Over the past several months, I have chronicled the fact that Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli is a right-wing bigot with a mockingbird’s ability to repeat whatever slime the alt-right noise machine has thrown against the wall that day. His favorite targets are liberals, gays, and Muslims, and he has used his blog to condemn all three groups for every act of violence undertaken by a member of them. It goes without saying that when a Nazi sympathizer killed a woman at an anti-racist counter-protest in Charlottesville this weekend, Marzulli remained silent. He did not condemn the Nazis marching for white power, nor did he condemn the anti-Semites marching to eliminate “Jewish influence” from America. What he did complain about, however, was the media’s treatment of Donald Trump after Trump initially failed to condemn by name the white supremacist groups marching.
The same issue arose across the panoply of fringe conspiracy types, where a dividing line emerged between hard right types with squishy views on white supremacy and the more opportunistic element that isn’t yet completely down with Nazis. Marzulli’s video and touring colleague, Nephilim theorist and Christian opportunist Steve Quayle, took to Twitter to say that he believed the Charlottesville incident to be the work of the CIA, using “MK Ultra” brainwashing to create the attack in order to bring down Trump. He also blamed Democrats for the Nazi march because Jesus, as you know, is a Republican:
Alex Jones, reprehensible as always, laid blame for the violence on the Jews, claiming that hooked-nose Semites were masquerading as Aryans to stir up violence at other events and therefore are probably behind this one, too: “Nothing against Jews in general, but they are leftists Jews that want to create this clash and they go dress up as Nazis. I have footage in Austin – we’re going to find it somewhere here at the office -- where it literally looks like cast of Seinfeld or like Howard Stern in a Nazi outfit. They all look like Howard Stern. They almost got like little curly hair down, and they’re just up there heiling Hitler.” Jones also said that he protested the KKK until he discovered that its members are all “federal agents” pretending to be racists.
What does it say about fringe historians that Giorgio Tsoukalos is the voice of reason?
This is astonishing because Tsoukalos has repeatedly participated in documentaries celebrating Nazi science, praising the research of Neo-Nazi fringe historians, and alleging that the Nazis are the special recipients of extraterrestrial revelations. Apparently there are limits when fantasy gets too real.
Meanwhile a fellow ancient astronaut theorist is planning a comeback after dealing with what he described as “personal issues.” Many of you will remember that when David Wilcock released his autobiographical book several months ago, he admitted to what he said were undiagnosed mental health problems. Over the past few months, he has dropped from public view following the debacle created by his endorsement of the so-called Pizzagate conspiracy, in which he followed Alex Jones and other alt-right conspiracy theorists in accusing liberals and Democrats of running a massive child pornography and child slavery ring out of pizza restaurants, adding that it occurred at the behest of space aliens who drink the blood of children. After the conspiracy theory collapsed in the face of facts, and a gunman inspired by the conspiracy theory opened fire in the pizza restaurant, Wilcock pulled away from social media, restricting his public appearances only to paid events and paid television work on Ancient Aliens and his Gaia TV program. As of today, Wilcock has not repudiated Pizzagate and in fact referred to his “exposure” of the conspiracy approvingly in his latest blog post. Wilcock has now divulged that he has experienced exhaustion and mental health issues following what he claims is two-decades of full-time obsession with fringe history and psychic phenomena, an obsession he calls an “addiction” that he believes is the result of displacing his marijuana addiction onto fringe history and conspiracy theories. He says that his diet of reading two books a week and conducting psychic readings every other day from 1998 to 2005 left him mentally drained. He also lamented his lack of financial success, complaining that psychic readings left him making poverty wages. His more recent schedule of filming Ancient Aliens and his Gaia TV show while also promoting a wide range of rightwing conspiracies has, he said, exhausted him. He added that his obsession with reading all of the hateful comments about him on the internet has left him with deep depression and unable to function, necessitating a multi-month break to regain his mental composure. The problem is that I want very much to be sympathetic, but it is very hard when Wilcock is, by his own admission, suffering from mental health issues but nevertheless has chosen to deal with them in ways that seem guaranteed to lead to darker times. Wilcock has chosen not to seek conventional treatment, and instead he lays the blame for what he describes as his depression and occasionally self-sabotaging behaviors on Edgar Cayce. He claims that his own problems are the result of “heavy-duty past-life karma” he acquired as the reincarnation of Cayce, whom he blames for becoming drunk with power and living a poor life. He says that space aliens and/or shamanic powers are purposely driving him into suffering and pain to seek retribution for Cayce’s sins. Anyway, after a three month break (did anyone notice?), Wilcock is plotting a return to full-time promotion of his brand. He announced plans to launch a new live YouTube channel, with upgraded production values so that his live streams will resemble a professionally produced television show, similar to what L. A. Marzulli is already doing with his Nephilim / alt-right broadcasts.
8/15/2017 11:14:05 am
Apprently reporting on the actual causes of these events makes you a hateful bigot....
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 12:14:55 pm
There are a couple of good trolls here, fella.
8/15/2017 01:16:39 pm
Thanks for proving me wrong with such an insightful comment.
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 01:29:52 pm
Seriously, schatzi, just do it in private. Nobody wants to watch, not even you.
8/15/2017 02:21:27 pm
Thanks for that second fantastic response you sure to make an air-tight argument pal!
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 03:18:00 pm
You have not put forward an argument. You have merely allowed the delusions rattling within your skull to ooze out from your fingers like a sort of grocery list of items to be found in comments sections of the more fevered forums on the inter-tubes.
8/15/2017 03:25:02 pm
Oh man this is hilarious, you are a rather pretentious fella aren't you? You seem to be gifted in name calling ,I tip my hat in recognition of such talent however quantity does not equal quality and I am confused as to why you would even bother to write so much meaningless drivel?
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 03:42:37 pm
You yelp nice when stung, schatzi.
8/15/2017 03:48:07 pm
If I gave you the opinion I have yelped I apologise for misleading you.
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 03:58:40 pm
You haven't got what it takes for credibility with that tone, schatzi.
8/15/2017 12:39:26 pm
The real cause of these events is ignorance and a narrow world view.
Riley V
8/15/2017 06:30:58 pm
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/15/2017 02:46:25 pm
No no, let him talk! Go on, please, I want to hear all about the dangers of Zionism. Explain this to us, please. I eagerly await your explanation.
8/15/2017 03:37:53 pm
Read the Protocals of Zion. Study the US/UK/Israel relation
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/15/2017 04:39:54 pm
Ah. You're a parrot. How disappointing, that the best you can offer is sly hints and "where there's smoke there's fire," without even the courage of your convictions to come right out and say "the Jews are our misfortune." You repeat what you've been told but you don't even have a clear understanding of your own points.
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 06:36:55 pm
Should it ever come back, Sir, it might attempt some more railing concerning the Balfour Declaration, a document from the U.K. government in 1917 declaring it policy to establish a 'Jewish national home' in Palestine. The obscure formulation, well short of 'Jewish state' was deliberate, as at the time England was angling for colonies in the region, as was France.
8/15/2017 11:16:21 pm
"No no, let him talk! Go on, please, I want to hear all about the dangers of Zionism. Explain this to us, please. I eagerly await your explanation."
8/16/2017 09:40:52 am
Read books by Kevin B. Macdonald, for example "A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples".
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/16/2017 10:02:08 am
You mean this guy, 'Reader'?
8/16/2017 10:11:57 am
Read the book and make up your own mind, do not attack the author.
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/16/2017 10:37:46 am
Thanks for the laugh, precious.
8/16/2017 10:57:11 am
You make it sound like he murdered someone.
8/15/2017 12:22:41 pm
David Wilcock's complaints remind me of a story I once heard. A man, suffering from depression, finally sought professional help. The psychologist had him sit down and asked him what his problem was. He answered that he was depressed about his job.
8/15/2017 01:00:23 pm
Right wingers use snowflake to act like whiners when accusing the left of some massive conspiracy. It can't just be that there were hate speakers at an out of hand rally about a statue of Robert E Lee. It's never on them. The talk show pundits on their side spew fake stories of costumed fakes in the audience rioting. The only time that happened during the election, it was a conservative at a democrat rally. They can call other forms of terror out but not call out the hateful 'white power' groups at that demonstration carrying tiki torches (those are an odd thing) and chanting in vulgar ways, but being too ignorant to know why they're even there. Maybe they think they know, but they are culpable. They should be ashamed. The guy that ploughed into the stands wasn't working for some agenda other than his hate fueled need to take out his rhetoric on actual people. Hopefully he will go to jail for a long time. Tiki torches? They had tiki torches!
Only Me
8/15/2017 01:05:59 pm
Just so I'm not misunderstanding you, are you conflating the white nationalists with all people who identify as conservative or Republican? That would be a stupid thing to do.
8/15/2017 10:19:13 pm
A VERY stupid thing to do, and I'm on the other side of the aisle.
Only Me
8/15/2017 01:00:34 pm
Such behavior by Marzulli, Quayle and Jones is to be expected. Conspiracy theories make money, too.
8/15/2017 06:24:46 pm
Wilcock just needs to double his fees for psychic readings. Or else ask the spirits for horse race winners.
8/15/2017 01:41:29 pm
Not all conservatives are white nationalists, nor are are all liberals left wing. 'One thing does not equal the other'. Come on. The ones in denial on the fake news unwilling to call those neo nazi types what they are, are culpable. Not everyone. Never said everyone. Neither is an equivalency. Trump could not say 'terrorist hate group' in his first reporting. Why? Was he in denial? Were the comments from the fringe in the article also deniers? Maybe. A lot of alt right people are like that, but not all.
Only Me
8/15/2017 02:05:45 pm
I asked because right-wing and left-wing are umbrella terms applied to conservatives and liberals. If you say right-wing, when the correct term would be alt-right, it can lead people to assume incorrectly you're lumping everyone in the same category.
8/15/2017 02:42:41 pm
It's a Virginia criminal code violation, it doesn't need the DOJ's ham-handed input.
8/15/2017 06:57:54 pm
That's like say "black people identify as niggers". No one calls themselves "alt right". That's a name you put on them.
8/15/2017 07:54:52 pm
Plenty of black people call themselves and their acquaintances that word and plenty of people identify as alt-right. Both terms have a broad use.
8/15/2017 08:14:56 pm
Is that your opinion as a white supremacist?
8/15/2017 08:23:05 pm
Call it anecdotal, but any time I use the subway in my area the word is being thrown around more than a valley girl using the word like. I don't personally know anyone who identifies as alt-right, but the left media's overuse of the term has many moderate to furthest right groups being classified as alt-right, and some have accepted the term as a badge of honor regardless of it's still unidentified meaning.
Not the Copmte de Saint Germain
8/15/2017 11:07:59 pm
Wrong. Richard Spencer invented the term and applied it to himself, as do many of his fans.
8/15/2017 01:54:38 pm
Is the fellow with the car worse than Charlottesville serial killer Jesse Matthews?
8/15/2017 02:40:23 pm
What side is Tsoukalos saying we chose? Nazis or people beating up Nazis in movies?
8/16/2017 05:51:12 am
...wasn't even people beating up Nazi's in movies, Tsoukalos' visual reference is a paid actor pretending to punch another paid actor. And this he references as history (cinema history I guess). He was correct we should study and learn from history, though I prefer my history real and unsanitized.
Titus pullo
8/15/2017 03:20:17 pm
Neonazis and their lot are a small group at best who protest for contruntation purposes to raise their street cred and market themselves as martyrs. That said the constant demonization of the so called "white males" by the left along with this ridiculous attack on any opinions they dont agree with to stifle free speech is creating followers of these neonazis. Broad attacks in conservatives and libertarians is the norm now all in the name of equality. Disagree with me and ill just call u a racist and get u fired from ur job. Sorry libs but u created trump and the alt right with ur marxist identity politics. Please virtue signal now and call me names!
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/15/2017 03:31:09 pm
Okay, I'll start.
8/15/2017 06:53:50 pm
How was the theft and collectivisation of farms under Stalin "the transfer of the means of production to the producers"??
8/15/2017 10:25:22 pm
That was the original idea behind Marxism, but Stalin veered away from it. He hijacked Lenin's Revolution and set up a police state instead, which was one reason for the purging of the old Bolsheviks.
Lurker Un-Cloaking
8/15/2017 03:54:24 pm
You're better than that, Titus Pullo.
8/15/2017 11:03:42 pm
"That was the original idea behind Marxism" No, that was the rhetoric, that was the lie.
8/15/2017 05:01:14 pm
Hate in not a minority view in the Right. Half of republicans think Muslims are evil/terrorists/unamerican. Close to quarter think interracial dating/marriage is bad. Close to half think sex education and evolution shouldn't be taught in schools. Also close to half think Christianity should be the established religion. Come on, Jeff Flake made a whole book about how the conservative movement has strayed away. If there was more conservatives like him I wouldn't have a problem with the ideology but here we are. No we did not create Trump and his cronies. That was because of their hatred for Obama.And yes we "Libs" are biased against racists and other xenophobic groups.
8/15/2017 06:55:19 pm
Half of you is an ass who makes up numbers.
Only Me
8/15/2017 06:12:57 pm
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/15/2017 11:44:45 pm
If Trump really disavows the alt-right, why did he make Steve Bannon one of his most important policy advisors? Bannon, as the head of Breitbart, called it "the platform for the alt-right". Why has Trump's administration pushed to focus Homeland Security's Countering Violent Extremism task force exclusively on Islamic terrorism, despite warnings that white nationalist violence was on the rise, and froze a grant to an organization that deradicalizes white nationalists?
Only Me
8/16/2017 12:08:35 am
I can't answer the first question. Only the president can.
8/15/2017 06:35:41 pm
Well, Wilcock did make time for Contact in the Desert this Summer where apparently there were Pizzagaters a plenty.
8/15/2017 06:59:53 pm
And the Rump just came out and disavowed his tardy attempt at feigning humanity, spewing forth that "both sides" were responsible for the violence in Charlottesville! He may not be the most odious human in history - there's some stiff competition for that dubious distinction - but he is the most odious American who ever breathed.
Only Me
8/15/2017 07:14:33 pm
If one side shows up to fight and the other side obliges, yes, both sides are responsible.
8/15/2017 08:08:04 pm
BLM, Antifa and the employees of Charlotsville have plenty of blame.
8/15/2017 10:27:06 pm
You do know that Antifa stands for anti-fascists, right? I don't recall them murdering anyone, by the way.
Only Me
8/15/2017 10:58:36 pm
No, Tony, Antifa hasn't murdered anyone.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/15/2017 11:33:02 pm
Nor do I recall the anti-fascists surrounding a black church with torches or arming and armoring themselves like a militia.
8/16/2017 12:08:29 am
Or chanting Third Reich slogans like "Blood and Soil", and lovely anti-Semitic sentiments like "Jew will not replace us".
Only Me
8/16/2017 12:17:26 am
Antifa has attacked Trump supporters in Portland. One of them did attack a police horse with a flag pole. They did try to burn down a building they thought Milo Yiannopoulos was inside at UC Berkeley. Another member attacked three Trump supporters with a bike lock. They were also involved in the Charlottesville riot.
8/16/2017 02:09:47 am
Backed up with links: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/metropolis/2017/08/driving_into_crowds_of_protesters_was_a_right_wing_fantasy_long_before_charlottesville.html
8/16/2017 02:19:57 am
Individuals are one thing. Bills in state legislatures are another.
8/16/2017 11:52:21 pm
There is no moral equivalency between Nazis and the people who protest against them.
Only Me
8/17/2017 12:29:04 am
There is, however, a need to recognize when hate groups use violence to enforce their agenda. Antifa is proven to do this, which makes them just as bad as the Nazis. Let's drop the double standard and call all of them out for their words and actions.
Brady Yoon
8/16/2017 01:02:13 am
I am wondering exactly how the white nationalists seek to achieve their ideal polity. After all, minorities for the most part are already here. The average black person can probably trace his ancestry back farther than the average white person, as the vast majority of African Americans descend from people who arrived in the United States and the British colonies before 1807. Most Latinos descend from Mexican Americans who were already living in the US for hundreds of years, since before the country had even come into existence.
8/16/2017 07:55:46 am
Do we know what really happened in Charlottesville? Is the investigation over? Has someone been convicted and sent to jail?
8/16/2017 08:07:54 am
Will add, that in Europe the most common scenario seems to be that right organizes a peaceful legal demonstration, then left shows up to instigate a fight and a huge police force is needed to separate the groups. In my country police had to fire rubber bullets at the left to keep them under control.
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