In the current Skeptical Inquirer (Sept./Oct. 2013), Paul R. Brewer had an interesting article reporting research on the way one-sided media presentations of ESP can influence audiences to believe in ESP and view ESP researchers as credible and scientific. Brewer asked 446 undergraduates to read stories about ESP that were (a) one-sided in favor of ESP, (b) reporting scientific objections to ESP, (c) humorous but including criticism of ESP, or (d) on an unrelated topic. Those who read the one-sided, biased story were more likely to believe in ESP and consider ESP researchers scientific than those who read any other story. Conversely, those who read the scientific objections were less likely to believe in ESP or its researchers’ scientific credibility. Brewer, however, does not appear to have included a group which read balanced coverage more typical of how news reports usually cover stories. Similar research on other paranormal topics has yielded similar conclusions, and I have no doubt that the same applies to alternative history presentations in the media. This must be one reason that whenever America Unearthed airs anywhere on the face of the earth, my blog lights up with comments from angry believers who have just become convinced that the Jesus Bloodline is secretly running America from behind the veil of Freemasonry. Using IP address information, I can actually see in real time when specific episodes of the show air on various channels in Canada, Australia, and the United States based on who is commenting when. Frankly, it’s kind of weird, and I am baffled by why this program above all others attracts such a vehement audience. Just yesterday I received a lovely comment accusing me of being jealous of Scott Wolter, of secretly wanting to be Scott Wolter (perish the thought!), and of being an ego-maniac. Specifically, the writer objected to my website using my own name as its URL because it is apparently “ego-centric.” I can’t really win on that one. My previous website, Lost Civilizations Uncovered, took the opposite approach, and I received complaints that I was trying to fool people into thinking that it was more than just me writing it because it didn’t have my name plastered across it at first. I also received complaints over the past 24 hours that I am (as usual) too blinded by the status quo. One person complained that the only researchers investigating the use of copper around Lake Superior were “the collegiate doctorate chasing bandwagon.” Perhaps he would prefer unqualified investigators? He worried though that the academics were too intent on attributing North American events to Native Americans, rejecting the Old Copper culture as a Native development: “They sure as hell where not native nomadic Native North Americans who suddenly acquired all these skills out of thin air.” But my website isn’t the only place where those inspired by America Unearthed turn to expatiate upon what they think they’ve learned from the show. Consider this message board posting written yesterday on Lunatic Outpost in response to a viewing of the episode on the Templars in America: I just began watching this show. […] Most of you know the story so I would like to skip to symbolism, specifically a symbol which supposedly is the symbol of the union between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. [It’s] an X with a small mark within it called, "The Hooked X." […] So the Host goes on about this symbol as being the "grail." The bloodline of the lineage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. I got to thinking then, the bloodline being the "grail." This bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene may be the ruling elite. The ruling elite where? Here in America or there back in Europe, specifically in England, the Royals? But the "Royals" are aligned to the Church, the enemy of the Knights Templar, correct? So is this lineage ruling America right now or in the past[?] Are they the Banksters, the money lenders? Are they the Illuminati who took over the Masonic Lodges, the Priory of Scion[?] Just today, after getting my morning coffee (I'm writing from California), there was a vehicle in front of me, a Scion, with that hooked cross on it, symbolizing the lineage. What do you think? I think it makes my head hurt. Freemasons, Illuminati, bankers, Priory of Sion (not Scion), Knight Templar, the Church, European royalty… At the granular level such conspiracies are entirely incoherent: Henry VIII broke from the Roman Church yet somehow this was all for show and the British royals are working with the Catholics? And, via the “money lenders” and Illuminati, the Jews? The Church opposed the Masons as anti-Catholic, yet somehow this was just a front and they are in league? The Priory of Sion was invented in 1956, and yet it’s part of an ancient mystery? Scott Wolter looked at the ExxonMobil logo and saw in it Templar symbolism, and this forum participant looked at the Toyota Scion and saw a Templar conspiracy, which apparently stretches all the way to Japan! The logo for the Scion features an oval with a crossbar bearing the Scion name and two curved vertical elements, very roughly approximating the variant-A rune from the Kensington Rune Stone that Wolter has trademarked as “The Hooked X®,” but only if you look at it sideways, assume the curved elements are “hooks,” and ignore the fact that there are two of them. Once you start going down the path of “looks like, therefore is,” there is no limit to where conspiracies can be found. Now all you need to do is to fill up your Toyota Scion with ExxonMobil gasoline and drive it out to Minnesota to visit the Kensington “land claim” Rune Stone. But I’m not sure I understand whether we are supposed to be cheering the Freemasons because of Jesus or if we’re supposed to be cowering in fear because they want to exert hidden control over history and subvert democracy in the name of the Holy Bloodline.
Jim Roberts
8/24/2013 07:48:58 am
"But my website isn’t the only place where those inspired by America Unearthed turn to extrapolate upon what they think they’ve learned from the show."
Uncle Ron
8/24/2013 03:54:09 pm
Don't feel bad. There's a lot of extrapolating going on too. UR 8/24/2013 08:24:17 am
Alternative history-archeology & ancient Aliens narratives took over ufology because they project a more respectable & "serious" image.They also pretend to approach the issues from a "scientific" perspective.This is partly due to the packaging.It doesn't really matter if the so called experts have no credentials at all & are consciously running deception schemes.I don't accept that most of these charlatans actually believe their own bullshits.Nowadays people are less inclined to believe that Grey aliens from Zeta Reticuli are regularly visiting our bedrooms & probing our rectums.The idea of aliens as genetic engineers & civilizations "pushers" is far more exciting & provides an aura of intellectuality or "intellectuability".To quote R.D.Flavin, "...The line between showmanship and whoring has been broken".
8/24/2013 09:39:46 am
Jason says: "But I’m not sure I understand whether we are supposed to be cheering the Freemasons because of Jesus or if we’re supposed to be cowering in fear because they want to exert hidden control over history and subvert democracy in the name of the Holy Bloodline."
The Other J.
8/24/2013 11:54:51 am
"Frankly, it’s kind of weird, and I am baffled by why this program above all others attracts such a vehement audience."
8/25/2013 03:47:44 am
"I don't understand it either. I'm not sure how anyone could set off such grand, international and cosmic collisions on such a regular basis and control for all the variables and uncertainties with enough precision that it maintains their own hidden position of power, for thousands and thousands of years."
The Other J.
8/25/2013 09:37:51 am
No man, you're dealing with an Entity. I'm not.
8/25/2013 11:04:31 am
"Unless we really are all part of a computer simulation, in which case it doesn't really matter. And the programmer's a dick."
Jim Roberts
8/25/2013 11:57:38 am
"I have never again been able to question that an all-knowing, all-powerful deity would also be a complete and utter asshole to His creations."
Jim Roberts
8/25/2013 11:58:53 am
"I have never again been able to question that an all-knowing, all-powerful deity would also be a complete and utter a**hole to His creations."
8/25/2013 05:46:45 pm
Sadly, Mr. Roberts, after what I did to my Sims families, I'm not sure I AM on a higher moral plane. Though I would argue that the Christian God has proven, through the Bible alone, to be NOT necessarily benevolent. While most of the not-benevolent acts are from the Old Testament, it IS supposed to be the SAME deity, not one deity replacing another.
Coridan Miller
8/24/2013 03:30:37 pm
Pretty certain you can count the number of people dedicated to researching the copper culture on one hand. Regardless of degree status.
8/25/2013 04:22:33 am
While I agree with you Coridan, that the dedicated people researching the copper culture, (or old copper complex as it's also called), is relatively small, it's also an amazing area of research that is gaining interest every day. The facebook group "Old Copper Complex and Ancient Waterways America" is one such group that has a small, (90 members) following. Also, to give you a better understanding of what's actually been found, try this site: There is much to learn from our's out there waiting for us to find it.
Dave Lewis
8/24/2013 05:16:36 pm
After people watch America Unearthed they search the internet for more (dis)information on whatever they saw. When they stumble across this blog they get you saying "it ain't necessarily so" and it confuses them and causes cognitive dissonance.
8/24/2013 08:38:37 pm
It should be interesting to do a socio-psychological study of this phenomena. A decent evaluation of the mental state of Western societies.
Only Me
8/28/2013 01:33:34 pm
So if the Scion has the variant-A rune as its symbol, does that mean the Edsel was an early precursor? "Horse collar" grill? NO! It's obviously a Templar keystone symbol!
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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