2015 08:52:55 pm
Again, an attempt to manipulate and distract from the subject at hand by assuming I'm not bright enough to use one of my SPAM email addresses when posting to a public blog, and using that assumption to feel superior while trying to embarrass either me or Jason. Identifying info doesn't exist and replies to that address go into a black hole I specifically designed for junk. Mr. Redfern proved my point. He is angry, aggressive, uneducated, manipulative, and not very bright...yawn...better to talk about him than to him...yawn...time to go to bed.
4/26/2015 11:24:49 pm
Jason doesn't assure anything. My service provider, Weebly, is responsible for the policies and management of the blog comments software and coding. It works the same across all blogs powered by Weebly, and I have no control over it.
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 03:04:24 am
In that case, good for Weebly!
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 08:28:41 pm
Good for Jason. I'll sleep sound tonight knowing that.
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 08:41:50 pm
tm entered his email address in the website space and he then calls ME "dumb." I'm not sure there is anything I can add to that, it's just perfect!
Nick Redfern
4/26/2015 09:03:50 pm
And, remind me, who was it that put their email address in the website box? Oh that's right: You!
4/27/2015 03:32:38 am
Oh my God. I made clerical error? At 3am? :P More distraction...yawn...
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 03:34:03 am
Nope, not distraction. Just pointing out...
4/27/2015 04:03:05 am
Joe Scales
4/27/2015 04:42:17 am
Though O'Reilly is obviously editorial in nature, don't pretend the CBS Evening News isn't just as slanted in its own presentation. It's just less noticeable the more you view their slant as reasonable; which was Bernie Goldberg's point.
4/27/2015 10:36:14 am
While Nick Redfern keeps saying how doesn't call himself an expert, he is refusing to say whether all the promotional materials and friendly reviews that describe him as an expert are misrepresenting him.
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 10:44:02 am
I'm not refusing at all! My view is this, so there can be ZERO mistake: I find it very hard to call anyone (myself included) an expert, when we are dealing with phenomena that no-one can prove exists, when we don't have a bit of "alien metal," when we don't have a Bigfoot body etc. I think those of us that investigate these things (when they specifically lack proof of any kind) are collectors of data who try and understand it, comment on it, and share it. Now, if I do a lot of investigations in one area (let's say the Puerto Ricah Chupacabra, as that's an area I have studied a lot), and I speak about it, comment about it, and offer theories, someone else may think I am an expert - by their definition. So, no I don't think they are misrepresenting me. I think they have a very different opinion to me on what defines an expert - or what doesn't define an expert.
4/27/2015 11:37:08 am
So, in effect, you ARE saying that you ARE an expert in the proper sense of the term (i.e., one that is in accordance with standard English, as opposed to your own unschooled pseudo-intellectual idiolect).
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 10:45:37 am
I mean Puerto Rican
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 11:48:05 am
Only Me
4/27/2015 12:21:13 pm
A person can be an expert on the example subjects you list because an expert is defined as:
4/27/2015 02:34:50 pm
Nick Redfern: "I collect data concerning things of which there is no evidence. Therefore, I couldn't possibly be an expert."
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 12:39:20 pm
Only me:
4/27/2015 02:37:12 pm
Nick Redfern: "I won't deny that I'm an expert in the ordinary sense of the word. I'm not an expert though."
David Bradbury
4/28/2015 10:17:07 am
The problem is, I suspect, that Nick is an expert on claims about unusual experiences, but, as he has been the first to acknowledge, far from expert on the reality behind the claims.
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 10:30:27 am
Exactly! We may not have agreed on much in this thread, David, but that hits the nail on the head of what I have been saying.
4/28/2015 10:44:08 am
You are continuing to exhibit failure to grasp the meaning of the English word 'expert', and saying, in effect, "Screw the dictionary! I'll use words however I want!" does nothing but make you look ridiculous.
Only Me
4/28/2015 12:10:55 pm
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 12:23:52 pm
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 12:30:35 pm
I guess the following really sums it up for me:
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 12:34:38 pm
As per last night, tonight is a soccer night too, so I'm now gone until the morning.
David Bradbury
4/28/2015 08:31:28 pm
@Nick Redfern
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 04:11:27 am
Nick Redfern
4/27/2015 01:06:40 pm
And, with that said, tonight is soccer night, and so I'll return to this joyous conversation in the morning.
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 10:52:22 am
4/28/2015 11:02:43 am
"Nessie is a mystery. The MIB are a mystery."
Matt Mc
4/29/2015 01:56:15 am
EP- Say what you want about Nessie but do not bring Godzilla into this, he is an icon and does not deserve to be even considered on the same page as the "real" cryptids that people are searching for.
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:09:16 am
No, I'm not cynically feeding the delusions of the gullible.
4/28/2015 11:21:03 am
So you're gullible and deluded, then. Fair enough.
David Bradbury
4/29/2015 06:39:05 am
"I absolutely DO believe Bigfoot could be a thought-form, even though I can't prove - at all, in the slightest - that thought-forms are real"
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:34:31 am
Concluding that Bigfoot exists or that creatures in Loch Ness exist doesn't make a person gullible or deluded. It means I have studied the data and I think there is a body of evidence that is intriguing and suggests the phenomena are real.
4/28/2015 11:37:53 am
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:44:53 am
4/28/2015 11:51:20 am
Hey, everybody! Look! Nick Redfern thinks he's "owning" someone on the Internet! More specifically, he thinks he's making EP "mad".
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:36:05 am
"Sometimes getting a real education helps with it, though I your case I suspect it wouldn't have made much of a dent."
4/28/2015 11:39:21 am
Nick Redfern: "I'm so hopeless that even getting a real education wouldn't have helped me!"
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:41:37 am
Why do you have a habit of putting an "LOL" after so many of your comments? Do you giggle a lot?
4/28/2015 11:44:09 am
I do it to indicate my amusement.
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:48:09 am
why do you even need to indcate to people you are amused?
4/28/2015 11:52:37 am
Because if I don't, the MIBs will get me. Duh!
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 11:53:39 am
Yep, I do think I'm making you mad. In fact, I'm sure I am.
4/28/2015 11:58:54 am
Are you *more* sure of it than you are that Nessie is real? Or *less* sure?
Nick Redfern
4/28/2015 12:02:05 pm
Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that I'm more sure I'm making you mad than Nessie is real. I can almost see the clenched fists and the gritted teeth as you hammer out those capital letters.
4/28/2015 12:04:55 pm
Confirming that I type with my fists.
Only Me
4/28/2015 01:47:45 pm
Harness your rage, EP. When you can type all you want to say with a single smash of your forehead into the keyboard, you have truly mastered the art. :)
4/28/2015 02:24:31 pm
I shall harness my rage in the form of a tulpa. Of a Popobawa.
4/28/2015 02:38:56 pm
"What is the point of reporting something you know or believe to be untrue without indicating its untruth? Entertainment, I suppose."
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 03:31:13 am
EP: If I investigate and write about something I think is untrue, I always say so and I always explain why. For example, I briefly noted in a comment above that I believe the plesiosaur theory for the Loch Ness Monster is pure bullshit. Why? Two reasons: plesiosaurs are extinct, and they were reptiles, which means they would be regularly surfacing for air. With a colony of plesiosaurs in Loch Ness surfacing regularly for air, they would be seen all the time, not just the handful of sightings we get per year. So, if I were to write an article on the specific subject of how it's not true that Nessie is a plesiosaur, those would be the kind of data I would use to show it to be untrue. So, no I don't publish anything I know or believe to be untrue without giving a reason why.
4/28/2015 03:58:40 pm
So, Nick, you believe that Big Foot might be an ephemeral 'tulpa' entity, yet Bigfootian viewers I've spoken to (total of three -- very normal people, with good common sense and intelligence but with no scientific training) are convinced that Big Foot is a real flesh and bones anthropoid and were shown footprints, videos, noises, reenactments, 3D models, witnesses, how could all this not be real? They showed it on TV, and they have scientists and experts discussing it.
4/28/2015 04:36:50 pm
Don't you get it?! The scientists are also tulpas! How deep does the rabbit hole go?! ;)
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 03:47:26 am
Jesus fucking Christ, how many times do I have to say that I DO understand the dictionary definition of an expert - fully!
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 03:32:49 am
By the way, it's "Bigfoot" not "Big Foot." At least get the name of the Tulpa correct if you're going to comment.
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 03:15:41 am
4/29/2015 04:26:12 am
In view of your tulpa 'Bigfoot' belief, do you debunk that anthropoid myth on those TV shows on Bigfoot?
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 05:08:47 am
I don't "debunk" it. I explain why I think other theories, like the Tulpa, have greater validity. There's a difference.
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 05:10:51 am
Re my comment above, I meant "and to give my opinion," and not "to give his opinion."
Only Me
4/29/2015 08:03:24 am
Nick, have you come away with the impression Ancient Aliens has edited your interviews in a way that's similar to the UK show you mentioned?
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 09:40:13 am
I actually haven't no. The main reason being because they want short, sound-bites, and it's very hard to edit a sound-bite because of that fact they are so short anyway. It's programs where the interviewer is looking for long answers that cause the red-flags, because they can be edited and chopped around easier.
Only Me
4/29/2015 09:54:46 am
Thank you. I was curious since another guest, William Henry, once complained about how the show used editing to misrepresent him. Usually, if it's happened once, it's sure to have happened again.
Nick Redfern
4/29/2015 10:03:17 am
Well, I learned my lesson with that 1990s show, and that was one of the first I ever did. So, since then I have always insisted, with all shows, on talking only about things I am comfortable about speaking on, and that I can present my answers in sound-bites that are hard to alter and/or create misinterpretation by editing. I once had a TV show ask me to remove my earrings as they thought it would affect credibility. I said no of course.
4/29/2015 07:58:35 pm
Is there a Bentspoon tulpa?
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