Last week I wrote about an article that appeared on Ancient Code describing Aztec giants. In that blog post, I noted that the author, Ivan Petricevic, was lightly rewriting content from earlier web articles by other authors, and that at least one sentence was reproduced verbatim from a book without quotation marks or acknowledgement of the source. Well, that made Petricevic mad, and he decided to contact me on Friday to express his displeasure, not at being wrong, or endorsing fiction as fact, but for having someone mention his missteps in public. “Cheap shot on that poor article,” Petricevic wrote to me via Facebook. “Should have contacted me if you had an issue with me, but that speaks a lot about you.” He added, “But oh boy, who do you think you are to attack me like that?”
Petricevic went on to defend his writing by saying that he had merely forgotten to use quotation marks and to cite his sources, but that such omissions should not count as plagiarism, despite being pretty much the definition of plagiarism. “I don’t copy anyone’s work. On some articles citation is missing but that is an entirely different thing.” Again, omitting the citation is pretty much exactly the definition of copying other people’s work. Do all online authors subscribe to a newsletter that provides helpful templates for expressing outrage? I ask because Petricevic’s message to me via Facebook was nearly point-for-point identical to the odd complaints other third-tier fringe writers and some skeptics have made, specifically in the claim that I somehow have a moral obligation to contact the authors of publicly accessible published documents to share my concerns about those documents privately rather than discuss that material in a public forum. “If you have an issue with Ancient Code which I created, with the advertisement on the website, or with my citations,” Petricevic said, “you could have contacted me as a professional writer and criticize me in an appropriate manner.” I just don’t understand that. If an article is published for all the world to see, surely that means that it can and should be discussed publicly. I don’t see it as my job to make other people’s articles and websites better but rather to share my insights and views with my readers. I asked Petricevic if he contacts the subjects of his articles to express his concerns about their Illuminati, extraterrestrial, or New World Order connections before criticizing them online. I received no response, and that about says it all. Petricevic did state that he has “begun” to address his citation and documentation problems in articles across his website. Meanwhile, over on Scott Wolter’s blog, the quixotic geologist revealed that he still hasn’t learned anything about optics when he chose to once again endorse the work of racist Nazi (and later Neo-Nazi) “anthropologist” Jacques de Mahieu: “I am very aware of de Mahieu’s book and have corresponded with his son in South America. I think he has done good work that should be followed up on.” Now, granted, merely being a Nazi and a racist doesn’t automatically make one’s work suspect. Otto Rahn’s work on the Holy Grail is often cited as being of value despite his SS connections, for example. But de Mahieu’s claims were specifically about white racial supremacy, so his racist and Nazi affiliations ought to be pretty damn relevant and perhaps something to shy away from if one of the major criticisms of your own work is that it promotes a Eurocentric and colonialist narrative. De Mahieu was a Nazi collaborator in Vichy France, serving in the Waffen-SS’s Charlemagne Division, and later served as a Peronist in Argentina (Juan Perόn had helped Nazis, including de Mahieu, escape Europe at the end of the war) and as head of one of Argentina’s Neo-Nazi parties. He wrote books on Esoteric Nazism, the spiritual aspect of Nazi occultism. He was an advocate of scientific racism and promoted the superiority of European (white) South Americans over those of mixed or indigenous descent. According to an article in Nouvelle École (no. 47, 1995), De Mahieu held degrees in philosophy, medicine, economics, and political science, but not history, archaeology, or anthropology. Wolter endorses de Mahieu because of two of his Nazi-inspired white supremacist claims: that the Vikings reached South America in the Middle Ages and that the Knights Templar settled in pre-Columbian Mexico. Wolter believes that de Mahieu’s Nazi-inspired hunt for white people in the pre-Columbian Americas was “good work.” Seriously? Again?! When will fringe historians learn to leave the Nazis alone? Oh, who are we kidding? The History Channel is launching a new show about conspiracy theories of Hitler surviving World War II.
10/19/2015 03:26:52 pm
This week's 'Doctor Who' offered proof that the Vikings reached South America (the native habitat of a creature which played a key part in the episode). So there.
10/19/2015 04:11:47 pm
The Hitler stories originate not from conspiracy theorists but from South American members of the public.
titus pullo
10/19/2015 04:18:42 pm
10/19/2015 04:56:18 pm
"I ask because Petricevic’s message to me via Facebook was nearly point-for-point identical to the odd complaints other third-tier fringe writers and some skeptics have made, specifically in the claim that I somehow have a moral obligation to contact the authors of publicly accessible published documents to share my concerns about those documents privately rather than discuss that material in a public forum."
Scotty Roberts' Doppleganger
10/19/2015 06:21:35 pm
This Nazi thing is a thread that runs through all of these weird fringe people. Your articles on Scotty Roberts and his Christian Identity stuff, Dr.John Ward's use of the Nazi symbols, Scott Wolter...I there something deeper here or are these people just that stupid?
Shane Sullivan
10/19/2015 06:52:15 pm
Hey, that kind of macabre doesn't grow on trees; of course they're going to take advantage of the "mysterious evil" angle on Nazism. There's a limit to how much cash even the gullible public will throw at a fringe author unless there's a cheap wow factor.
10/19/2015 08:13:24 pm
I already suspect that they all have ties to white nationalist and right wing groups.
Shane Sullivan
10/19/2015 06:47:44 pm
I somehow doubt Petricevic would have been so incensed if you had *praised* him publicly.
10/19/2015 07:40:32 pm
Let me see if I understand this. Petricevic has no problem with you telling him that, as a "professional writer" he failed to quote sources and as such was guilty of plagiarism. He feels that you should contact him directly to listen to his lame-ass excuses about why he did so.
10/19/2015 08:54:18 pm
Mr. P. is wrong. In the US there is freedom of speech, expression and written words. JC is entitled to criticize anyone, especially if they don't cite sources. JC is not really running a news source, so no rules about news sources will apply. This blog is an editorial blog, not a news course. Right? Opinion is protected speech.
Only Me
10/19/2015 10:03:26 pm
Petricevic has the right to steal someone's work for his own profit, but Jason doesn't have the right to point it out?! Uh huh.
10/19/2015 11:06:20 pm
Ah yes, Only Me. Scott “ignores advice telling him not to attend a conference hosted by the Barnes Review…” Whose advice Only Me??? A bunch of blog trolling acolytes who wait for Colavito to tell them which show or podcast he hated and they sat around agreeing how much they hated it? Scott should listen to those trolls?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!
Only Me
10/19/2015 11:34:28 pm
Steve StC
10/19/2015 10:31:21 pm
What's up, Colavito?
Only Me
10/19/2015 10:55:32 pm
Whining. Again.
10/20/2015 02:25:04 am
Yes, Steve St.Clair is a whining troll, but it's only because Scott Wolter "lead" him astray. :)
Day Late and Dollar Short
10/20/2015 04:23:29 pm
Contribute to the topic at hand or GET THE FUCK OUT, please.
10/19/2015 10:33:35 pm
Remember the United States as well as all other countries are Racist.
10/19/2015 10:36:23 pm
Erich Von Daniken is not a racist when he presents his Ancient Astronaut beliefs because he filtered out the racist elements contained in Morning of the Magicians,
Clint Knapp
10/20/2015 08:26:27 am
So, I guess you missed the part where EvD calls the "Black Race" a failure the aliens had to correct when they made whites?
10/19/2015 10:39:42 pm
Is there anybody here who seriously doubts that Barrack Obama considers himself and America superior to Vladimir Putin?
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/20/2015 09:44:38 am
I think you have "nationalism" and "racism" confused, unless you seriously think that all Americans are one race, and all Russians another, in which case, I invite you to get your eyes checked in both cases. In either case, replying to your own comments rather than thinking your comments all the way through the first time, making sweeping generalizations, and announcing that "Erich von Däniken filtered out all the racism" while ignoring his early-edition claim that black people were a failed experiment, or claiming that any firm answer would require a time machine, then making your own firm answers, all go a long way toward making you look foolish.
10/20/2015 12:24:15 pm
What's your point?
Steve StC
10/19/2015 10:46:13 pm
Since your stories about Scott and the Templars are getting weak, Colavito, let me help you out a bit -
Only Me
10/19/2015 10:56:14 pm
Only Me
10/20/2015 01:50:16 am
Article 1: "Notwithstanding the efforts of numerous modern authors, the Templars did not possess the Holy Grail, irrespective of whether that was a physical cup or, as suggested in one particularly fanciful book, an oblique reference to Mary Magdalene and, ultimately, the line of Merovingian kings." So, no Holy Bloodline like Scott believes.
10/20/2015 12:59:25 am
You realize (well maybe you don't) that every time you post to this blog you become less and less creditable. You need to take your self-created family history, your fringe theory and your strange love for Scott Wolter and just go home. You come across as nothing but a hate filled troll and it is getting tiresome. I mean, really, grow up. You are supposed to be an adult, time for you to begin acting like one.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/20/2015 09:45:17 am
Ah, there's Steve, breaking wind again.
Joe Scales
10/20/2015 12:07:08 pm
Having Steve come here and post his unadulterated lunacy, slander and malevolence, is a reminder of how open Jason is to criticism; and he will allow such posts to stand unedited. Wolter, on the other hand, isn't nearly as brave on his blog, knowing that he would be easily exposed as the fraudulent poseur he truly is should he go unfiltered.
10/20/2015 02:43:59 am
"Oh, who are we kidding? The History Channel is launching a new show about conspiracy theories of Hitler surviving World War II."
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/20/2015 09:48:35 am
This plagiarism guy reminds me of a meeting I was in last year, where someone argued, seriously, with a straight face, that we couldn't charge the construction of a retaining wall as a retaining wall, because it wasn't REALLY a retaining wall. Same meeting, they argued that unreinforced concrete pavement couldn't be charged as concrete pavement because it wasn't REALLY concrete pavement. That contractor, like this guy, was a joy to work with.
10/20/2015 12:27:51 pm
Maybe they'll find a carving in a tree:
10/20/2015 11:35:30 am
Why is it that your posts that include references from Scott Wolter bring out so many more of the illogical and poorly written rants than your other posts?
Uncle Ron
10/20/2015 01:12:17 pm
Allow me to hazard a guess:
10/20/2015 02:55:35 pm
Simple, Ysne: the followers of Jason's blog are, as a whole, erudite & witty. Those who only comment to defend SW when mentioned are somewhat less so
10/20/2015 01:04:39 pm
I was not sticking up for P. plagiarism, but was pointing out that this blog is an opinion source, (editorial or for entertainment), not a news source (journalistic although some facts do apply, which is cool).. I am most certainly not on SW's side. He disturbed our rock walls!
10/20/2015 01:22:30 pm
Well, posters have nothing better to do than complain about other posting because they wish to feel empowered. They aren't really. Even Shakespeare knew of such people, although blogging did not exist then. "It is like a poor player who struts and spends his hour on the stage and is heard no more." Hamlet. (source).
10/20/2015 02:28:48 pm
That is a sweeping statement. Perhaps you're posting to feel empowered, although you are not, while other people may be posting for entirely different reasons. Andy Warhol maybe said it better, although blogging did not exist then.
Uncle Ron
10/20/2015 03:33:47 pm
"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/20/2015 03:56:33 pm
"Everyone needs validation. Except for me. I only need idation." - Val Kilmer.
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