With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, my plan is to take off Thursday and Friday for the holiday. I will return this weekend with a new blog post. Depending on how fast I read, it may be my review of the new Curse of Oak Island tie-in book by Randall Sullivan, but to be entirely honest, I twice fell asleep reading it, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it through. The only thing duller than watching old men dig pointless holes is reading about old men digging pointless holes! Today, however, I’d like to talk a little bit about David Wilcock, the (former?) Ancient Aliens star from whom we have not recently heard. Wilcock’s absence from the last batch of Ancient Aliens episodes and his departure from his sinecure at the online Gaia streaming service left him out of the public eye for a while. But that changed a couple of weeks ago when Wilcock launched Above Majestic, a streaming documentary that, despite its title, is not about aesthetics but (sigh) space alien conspiracy theories surrounding what Wilcock terms “the Cabal,” a coalition of Reptilian extraterrestrials, Democrats, and Jews working to destroy the conservative white Christian lifestyle. According to a recent blog post, the documentary “blows the lid off of the Secret Space Program, ET life, the crimes of the Cabal, beings with elongated skulls, Q Anon and much more.” Yes, Wilcock endorses the reality of Q Anon, the pro-Trump conspiracy alleging Trump to be a genius working with Robert Mueller to secretly take down the Democratic Party. The documentary was released by Orchard Entertainment, the same company that released Hunt for the Skinwalker earlier this year. “On the day before release,” Wilcock wrote, “Orchard Entertainment got a letter from Fakebook saying that our movie was ‘Fake News,’ and no advertising whatsoever would be permitted.” Wilcock did not provide documentary support for the claim, but it would be at least slightly heartening if Facebook had begun to disallow borderline libelous conspiracy theories from gaining paid advertising footholds. Wilcock is busy spinning the failure of his 2012 prophecies of apocalypse to foretell the end of the world, so he has come up with a new one, pushing the date of a “solar flash” (which Wilcock’s Ancient Aliens colleague William Henry tells us is the earth-frying plasma storm—the coronal mass ejection—Robert Schoch goes on about) to “sometime” between now and 2029, in the grounds that we “as a planet” weren’t ready for it when the 2012 apocalypse was supposed to hit: We are told by alleged ET sources that this solar flash will not occur until we are properly ready for it as a planet, or at least as close as can be feasible. Wilcock justifies his belief that coronal mass ejections are tied to the slow 26,000-year backward rotation of the stars in the sky called the precession of the equinoxes because of the book Hamlet’s Mill: “As [Giorgio de] Santillana and [Hertha] von Dechend revealed in the epic Hamlet’s Mill, fully 35 different ancient texts had these ‘precessional’ numbers deliberately encoded into them — worldwide.” He claims, further, that a coronal mass ejection is prophesized in all major religious texts.
He misunderstood the book—the numbers appear in myths told and retold in many different ways, not just 35 specific texts cited in the bibliography. But more importantly, I have done enormously boring work tracing the origins of these ideas to their sources. I found out where the numbers came from, and it wasn’t the precession of the equinoxes. The numbers come from astrology, specifically the interlocking 20- and 30-year cycles of conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, whose multiples yield the same sequence of numbers divisible by 2, 3, 6, and 12. I know this to be the case because the astrological system Santillana and von Dechend thought they had uncovered was instead fragments used in the astrological system of Abu Ma‘shar, the ninth-century Persian astrologer who fused together Indian, Persian, Babylonian, and Greek astrology into a single system, which the authors mistook for an ancient pre-Ice Age system because they had never studies Abu Ma‘shar and his sources. Mistaking the medieval synthesis for an ancient original, they accidentally read the medieval version into the (unrelated) bits and pieces Abu Ma‘shar fused together for his grand synthesis. That story is interesting on its own, but the fact that Wilcock knows nothing of it and is willing to literally claim aliens will transform the world in the next 17 years on the basis of faulty book from the 1960s says everything you need to know about the depth of Wilcock’s alleged expertise in all things cosmological.
A Buddhist
11/21/2018 09:39:31 am
I thought that the Q-Anon theory was dying after so many failed predictions. Alas, fringe thought does not allow ideas to die - it merely recycles the ideas in other, often even stranger forms.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/21/2018 11:39:46 pm
"This quotation is objectionable to all Christians whom I know about because not only does it reduce Jesus to being an equal to Krishna, Mohammed, and the Buddha, but it completely eliminates the significance of Jesus's teachings as presented within the Bible about right conduct and a relationship with YHVH."
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 08:04:40 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan: But unlike Mr. Wilcock, I make no claim to be Christian or respect teachings attributed to Jesus. That having been said, as a Buddhist, I object to Wilcock's reducing the heart of the Buddha's teachings to being about a mass appearance of ETs accompanied by a solar flare.
American cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 01:46:55 pm
There is no such evidence. You give Wolter a run for his money in the idiot department. You really enjoy saying hateful things about Christianity.
11/22/2018 01:53:53 pm
Off topic but, American Cool "Disco" Dan, have you checked out the new comments on Wolters blog lately ? lol
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 02:55:28 pm
It's batshit crazy over there. You're right, there is new craziness over there:
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 03:00:33 pm
American cool "Disco" Dan: No Evidence, you say? Here is is my evidence:
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 04:25:05 pm
1. Christians do not believe that Jesus is "a god".
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 04:38:58 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan:
11/22/2018 04:44:39 pm
Oh, I thought you said you had "evidence". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 05:03:58 pm
Matt: In what way do I not have evidence for my claim that Jesus, after his death, went to a hell-realm? Evidence is defined as "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid." The Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 56b-57a, claims that Jesus, after his death, went to a hell-realm, and provides testimony about this. "Claims are not evidence!" you might retort. But claims are data, and when data can be held to be true through other sources, then the claims may be accepted, I think, as evidence. From Nagarjuna and many other authorities, some of whom are not Buddhist, we learn that people who do bad deeds go to hell-realms after they die. When considering the Talmudic claim about Jesus, I take into account Jesus's bad deeds (such as attacking money changers in the Temple of Jerusalem), his alleged status as a divine being (which will almost always end with being reborn in a hell-realm), and the idea that Jews would know more about what happened to one so closely associated with them than non-Jews. From this perspective, therefore, the Talmudic passage is evidence that Jesus, after his death, went to a hell realm.
Shane Sullivan
11/22/2018 06:41:50 pm
You realize, of course, that by that definition, there is just as much or more evidence that Jesus does not reside in a hell realm.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 07:13:37 pm
Hates Jews. Check.
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 07:21:37 pm
Shane Sullivan: How I came to be a Buddhist is a long story that to a great degree is ongoing. I thank you for being so polite and respectful. You raise valid points about the diversity of opinions about where people (Jesus included) go after they die. That having been said, this is not a forum for discussing religious issues independent of fringe history. I only got into discussing religious issues independent of fringe history on this blog post because American Cool "Disco" Dan made ridiculous and insulting comments about me and my religious claims that I felt obliged to defend against.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 07:23:44 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 07:36:34 pm
"I only got into discussing religious issues independent of fringe history on this blog post because American Cool "Disco" Dan made ridiculous and insulting comments about me and my religious claims that I felt obliged to defend against."
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 07:39:50 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan: So you think that quoting any passage from the Talmud is anti-Semitic if said passage has been used in other contexts to criticize Jews?
11/22/2018 07:44:05 pm
To A Buddhist
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 07:57:12 pm
Bezalel: Others have said this, and I respect them greatly for this and other reasons. This advice, therefore, I take much to heart, not merely from you but from others. I try to implement it! Never let it be said that I cannot take constructive criticism. But American Cool "Disco" Dan so enshrouds his constructive criticism in insults that I find it extremely difficult to deal with him.
American cool "disco" dan
11/22/2018 08:42:02 pm
"I believe, as a Buddhist, that Jesus after his death went to a hell-realm, where he still suffers"
A Buddhist
11/22/2018 09:34:00 pm
American cool "Disco" Dan: "I believe, as a Buddhist, that Jesus after his death went to a hell-realm, where he still suffers"
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 10:41:08 pm
"Even if one take these accounts of beings being rescued from hell realms literally, they are presented as miracles that defy the normal course of rebirth. Furthermore, non-one has claimed to perform such a rite for Jesus."
A Buddhist
11/23/2018 08:26:03 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan: Wishing that I would die through a bus accident? Truly, you need to calm down.
A Buddhist
11/23/2018 08:41:04 am
But no Buddhist claims that such a release rite was performed for him
American Cool "Disco" dan
11/23/2018 01:50:57 pm
Simply treating you as an equal. You bring it on yourself with your hate speech against Judaism and Christianity and your childish belief in the efficacy of "release rites".
A Buddhist
11/23/2018 02:22:18 pm
American Cool "Disco" dan: If I were treating you as an equal, surely I also would be wishing for your death. But the only one talking, even obliquely, about the good that would be if one of us were to die is you.
11/23/2018 02:42:33 pm
I will just add this to this off topic thread
A Buddhist
11/23/2018 02:57:23 pm
Jim: Thanks for the link and advice. So Wolter thinks that Hebrews visited North America during the 1st century CE. And Mormons are using his researches to support their claims. Fascinating.
11/23/2018 03:26:47 pm
You had me a bit mystified with the term "Wolter thinks".
American Cool "disco" dan
11/23/2018 04:15:38 pm
@Jim: "-The Latin etc wording doesn't match the dialect of the day because the journals were copied by a group of Masonic scholars during the Civil war in Greeneville, TN."
A Buddhist
11/23/2018 04:43:54 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan: I also hope for a good rebirth, although unlike you, I do not use such sentiments as a way to wish for another person's early death.
11/23/2018 07:21:59 pm
Isn't this fun ?
11/25/2018 04:30:05 pm
"As a Buddhist, I am entitled to believe Buddhist thinkers to be telling the truth."
Joe Scales
11/21/2018 11:04:28 am
"The only thing duller than watching old men dig pointless holes is reading about old men digging pointless holes!"
11/21/2018 11:24:19 am
The age of finding wood is over.
Joe Scales
11/21/2018 12:56:18 pm
Yeah, I think because the stone was red, they linked it to Templars. Seriously.
11/21/2018 01:45:16 pm
Yup, just watched the new episode. Their latest find was red glass, supposedly old, the analyst mentioned that glass makers of yore would keep their colored glass recipes secret. They (The shows announcer) then immediately connected this to secret societies such as the Templars Masons and Rosicrucians.
Joe Scales
11/21/2018 03:32:54 pm
Yeah, and I thought it was bad when each and every mundane aspect of the island supported the notion of (imaginary) treasure. Now it's Templars. Or should I say (imaginary) Templars...
11/21/2018 02:31:01 pm
It’s great to make fun of old people.
11/21/2018 11:55:42 am
I'm surprised Wilcock took a political side. This will alienate half of the potential idiots who may believe his tripe.
11/21/2018 12:40:20 pm
David Wilcock is staggeringly brilliant. He's pretending to be republican wasp just like trump did in order to get elected.
11/21/2018 10:55:41 pm
Thanks Jason
Riley V
11/22/2018 03:04:55 am
11/22/2018 09:16:58 am
He wants us to give him money so that he can bring about the end of the world ? I'll pass.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/22/2018 04:28:31 pm
Immanentizing the Eschaton.
E.P. Grondine
11/22/2018 09:34:18 am
Happy Thanksgiving, Jason.
American cool "Disco" Dan
11/23/2018 04:30:23 am
And in the aliens language they are called "Shawnee'.
11/22/2018 11:56:48 pm
Wait, wait wait.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/23/2018 03:43:21 pm
@Jim: There is even more batshit crazy stuff over at Wolter's blog. http://scottwolteranswers.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-lost-templar-journals-of-prince.html#comment-form
Joe Scales
11/23/2018 07:01:43 pm
"Ask yourself why neither my name nor any of my three books are not mentioned on the Kensington Rune Stone Wiki page..."
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/23/2018 08:40:04 pm
Because he threatened to sue Wikipedia for mentioning him. He needs some pipe-hitting niggers to get medieval on his ass. And I would definitely bring in the Gimp.
Joe Scales
11/24/2018 11:09:34 am
Or better put, he didn't threaten Wikipedia for not mentioning him...
11/24/2018 12:59:34 pm
The fun is over, he won't publish any more of my comments. (or so he thinks)
American cool "disco" dan
11/24/2018 01:52:11 pm
That's funny! Roderick and I were having a threeway with the corpse of Nagarjuna just the other day and he sends his regards!
Doc Rock
11/24/2018 01:53:41 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/24/2018 02:39:36 pm
Easily summed up in the maxim "Scott Wolter is an idiot."
11/24/2018 05:10:09 pm
A Doctorate of Cementation ?
Forrest Gump
11/23/2018 05:58:09 pm
And just like that, Wolter got rolled on his own home turf.
11/26/2018 10:54:34 am
Now Wolter is throwing Zena Halpern under the bus. When your stories don't match up, pick the one by the person who has passed away to discredit.
11/24/2018 01:22:33 pm
Just got home from my folks place in N. Idaho - had a very nice Thanksgiving, though I did most of the cooking. My mom has Alzheimer’s and I had NO idea how much work goes into something like that! Had fun anyway. My Huskies beat the Cougars, but for once I was “conflicted” - I hear that Bob Mueller is familiar with that.
Joe Scales
11/25/2018 10:42:54 am
I don't give a shit about your bullshit politics. Okay? Politics makes you sloppy. There's no truth to it. You take sides and then overlook your own discrepancies. Pointing this out doesn't mean I'm somehow Trumpian. It's too easy to pick on Trump. It's trite as well. But if you want to look like an idiot spouting your political talking points, then by all means, carry on. Just don't expect me to join in, beyond pointing out the folly of it.
11/25/2018 10:16:37 pm
Bullshit politics.....
Joe Scales
11/26/2018 09:44:35 am
Don't want to hear your bullshit politics either.
11/26/2018 09:49:08 am
Seems a lot of bullshit is flying around here, politics aside. Sloppy conversations; idiots calling others idiots, and so on! Stay on topic, Jason's topic. It's easy to pick on anyone here, and not just on Trump. And by the way, Trump may soon, as I see the future, be picking on all of you. By a ticket now for the show that never ends...the constant bickering and insults of animals of the streets.
American cool "Disco" dan
11/24/2018 02:08:02 pm
I'll do some freelance Trump bashing: Please bear with me Joe. He likes to say things twice. He says things twice. He's hitched his wagon too tightly to MBS who's not a good guy. Not a good guy, and is slightly worse than any other Saudi ruler (I almost typed "leader" there. Hillary-ous!) Remember when Prince Bandar bin Sultan charmed everyone of consequence in Washington society? Also not a good guy. He wasn't good. He's a war criminal for supporting the Saudi war in Yemen and not stopping the illegal (Hillary-ous!) U.S. invasion of Syria. That nonsense needs to stop.
11/24/2018 04:29:23 pm
Please do not mention Hillary and strap-ons in the same post
11/26/2018 11:06:50 am
Oh Bezalel, I could not agree more! Pence is an empty suit, but a dangerous evangy nonetheless. A double-whammy is definitely called for here. Vlad has something on Pence just like he does on President T (as he's now calling himself) and it will out soon. President Pelosi? In Bob Mueller we trust. He's a Boy Scout and I trust him, the R behind his name notwithstanding.
Joe Scales
11/26/2018 11:34:50 am
"In Bob Mueller we trust."
11/26/2018 01:31:56 pm
Joe, this isn't about taking down a president that I don't favor - I've already lived with a number of those. This is about taking down a stupid, crooked, tax-dodging silver-spooner who has no business being President of any country much less the US. Furthermore, he's surrounded himself with yes-men who are worse than he is, if that's possible.
Joe Scales
11/26/2018 01:55:14 pm
"Joe, this isn't about taking down a president that I don't favor..."
11/24/2018 05:13:01 pm
I saw some lesbian porn,,,,,,I think I might be a lesbian !
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