Since the last of former television personality Scott Wolter’s TV shows went off the air, I haven’t paid a lot of attention to his musings, mostly because without a cable TV platform, he’s just another cranky voice on the internet with an amateur blog and little to say. That’s probably why it’s taken me two weeks to notice that Wolter appeared on Jimmy Church’s Fade to Black radio program, as he does frequently. I find these appearances to be exhausting because the show is three hours long, and who has that kind of time to listen to someone rant? If I wanted to hear three hours of crankiness and complaint, well, I have an infant son, so I already get enough of that. But now Wolter says he is plotting ten years of new television content, which I suppose means that I should pay at least some attention. During the interview, Wolter offered his usual raft of complaints about scientists and historians, and he criticized those who doubt him, and he argued that because he is a scientist, those who trust science on issues like climate change must trust him on the issue of “Pre-Columbian visits to America by the warrior monks,” meaning the Templars. I trust you can see the error in logic without me needing to point it out. He also spent a lengthy bit of time repeating the story of his entry into the fields of geology and fringe history. I’m not sure whom these stories are for at this point, since almost everyone listening to him on this show has doubtlessly heard him tell the same stories on the same broadcast several times.
Anyway, Wolter added some new crazy claims taken over from the New Age, including his belief that crystals and rocks have “earth energy,” and he adds that meteors and comets can affect the “magnetic properties” and “radioactive properties” of places that they strike. Native Americans and “special individuals” supposedly can sense these changes in earth energy and are drawn to craters. To this, he adds that the Knights Templar colonized a crater in North America where a meteor struck in ancient times. He said that he has esoteric Freemason friends whom he invites over to his house to “recharge” the positive energy of the “Herkimer diamonds” (clear double-terminated quartz crystals) he keeps on display. He said that his wife Janet believes in the power of crystals, so they have decorated their house with rocks. “My wife loves it, and I just say, ‘hey, why not!’” Later in the interview, he expressed his view that astrology is “scientific” because the gravity of the heavens can affect individuals on Earth. He’s said it before, but it’s still weird to hear him try to claim that astrology is as real as the tides because, in essence, the moon can affect water, and therefore people. He claims that the “precession of the equinoxes” (the slow apparent drift of the stars over millennia due to the wobble of the Earth’s axis) governs history and dictates through the position of the constellations on the spring equinox the events that will play out on Earth. “It’s related to astronomy, it’s related to science, it’s real,” he said. But the majority of the interview was devoted to the so-called “Cremona Document,” which you also know as the “C-document,” the fake document promoted by Zena Halpern as an account of the Templars’ voyage to the Catskill Mountains in the twelfth century. Wolter said that he was not going to provide any new information because he is saving the revelation of Templar truths for “a new television series.” He has been discussing this new show for about three years now, and nothing has happened yet. He said that unnamed “people” will provide private funding for a direct-to-video or online release if a cable channel does not pick up the show, and he claimed to have prepared ten years of material. (“A hundred” if he stretched it as thin as Curse of Oak Island, he said.) Wolter added, however, that he would not produce the show, even privately, unless it can be done “the right way.” It is perhaps either disconcerting or an admission of motive that Wolter feels that the only way to report (= monetize?) “the truth” is through television, rather than, say, books or a press conference or, (heaven forfend!) an academic journal article. He refers to his ideas repeatedly as “the content” to fuel his apparent real goal, to have another TV series, the true treasure of the Grail. “The networks and the people that make and deliver the content have to be smart about it, ’cause the young people are the future,” he said, suggesting that the graying of cable audiences has limited his TV appeal because the young prefer online content. That is a bit generous for a host from a cable network with some of the grayest demographics on cable. Once again, I have to note that the truth will set you free, but not for free. It’s like the movie To Die For said 20-something years ago, “…you're not really anybody in America unless you’re on TV ... ’cause what’s the point of doing anything worthwhile if there’s nobody watching?” It’s rather infuriating that Wolter claims he’s ready to change the world with the “truth,” but won’t do so until someone pays him to make a TV show about it. That is the soul and mirror of “alternative” history in a nutshell. “This is absolutely 100% without question a Templar document,” Wolter now says of the C-document, the proposed subject of his future TV series. But the proof will have to wait for all that sweet cable TV or online subscription money. For those who don’t keep a running list of historical frauds fresh in their memories, the so-called C-document is a modern handwritten text that Halpern alleges is a copy of a medieval original. It is written in “Theban,” a sixteenth century coded alphabet, and allegedly represents an underlying Latin text that in 2013 Wolter said he cannot read and which he trusts Halpern to have translated correctly for him. Wolter had identified so-called “Hooked-X®” figures in the document, but these appear to be crudely rendered attempts to reproduce the little hook flourish that appears in downstrokes composed by quill in order to start the ink flowing. Similar hooks can be found in most quill-written documents, but they are particularly prominent on capital X’s because of the back-slanting downstroke in them. “It was a very important and sacred symbol to them (the Templars),” Wolter said. No, it wasn’t. It was just an artifact of using a quill, one that the carvers of the hoax Kensington Rune Stone most likely crudely copied from a paper-based text model without understanding why. Henrik Williams agreed with me that this is a very likely possibility for the appearance of a “Hooked® X” on the Kensington Rune Stone. Wolter accepts the entire story of the so-called C-document, and the attendant fake medieval maps that go with it, pretty much exactly as Zena Halpern lays it out in her faulty and false book, and he does not address any of the substantial problems with the supposed history of the secret Templar document. For those problems, see my review (Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3). Wolter repeats material from his 2013 book about having seen artifacts and evidence on Panther Mountain in the Catskills, but the photographs he provided show near-certain modern fakes. Wolter gives a laundry list of European peoples he believes colonized America in the past, mentioning Phoenicians, Celts, and others. “They just didn’t tell anybody,” he said of the thousands of Europeans making thousands of voyages over thousands of years. A lot of his claims are material that previously appeared in his book or on America Unearthed or Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar, sometimes expanded with numerology that is too zany even for television to accept as real, and with the dumb assertion that every five-pointed star (including the one on the Dallas Cowboys’ helmets) represents “the goddess.” I needn’t point out that the star isn’t always, or even primarily, a goddess symbol. He makes it one by identifying it with the apparent path in the night sky of Venus, which he identifies with Ishtar and Aphrodite and thus a generalized “goddess.” He then asserted that the Templars are “bloodline descendants” of a wisdom cult dating back before Egypt, one that is possessed of “ancient knowledge.” Without knowing it, he is drawing on Helena Blavatsky’s claim that the Brotherhood of the Serpent carried wisdom from the Third Root Race to ancient peoples for their Mysteries and thus to modern occult societies. This is the origin of the secret wisdom cult that people like Wolter and Graham Hancock believe to exist. It is also the origin of the belief in secret Reptilian infiltrators because the Brotherhood of the Serpent harks back to the Third Root Race, who were lizard-like egg-layers. For Wolter, though, ancient history is a feminist concern, and he buys into the unproven New Age claim that there was a primitive matriarchy before the evil Indo-Europeans destroyed blissful feminist goddess cultures. Wolter also said that he believes that his hometown is on a Templar meridian (but of course) because it is 90 degrees of longitude from Rosslyn Chapel. He added that the true Holy Grail is “achieving total consciousness.” To this, he offers an old and ridiculous claim taken over from racist colonial and imperialist literature: He alleges that there was a tribe of Native Americans who spoke a Celtic language, and he says that he “can’t” tell us any more about it until he secures a TV deal. No Celtic-speaking tribe has ever been found, despite nineteenth century efforts to correlate Native words with Welsh or Irish ones. The claim goes back to John Dee, who introduced the fiction that the Welsh colonized America in order to support Elizabeth I’s claim to the continent over that of her deceased half-sister’s husband, the former jure uxoris King of England, Philip II of Spain. From that claim, and the confusion of early colonists who found Native tongues as incomprehensible as Welsh, the myth of Welsh Indians was born. “Once it all comes out, it will be game, set, match—guaranteed,” Wolter said.
9/30/2017 10:44:59 am
Ah, Scott Wolter, a voice crying in the wilderness. A modern day seer braying the truth for all to hear, but not unless he is paid to do so. If he really wants an audience, perhaps he should journey to Times Square, find himself a street corner and preach to the masses. Later, he could set himself on fire and make an ash out of himself.
Only Me
10/2/2017 07:49:59 pm
Glory be to God and to Jesus Christ and his Resurrection from the Dead - the only truth to believe !!!
Mother Teresa's Dry Vagina
10/2/2017 07:52:12 pm
God Bless You !! 4/17/2020 10:50:06 pm
you guys have no degree and have no idea the knowledge my friend Scoot and Steve Sinclair have,When Templars dug under the templar mount centuries before they were founded they found relics like the cross of Jesus - Sumerian Tablets,and Freemason hold the knowledge all everything..Freemasonry is great,but its more then taken a flat stone and chiseling it to perfection,like a man,they hold all the secrets dating back to the Empire of Rama and the Anunnaki and all the high tech,as the DC Monument is different from all of the Obelisks of the past, but matches one in Antarctica we didn't build,and in 2016 he shared to me about what he found,and its not up for debate if its real.ive seen some of it and more.and living close by i went there myself and also proves somebody had been leaking maps to the French,so the 1968 discovery of a mysterious brass device in the Hudson River, led to the purchase of a twelfth century document that chronicles discoveries under the Temple Mount during the First Crusade. Documents recovered led to a Templar voyage to recover First Century scrolls in North America in 1178-80. In 2016, the Cryptic Council Select Master Degree revealed a code within the Kensington Rune Stone inscription that revealed the Templar’s Secret Vault in Montana. Guarded by indigenous people, Meriwether Lewis confirmed the “crown jewel” of the Louisiana Purchase for President Thomas Jefferson. Thus confirming the founding of America began not in 1776, but in 1362.meaning they had been there before around the 10th century like is shown in my familys coat of arms,theres a youtube video where he lays it all out and i was there,which had the The Scrolls of Onteora-The Cremona Document. a 12th century document,they found maps to treasures moved(oak Island is empty)the bloodline names and many clues to other things they left around Hunter Mountain i saw,and shows the Duluth brothers got a hold of these maps and new were land claims were,as there's is only miles from the Kensington Rune stone,thats were they started to look for land claims to remove them and south right down the Runestones claim,looking for land claims,so they knew within miles were the one they were looking for was in 1650,and ended up in the same place in the Hudson Valley the Templars had been,Exploration(looking for the land claim) and fur trade(in the Hudson Valley (1650–1850)and because history no matter what proof you have they wont rename there towns and sports teams,and the Land Claim the Templars laid was a good claim,as like i said everything after it we had to buy from the Rune stone west,and what degrees do you guys hold,are you out there in the field?Trying to get your 15 minutes off somebody's back..your time is up,
Joe Scales
9/30/2017 11:01:55 am
Wolter's star sailed away long ago with the Pirate Treasure of the Knight's Templar. To this day, he will not admit the "silver ingot" brought forth on that debacle of a television show is actually a hunk of lead ballast. But what can you expect from a man who on that show also told a television audience that St. Anthony was the patron saint of thieves. I'm sure it was an easy decision for even the History Channel to burn off those episodes two at a time on a Saturday afternoon. A complete waste of programming. As if they want another embarrassment like their current situation with Shawn Henry of CrowdStrike pushing the recent Amelia Earhart hoax. And gee... aren't they supposed be further investigating that? Still waiting for the update on that one.
Bob Jase
10/2/2017 02:36:37 pm
Even before the electro-nuclear-magnet?
You must be really angry now that Scott has a new series. It's best to just leave others be and go on with your life. Life is too short to be jealous or negative about others! Enjoy your life you have been giving and Love others as you want them to Love you. If this statement angers you (as I think it may) ask yourself one question: Why does that anger me? Why do others cause you to remark negatively? There you will find the answer lies within yourself. No need for negative attacks and comments on others. It just makes you look small. Did that anger you too? This might be you not being able to take criticism. Work on these things and you will discover you will be so much happier! Peace be with you.
Americanegro Sinclair
9/30/2017 12:57:44 pm
"Later in the interview, he expressed his view that astrology is “scientific” because the gravity of the heavens can affect individuals on Earth."
Peter de Geus
9/30/2017 01:10:58 pm
I’ve posted this before. Using quotes of Scotty’s own words to describe the research material he will be using for the show that will never happen:
Americanegro of Albany
9/30/2017 03:43:43 pm
If you posted any of that on his website he'd accuse you of being a troll if you posted anonymously or say wait for his next book or TV show to get the full story if you posted with a completely made-up name.
Mary Baker
10/1/2017 09:46:56 am
The Jesuits were instituted as a quasi-military order after the suppression of the Templars. They filled an empty place in the Church.
Mary Baker
10/1/2017 09:49:04 am
Therefore, the relationship between the Jesuits and the Templars is stronger than that of the Freemasons and the Templars.
10/1/2017 02:11:05 pm
And those crafty Jesuits waited over 200 years to found themselves so no one would suspect. Wheels within wheels!
Only Me
9/30/2017 01:39:39 pm
>>>“Once it all comes out, it will be game, set, match—guaranteed," Wolter said.<<<
Shane Sullivan
9/30/2017 06:05:16 pm
I did not get that reference. Good catch!
Joe Scales
9/30/2017 10:47:19 pm
Well, if his Templar thing can't sell, perhaps Wolter could get a role in a TV version of the Mystery Men. You see, God gave him a gift. He shovels well. He shovels very well...
Only Me
10/1/2017 12:48:41 am
Or maybe his fringe career is like the psychofrakulator. It creates a cloud of radically-fluctuating free-deviant chaotrons which penetrate the synaptic relays. It's concatenated with a synchronous transport switch that creates a virtual tributary. It's focused onto a biobolic reflector and what happens is that hallucinations become reality and the brain is literally fried from within.
Joe Scales
10/1/2017 11:14:37 am
"Frack that", implored Starbuck.
Bob Jase
10/2/2017 02:41:10 pm
Just don't pull his finger.
10/2/2017 02:54:58 pm
Only Me
10/2/2017 07:46:42 pm
I am a bigger idiot than Scott Wolter
Only Me
10/2/2017 08:26:13 pm
Take a look at the closest window. See what's leaving through it? It's your credibility. Bye bye, credibility. Bye bye.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/3/2017 09:58:48 am
Jason, looks like Time Machine is back. We have three posts in a day that match his posting hours, writing style, and habits. Heads up.
9/30/2017 05:47:42 pm
Wow, the ego on that man :
Americanegro 33°
9/30/2017 07:24:47 pm
"There isn’t one scholar on the planet that has any background knowledge to be able to deal the research we are currently working on."
9/30/2017 08:02:18 pm
I think what he is saying is:
Americanegro, DC, ND, M&M
9/30/2017 09:16:51 pm
I thought of Wolter when I read this (warning, adult language):
Joe Scales
9/30/2017 09:46:52 pm
It seems Drs. Gorrell and Carmichael have already weighed in on the matter.
Mike Morgan
10/1/2017 12:49:29 am
Sorry, not familiar with Drs.Gorrell and Carmichael. Who are they, where did they weigh in, and on what matter?
Joe Scales
10/1/2017 11:12:56 am
Clues appreciated.
10/1/2017 03:11:39 pm
Like that episode of Last Man Standing where Ed realizes that Kyle "pulled off sisters?!"
Titus pullo
9/30/2017 09:33:39 pm
You have to wonder what was in that BA geology from some commuter campus Mr Wolter earned, it doesnt sound like he had to take the typical calculus based physics of mechanics, e&m, modern.
Joe Scales
9/30/2017 10:51:48 pm
I don't know about their science programs, but they do have a fairly respectable DII football team.
Bored of Decency
10/1/2017 12:56:36 am
I would never go to a "commuter campus" because I want to be assigned a roommate in school-controlled buildings and have daddy school control my life-style. Because I have nothing going on and college should be like a four year sleepaway camp.
10/1/2017 06:37:12 am
If that charlatan wants to bilk people out of money, why not start a GoFundMe or Kickstarter?
10/1/2017 08:07:44 pm
He could kickstart a smartwatch or drone. There's no expectation of actually delivering those so he could keep the money for his TV show.
10/1/2017 12:36:02 pm
Since Wolter has promised 4 books by 4 different authors to re-wright history and be released at the same time. (after vetting ) Any speculation as to the other 3 authors ?
10/1/2017 03:15:38 pm
Diana Muir, who was mentioned on this site before- served time
Capt. Obvious
10/1/2017 04:45:55 pm
"served time"...?....details?
10/1/2017 04:56:35 pm
Seems there may be 2 Diana Muirs one is a writer, and the other is this one :
10/1/2017 03:43:50 pm
The "Theban" writing is likely a result of Mormons. The script of the "golden tablets" of Mormon is in Egyptian Hieratic sometimes referred to as "Theban." This not witnessed from anyone seeing the Golden Tablets but from a copy of their text written in J. Smith's own hand. Stands to reason that any rock art featuring this script in New York would be from a Mormon source and not from any Knights Templar or Phoenicians. This is the kind of information commonly left out of any of Wolter's narratives.
Americanegro, Imperial Soothsayer
10/1/2017 04:29:56 pm
"The script of the "golden tablets" of Mormon is in Egyptian Hieratic sometimes referred to as "Theban." "
10/2/2017 01:37:03 pm
That is exactly what I said. In your eagerness to debunk something you skipped ahead to a misunderstanding. There is a document written by J. Smith that was analyzed as being hieratic which HE said was what was on the tablets. This is what I referred to. You can plainly read I said no one else saw the tablets except him according to his own story. Wow. What a nit picking comment. "This not witnessed from anyone seeing the Golden Tablets but from a copy of their text written in J. Smith's own hand." Look it up before you talk out of your rear end there. Obviously hieratic was known of before the same script appeared on the supposed golden tablets. Really how could you have read what I wrote and responded this way? Wow.
10/2/2017 02:14:31 pm
Yet you call it "a copy of their text written in J. Smith's own hand."
10/2/2017 02:37:44 pm
Wow. Are you that obtuse or you just enjoy arguing with people? I'm sure no one else here had the same misunderstanding you had. Each time I come to read comments here you are starting trouble and nit picking b.s. just like this. Get a life dude. Clearly you can use your search engine to find the document said to be written by J. Smith. You are a poor critic to boot simply looking to start a fight with someone. Pathetic. Twist someone's words around just suit your sad demented view of the world. Sorry but your comments and demeanor are very sad and symptomatic of an ego disorder. Ta ta now.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
10/2/2017 03:23:38 pm
He just enjoys arguing with people.
David Bradbury
10/2/2017 04:15:15 pm
Oh no he doesn't !
Americanegro Fair Witness "What color is that house? This side is blue."
10/2/2017 04:51:52 pm
I do indeed enjoy arguing, and what you call "Twist[ing] someone's words around" I call quoting you accurately.
10/3/2017 10:49:42 am
Did anyone else here have trouble understanding what I wrote? Not you AN we already know how you feel. Just trying to improve my substandard communication skills to match your overbloated ego and pointless critique. You must be a philosophy major or something. LOL. You are an abusive person. Since you are such an expert on this subject matter would you care to supply us with a link to your "research?" Or are you only useful in critiquing others work? Would be very enlightening to us all I'm sure. Now cut to two sentence abusive reply.......
Americanegro, S.J.
10/3/2017 12:16:27 pm
Yeah, I'm super abusive. "A link to" my "research"? There's no link to common sense friendo. I simply pointed out that the Golden Tablets never existed and quoted you accurately and you went into a Cat 5 panty twist. Consider yourself abused if that makes you feel better.
10/3/2017 12:36:25 pm
"This not witnessed from anyone seeing the Golden Tablets but from a copy of their text written in J. Smith's own hand." How could you possibly interpret this as meaning I said the Golden Tablets actually exist? It infers that no has seen the tablets and only a rendering of their supposed contents was hand written out by J. Smith. This is true yet you attempt to change the tone of what I said based on an opinion only you have. This you choose to critique? You are simply creating a supposed reality and affirming it w/ insults and innuendo. Panty twist? You are the one who continues to rant about my obvious shortcomings as a writer and observer. I am not even angry. As I said I see all the stupid b.s. you say and promote here and I think something is wrong with you. I think you are a malcontent with no authentic or original ideas and get some kind of sick thrill from demeaning other people. I would be terribly interested in seeing a compilation of your theories as to what the KRS is or any of the other supposed historical places and relics that are questionable. You are great at saying nasty things about other people without ever stating what you think the KRS is and who put it there? But you are an apparent expert on the subject? I don't think you have ever written a thing but subsist on only criticizing other people. The fact that you chose not to understand a clearly written sentence belays this fact that you simply want to argue with someone. Idiot. You are a very funny person. LMAO.
Dom Americanegro, OSB
10/3/2017 01:36:20 pm
You are certainly long-winded. I would also suggest that it is you who has an acute case of obtuseness. YOU wrote "a copy of their text" and I pointed out that "Asserting that it was a copy implicitly asserts that it was a copy of something, which implicitly asserts that that original something existed."
Joe Scales
10/3/2017 03:56:54 pm
Chuck's disdain for Philosophy, which encompasses the study of Logic, might be a clue.
Americanegro X
10/3/2017 04:10:07 pm
And he's got an agenda. Notice how the Kensington Rune Stone has somehow been teleported into the discussion?
10/3/2017 04:49:40 pm
You are asserting that your wrong interpretation of what I said was not understandable to you. This is the interpretation you and you only are making. The meaning of what I said implies that it is a given there is no proof of actual golden tablets. This is something you added on to suit your own insulting and abusive agenda. It must be hard to live in your world with such standards. Your interpretation has nothing to do with what I said and is a twisted word game in which you insist you are correct when in fact you are wrong. Your interpretation involves being a mind reader looking into the psyche of the writer and finding fault. No one else here did not understand what it was that i was saying except you. Only you. That should tell you something right there AN. Now your thoughts on what the KRS actually represents? I notice you habitually avoid giving any opinions about what something may represent beyond your disbelief in others thoughts and theories. What I stated was is that J. Smith wrote down what he thought was on the golden tablets. I never suggested they actually existed this is something you wrongly and intentionally interpreted just to whine about it. If you didn't understand what I said why didn't you ask for a clarification? Instead you went straight to insulting and abusing someone to make yourself feel better about being a troll. That is exactly what you are. A kind of internet vampire who likes to insult other people. You are a very sad person with no real opinion about any of these historical oddities yet only seem to tender weird and abusive comments. I am waiting for your view on what the KRS actually represents? You seem incapable of saying anything of real substance about this unless it involves demeaning someone else. Now awaiting the same b.s. response you have given about my poor writing with no real basis. You in fact ruin this forum as a source of meaningful exchanges with your trolling. It would be better if you kept your mouth shut.
Americanegro J.D., M.D., Ph.D., P.E., P.G., O.G.
10/3/2017 05:07:34 pm
I dunno Chuck, you're coming across as someone longwinded and I can't help speculating about whether you suffer from OCD and Tour[r]ette's. As you correctly imply I have made it my mission in life to insult and abuse you and to ruin this forum. Since you not I brought up the Kensington Rune Stone why don't you tell us your views on it? I have no views on it and don't know why you brought it up. If you need time to talk to your panties that's fine, I'll wait. Do you think about panties a lot? I bet you do. Are you capable of writing a post as short as this one?
10/3/2017 05:38:05 pm
For starters the title of the article we are commenting on: "Scott Wolter Claims to Have Absolute Proof of Templars in America, Says He Won't Share It Until Someone Gives Him a New TV Series." Then an interview with Mr. Wolter is posted as part of the article during which he discusses the KRS and some "Theban" script that he says he found in New York. My initial comment was on the exact subject matter at hand not to insult and abuse someone by nitpicking how they constructed a sentence. You again are intentionally misinterpreting something that no one else here didn't understand. In addition you fit the pattern of what you always do by being abusive and insulting. So I comment with information that may be relevant to why "Theban" writing is found in New York and am not answered with a debate as to whether this could be true or not but a diatribe about how you didn't understand something correctly. Welcome to the Jason's Blog forum Chuck. Again I would suggest that you get some sort of cheap thrill from attempting to insult other people while at the same time refusing to share your views about what may really be going on. Kind of fun to come on here and be the anonymous troll huh? Now since I have tired of trifling with you, you may have the last pathetic word. Nothing you have said here as any substance or bearing on the original article that Jason was so kind to have posted. Instead you have spent a great deal of time denying that you could not understand what everyone else clearly understood all in an effort to belittle a fellow human being. Have a nice life dude! As I stated below I will no longer be posting opinions or information here for fear of dealing with you. Still LMAO.
Trying to Understand You
10/3/2017 09:07:52 pm
At 10/3/2017 05:14:14 pm you posted that you would not post anymore. Then at 10/3/2017 05:38:05 pm you would not post anymore. I'm confused. Are you okay? Is there someone we should call?
Steve StC
10/8/2017 11:19:10 pm
AMERICANNEGRO (or whomever the hell he is) is such a complete asshole. You fit right in here AMERICANNEGRO.
10/9/2017 09:33:59 pm
Steve, you old drunkard! What kind of bargain-basement rotgut were you loaded on when you drunkenly posted that rant?! Always great to hear from you!
10/1/2017 04:35:08 pm
The Grail is suddenly spiritual only when nobody has found it. Then it is a metaphor and doesn't really mean treasure. Funny how they do that in the absence of evidence.
10/1/2017 05:20:53 pm
It's not going to happen man ! All the decoder rings were rounded up by agents of the Smithsonian.
10/2/2017 03:03:46 pm
10/2/2017 03:02:00 pm
The only grail quest worth bothering about is this one; "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". All the rest of the grail quest stories are fiction. Hey, if Scott can throw out his BS, so can I.
Titus pullo
10/3/2017 07:25:00 am
I thought Ralphie got that decorder ring and it said "remember to eat ur ovaltine".
10/3/2017 01:08:25 pm
Titus Pullo,
Americanegro, FRCBM
10/1/2017 08:32:37 pm
"I never realized how much Alan Butler looks like the teacher who kidnapped his female student. When I search for your name, Scott Wolter, a panel pops up showing what other people search for. The first picture is Alan, followed by what appears to be a mugshot of a pedophile. Due to the resemblance of Alan to the teacher, I thought it was a list of predators. I believe the mugshot is the author of the convoluted blog. I have to admit to glancing at it a couple of times for research purposes. There's really no merit to it whatsoever. The ludicrous articles are immediately followed by Scott Wolter bashing and mindless rants. The convoluted blog appears to be home base for all of your trolls with no comprehension of allegorical astronomy.
Americanegro, FRCIBS
10/1/2017 08:51:26 pm
10/1/2017 10:21:14 pm
Oh, the humor and the decency of calling me a pedophile. It is to laugh!
10/1/2017 11:37:25 pm
Just something on my mind from Wolters blog
Only Me
10/2/2017 12:08:15 am
That exchange gives insight into Wolter's mind. In previous years, he has stated multiple times how much he'd love to work with scientists, historians, scholars, etc. He even submitted his own books as evidence that could be used in a debate concerning his claims.
Mike Morgan
10/2/2017 02:04:09 am
Ah, yes, his ever changing litmus test. I am sure many of us remember:
Mike Morgan
10/2/2017 02:12:34 am
Joe Scales
10/2/2017 09:57:24 am
"There's nothing inconsistent about my position at all. If a person isn't a geologist then they cannot be considered a peer can they?"
Americanegro Reiki Master
10/2/2017 11:59:57 am
"It appears you have sufficient geological qualifications and I’m especially impressed with your experience in igneous and metamorphic petrology. This is a must when considering various geological aspects of the Kensington Rune Stone and other stone artifacts."
10/2/2017 12:59:16 pm
Maybe Wolter found out Mr Parks wasn't a Mason and was therefore unqualified.
10/3/2017 12:43:09 am
This is rich, Wolter gets owned by a schoolgirl :
10/3/2017 12:47:53 am
Continued ;
Americanegro OBE, FRCS, PB&J
10/3/2017 03:05:02 pm
Wendy is obviously a fake but he's doing a good job. He got Wolter to say that the human spine has 32 vertebrae and as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons that had me shaking my damn head.
10/3/2017 04:34:31 pm
I'm thinking academia made a mistake in their initial counting of vertebrae and are hiding the fact that there are only thirty two, so as to not have to rewrite the textbooks.
10/3/2017 04:36:58 pm
Skull,,,, dagnagit
Joe Scales
10/3/2017 09:57:58 am
"In math, it is large numbers theory. In pre-psych it is called selective thinking."
Harold Edwards
10/3/2017 10:53:03 am
If you want a numeralogical analysis of the Kensington Stone inscription there is a paper by Mats Larsson, "Vem ristade Kensingtonstenen?," Saga och Sed 2010, pp. 59-67. It is in Swedish, but there is an English summary here:
Joe Scales
10/3/2017 01:05:01 pm
I had come across that before Harold. Though I'm not entirely swayed by Larsson's argument, it certainly makes more sense than anything Wolter has ever propounded.
Harold Edwards
10/3/2017 02:59:45 pm
Olof Ohman was born Olof Olsson (Olof, son of Olof). Swedish people from the lower classes did not have surnames at the time he was born. He changed his name to Ohman after he came to the U.S. Ohn was the name of the farmstead that his father came from. It means "island." The inscription has the phrase "from this island, Year 1362." There was no island where the artifact was found. It was the side of a hill connected by a ridge to his farm. Again, "island" refers to his farm.
Harold Edwards
10/3/2017 03:20:24 pm
I should add that Nelson was a Norwegian immigrant. On March 21, 1899, the Svenska Amerikanska Tisdagen satirized Nelson. The KRS inscription contains the word opthagalsefard--discovery journey. The article played on the word for discovery--"22 Norwegians and 6 Swedes" were "discovered" by Nelson to be brothers, i.e. unity in the Scandinavian community. Keep in mind at this time Norway was seeking its independence from Sweden which it got in 1905.
Joe Scales
10/3/2017 06:04:52 pm
Fascinating Harold. I look forward to your paper, though I suppose it's not going to be vetted by Masonic Scholars!
David Bradbury
10/4/2017 03:47:12 pm
"He had a clipping on the Buddhist use of AUM in his scrapbook."
Harold Edwards
10/4/2017 05:10:01 pm
Nice try, but it doesn't work. The Ohman clipping is from the Svenska Amerikanaren for January 8, 1891. This paper was published in Chicago. Wahlgren has a photo of this clipping superimposed on an envelope of a letter sent to Ohman. The envelope was used as scrap paper and has numerical calculations all over it.
Harold Edwards
10/4/2017 06:12:03 pm
Since you are referencing a Minnesota Historical Society paper on John Holvik, you might gather from it that Holvik discovered the alternate runic text sent by Hedberg to the Svenska Amerikanska Posten on January 1, 1899. It differs from the one on the stone in wording and specific runes. Neither Holvik nor Blegen after him could link this to Ohman directly. This Hedberg draft is identical to one sent to George Curme at Northwestern University in early 1899. The one sent to Curme was sent by Olof Ohman who wrote Curme on the advice of his, Ohman's, "Methodist" minister. The minister bit was probably some BS Ohman gave Curme to get him to pay attention to his draft. A facsimile of the Ohman draft was published in the Chicago Tribune on February 21, 1899--page 7. This was a week before the stone itself reached Curme. You can view a copy online. You will need a subscription. Likewise the Richmond Item of February 21, 1899 specifically states that "Mr. Ohman established a correspondence with Prof. George C. Curme of the university and a few days ago sent him a tracing of the characters on the stone." Curme's father had a drug store in Richmond, Indiana hence the special coverage he got in its paper. This is the smoking gun that makes Ohman the author of the fake inscription.
David Bradbury
10/4/2017 06:45:40 pm
"Wahlgren has a photo of this clipping superimposed on an envelope"
Harold Edwards
10/4/2017 07:45:37 pm
The clipping I cannot speak to. I or you (or someone else) would have to go and review the microfilm at the MHS. The transcripts--I do not know what you mean by that. There are two more-or-less identical drafts with a similar text to the one on the stone. You would have to view them side-by-side which I cannot do in this blog. Here are just a couple of differences; the drafts have a word sequence ":lager:2:sklar:" I am using Latin letters for the runes and the colon is a word divider. On the stone this sequence is ":lager:ved:2:sklar:" There is the extra word "ved" which means "by" in English. Maybe an omission but then in the next line: there is the sequence ":nor:from:" in the drafts and ":norr:fro:" on the stone. Under the second "r" in "norr" on the stone is a punch mark as if originally the carver started to make a colon but changed his mind and added an extra "r" This would make sense since there are two "r"s in "norrman" on the first line of both the drafts as well as the stone. There are punch marks at the end of many of the rune strokes which indicate that they might have been punched on the stone to mark the text before the rest of the runes were carved. If so, much of the inscription was already outlined and there was no room at the end of that line to accommodate an extra "r" so the "m" on the word "from" was left off. "From" is the English form of the word "from". "Fro" is the Scandinavian. However both "nor" and "from" have variants so the extra "r" or the "m" can be added or left off as needed. If you buy the notion of the text being a counting code this also makes sense. Ohman had to preserve the number of letters in each line to be consistent with the code. There are other differences where letters have been changed--an "e" to an "i" and so forth. The word "rode" on the stone is spelled "rohde" in the drafts. Both use Ohman's monogram for the letter "o". The word "blod" in the drafts uses Ohman's monogram while on the stone it uses the usual rune for the letter "o". These differences cannot be attributed to sloppy copying. Furthermore even if Ohman did not create the drafts, he passed one on to Curme as a genuine facsimile of the inscription on the stone. He knew better. Either way he lied.
10/3/2017 05:14:14 pm
Geez. Guess I am not going to venture out into this arena any longer! Will continue to read though. Thanks for examining these subjects Jason!
10/3/2017 11:16:45 pm
Olaf Ohlman was trying to pull a fast one. Get with it, ya know. Ya'have committed an oofdah if ya believe what's on it. Twas all a stunt in 1989. Some dippy election land claim, twas. Doesna prove there are pre settlement Vikings, just that there already were settlers. Well duh. Fake land claim meant to mark his farm as important then. Became holy relic, yah.
10/3/2017 11:18:00 pm
1898, not 1989, although maybe there was one then too, carved by UKenz students. Yah.
10/4/2017 03:04:30 am
I"m sorry that I didn't go through all the comments before posting but just in case no one else brought it up. Something Mr. Wolter needs to understand about gravity: A mosquito hovering 2 inches above your arm has a stronger gravitational effect you, and it is infinitesimal, than the moon does, full or otherwise. As you move away from the Earth the gravitational effects of bodies, no matter how massive diminish according to the inverse square law, proving astrology is nonsense. There are plenty of places to check on that, maybe start with the inverse square law and check sources like astronomy blogs or universities,
Bored of Decency
10/4/2017 03:22:57 am
That's nice but you are naive and completely wrong. Go back and do your research and while you're at it, suck it.
10/4/2017 01:45:17 pm
Wow, hard to believe, Wolter just cannot admit he was wrong. He continues to insist that the human spine has 32 vertebrae.
Joe Scales
10/4/2017 02:09:19 pm
Proving Wolter wrong is easy. Getting him to admit it is impossible and a fruitless endeavor. Though I find it hard to fathom why he'd publish his critics that show what a complete ass he is, I can only gather that his ego has him believing his own equivocations. Pathological... simply pathological.
10/4/2017 03:20:03 pm
It's amazing, he engages obvious trolling posts and walks right in the stupid door.
Americanegro PG, PE, PCP, Certified Dogwalker
10/4/2017 03:56:56 pm
When confronted by a doctor about the count of vertebrae:
10/4/2017 05:13:31 pm
Holy crap on a cracker,,,,,,with all the gods and goddesses he has attributed to the Templars he can't seem to figure out which one to use anymore, he is just calling it Deity now.
Americanegro, Ret.
10/4/2017 09:20:30 pm
In Wolter's view, the Goddess worshipping Templars and Cistercians came to Minnesota with the express purpose of having sex with Indians and melting into the local population, with no intention of returning to Europe.
10/4/2017 10:21:41 pm
I'm producing a new movie that is to be released at the same time as Wolter and his three amigos publish their books. It's called Fawlty Rune stones, starring John Cleese as Scott Wolter.
Wayne Gorian
10/4/2017 10:21:30 pm
Holland’s translation of “Goths” was interpreted as persons from the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. In the year 1362, this was part of Denmark and a short time before that it was part of Sweden. Why would The Expedition include Danes or Swedes? Norway was always at odds with them. This is not logical or make any sense.
Americanegro VI
10/4/2017 11:01:34 pm
Wayne Gorian
10/4/2017 10:26:07 pm
Holand’s translation of “exploration”, def: the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. (Such as the journeys of Marko Polo, Lewis and Clark, John Freemont and Zebulon Pike.) “exploration” doesn’t make any logic or sense. No one would finance this costly endeavor just have a report of an expedition’s discoveries.
Americanegro Taboo II
10/4/2017 11:09:30 pm
Well, that solves the problem of "Why does Norway own a huge chunk of land in the American Upper Midwest?"
Mike Morgan
10/16/2017 03:30:02 pm
Scott Wolter back on TV. His comment under "A Preliminary Investigation into the Geology of the Overton Stone"
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